Panasonic Administration Console Wj Asc8501p Users Guide
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Admin Console CONFIGURATION 79Admin Console CONFIGURATION Operators CLASS SETUP An operator is one who accesses the system via a system controller, selects resources, and controls selected system resources, such as cameras, monitors, sequences, etc. Before an operator can be defined, an operator class needs to be created. An operator class defines which functions an operator or groups of operators have privileges to perform. 1. Click on the dow n arrow in the low er right corner of the Operators icon on th e main m enu, and choose Class S etup. 2. Enter an ID num ber and descriptive na m e fo r the class record you are creating. 3. C hoose the privileges to g ra n t the class by checking the boxes to th e le f t of the desire p rivileges. 4. Click th e green check mark to add the class of operators, or clic k th e re d X to cancel. You can add, edit, delete, or replicate class IDs as needed using the four icons at the bottom of this window.

80 The “Other” tab of the Operator Classes window can be used to view a list of the operators that are assigned to the class selected. DEFINITION Once a class has been created, you can then access the Operators menu to specify your system’s operators, their priorities, and their permission to access system controllers. Enter the Operators menu by either clicking on the Operators icon from the main menu, or clicking on the down arrow in the lower right corner of the Operators icon and choosing Records. Add, edit, delete, or replicate operators, as needed, using the four icons at the bottom of this window. ¤ Note: The maximum number of operators that can be defined for the system is 512

Admin Console CONFIGURATION 81Admin Console CONFIGURATION OPERATORS Field D ata Operator IDOperator logon identification. This ID is different from all other component IDs. An administrator assigns it. It is not assigned automatically as is the case with other components. This number does not need to be sequential. This will be used as the log-on ID assigned to each operator. 1 to 65,534. PasswordOperator password. After the operator has entered the logon ID to a system controller, this numeric password must be entered to complete the logon process. 1 to 99,999. NameOperator’s name, in any format. Alphanumeric, 20 characters. ClassChoose the class this operator is to be added to from the classes available on the drop-down menu. PrioritySets precedence among operators. Alarm priority has precedence over the operator priority. Operator priority has precedence over the system controller priority. The operator with the lower number priority takes over the part of the system being addressed. If more than one user with the same priority is operating at the same time, access is given according to the lowest controller priority number. If both priorities are the same, access is given and held for the latest call to a function, in other words, on a last-come first-served basis. 0 to 65,534. TimeoutNumber of seconds that must elapse after the user stops entering keystrokes before the system logs the operator off of this controller. Up to 11:59:59 (hr:min:sec). The operator timeout works in conjunction with the controller timeout. The system will use the lowest timeout value of the two. Entering a “0” into this field will cause the timer to never expire regardless of the controller timeout value. Class privileges granted for the selected class also appear on Definition tab of this window, but cannot be changed. This section is for the administrator’s reference. Changes to class privileges must be done through the Operator Classes window. See page 72 for details.

82 REPLICATE AN OPERATOR DEFINITION 11 1 1 .. . . Highlight a configured operator ID and clic k the R eplicate R ecord button. A confirmation message will appear asking “Are you sure you want to REPLICATE this Operator?” and explaining the replication rules. [1] Records will be generated according to ID. [2] ID numbers will incremented to the next available value. [3] If a record already exists with a matching value for any of these unique fields, that Target assignment will be skipped. [4] All other record values will be identical to the Source record. 22 2 2 .. . . Click Yes to continue or No to cancel. The copy source is the highlighted operator ID from which the subsequent operators will be copied. 33 3 3 .. . . Enter th e T arget range of o p e ra to r ID n u m b e r s , with th e beginning num ber in t h e S T A R T b o x , and the ending num ber in th e EN D box. 44 4 4 .. . . Click th e green check mark to add th e s e rie s of operators, or click the re d X to cancel. After clicking the green check mark, a message will appear letting you know how many records were actually generated, indicating if any records were skipped. See note section of page 45. For example, “6 records out of 6 were generated successfully”, or “8 records out of 10 were generated successfully.” ¤ Note: The maximum number of operators that can be defined for the system is 512. › Warning: Operator IDs existing within the specified range will not be overwritten.

Admin Console CONFIGURATION 83Admin Console CONFIGURATION PERMISSIONS Modify or copy operator permissions in the same manner described in the Cameras Permissions section, beginning on page 47. The Controller permission tab allows an administrator to permit or deny an operator the ability to login to a specific controller. As with the Alarms window tabs, the Modes tab of the Operators window will be accessible only if Scheduled Modes have been selected. The Modes tab on the Operators window allows an administrator to determine what modes are active for an operator. By default, all four modes are active, even if all four have not yet been defined. This tab will be grayed out and inaccessible (as seen above) unless Scheduled Modes have been selected. See page 18 for full details on modes.

84 SEQ U EN C ES A sequence is a pre-determined series of views on one or several monitors, with pre-configured dwell times between views. Three different kinds of automated sequences are available so that frequently used combinations of monitors and cameras can be displayed automatically; tour sequences, group presets, and group sequences. Tour SequencesGroup Sequences Group

Admin Console CONFIGURATION 85Admin Console CONFIGURATION Tour Sequences A tour sequence is an automated sequence of steps that can be run on any monitor by first activating the monitor, and then initiating the sequence. Each step in a tour consists of a specific camera aimed at a preset position, and a dwell time of a certain length of time. The values entered in this window determine the sequence in which cameras are viewed by a single monitor when a tour is invoked. Although an operator will call sequences or presets by local number within a specific area, an administrator can view these tours by ID or area\local numbers within the Admin Console. DEFINITION An administrator would enter the tour sequence window by clicking on the Tour Sequences button from the main menu.

86 TOUR SEQUENCES- Definition Field D ata IDUnique record ID assigned by the Admin Console as a tour sequence is added, in order to identify one programmed tour sequence to the system. The Admin Console automatically generates this number in consecutive order. Upon adding tours, the system will automatically assign the next available number. Component ID and sequence ID numbers are used primarily in the permission tabs to identify one component or sequence from another in row and column style. Since logical and local numbers are not necessarily unique or consecutive, and the permission grids must be displayed as consecutive, unique numbers, the Admin Console generates these ID numbers. 1 to 256. AreaUnique number identifying a Monitor Surveillance Area (MSA) comprised of an array of monitors and one or more keyboard controllers.1 to 128. Click the Area button on the main window to view all components defined in a specific area. Inserting a “0” indicates area 0. This will disable the Area field in the OSD on the monitor. It is recommended that the use of areas be restricted to values of 1 to 128. Only use area “0” when no areas are needed within the entire system. LocalUnique number within a monitor surveillance area, assigned by the system administrator. 1 to 9,999. NamePractical name that is easy for an administrator to remember, in order to reference a certain tour sequence. Alphanumeric, 16 characters. CameraID number for a camera, previously configured, to be displayed in a step when a tour sequence is invoked. 1 to 8,192. CPresetNumber identifying a preset position of the camera specified. 0 to 64. DwellAmount of time that a monitor maintains a view. Up to 86,399 seconds (23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds). AUX1 & AUX2Used to determine if an auxiliary function will take place during a sequence. An auxiliary function would require additional hardware at the chosen camera – such as a switch. If unavailable, leave both fields blank (for none or no function desired). If available and desired, choose On, Off, or On/Off as the function to perform during that step. 11 1 1 .. . . T o add a to u r sequence, click the green A dd Tour button The following panel will appear.

Admin Console CONFIGURATION 87Admin Console CONFIGURATION 22 2 2 .. . . Fill in an area and local num ber. The Admin Console will automatically assign the next available ID. Give the tour a descriptive name. 33 3 3 .. . . Add a cam era in the S equence of S teps. Double click on a camera ID in the list on the right. It will automatically insert that camera number in step one. Double clicking on another camera ID will automatically insert that camera number into step 2, and so on. 44 4 4 .. . . T ype a preset num ber associated w ith a sp ec ific cam era in t h e CPreset colum n. Enter a “0” to indicate no preset associated with that camera. Tip: To enter the same value in several steps, highlight desired cells using the click and drag method. Type in a value and press the enter key. All highlighted cells will be filled with the typed value. › Warning: Be aware that changing the area may affect other configured components such as alarm target assignments.

88 55 5 5 .. . . T ype a dw ell time in se co n ds fo r each step. 66 6 6 .. . . D ouble click on AUX1 or A U X 2 to change its s e tting fr o m none (b lank), t o O n , Off, or O n/Off as desire d , and if availa b le. 77 7 7 .. . . T o add a step in th e m id d le o f a sequence, highlight a step and click th e In s e rt S te p b u tto n . A blank row will appear before the highlighted step. 88 8 8 .. . . T o d e le t e a s t e p , highlight a step and click th e Delete S tep button. The entire row will be deleted. 99 9 9 .. . . A fte r adding all desired steps, click the green check mark to continue, or th e re d X to cancel. 11 1 1 00 0 0 .. . . Add, edit, delete, or re p licate m onito r tour sequences as needed.