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Palm M125 Handheld Instructions Manual

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Page 121

Chapter 5 Page 113
Address Book
Address Book is the application in which you store name and address 
information about people or businesses.
Creating an Address Book entry
A record in Address Book is called an “entry.” You can create entries 
on your handheld, or 
you can use Palm Desktop software to create 
entries on your computer and then download the entries to your 
handheld with your next HotSync operation.
nStart/End Time. Defines the start and end times 
for Date Book screens. If the...

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Page 114  Using Your Basic Applications
Palm Desktop software also has data import capabilities that enable 
you to load database files into Address Book on your handheld. 
See “Importing data” in Chapter 2 and Palm Desktop online Help for 
more information.
To create a new Address Book entry:
1. Press the Address Book application button   on the front of your 
handheld to display the Address list.
2. Tap New.
3. Enter the last name of the person you want to add to your 
Address Book. 
The handheld...

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Chapter 5 Page 115
As you enter letters in the Title, Company, City, and State 
fields, text appears for the first logical match that exists in 
your Address Book. As you enter more letters, a closer 
match appears. For example, you may already have 
Sacramento and San Francisco in your Address Book. As 
you enter “S” Sacramento appears, and as you continue 
entering “a” and “n” San Francisco replaces Sacramento. 
As soon as the word you want appears, tap in the next field 
to accept the word.

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Page 116  Using Your Basic Applications
4. Select a new label.
Changing Address Entry details
The Address Entry Details dialog box provides a variety of options 
that you can associate with an entry. 
To open the Address Entry Details dialog box:
1. Tap the entry whose details you want to change.
2. Tap Edit.
3. Tap Details.
4. Select any of the following settings:
Show in 
ListSelect which type of phone or other information 
appears in the Address list screen. Your options 
are Work, Home, Fax, Other,...

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Chapter 5 Page 117
Address Book menus
Address Book menus are shown here for your reference, and Address 
Book features that are not explained elsewhere in this book are 
described here.
See “Using menus” in Chapter 1 for information about choosing menu 
The Record and Options menus differ depending on whether you’re 
displaying the Address list screen or the Address view screen.
Record menus
Options menus
AddressMakes a copy of the current record and displays 
the copy in Address...

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Page 118  Using Your Basic Applications
nRemember last category. Determines how 
Address Book appears when you return to it 
from another application. If you select this 
check box, Address Book shows the last 
category you selected. If you clear it, Address 
Book displays the All category.
Custom FieldsThese custom fields appear at the end of the 
Address Edit screen. Rename them to identify the 
kind of information you enter in them. The names 
you give the custom fields appear in...

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Chapter 5 Page 119
To Do List
A To Do List item is a reminder of some task that you have to 
complete. A record in To Do List is called an “item.”
To create a To Do List item:
1. Press the To Do List application button   on the front of your 
handheld to display the To Do List.
2. Tap New.
3. Enter the text of the To Do List item. The text can be longer than 
one line.
4. Tap anywhere onscreen to deselect the To Do List item.
If no To Do List item is currently selected, writing in the Graffiti...

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Page 120  Using Your Basic Applications
To set the priority of a To Do List item:
1. Tap the Priority number on the left side of the To Do List item.
2. Tap the Priority number that you want to set (1 is most important). 
Checking off a To Do List item
You can check off a To Do List item to indicate that you’ve completed 
it. You can set the To Do List to record the date that you complete the 
To Do item, and you can choose to show or hide completed items. See 
“To Do Show Options” later in this...

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Chapter 5 Page 121
2. Tap Details.
Setting a due date
You can associate a due date with any To Do List item. You can also 
sort the items that appear in the list based on their due date.
To set a due date for a To Do List item:
1. In the Details dialog box, tap “No Date” to open the Due Date pick 
2. Tap the date that you want to assign the item:
3. Tap OK.
If you turn on the Show Due Dates option in the To Do Show 
options dialog, you can tap directly on the due date in the To Do 
List to...

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Page 122  Using Your Basic Applications
To Do Show Options
The Show Options dialog box enables you to control the appearance 
of To Do List and To Do items in Date Book Agenda view.
To change the Show Options settings:
1. In To Do List, tap Show.
2. Select any of the following settings:
ItemsDisplays your completed items in the To Do 
List. If you turn off this setting, your To Do 
items disappear from the list when you 
complete (check) them.
Items that no longer appear on the list...
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