Camera Accessories
Panasonic Camera Control Unit Ak Hcu200 Operating Instructions
Panasonic Camera Control Unit Ak Hcu200 Operating Instructions
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21 z z INCOM/MIC ScreenThis menu is used for the unit’s intercom settings . Configure the camera’s intercom setting on the camera . Moving the cursor to the “INCOM/MIC” menu title and then pressing the SELECT dial redisplays the OPERATION menu one level up . I N C O M / M I C 4 W / R T S I N L E V E L 0 d B 4 W / R T S O U T L E V E L 0 d B R T S C \f N C E L 0 d B G \f I N P G M 0 d B M I C 1 L E V E L 0 d B M I C \b L E V E L 0 d B C M / D M D M C C U I N C O M M I C 0 d B C C U S I D E T O N E – 6 d B indicates the factory default setting . Item Setting value Remarks 4W/RTS IN LEVEL –40 .0dB │ 0dB │ 20 .0dB Set the input level for the intercom (4-WIRE and RTS) signal . (0 .5dB increments) 4W/RTS OUT LEVEL –40 .0dB │ 0dB │ 20 .0dB Set the output level for the intercom (4-WIRE and RTS) signal . (0 .5dB increments) RTS CANCEL –40 .0dB │ 31 .5dB Set the noise canceling level for the engineering intercom (RTS system) . (0 .5dB increments) GAIN PGM 0dB 20dB Set the gain for the PGM sound . MIC1 LEVEL –40 .0dB │ 0dB │ 20 .0dB Finely adjust the level of output from the MIC OUT 1 connector . (0 .5dB increments) MIC2 LEVEL –40 .0dB │ 0dB │ 20 .0dB Finely adjust the level of output from the MIC OUT 2 connector . (0 .5dB increments) CM/DM CM DM Use this to select the type of intercom microphone (carbon microphone or dynamic microphone) to be connected to the unit . CM: Carbon microphone DM: Dynamic microphone CCU INCOM MIC –40 .0dB │ 0dB │ 12 .0dB Use this to set the level of the unit’s intercom microphones for regular use . (0 .5dB increments) CCU SIDE TONE –40 .0dB │ –6dB │ 0 .0dB Use this to set the side tone level of the unit’s intercom for regular use . (0 .5dB increments) MAINTENANCE Menu This is the selection screen for the MAINTENANCE menu . Moving the cursor to the “MAINTENANCE” menu title and then pressing the SELECT dial redisplays “TOP MENU” . M A I N T E N A N C E S T A R T U P A N A L O G G A I N N D N A M E N E T W O R K V E R S I O N P M V I E W S E T T I N G P M O P E R A T I O N S T A T U S S \f S T E M S D C A R D z z START UP Displays the screen for setting the control to be performed when the unit’s power has been turned on . z z ANALOG GAIN Displays the screen for setting the analog signal levels . z z ND NAME Displays the screen for setting the ND filter names . z z NETWORK Displays the network setting screen . z z VERSION Displays the version information screen . z z PM VIEW SETTING Displays the screen for setting ON or OFF for the items (IRIS and status displays) to display on the picture monitor . z z PM OPERATION STATUS Displays the screen for setting ON or OFF for the operation items to display on the picture monitor . z z SYSTEM Displays the screen for initializing the menu settings . z z SD CARD Displays the screen for setting the saving of data and upgrading of software using a memory card . Setting menu items (Continued)

22 z z START UP ScreenThis menu is used to set the control that is performed when the unit’ s power is turned on . Moving the cursor to the “START UP” menu title and then pressing the SELECT dial redisplays the MAINTENANCE menu one level up . S T A R T U P C A M P O W E R R E M O T E V F P O W E R R E M O T E indicates the factory default setting . Item Setting value Remarks CAM POWER OFF ON REMOTE Set the control of the camera’s power that is to be performed when the unit’s power is turned on . OFF: The camera’s power will not come on even when the unit’s power is turned on . In this case, “HEAD POWER” must be set to ON on the operation panel of the ROP . ON: The camera’s power will come on when the unit’s power is turned on . REMOTE: Starts up in accordance with the “HEAD POWER” state that was set with