Communications System
Nortel Business Communications Manager Personal Call Manager Instructions Manual
Nortel Business Communications Manager Personal Call Manager Instructions Manual
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Chapter 1 Personal Call Manager51 B usin ess C om mun ic a tio ns Ma nag er Pe rs on al C all M ana ger 2 Click . or Click the Edit menu and then click Print. Deleting calls from the Calls Log To delete a call from the Calls Log: 1Select the call you want to delete. 2 Click . or 1 Click the Edit menu and then click Delete. Closing the Calls Log Window To close the Calls Log Window: 1Click the File menu and then click Exit. You can also close the Calls Log Window by clicking the Close Window button in the upper right corner of the window. Address Book The Address Book is the portion of Personal Call Manager where you store telephone numbers and addresses of the people and businesses you deal with. Each entry in the Address Book is called a contact. A contact is normally the telephone number of a person or business, but it can be any number you want to keep track of or store in Personal Call Manager.

52Chapter 1 Personal Call Manager P0936569 02 The Tree View of the Address Book When you view the Address Book, the left side shows the tree structure of the Address Book. The tree structure shows how the folders are organized. It also lets you select the folder you want to view. A sample tree view appears below. The contacts are stored in two main areas: Quick Dials – Contacts added to the Quick Dials section appear on the Calls menu and the Personal Call Manager task tray menu. You can add contacts to the Quick Dials section, but not folders. My Contacts – Contacts added to the My Contacts section do not appear in the Calls or Personal Call Manager task tray menu, but can easily be accessed from the Address Book. In the My Contacts section, you can add contacts and folders. Folders are added to help organize the contacts. By grouping the contacts into smaller groups of similar contacts, the contacts are easier to view on the screen and easier to find and access. You can change which folders appear by clicking certain portions of the Tree View. Clicking a box with “+” in it expands the folder and shows the folder’s contents. Clicking a box with “-” in it collapses the folder and hides the folder’s contents. Double-click a folder to open or close the folder. When a folder is open, the contents of the folder appear in the List view portion of the Address Book. The List View portion of the Address Book On the right side of the screen is the List View of the Address Book. The List View shows the contacts and folders stored in the folder selected in the Tree View.

Chapter 1 Personal Call Manager53 B usin ess C om mun ic a tio ns Ma nag er Pe rs on al C all M ana ger The List View of the Address Book can be viewed in four different formats: large icons, small icons, list, and detail. Displa ying th e A ddre ss Bo ok in large icons If you select large icons, each contact appears with the last name of the contact below the icon. To view in large icons: Click . or Click the View menu and then click Large Icon. Displa yin g the Ad dress Boo k in small ico ns If you select small icons, the contacts appear horizontally with the last name of each contact on the right of the icon. To view in small icons: Click . or Click the View menu and then click Small Icon. Displa yin g the Ad dress Boo k in list view If you select list view, the contacts appear vertically with the last name of each contact on the right of the icon. To view in list view: Click . or Click the View menu and then click List. Displa ying th e A ddre ss Bo ok in details vie w If you select details view, the last name, first name, telephone numbers you can call and Email Address and Email type are shown for each contact. To view in details view: Click . or Click the View menu and then click Detail.

54Chapter 1 Personal Call Manager P0936569 02 Contacts A contact is any entry in the Address Book. A contact can be a person, business, or any number or address you want stored in Personal Call Manager. Adding a new contact to the Address Book You add contacts using the Address Properties dialog box. To add a contact using the toolbar: 1Click . The Address Properties dialog box appears. 2Enter the address information for this contact. For descriptions of the address fields, refer to “ Address Properties dialog box” on page 55. 3Click the OK button. The contact is added to the folder shown in the List View of the Address Book. To add a contact using the right mouse button: 1Right-click in an open area in the List view portion of the Address Book. 2Point to New and then click Contact. The Address Properties dialog box appears. 3Type the address information for this contact. For descriptions of the address fields, refer to “ Address Properties dialog box” on page 55. 4Click the OK button. The contact is added to the folder shown in the List View of the Address Book. Note: If a contact with the same name is in the Address Book, a message appears asking if you want to make a duplicate. If you want to make a duplicate of a contact, use the copy method described in “Copying a contact” on page 65. Note: If a contact with the same name is in the Address Book, a message appears asking if you want to make a duplicate. If you want to make a duplicate of a contact, use the copy method described in “Copying a contact” on page 65.

