Panasonic Aj D900wa Operating Instructions Manual
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– 101 – Replacing the Backup Battery The unit is shipped from the factory with a backup battery already mounted. When the battery runs out, the TCG time code value indicates 00:00:00:00. At this time, the time code value cannot be backed up. In addition, the “BACK UP BATT EMPTY” display appears in the viewfinder for 3 seconds when the POWER switch is set to ON to indicate that the battery must be replaced. Consult your dealer when replacing the battery. Backup battery

– 102 – MARKER Screen This page sets the setting for the marker displays inside the viewfinder. The underlined setting in the Variable range column indicates the preset mode. -ROP- ¢ R : +000 +000 +006 00 0.45 +000 +000 +000 B: MAS : : : R:GG AA GAINGAIN : B MM TER PEDMASTER DT LMASTER : PED LSTA PED LSTA PED LSTA ItemVariable VF Remarksrange display CENTER MARK ON USER Center mark display ON/OFF OFF ENG SAFETY ZONE OFF USER Safety zone switching/display OFF 1 – 6 ENG Setting Menu Screens ROP Screen This page sets the setting for ROP (remote operation panel) Item R GAIN B GAIN MASTER PED MASTER DTL MASTER GAMMA R PEDESTAL G PEDESTAL B PEDESTAL VF display USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG Variable range p100 . . . o0 . . . o100 (max.) p100 . . . o0 . . . o100 (max.) p100 . . . o6 . . . o100 (max.) p15 . . . 0 . . . o15 0.35 . . . 0.45 . . . 0.75 p100 . . . o0 . . . o100 (max.) p100 . . . o0 . . . o100 (max.) p100 . . . o0 . . . o100 (max.) Remarks R channel gain setting B channel gain setting Master pedestal level setting H.DTL/V.DTL level setting Master gamma setting (in 0.01 increments). Different settings for LOW, MID and HIGH can be stored in the memory. R channel pedestal level setting G channel pedestal level setting B channel pedestal level setting -MARKER- ¢ CENT ERMARK :ON SAFETY ZONE : 1

– 103 – VF DISPLAY Screen This page sets the setting for the display information inside the viewfinder. Menu screen display methods USER menu:Setting the MENU switch to SET displays the USER menu. ENG menu:Holding down the SHIFT/ITEM and UP buttons simultaneously and setting the MENU switch to SET displays the ENG menu. The underlined setting in the Variable range column indicates the preset mode. Menu screen display methods USER menu:Setting the MENU switch to SET displays the USER menu. ENG menu:Holding down the SHIFT/ITEM and UP buttons simultaneously and setting the MENU switch to SET displays the ENG menu. Item DISP MODE EXTENDER SHUTTER TAPE BATTERY FILTER WHITE GAIN LEVEL METER IRIS CAMERA ID Variable range 1– 3 ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF CH1 CH1èCH2 OFF IRIS SoIRIS S OFF ON OFF VF display USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG Remarks Extender display ON/OFF Shutter speed display ON/OFF Remaining tape length display ON/ OFF Battery voltage display ON/OFF Filter No. display ON/OFF AWB PRE/A/B display ON/OFF Currently selected gain display ON/ OFF Audio level meter display selection. CH1:The meter displays only the CH1 signal level. CH1èCH2:The meter displays both the CH1 and CH2 signal levels. OFF:No display IRIS:Only the f-number is displayed. SoIRIS:Both the super iris ON status and f-number are displayed. S:Only the super iris ON status is displayed. OFF:Neither the super iris ON status nor f-number is displayed. ID mixing ON/OFF during color bar recording Change FILTER GAIN AWB AUTO KNEE SW SHUTTER ABB ATATUS AWB STATUS Display 1 q q q q q q q 2 q q q ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ 3 ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ -VF D I SPLAY-¢ DISPMODE : 3 EXTENDER :ON SHUT T ER :ON TAPE :ON BA T T ERY :ON FILTER :ONWHI TE :ONGAIN :ON L EVE LMETER : CA MERA I D :ON IRIS : CH1S+IRIS