the ROP last time . VF POWER OFF ON REMOTE Set the control of the viewfinder’s power that is performed when the unit’s power is turned on . OFF: The viewfinder’s power will not come on even when the unit’s power is turned on . In this case, “VF POWER” must be set to ON on the operation panel of the ROP . ON: When the viewfinder’s POWER switch is ON, turning on the power of this unit also turns on the power of the viewfinder . REMOTE: Starts up in accordance with the “VF POWER” state that was set with the ROP last time . z z ANALOG GAIN ScreenThis menu is used to set the analog signal levels . Moving the cursor to the “ANALOG GAIN” menu title and then pressing the SELECT dial redisplays the MAINTENANCE menu one level up . A N A L O G G A I N C O M P O S I T E – 5 0 indicates the factory default setting . Item Setting value Remarks COMPOSITE –50 │ 50 Factory setting Set the video level of the analog composite signal to be output from [OUT/PM] of the VBS connectors . (Variable range: ±8 IRE or more is possible) z z ND NAME ScreenThis menu is used to set the names of the ND filters . The names set here are displayed for the statuses on the picture monitor . Names consisting of up to 4 characters can be set for ND FILTER1 NAME to ND FILTER4 NAME . Moving the cursor to the “ND NAME” menu title and then pressing the SELECT dial redisplays the MAINTENANCE menu one level up . N D N A M E N D F I L T E R 1 N A M E 1 N D F I L T E R 2 N A M E 2 N D F I L T E R 3 N A M E 3 N D F I L T E R 4 N A M E 4 indicates the factory default setting . Item Setting value Remarks ND FILTER1 NAME 1 Max . 4 characters Set the name of ND filter 1 . ND FILTER2 NAME 2 Max . 4 characters Set the name of ND filter 2 . ND FILTER3 NAME 3 Max . 4 characters Set the name of ND filter 3 . ND FILTER4 NAME 4 Max . 4 characters Set the name of ND filter 4 . Characters which can be used: z z Alphanumeric characters z z Spaces z z ` ! " # % & ' ( ) + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] _ ~ Setting menu items (Continued)

23 z z NETWORK ScreenThis menu is used for the network settings . Moving the cursor to the “NETWORK” menu title and then pressing the SELECT dial redisplays the MAINTENANCE menu one level up . N E T W O R K I P A D D R E S S 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . \f . 2 \f S U B N E T M A S K 2 \b \b . 2 \b \b . 2 \b \b . \f D E F A U L T G A T E W A Y 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . \f . 1 P O R T 8 \f M A C A D D R E S S - - - - - indicates the factory default setting . Item Setting value Remarks IP ADDRESS 192 .168 .0 .20Set the IP address . z z Select each set of three digits with the cursor . SUBNET MASK 255 .255 .255 .0 255 .255 .255 .128 255 .255 .255 .192 255 .255 .255 .224 255 .255 .255 .240 255 .255 .255 .248 255 .255 .255 .252 255 .255 .255 .254 255 .255 .255 .255Set the subnet mask . DEFAULT GATEWAY 192 .168 .0 .1Set the default gateway . PORT 1 │ 80 │ 65535 Set the port number . MAC ADDRESS ——Displays the MAC address . z z VERSION ScreenThis menu is used to display the version information for the application software and FPGA . Moving the cursor to the “VERSION” menu title and then pressing the SELECT dial redisplays the MAINTENANCE menu one level up . V E R S I O N S O F T W A R E . - - . H A R D W A R E F P G A 1 . - - . H A R D W A R E F P G A \f . - - . H A R D W A R E F P G A 3 . - - . Item Remarks SOFTWARE Displays the version of the software installed on the unit . HARDWARE FPGA1 Displays the versions of the programs installed on the unit . HARDWARE FPGA2 HARDWARE FPGA3 Setting menu items (Continued)

