Panasonic Administration Console Wj Asc8501p Users Guide
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Admin Console CONFIGURATION 99Admin Console CONFIGURATION 11 1 1 .. . . T o add a G roup Sequence, click the green A dd T our button. The following panel will appear. 22 2 2 .. . . Fill in th e area and local num ber. Give the sequence a descriptive name. 33 3 3 .. . . Add group preset num bers and dw ell tim e s in the S equence of Steps section. Double click on a group preset from the list on the right. It will automatically insert that group preset ID in step one. Double clicking on another group preset will automatically insert that group preset ID into step 2, and so on. ¤ Note: Make sure that the same sets of monitors are used for each Group Preset in order to ensure that the Group Sequence will run smoothly. 44 4 4 .. . . T ype a dw ell time in se co n ds fo r a specific group preset.

100 Tip: To enter the same value in several steps, highlight desired cells using the click and drag method. Type in a value and press the enter key. All highlighted cells will be filled with the typed value. 55 5 5 .. . . T o add a step in th e middle of a sequence, highlight a ste p and clic k th e In s e rt S tep button. A blank row will appear before the highlighted step. 66 6 6 .. . . To delete a step, highlight a step and clic k t h e D e le t e S t e p button. The entire row will be deleted. 77 7 7 .. . . A fte r adding all desired steps, click the green check mark to continue, or the red X to cancel. 88 8 8 .. . . Add, edit, or delete group sequences as needed.

Admin Console CONFIGURATION 101Admin Console CONFIGURATION REPLICATE A GROUP SEQUENCE DEFINITION 11 1 1 .. . . Highlight a configured G roup S equence ID and click th e Replicate T our button. A confirmation message will appear asking “Are you sure you want to REPLICATE this Group within this Area?” and explaining the replication rules. [1] Records will be generated according to ID. [2] ID numbers will incremented through a specified target range value you provide. [3] Local # will be incremented from a specified base value you assign. [4] If a record already exists with a matching value for any of these unique fields, that Target assignment will be skipped. [5] All other record values will be identical to the Source record. 22 2 2 .. . . Click Yes to continue or No to cancel. The copy source is the highlighted Group Sequence ID from where the subsequent group sequences will be copied. 33 3 3 .. . . Enter th e am ount of groups to c re a te in the Target Size box. 44 4 4 .. . . Enter th e beginning base value fo r th e local ID num ber th a t you wish to s ta rt increm enting fr o m in th e Base Values box. 55 5 5 .. . . Click th e green check mark to add th e s e rie s of G roup S equences, or click th e re d X to cancel. After clicking the green check mark, a message will appear letting you know how many records were actually generated, indicating if any records were skipped. See note section of page 45. › Warning: Group Sequences existing within the specified range will not be overwritten.

102 66 6 6 .. . . Use th e E d it Tour button to m odify re p licated records. PERMISSIONS Modify or copy controller permissions in the same manner described in the Cameras Permissions section, beginning on page 47. The Controller permission tab allows an administrator to permit or deny a group sequence the ability to access a specific controller. The Modes section of this tab is described on page 18.

Admin Console CONFIGURATION 103Admin Console CONFIGURATION AREAS Monitor Surveillance Area This button is clicked to view the composition of the Monitor Surveillance Areas (MSAs). This viewer is available to all users. No modifications to components, tour sequences, group presets, or group sequences can be made from the Areas window. 1. Click on the dow n arrow to th e right of the “S elect an A rea to View ” pull-dow n m enu. 2. Highlight th e desired area. This is an informational window only. An administrator may view all components associated within a single area. ¤ Note: At least one monitor must be assigned in each defined area. If any areas exist without a monitor assigned, an error message will appear indicating such.

104 EV EN T SC H ED U LER The Event Scheduler is a very helpful tool that allows an administrator to schedule, in advance, when an action will automatically be initiated. Actions can be scheduled as one-time occurrences, or can be scheduled to occur on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The actions that the Event Scheduler allows an administrator to schedule include: cam spots, tour sequences, group presets, group sequences, alarms, and modes. DEFINITION 1. Click th e E vent Scheduler button fro m th e main m enu. ¤ Note: Each field labeled with by purple text must be given a unique number – different from other scheduled event records. 2. Click th e A dd R ecord button. 3. Enter all inform ation require d fo r each event you wish to schedule.