– 104 – Setting Menu Screens CAMERA ID Screen This page performs the camera ID settings. Each time the UP button is pressed, the character display changes in the order of space, English letters (A to Z), numbers (0 to 9) and symbols [space, {, |, ), (, ’, ‘, --, _, x, /, !]. Pressing the DOWN button changes the character display in the reverse order. SHUTTER SPEED Screen This page performs the shutter speed settings. The ON/OFF status for each item is indicated by displaying an asterix (E) or period (. ) in front of the item on the screen. The underlined setting in the Variable range column indicates the preset mode. Menu screen display methods USER menu:Setting the MENU switch to SET displays the USER menu. ENG menu:Holding down the SHIFT/ITEM and UP buttons simultaneously and setting the MENU switch to SET displays the ENG menu. ItemVariable VF Remarksrange display ID:EEEEEEEEEE—— USER Camera ID input ENG |Note{ Whether or not this set value is to be mixed is selected by setting CAMERA ID on the VF DISPLAY screen to ON or OFF. -CAMERA I D- ID:EEEEEEEEEE -SHUT TER SPEED- ¢ ES YNCHROSCAN . SUPER V E1 / 100 E1 / 120 E1 / 250 E1 / 500 E1 / 1000 E1 / 2000 |Note{ The SUPER V mode setting is linked to the FUNCTION 2/5 menu setting. E:ON . : OFF Item SYNCHRO SCAN SUPER V 1/100 1/120 1/250 1/500 1/1000 1/2000 VF display ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Variable range ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF Remarks Synchro scan shutter speed setting SUPER V mode (vertical high- resolution mode) setting Shutter speed 1/100 setting ON/OFF Shutter speed 1/120 setting ON/OFF Shutter speed 1/250 setting ON/OFF Shutter speed 1/500 setting ON/OFF Shutter speed 1/1000 setting ON/OFF Shutter speed 1/2000 setting ON/OFF

– 105 – SYNCHRO SCAN Screen This page performs the synchro scan settings. ! LED Screen This page sets the ON/OFF setting for the ! LED display inside the viewfinder. The ON/OFF status for each item is indicated by displaying an asterix (E) or period (. ) in front of the item on the screen. |Note{ The ! LED lights when both GAIN (0 dB) and GAIN (p3 dB) are ON unless the gain is set to p3 dB or 0 dB. The underlined setting in the Variable range column indicates the preset mode. Menu screen display methods USER menu:Setting the MENU switch to SET displays the USER menu. ENG menu:Holding down the SHIFT/ITEM and UP buttons simultaneously and setting the MENU switch to SET displays the ENG menu. E:ON . : OFF Item GAIN (0 dB) GAIN (p3 dB) SHUTTER WHITE PRESET EXTENDER FILTER SUPER V Variable range ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF VF display ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Remarks This selects whether or not the LED is lighted when the gain is any value other than 0 dB. This selects whether or not the LED is lighted when the gain is any value other than p3 dB. This selects whether or not the LED is lighted when the shutter is ON. This selects whether or not the LED is lighted when the AWB CH is PRESET. This selects whether or not the LED is lighted when the lens is in EXTENDER mode. This is for selecting whether the LED is to light at all times except when 3200K and CLEAR are used in combination for the filter. This selects whether or not the LED is lighted when SUPER V is ON. Variable range 1/30.2 . . . 1/60.8 . . . 1/250 VF display USER ENGRemarks Synchro shutter speed selection Item SYNCHRO SCAN -S YNCHROSCAN- 1/60.8 -!LED- ¢ EGAIN(0dB) dB ) .GAIN( ESHUT T ER . WH I TE PRESET EEXTENDER . FILTER . SUPER V -3