24 z z PM VIEW SETTING ScreenThis menu is used to set ON or OFF for the items (IRIS, status display) to display on the picture monitor . Moving the cursor to the “PM VIEW SETTING” menu title and then pressing the SELECT dial redisplays the MAINTENANCE menu one level up . P M V I E W S E T T I N G C A M E R A N O . O N C A M M O D E O N S C E N E F I L E N O . O N S \f U T T E R O N N D F I L T E R O N G A I N O N E X T E N D E R I N F O O N I R I S O N I R I S L E V E L O N indicates the factory default setting . Item Setting value Remarks CAMERA NO . ON OFF Set the display of the camera number . CAM MODE ON OFF Set the display of the format of the signal output from the camera . SCENE FILE NO . ON OFF Set the display of the scene file number . SHUTTER ON OFF Set the display of the shutter speed . ND FILTER ON OFF Set the display of the ND filter status . GAIN ON OFF Set the display of the gain . EXTENDER INFO ON OFF Set the display of the lens extender status . IRIS ON OFF Set the display of the IRIS f-value . IRIS LEVEL ON OFF Set the display of the IRIS level bar . z z When OFF is set, the IRIS display screen does not appear on the picture monitor . z z PM OPERATION STATUS ScreenThis menu is used to set ON or OFF for the operation items to display on the picture monitor . Moving the cursor to the “PM OPERATION STATUS” menu title and then pressing the SELECT dial redisplays the MAINTENANCE menu one level up . P M O P E R A T I O N S T A T U S S T A T U S D I S P L A Y T I M E 4 M A S T E R G A I N O N S H U T T E R O N L E N S E X T E N D E R O N \f I L T E R O N S C E N E \f I L E O N R E \f L O A D O N A U T O O P E R A T I O N S T A T U S O N indicates the factory default setting . Item Setting value Remarks STATUS DISPLAY TIME 0 2 4 Set the length of the status display time . Set the time in 1-second increments . When the status of an item that has been set to ON on this menu has changed, the status is displayed on the picture monitor for just the length of time that was set for STATUS DISPLAY TIME . z z When 0 (zero) is set, the operations (manual and auto) are not displayed on the picture monitor . MASTER GAIN ON OFF Set the status display for when the master gain is changed . SHUTTER ON OFF Set the status display for when the shutter speed is changed . LENS EXTENDER ON OFF Set the status display for when the lens extender is changed . FILTER ON OFF Set the status display for when the filter is changed . SCENE FILE ON OFF Set the status display for when the scene file is changed . REF LOAD ON OFF Set the status display for when the reference file is loaded . AUTO OPERATION STATUS ON OFF Set the status display for when AWB, ABB, or ASU is executed . Setting menu items (Continued)

25 z z SYSTEM ScreenThis menu is used to initialize the menu settings . Moving the cursor to the “SYSTEM” menu title and then pressing the SELECT dial redisplays the MAINTENANCE menu one level up . S Y S T E M I N I T I A L I Z E N O ? Move the cursor to INITIALIZE, press the SELECT dial, turn the SELECT dial to select “YES?”, and press the SELECT dial to initialize the menu settings . The following data is initialized . z Items in the OPERATION menu z Items in the MAINTENANCE menu (Excluding, however, the NETWORK screen, VERSION screen, SYSTEM screen, and SD CARD screen .) Furthermore, the setting information (following data) in the REMOTE OPERATION menu* is also initialized . z Items in the SD DETAIL menu z Items in the SYSTEM menu (Excluding, however, each of the HD BAR, MIC1 GAIN, MIC1 AMP, MIC2 GAIN, and MIC2 AMP items .) *: The REMOTE OPERATION can be operated with the ROP . z z SD CARD ScreenThis menu is used to set the saving of data and upgrading of software using a memory card . Moving the cursor to the “SD CARD” menu title and then pressing the SELECT dial redisplays the MAINTENANCE menu one level up . z z When data in a memory card is being processed, do not turn off the power of this unit or remove the memory card until processing is complete . S D C A R D D O W N L O A D D A T A B A C K U P N O ? L O G N O ? U P L O A D D A T A B A C K U P N O ? U P D A T E N O ? C A R D F O R \f A T N O ? Item Remarks DOWNLOAD DATA BACK UP Save this