Chapter 1 Personal Call Manager55 B usin ess C om mun ic a tio ns Ma nag er Pe rs on al C all M ana ger To a dd a c ont act u sin g t he Menu b ar: 1 Click the File menu, point to New and then click Contact. The Address Properties dialog box appears. 2 Type the address information for this contact. For descriptions of the address fields, refer to “ Address Properties dialog box” on page 55. 3 Click the OK button. The contact is added to the folder shown in the List View of the Address Book. Address Properties dialog box The Address Properties dialog box has four tabs. Use each tab to enter different types of contact information. Business - Use this tab to enter the name, address, and telephone number of the contact. EMail Address - Use this tab to enter the e-mail address and type. Settings - Use this tab to enter the default telephone number. Note - Use this tab to enter any other information about the contact. Note: If a contact with the same name is in the Address Book, a message appears asking if you want to make a duplicate. If you want to make a duplicate of a contact, use the copy method described in “Copying a contact” on page 65 .

56Chapter 1 Personal Call Manager P0936569 02 Business Use the Business tab to enter the name, address, and telephone number of a contact. The first information you enter is the contact’s name. The contact’s name is divided into the first name and the last name. Both the first name and the last name must be entered before a contact can be added to the Address Book. The last name is used as the label for the contact in the Address Book. The first name is used as the label in the Calls box when you are on a call to the contact. When you search for a contact, you can search using the first name or the last name. After you enter the name you can enter the contact’s address. There are five different boxes for the address: Address, City, State, Zip code, and Country. After entering the address, you can enter the Title, Company, Department, Office, and Assistant of the contact. The final information to enter is the contact’s telephone numbers. The Phone number box has a list box that allows you to enter four different telephone numbers. You can enter the Business, Home, Mobile, and Fax telephone numbers for the contact. Either the Business, Home, or Mobile telephone number can be dialed from the task tray or the Personal Call Manager window.

Chapter 1 Personal Call Manager57 B usin ess C om mun ic a tio ns Ma nag er Pe rs on al C all M ana ger E- Ma il Ad dress The E-Mail Address tab has two boxes: E-mail address and E-mail type. E-mail address specifies where the contact’s E-mail account is. E-mail type specifies which type of E-mail service the contact uses.

58Chapter 1 Personal Call Manager P0936569 02 Settings Use the Settings tab to select the dialing default used for the contact and the picture displayed and voice announcement heard when this contact calls you. For the default telephone number dialed, you can choose Business, Home, or Mobile. The settings you specify define the telephone number automatically used for this contact only. Other contacts are not affected by the defaults you choose for this contact. You can choose to override these settings when making a call by selecting any other telephone number defined for the contact in the Address Book. You can select a voice announcement to play when you receive a call from this contact. This voice announcement allows you to identify who is calling without having to look at the computer screen or telephone display. To add or change the voice announcement for this contact: 1Record the voice announcement message you want to play when this contact calls and save it in a .WAV file format. The message is typically the contact’s name, but can be any.WAV file. 2Click beside the Voice Announce File Path field. Note: You can record the voice announcement using the Sound Recorder accessory included with Windows 95 or any other sound editing application.

Chapter 1 Personal Call Manager59 B usin ess C om mun ic a tio ns Ma nag er Pe rs on al C all M ana ger 3 Move to the folder where the voice announcement file is stored. 4 Double-click the voice announcement file you want to use. If you decide you no longer want a voice announcement for this contact, you can remove the voice announcement from the contact. To remove the voice announcement: 1 Click beside the Voice Announce File Path field. The voice announcement no longer plays for this contact. You can select a bitmap image that displays on the You Have a New Call dialog box when you receive a call from this contact. The image gives you a visual reminder of who\ the caller is. The image is typically a bitmap picture (.BMP file) of the contact, but can be any .BMP file that reminds you of the contact. To add or change the bitmap image: 1 Create or find the image you want to display when this contact calls. You can create this file with any graphics application that saves the image as a .BMP file. 2 Click beside the Image File Path field. 3 Move to the folder where the image file is stored. 4 Double-click the image file you want to use. If you decide you no longer want Personal Call Manager to display an image when this contact calls, you can remove the image file from the contact. To remove the image file: 1 Click beside the Image File Path field. The image file no longer appears for this contact. Note: The .WAV file you delete from the contact is not deleted from the computer hard drive and can be used again later. Note: The .BMP file you delete from the contact is not deleted from the computer hard drive and can be used again later.

60Chapter 1 Personal Call Manager P0936569 02 Note Use the Note tab to record miscellaneous information about the contact. You can enter significant dates, recent orders, meeting locations or any information you want handy when you call the contact. Adding a caller to the Address Book When you receive a call, you can add the caller to your Address Book. You must open the Personal Call Manager window before you add a caller. To add a caller: 1Click the caller’s icon in the Calls box. 2Click . A dialog box appears asking you if you want to create a new contact. 3Click the Ye s button. The Address Properties dialog box appears. 4Enter the address information for this contact. For descriptions of the address fields refer to “ Address Properties dialog box” on page 55. 5Click the OK button. The contact is added to the folder shown in the List View of the Address Book. Note: If you subscribe to Caller ID service, the telephone number, and name if available, are automatically entered into the dialog box.