– 106 – Setting Menu Screens SET UP CARD 1/2, 2/2 Screen These pages set the loading, saving and configuration operations for the setup cards. Align “¢” with the desired item and press the UP or DOWN button to perform the corresponding processing. FFor example, so as not to change the CAMERA ID when reading from, or writing to the SET UP CARD, the ID READ/WRITE should be selected to OFF. The underlined setting in the Variable range column indicates the preset mode. Menu screen display methods USER menu:Setting the MENU switch to SET displays the USER menu. ENG menu:Holding down the SHIFT/ITEM and UP buttons simultaneously and setting the MENU switch to SET displays the ENG menu. -SE T UP CARD CCARD ¢ READ READUSER SELECT WRI TE0 SELECT0 1/2 ONFGI - A DAT Item READ USER DATA READ SELECT WRITE SELECT CARD CONFIG Variable range —— —— 0 . . . 3 —— 0 . . . 3 —— VF display USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG Remarks This is for loading the data contained in the user area of the camera’s memory. Setup card data is read. The file with the camera data which is to be read from the setup card is selected. The camera data is written on the setup card. The file on the setup card in which the camera data is to be written is selected. The setup card is formatted. -SE T UP CARD ¢ I D READ /WRI TE2/2 - O:FF FU C 1~2 R /WR/WR/W O:N L/ /H SETO:N LENMVE L 1 ~6O:N Item ID READ/WRITE FUNC 1x2 R/W L/M/H SET R/W LEVEL 1x6 R/W Variable range ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF VF display USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG USER ENG Remarks CAMERA ID READ/WRITE is switched ON or OFF when data is read from or written on the set-up card. ON:Read/write is enabled. OFF:Read/write is disabled. READ/WRITE for FUNCTION 1 and FUNCTION 2 is switched ON or OFF when data is read from or written on the set-up card. ON:Read/write is enabled. OFF:Read/write is disabled. READ/WRITE of gain value for LOW SETTING, MID SETTING and HIGH SETTING is switched ON or OFF when data is read from or written on the set-up card. ON:Read/write is enabled. OFF:Read/write is disabled. READ/WRITE for LEVEL 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6 and 6/6 is switched ON or OFF when data is read from or written on the set-up card. ON:Read/write is enabled. OFF:Read/write is disabled.

– 107 – MAIN FUNCTION Screen This page performs the adjustment function settings. FThis is displayed when the Picture Link adaptor board (AJ-YAP900, optional accessory) has been installed. BAT T/ TAPE ALARM Screen The battery end and tape end audio warnings during shooting can be switched off if they become undesirable. The underlined setting in the Variable range column indicates the preset mode. Item REC. SIGNAL REC.MODE PB MODE RET SW Variable range CAM VIDEO 16E9/50M 4E3/50M 16E3/25M 4E3/25M AUTO 50M 25M REC CHECK CAM RET MARKF VF display ENG ENG ENG ENG Remarks Switching for the Video input signal to be recorded CAM:Camera input VIDEO:Input from the GENLOCK IN connector The mode for recording the signals onto the VTR is selected. 16E9/50M:525i (16:9) signals are recorded at 50 Mbps. 4E3/50M:525i (4:3) signals are recorded at 50 Mbps. 16E3/25M:525i (16:9) signals are recorded at 25 Mbps. 4E3/25M:525i (4:3) signals are recorded at 25 Mbps. Selection of playback mode. AUTO:The recording mode is automatically detected, and the tape is played back in the mode detected. 50M:Playback in the 50M mode. 25M:Playback in the 25M mode. This selects the RET SW function. REC CHECK:The REC CHECK operation is performed. CAM RET:The return signal output operation is performed. (MARK):The MARK SW operation is performed. ¢ REC S IGNA L : .CAM MREC : 4 PB : RE T S W:RECE3/50M50CHECK -MAIN MODEMODEF UNC T I ON- - BAT T / TAPEALARM- ¢ BA T T NEAR END : BAT T END :ON T APE NEAR END : TAP EEND :ON OFF OFF Item BATT NEAR END BATT END TAPE NEAR END TAPE END Variable range ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF VF display ENG ENG ENG ENG Remarks Battery near end audio ON/OFF Battery end audio warning ON/OFF Tape near end audio warning ON/OFF (A warning is given 3 minutes before the tape end.) Tape end audio warning ON/OFF