unit’s setting information (following data) to the memory card . z z Items in the OPERATION menu z z Items in the MAINTENANCE menu (Excluding, however, the SYSTEM screen and SD CARD screen .) Furthermore, also save the setting information (following data) in the REMOTE OPERATION menu* . z z Items in the SD DETAIL menu z z Items in the SYSTEM menu (Excluding, however, each of the HD BAR, MIC1 GAIN, MIC1 AMP, MIC2 GAIN, and MIC2 AMP items .) DOWNLOAD LOG Save the unit’s log information to the memory card . The data is for maintenance . UPLOAD DATA BACKUP Save the setting information (following data) saved in the memory card to this unit . z z Items in the OPERATION menu z z Items in the MAINTENANCE menu (Excluding, however, the NETWORK screen, VERSION screen, SYSTEM screen, and SD CARD screen .) Furthermore, also save the setting information (following data) in the REMOTE OPERATION menu* . z z Items in the SD DETAIL menu z z Items in the SYSTEM menu (Excluding, however, each of the HD BAR, MIC1 GAIN, MIC1 AMP, MIC2 GAIN, and MIC2 AMP items .) UPDATE Upgrade the unit’s software or programs with files saved to the memory card . CARD FORMAT Initialize the memory card . Initialization may take about 5 minutes . *: The REMOTE OPERATION can be operated with the ROP . Move the cursor to the desired item, press the SELECT dial, turn the SELECT dial to select “YES?”, and press the SELECT dial to execute the item . Processing will not be possible if any of the following messages appears at that time . Error message Measure NO CARD (A memory card is not inserted .) Insert a memory card . WRITE ERROR (Writing is not possible .) The memory card is likely to be defective . Replace the memory card . WRITE PROTECT (The memory card is write protected .) Remove the memory card and unlock the write-protection lock . CARD FULL (There is no space for saving .) Delete any unnecessary data from the memory card or replace the memory card with a new one . LOAD ERROR (Reading is not possible .) Data written with other than this unit cannot be read . FORMAT ERROR (Formatting is not possible .) The memory card is likely to be defective . Replace the memory card . z z When the DOWNLOAD DATA process is performed, “WRITING . . .Do not turn off power until complete .” is displayed and then the “SAVE OK” message is displayed when the process completes . Setting menu items (Continued)

26 Web settings You can connect the unit and a computer, and configure various settings from the Web browser screen . Use a LAN cable (crossover cable) to directly connect the unit’s LAN connector for computer connections and the computer . Set an IP address for the computer within the private address range while ensuring that it is different from the address of the unit . Set the subnet mask to the same address as the unit . Network settings of the unit (default settings)z z IP address: 192 .168 .0 .20 z z Subnet mask: 255 .255 .255 .0 z z Port number: 80 z z Default gateway: 192 .168 .0 .1 Note Menu operations Start the Web browser, and enter “http://192 .168 .0 .20” in the [Address] box of the Web browser . If the IP address is changed, the URL will also be different . If this is the case, use the new IP address in the URL (http://new IP address/) . z z Moving from one menu to anotherTo move from one menu to another, select the desired menu on the left of the screen . This is equivalent to “TOP MENU” displayed on the picture monitor . When either “OPERATION” or “MAINTENANCE” is selected above, the corresponding menu items are displayed here . In the example shown, the OPERATION menu items are displayed . The setting screen corresponding to the menu item selected here is displayed on the right . z z When using Internet Explorer, do not use [Back] or [Next] . z z Displaying the setting screensSelect a menu item on the left of the screen to display the setting screen corresponding to that item .

