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Panasonic Admin Console Wj Mpu955 Ac Users Guide

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Page 31

27  A “Confirm PUT Transfer” window will appear.   
If you choose to continue, the new database will be loaded, overwriting the existing 
database, and it will remain on the CPU to run the NSS according to the configuration. 
4. Click Yes to continue the transfer, or No to cancel 

Page 32

System Configuration 
The system file (##A=sys.ini – where ## is the system unit ID number) resides on the 
main system CPU, and contains information that is critical for proper operation.  On 
systems with a redundant CPU, it may be necessary to modify the system file on both of 
the NSS CPUs individually, in order to maintain proper operation.  DO NOT
 modify this 
file unless instructed to do so by qualified technical support personnel.   
MPU955 Admin Console uses the...

Page 33

Retrieving the System File from the Main CPU 
1. Select the CPU Units command from the Domain menu 
2. Click on the SYS tab on the right side of the window 
The following window will appear. 
Choose “01A” from the SYS Transfer drop-down 
menu (01 is the system unit ID in this example) 

Page 34

30  3.Click the “GET from CPU” button – the left button under SYS 
MPU955 Admin Console will retrieve the system file from the selected CPU and display 
it in the window provided. 
At the same time, the system file is saved in the “\Program 
Files\Panasonic\GXLAC\SysIni” folder as “01A=sys.ini” (or “01B=sys.ini” if from the 
redundant CPU). 
4. Modify the system file as needed 
Modifications will not
 be saved on the MPU955 Admin Console computer’s hard drive 
until a...

Page 35

31  01A and 01B system files differ slightly.  It is not
 recommended that 
identical system files be loaded into both Main A and Main B CPUs. 
System Archive 
After the Main A and Main B CPU system files have been 
retrieved for the first time, it will be possible to view these files 
at a later date without actually performing a transfer.  These files 
(“01A=sys.ini” and “01B=sys.ini”) will be stored in the  
“\Program Files\Panasonic\GXLAC\SysIni” folder on the 
MPU955 Admin...

Page 36

32  Backing Up 
After the “01A” and “01B” CPU system files have been retrieved for the first time, it will 
be possible to save these files to a different location, such as to floppy diskette.  These 
files (01A=sys.ini and 01B=sys.ini) are stored in the  “\Program 
Files\Panasonic\GXLAC\SysIni” folder on the MPU955 Admin Console computer’s hard 
drive.  Performing a backup from the SYS Archive section will save a copy of the 
specified system file to an alternate location of your...

Page 37

5. Load the restored file into the Main A CPU if desired 
See “Replacing the System File in the Main CPU” section on page 30 
6. Repeat for the “01B” system file, if needed 
When you want to make changes to the system file’s [System] section - which defines the 
values for Cameras, Monitors, and Keyboards - you can use the wizard function in the 
SYS Archive section of the CPU Configuration Window to do this automatically. 
If the values for these components...

Page 38

The Wizard button’s appearance will change to indicate if any changes to the system file 
are recommended.  The gauge area on the left side of this icon indicates if the [System] 
components’ settings are: A) too low for the CPU size selected (yellow), B) matching the 
CPU size selected (yellow and green), or C) too high for the CPU size selected (yellow, 
green, and red). 
When the icon displays yellow and green, indicating that the settings match the CPU size...

Page 39

35  Resetting the Main CPU 
After replacing the system file in the main CPU, each CPU needs to be rebooted so that 
the updated information is read and executed correctly (See Replacing the System File 
in the Main CPU on page 30). 
1. Select the CPU command from the Domain menu, and select the Reset tab 
2. Select the CPU you wish to reset from the drop-down box 
3. Click the red Reset button to reset the selected CPU 
4. Verify that you wish to reset the selected CPU by...

Page 40

Input to Screen 
You will begin configuring the database using the Domain and Components menus on 
the main window: 
The title bar of each option window you enter will show the name of the main 
menu option being displayed, followed by the name of the current default 
database (.adm) file being viewed or edited.  In the case below, the option being 
displayed is controllers, and the database file being used is standard.adm.  
Main menu 
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