– 108 – Setting Menu Screens FUNCTION 1/5 Screen This page performs the adjustment function 1 settings. The ON/OFF status for each item is indicated by displaying an asterix (E) or period (. ) in front of the item on the screen. FUNCTION 2/5 Screen This page performs the adjustment function 2 settings. E:ON . : OFF -F UNC T ION1/5- ¢ EDETA IL. 2D LPF LEGAMMA . TEST SAWEFLARR E EH- F CO COO MPE . ESUPER -F UNC T ION2/5- SUPER V : UD EC ¢ FILTER INH :OFF OFF SHOCK AAL ESS AWB:NORMAL FR M1 T SAVE : LR COO OFF BARS : SMPTE S.GAIN :L/M/HOFFINH S.IRIS : The underlined setting in the Vari- able range column indicates the preset mode. Menu screen display methods USER menu:Setting the MENU switch to SET displays the USER menu. ENG menu:Holding down the SHIFT/ITEM and UP buttons simul- taneously and setting the MENU switch to SET displays the ENG menu. FSHOCKLESS AWB ensures that no shock will occur when A/B/PRST set- ting of the WHITE BAL switch is changed. FAST (high speed), NORMAL (normal speed) or SLOW (low speed) can be set as the selection time. Item SUPER V FILTER INH SHOCKLESS AWB ECU DATA SAVE COLOR BARS S.GAIN OFF S.IRIS INH Variablerange FRM1 FRM2 ON OFF OFF NORMAL SLOW FAST ON OFF SMPTESNG S.GAIN L/M/H ON OFF VFdisplay ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Remarks SUPER V ON/OFF switching FRM1:Normal mode FRM2:Residual image reduction mode Switch that determines whether AWB memory (Ach, Bch) data is stored for each filter. ON:Ach and Bch memory only (2 memory units), regardless of the filter. OFF:Data is stored for each filter. (4q2r8 memory units) Shockless AWB ON (NORMAL/SLOW/ FAST)/OFF switching.F ON:The data controlled by ECU is stored in the memory. OFF:The data is not stored in the memory. SMPTE:SMPTE color bar. SNG:SNG (split) color bar. Selection method for releasing the super gain mode. S.GAIN:This mode is released using the SUPER GAIN switch only. L/M/H:This mode is released by changing the L/M/H switch setting. This is used to select the super iris function. ON: The super iris function is disabled. OFF: The super iris function is enabled. Item DETAIL 2D LPF SUPER COLOR GAMMA TEST SAW FLARE H-F COMPE. Variable range ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF VF display ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Remarks Detail (H, V) ON/OFF switching (ON or OFF for both H and V together) ON/OFF switching for 2-dimensional LPF (Low Pass Filter) which reduces color smear ON/OFF switching of the mode for expanding the dynamic range of the colors. Colors above the knee point are boosted. Gamma circuit ON/OFF switching Test signal ON/OFF switching Flare compensation ON/OFF switching ON/OFF switching of the mode for increasing the detail in the high range.

– 109 – FUNCTION 3/5 Screen This page performs the adjustment function 3 settings. Item HUMID OPE 26P CONTROL REC START TC MODE UB MODE PAUSE TIMER BATTERY SEL TCG VF DISP TCG SET HOLD Variablerange ON OFF OFF BOTH ON ALL NORMAL DF NDF USER REAL EXT GSPF 10 20 30 NiCd-12 NiCd-13 NiCd-14 DIGITAL ONOFF ON OFF VFdisplay ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Remarks VTR operation selection when condensation occurs. ON:Operation continues normally. OFF:All operations prohibited except for POWER switch and EJECT button. 26P remote control selection OFF:Unit only (26P control does not function.) BOTH:Unit and 26P remote control (TALLY LED indicates unit REC status.) ON:26P remote control only (TALLY LED indicates 26P VTR REC status.) REC acceptance selection for VTR START/STOP ALL:REC accepted regardless of VTR mode. NORMAL:REC accepted only during STOP (POWER SAVE) mode and REC PAUSE mode. Time code DF/NDF switching DF:Drop frame mode NDF:Non-drop frame mode LTC UB usage method selection USER:User setting (fixed value) REAL:Real-time operation according to the TIME DATE time EXT:When there is external TC input, the UBG value is slave locked. (When there is no external input, the user setting is used.) (GPS):GPS is placed on UB when the Picture Link function is used. Selection for the recording/pause hold time. 10:10 minutes 20:20 minutes 30:30 minutes Battery type selectionFF NiCd-12:12 V Nicad battery NiCd-13:13 V Nicad battery NiCd-14:14 V Nicad battery DIGITAL:Digital battery Viewfinder time code display ON/OFF ON:Time code is displayed. OFF:Time code is not displayed. TCG operation selection when TCG SET>power OFF>power ON>REC is selected. ON:The fact that TCG SET has been selected is stored in the memory when the power is switched off, and regeneration is not performed. OFF:Regeneration is performed without storing the fact that TCG SET has been selected in the memory when the power is switched off. |Notes{ ÁSet SW201 on the CAM ENC board to ON when 26P CON- TROL is to be used. ÁChange the time on the TIME/ DATE menu screen when the REAL setting is used for UB MODE. FFThis is displayed when the Picture Link adaptor board (AJ-YAP900, optional accessory) has been installed. FFEven if the BATTERY SEL is selected to NiCd-12, 13 or 14, the camera auto- matically senses whether or not an An- ton Bauer’s Intelligent Battery is fitted. In the case of an intelligent battery, a numerical indication (percentage) of power available is displayed in the viewfinder. If the camera is usually used with an intelligent battery, BAT- TERY SEL should be set to DIGITAL. -F UNC T ION3/5- ¢ HUMIDO HDO PE :OFF26P CONTROL:OFFREC S T ART:NORMAL TCM MODE : DF UBMODE : USER PA SET T:30 UEIR BAT TERY SE SEL L:NiCd-12 TCGTCGVF D I SP :OF :FOFF

– 110 – Setting Menu Screens FUNCTION 4/5 Screen This page performs the adjustment function 4 settings. Item FRONT POWER FRONT MIC REAR MIC CH1 REAR MIC CH2 LINE CH1/CH2 REAR AUDIO MIC LOWCUT CH1 MIC LOWCUT CH2 EMPHASIS LIMITER TEST TONE Variable range ON OFF p40/ p50/ p60 dB p40/ p50/ p60 dB p40/ p50/ p60 dB o4/0/ p6 dB STEREO MONO ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF NORMAL ALL VF display ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Remarks ON:The phantom power is supplied to the front microphone. OFF:The phantom power is not supplied to the front microphone. Camera microphone input level selection Rear jack AUDIO CH1 input microphone level selection Rear jack AUDIO CH2 input microphone level selection Rear jack AUDIO CH1/CH2 input line input level selection Audio CH1/CH2 rear jack input selection STEREO:Selects stereo input (CH1 input is recorded in CH1 and CH2 input is recorded in CH2.) MONO:Selects monaural input (The signals of CH1 and CH2 are mixed and recorded in CH1 and CH2 respectively.) CH1 INPUT high-pass filter ON/OFF switching CH2 INPUT high-pass filter ON/OFF switching Emphasis ON/OFF switching during recording. The EE output signals are also linked with the setting of this switch. Audio limiter ON/OFF switching ON:The limiter functions. OFF:The limiter does not function. NORMAL:The TEST TONE signal is output when the CAM/BAR switch is set to BAR and the AUDIO IN switch CH1 is set to FRONT. ALL:The TEST TONE signal is output when the CAM/BAR switch is set to BAR. -F UNC T ION4/5- FRONTMIC :-40dB REARMIC CH1 :-60dB REARMIC CH2 :-60dB LINE CH1/CH2 :+4dB REAR AUD IO:ST EREO TEST TONE :NORMAL MIC LOWCU T CH 1 :ONMIC LOWCU T CH 2 :ON EMPHAS I S :OFFOFF LMITER I: O¢ FRONT P ERW:ON The underlined setting in the Variable range column indicates the preset mode. Menu screen display methods USER menu:Setting the MENU switch to SET displays the USER menu. ENG menu:Holding down the SHIFT/ITEM and UP buttons simultaneously and setting the MENU switch to SET displays the ENG menu.|Notes{ ÁThe frequency response for MIC LOWCUT ON are 200 Hz to 10 kHz. ÁLIMITER initiates the limiter operation at a level equivalent to 3 dB below the peak (o18 dB). ÁAUDIO SELECT initiates the limiter operation at the MAN setting and the AGC op- eration at the AUTO setting.