27 z z Item setting operations (settings)The current settings are displayed on the setting screen . When you change a setting and then select the “SET” button on the screen, the new value is reflected on the unit . z z When a setting has also been changed on the unit, the value that was set last takes priority . In a case like this, there may be a discrepancy in the values set . z z When a setting outside the setting range is selected using keyboard input and the “SET” button is selected, the input check will result in an error . In a case like this, the setting item will be restored to its original value . Notes Description of menus Initial screenThis is the screen that appears first when a connection is established to the URL you specified on the computer . The menu for the “SETTING1” item on the “OPERATION” menu is displayed . Items when the OPERATION menu is selected Display the SETTING1 screen . Display the SETTING2 screen . Display the HD/SD PHASE screen . Display the BAR ID screen . Display the INCOM/MIC screen . z z SETTING1 Screen indicates the factory default setting . Item Setting value Remarks CCU MODE 59 .94 Hz: 1080/59 .94i 1080/50i Set the format of the signal to be output from the unit . 50 Hz: 1080/59 .94i 1080/50i SDI RETURN 1 HD SD Set the format of the return signal to be input to [HD/SD SDI 1] of the RETURN IN connectors . SDI RETURN 2 HD SD Set the format of the return signal to be input to [HD/SD SDI 2] of the RETURN IN connectors . SDI OUTPUT 1&2 HD SD Set the format of the signals to be output from [1] and [2] of the HD/SD SDI OUT connectors . SDI OUTPUT 3&4 HD SD Set the format of the signals to be output from [3/PM] and [4/PM] of the HD/SD SDI OUT connectors . SDI OUTPUT 3&4 (NORMAL/PM) NORMAL PMSet the signal to be output from [3/PM] and [4/PM] of the HD/SD SDI OUT connectors . NORMAL: Output the main line images . PM: Output the picture monitor images . COMPOSITE (NORMAL/PM) NORMAL PMSet the signal to be output from [OUT/PM] of the VBS connectors . NORMAL: Output the main line images . PM: Output the picture monitor images . z z When the SDI OUTPUT3&4 (NORMAL/PM) item and COMPOSITE (NORMAL/PM) item are set to “NORMAL”, the menus and statuses will not be able to be displayed because the picture monitor images will not be output . When you set one of items to “NORMAL”, set the other one to “PM” . When you set both of the items to “NORMAL”, priority is given to the setting of the SDI OUTPUT3&4 (NORMAL/PM) item and the COMPOSITE (NORMAL/PM) item is set to “PM” . Web settings (Continued)

28 z z SETTING2 Screen indicates the factory default setting . Item Setting value Remarks FS DELAY NORMAL SHORT Select the delay mode for the HD return signals . NORMAL: Matches return signal input that does not match the sync phase to the phase of the camera by delaying it by 1 frame . SHORT: Sets the shortest delay . (5 H) However, if the following conditions are not met, it is delayed by 1 frame + 5H . z z HD signal z z The SD-HD V item in the HD/SD PHASE screen is “ADVANCE” or “0H_SD_DLAY” z z When output from this unit is used as the return signal, the delay is less than 3H HD BAR SELECT FULL BARS-1 ARIB BARS-2 BARS-3 BARS-4 BARS-5 BARS-6 Select the color bar signals to be output from the HD/SD SDI OUT connectors and VBS connector when “BAR” has been selected on the operation panel of the ROP . When they are output in VBS or SD format, color bars in HD format are output in the mode specified with DOWNCONVERT MODE* . FULL: 75 % full field color bar BARS-1: Color bar based on the SMPTE standard ARIB: ARIB multi-format color bar BARS-2: Color bar based on the EIAJ standard BARS-3: Split field color bar BARS-4: 75 % full field color bar placed in an area with a 4:3 aspect ratio . (Displayed 40 % gray outside the area .) BARS-5: Color bar based on the SMPTE standard that is placed in an area with a 4:3 aspect ratio . (Displayed 40 % gray outside the area .) BARS-6: Color bar based on the EIAJ standard that is placed in an area with a 4:3 aspect ratio . (Displayed 40 % gray outside the area .) Item Setting value Remarks HD BAR LPF OFF 3TAP 5TAP 7TAP 9TAP Select the filter through which to pass the color bar signals to be output from the HD/SD SDI OUT connectors when BAR has been selected on the operation panel of the ROP . z z A higher TAP value will ensure a smooth rise and fall of the waveforms and reduce both the overshoot and undershoot . HD BAR USER1 (ARIB) 75%WHITE 100%WHITE +I_SIGNAL–I_SIGNAL Set user range 1 for when ARIB has been selected as the HD BAR SELECT setting . This can be set when “ARIB” is selected for the HD BAR SELECT item . In the case of another setting, this is disabled . HD BAR USER2 (ARIB) 0%BLACK +Q_SIGNAL Set user range 2 for when ARIB has been selected as the HD BAR SELECT setting . This can be set when “ARIB” is selected for the HD BAR SELECT item . In the case of another setting, this is disabled . SETUP 7 .5% ON OFF Select whether to add the setup 7 .5 % level to the SD signals to be output from [OUT/PM] of the VBS connectors . When the CCU MODE item is “1080/50i”, SETUP 7 .5% is disabled even if you set it to “ON” . PATHO ON OFF Select ON/OFF for the pathological signals . *: The DOWNCONVERT MODE setting can be configured by operating the REMOTE OPERATION menu with the ROP . For details, refer to Operating Instructions of AK-HRP200 . Web settings (Continued)

29 z z HD/SD PHASE ScreenThis menu is used for the HD signal and SD signal phase adjustments . indicates the factory default setting . Item Setting value Remarks HD H PHASE 59 .94 Hz: –1099│0 │ 1099 Adjust the horizontal sync phase of HDTV output in respect to the sync signals of the system . 50 Hz: –1319│0 │ 1319 SD H PHASE 59 .94 Hz: –857│0 │ 857 Adjust the horizontal sync phase of SDTV output in respect to the sync signals of the system . 50 Hz: –863│0 │ 863 SD ->HD V PHASE 0H ADVANCE 0H _SD_DLAY Set the vertical phase of the HDTV output in relation to the SDTV output . 0H: Sets the vertical phase to the same phase . ADVANCE: When the field frequency is 59 .94 Hz, the phase advance is 90H . When the field frequency is 50 Hz, the phase advance is 75H . 0H_SD_DLAY: The SDTV signals are delayed and set in-phase with the HDTV signals . z z When the setting of this item is set to “0H” or “ADVANCE” while the field frequency is 50 Hz, images in SD format are delayed by 1 frame + 75 lines only when letterbox is selected for DOWNCONVERT MODE* . For the relationship with the sync phase, refer to pages 14 to 19 . *: The DOWNCONVERT MODE setting can be configured by operating the REMOTE OPERATION menu with the ROP . For details, refer to Operating Instructions of AK-HRP200 . Web settings (Continued)

30 z z BAR ID ScreenThis menu is used to set the BAR IDs displayed on the color bars . indicates the factory default setting . Item Setting value Remarks BAR ID SWITCH ON OFF Set the display of the BAR IDs displayed on the color bars when the color bars are displayed to ON or OFF . BRIGHTNESS 0% │ 100% Set the character color, in units of 10 %, of the BAR ID displayed on the color bar when the color bar is displayed . 0%: (black), 100%: (white) ID1 POSITION V (vertical): 00│ 05 H (horizontal):00 │ 15 Set the display start position of BAR ID1 displayed on the color bars when the color bars are displayed . Set from which character in the vertical direction and which character in the horizontal direction, starting from the top left of the color bar, to start displaying the BAR ID using the font size as the reference . z z When the coordinates of ID1 and ID2 are the same, bar ID1’s character string will be placed on top of bar ID2 (BAR ID2 will be below) . When the vertical coordinates are the same and the horizontal coordinates differ, the BAR ID with the horizontal coordinates set later will be placed on top of the vertical one . ID1 CHARACTER ##□□□□□□□□□□□□□□Set the character string of BAR ID1 . The ID that is set here is displayed on the color bar . Up to 16 characters can be set . Characters which can be used: z z Alphanumeric characters z z Spaces z z ` ! " # % & ' ( ) + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] _ ~ z z When “##” has been input in the character string, this part is replaced by the camera number (1 to 19) and displayed . Item Setting value Remarks ID2 POSITION V (vertical): 00 01│ 05 H (horizontal):00 │ 15 Set the display start position of BAR ID2 displayed on the color bars when the color bars are displayed . Set from which character in the vertical direction and which character in the horizontal direction, starting from the top left of the color bar, to start displaying the BAR ID using the font size as the reference . z z When the coordinates of ID1 and ID2 are the same, bar ID1’s character string will be placed on top of bar ID2 (BAR ID2 will be below) . When the vertical coordinates are the same and the horizontal coordinates differ, the BAR ID with the horizontal coordinates set later will be placed on top of the vertical one . ID2 CHARACTER ##□□□□□□□□□□□□□□Set the character string of BAR ID2 . The ID that is set here is displayed on the color bar . Up to 16 characters can be set . Characters which can be used: z z Alphanumeric characters z z Spaces z z ` ! " # % & ' ( ) + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] _ ~ z z When “##” has been input in the character string, this part is replaced by the camera number (1 to 19) and displayed . OFFSET V (vertical): 00│ 79 H (horizontal):00 │ 89 The display positions of the bar IDs can be finely adjusted within the font size range . Using the top left of the font as the origin point, set the horizontal offset and vertical offset . Web settings (Continued)