Admin Console CONFIGURATION 105Admin Console CONFIGURATION EV EN T SC H ED U LER – D efinition FieldData IDUnique record ID assigned by the Admin Console ascheduled event is added, in order to identify one scheduled event to the system. The Admin Console automatically generates this numberin consecutive order. Component ID and sequence ID numbers are used primarily in the permission tabs to identify one componentor sequence from another in row and column style. Since logical and local numbers are not necessarily unique or consecutive, and the permission grids must be displayedas consecutive, unique numbers, the Admin Console generates these ID numbers. 1 to 1,024. LogicalAssigned by an SCS administrator. 1 to 99,999 RepeatChoose Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly from the drop-down menu. Select a start and stop date and timefor the event to occur. The dates’ drop-down menus will display a calendar where a date can be selected by clicking on it, andmonths can be changed using the left and right arrow buttons in the corresponding upper corners of thecalendar. Click on the section of the time field you wish to change(either hours, minutes, or am/pm) and type in the desired value, or use the up and down arrows after each of the time fields to increment or decrement the value in thatsection. When Once is chosen, the Stop settings will be grayedout. When Hourly is chosen, “Every __ hours” can be set for 1 - 24 hours. When Daily is chosen, “Every __ days” can be set for 1 –31 days. The stop time is grayed out. When Weekly is chosen, “Every __ weeks” can be set for 1 – 52 weeks, and the day(s) of the week that this actionwill occur can be chosen. By default, all seven days are selected. Click to uncheck any of the days this action isnot desired on. The stop time is grayed out. When Monthly is chosen, “Every __ “ the 1st – 31st day of the month can be selected, or “Every __” 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,or Last (day of the week chosen from a drop-down menu) can be selected. Up to 12 months can be selected based on the defined start and stop dates. The stop time isgrayed out. PriorityThis number assigns this event an order of precedence, provided the event is locked. If unlocked, the event hasminimum priority regardless of the value in this field. The locked event with the lower number priority takes over the part of the system it is addressing. If an operatorand locked event have the same priority, the event takesprecedence. If more than one event with the same priority is scheduled to operate at the same time, access is given and held forthe latest call to a function, on a last-come first-served basis. 0 to 65,535

106 EV EN T SC H ED U LER – D efinition FieldData LockMonitor lock. Used to prevent other operations fromchanging the action defined. For example, if an event’s action is a camera spot, and itis important that no user change the camera, then the Lock box should be checked, and the event should havea high priority. The Lock can only be removed by the originatingadministrator or an administrator with less restrictive Admin Console access level privileges. ActionChoose the action that is desired to occur when scheduled. When Cam Spot is chosen, a list of cameras will appear. Click on the camera number desired, and it will appear in the ID field of the Action section. Click on the Mon fieldand a list of monitors will appear. Click on the monitor desired and it will appear in the Mon field. Monitors can be selected by ID, logical number, control port, or videoport. Enter a value for CPreset. When Tour Seq is chosen, a list of tour sequences will appear. Click on the desired sequence, and it will appear in the ID field. Tour sequences can be selected by tournumber or area\local number. Chose Start or Stop from the drop-down menu to start or stop the sequence withthis action. When Group Pre is chosen, a list of group presets will appear. Click on the desired preset, and it will appear inthe ID field. Presets can be selected by preset number orarea\local number. When Group Seq is chosen, a list of group sequences will appear. Click on the desired sequence, and it willappear in the ID field. Sequences can be selected by group number or area\local number. Chose Start or Stop from the drop-down menu to start or stop the sequencewith this action. When Alarm is chosen, a list of alarms will appear. Clickon the desired alarm, and it will appear in the Alarm field. Alarms can be selected by ID or logical number. Chose Arm or Disarm from the drop-down menu to indicatewhich of the two this action will perform. When Mode is chosen, a drop-down menu will be available to choose mode 1, 2, 3, or 4. (See page 18 forinformation on modes.) 4. Click th e green check mark to save . You will remain in the Add mode, allowing you to enter information to schedule another event. 5. To exit th e A dd m ode, clic k the red X . You will exit the Add mode.

Admin Console CONFIGURATION 107Admin Console CONFIGURATION 6. To edit a scheduled event record, highlight the record ID and click the E d it R e c o r d b u t t o n , or double clic k o n the event ID num ber. 7. Edit th e d e s ired fie ld s . 8. Click th e green check mark to save and exit th e Edit mode, or click th e re d X to cancel. 9. To delete a scheduled event, highlight the event ID , and clic k th e D e lete R ecord button. A confirmation message will appear. Click No to cancel or click Yes to delete, and enter a range of records to delete. If the end box is left blank, only the highlighted record will be deleted. MANAGEMENT These five buttons provide management options: Database Manager: Used to manipulate all aspects of the configuration files (.adm files), including selecting files, naming files, backing up/restoring, and uploading /downloading to the main CPUs. Working with this section is described starting on page 20. Log Manager: Used to view system logs that capture data concerning switching and user actions that reside on the Main CPUs. AC Log: Used to view Admin Console log that captures each action performed within the Admin Console. Account Manager: Used to add, edit, delete, and assign access levels of the administrators that will access the Admin Console. Help: Provides on-line help, presenting an introduction to the Admin Console, and stepping through each aspect of setting up, maintaining, and configuring data files for loading into the system CPUs. Database Manager Log Manager AC Log Account Manager Help

108 Log Manager Three types of system logs are stored on the Main CPU, they are the Switching, Operator, and Alarm logs. In the case of a redundant CPU, it may be necessary to view logs from each CPU, since these logs are not synchronized. The logs must be downloaded from each CPU in order to view their content. The logs, which are stored on each CPU separately, may be using the same filenames. It may be necessary to rename the files to reflect the appropriate CPU within Windows Explorer. Currently these files cannot be renamed within the Admin Console. These logs are useful for troubleshooting and security purposes. 1. Click on the Log M anager button fro m th e main m enu. The following window will appear. 2. From th e drop-dow n box, select the log type you wish to view : Sw itching, O perator, Alarm , or Video Loss. Information given in each log type is as follows: