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Nikon D200 User Manual

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    Technical Notes—Optional Accessories
    Other Accessories
    At the time of writing, the following accessories were available for the D200.  
    Contact your retailer or local Nikon representative for details.
    sources♦ EN-EL3e Rechargeable Li-ion Battery: Additional EN-EL3e batteries are available 
    from local retailers and Nikon service representatives.  EN-EL3a and EN-EL3 
    batteries can not be used.
    ♦ MB-D200 Battery Pack: The MB-D200 takes one or 
    two rechargeable Nikon EN-EL3e Li-ion batter-
    ies or six AA alkaline, NiMH, lithium, or nickel-
    manganese batteries.  It is equipped with a 
    shutter-release button and main- and sub-com-
    mand dials for improved operation when taking 
    photographs in portrait (tall) orientation.  When 
    attaching the MB-D200, remove the camera bat-
    tery cover as shown at right.
    ♦ EH-6 AC Adapter: Use the EH-6 to power the camera for extended periods.
    Viewfi nder 
    accessories♦ Diopter-Adjustment Viewfi nder Lenses: Lenses are available with diopters of –5, 
    –4, –3, –2, 0, +0.5, +1, +2, and +3 m
    –1.  Use diopter adjustment lenses only if 
    the desired focus can not be achieved with the built-in diopter adjustment 
    control (–2.0 to +1.0 m
    –1).  Test diopter adjustment lenses before purchase to 
    ensure that the desired focus can be achieved.
    ♦ DK-21M Magnifying Eyepiece: Increases viewfi nder magnifi cation to approxi-
    mately 1.10× (50-mm f/1.4 lens at infi nity; –1.0 m
    ♦ DG-2 Magnifi  er: Magnify the scene displayed in the center of the viewfi nder for 
    close-up photography, copying, telephoto lenses, and other tasks that call for 
    added precision.  Eyepiece adapter required (available separately).
    ♦ Eyepiece Adapter: Use to attach the DG-2 Magnifi er to the D200.
    ♦ DR-6 Right-Angle Viewing Attachment: The DR-6 attaches at a right angle to the 
    viewfi  nder eyepiece, allowing the image in the viewfi  nder to be viewed from 
    above when the camera is in the horizontal shooting position.
    Nikon fi lters can be divided into three types: screw-in, drop-in, and rear-inter-
    change.  Use Nikon fi  lters; other fi  lters may interfere with au to fo cus or elec tron ic 
    range fi nd ing.
    •  The D200 can not be used with linear polarizing fi lters.  Use the C-PL circular 
    polarizing fi lter instead.
    •  The NC and L37C fi lters are recommended for pro tect ing the lens.
    • When using an R60 fi lter, set exposure compensation to +1.•  To prevent moiré, use of a fi lter is not recommended when the sub ject is 
    framed against a bright light, or when a bright light source is in the frame.
    •  Center-weighted metering is recommended with fi  lters with exposure factors 
    (fi lter factors) over 1 × (Y48, O56, R60, X0, X1, C-PL, ND4S, ND8S, A2, A12, B2, 
    B8, B12).
    Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Nikon Manuals 
    Technical Notes—Optional Accessories
    accessoriesThe D200 is equipped with a ten-pin remote 
    terminal for remote control and automatic pho-
    tography.  The terminal is provided with a cap, 
    which protects the contacts when the terminal 
    is not in use.  The following accessories can be
    used (cable lengths are given in parentheses; all fi gures are approximate):
    ♦ MC-22 Remote Cord (1 m/3 ft. 3 in.): Remote shutter release with blue, yellow, 
    and black ter mi nals for connection to a remote shutter-triggering device, al-
    lowing control via sound or electronic signals.
    ♦ MC-30 Remote Cord (80 cm/2 ft. 7 in.): Remote shutter release; can be used to 
    reduce cam era shake or keep the shutter open during a time exposure.
    ♦ MC-36 Remote Cord (85 cm/2 ft. 9 in.): Remote shutter release; can be used to 
    reduce cam era shake or keep the shutter open during a time exposure.  
    Equipped with back-lit control panel, shutter-release lock for use in bulb 
    photography, and timer that beeps at one-second intervals.
    ♦ MC-21 Extension Cord (3 m/9 ft. 10 in.): Can be connected to MC-series 20, 22, 23, 
    25, 30, or 36.
    ♦ MC-23 Connecting Cord (40 cm/1 ft. 4 in.): Connects two cameras for si mul ta -
    neous  op er a tion.
    ♦ MC-25 Adapter Cord (20 cm/8 in.): Ten-pin to two-pin adapter cord for connec-
    tion to de vic es with two-pin terminals, including the MW-2 radio control set, 
    MT-2 intervalometer, and ML-2 modulite control set.
    ♦ MC-35 GPS Adapter Cord (35 cm/1 ft. 2 in.): Connects camera to compatible GPS 
    devices via PC cable supplied by manufacturer of GPS device, allowing lati-
    tude, longitude, altitude, and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to be record-
    ed with photographs (
    ♦ ML-3 Modulite Control Set: Allows infrared remote control at ranges of up to 8 m 
    (26 ft.).
    Body caps
    ♦ BF-1A Body Cap: The BF-1A keeps the mirror, viewfi nder screen, and low-pass 
    fi lter free of dust when a lens is not in place.
    PC card 
    adapters♦ EC-AD1 PC Card Adapter: The EC-AD1 PC card adapter allows Type I Compact-
    Flash mem o ry cards  to be inserted in PCMCIA card slots.
    ♦ Nikon Capture 4 (Version 4.4 or Later): Nikon Capture 4 Version 4.4 or later can be 
    used to control the camera, capture photos to a computer, and edit and save 
    RAW images in other formats.
    Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Nikon Manuals 
    Technical Notes—Optional Accessories
    Approved Memory Cards
    The following cards have been tested and approved for use in the D200:
    SanDiskSDCFB 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB
    SDCFB ( Type II) 300 MB
    SDCF2B ( Type II) 256 MB
    SDCFH (Ultra II) 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB
    SDCFX (Extreme III) 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB
    MediaEntry-level CompactFlash cards 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB
    High speed 40× with Write Acceleration ( WA) 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB
    Professional 40× with WA 8 GB
    Professional 80× with WA 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB
    Professional 80× with WA and LockTight technology 512 MB, 2 GB
    Microdrive 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, 6 GB
    Operation is not guaranteed with other makes of card.  For more details on the 
    above cards, please contact the manufacturer.
     Memory Cards
    •  Format memory cards in the camera before fi rst use.
    •  Turn the pow er off  before in sert ing or re mov ing mem o ry cards.  Do not remove mem o ry 
    cards from the camera, turn the camera off , or re move or disconnect the power source 
    during formatting or while data are being recorded, deleted, or copied to a computer.  
    Failure to observe these precautions could result in loss of data or in dam age to the cam-
    era or card.
    •  Do not touch the card terminals with your fi ngers or metal objects.
    •  Do not apply force to the card casing.  Failure to ob serve this precaution could dam age 
    the card.
    •  Do not bend, drop, or subject to strong physical shocks.
    •  Do not expose to heat, water, high levels of humidity, or direct sunlight.
    Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Nikon Manuals 
    Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
    Caring for the Camera
    When the camera will not be used for an extended period, replace the mon-
      i tor cover, remove the battery, and store the battery in a cool, dry area with the 
    terminal cover in place.  To pre vent mold or mil dew, store the cam era in a dry, 
    well-ven ti lat ed area.  Do not store your cam era with naph tha or cam phor moth 
    balls or in lo ca tions that:
    •  are poorly ventilated or subject to humidities of over 60%
    • are next to equipment that produces strong elec tro mag net ic fi elds, such as 
    televisions or radios
    • are exposed to temperatures above 50 °C/122 °F (for example, near a space 
    heater or in a closed ve hi cle on a hot day) or below –10 °C (14 °F)
    Camera bodyUse a blower to remove dust and lint, then wipe gently with a soft, dry 
    cloth.  After using the camera at the beach or seaside, wipe off  sand or salt 
    with a cloth lightly dampened in distilled water and dry thor ough ly.IMPORTANT: Dust or other foreign matter inside the camera may cause 
    damage not covered under warranty.
    mirror, and 
    viewfi nderThese elements are made of glass and are easily dam aged.  Remove dust 
    and lint with a blower.  If using an aerosol blower, keep the can vertical to 
    prevent the discharge of liquid.  To remove fi ngerprints and other stains, 
    apply a small amount of lens cleaner to a soft cloth and clean with care.
    MonitorRemove dust and lint with a blower.  When removing fi ngerprints and oth-
    er stains, wipe the surface lightly with a soft cloth or chamois leath er.  Do 
    not apply pressure, as this could result in damage or malfunction. 
     The Monitor
    Should the monitor break, care should be taken to avoid injury caused by broken glass and 
    to prevent liquid crystal from entering your eyes and mouth.
     The Control Panel
    Rarely, static electricity may cause the control panel to brighten or darken.  This does not 
    indicate a malfunction; the display will shortly return to normal.
    Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Nikon Manuals 
    Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
     Use a Reliable Power Source
    The camera shutter curtain is delicate and easily damaged.  If the camera powers off  while 
    the mirror is raised, the shutter curtain will close automatically.  Observe the following pre-
    cautions to prevent damage to the curtain:
    •  Use a fully-charged battery or an EH-6 AC adapter (available separately) for prolonged 
    inspection or cleaning of the low-pass fi lter.
    •  Do not turn the camera off  or remove or disconnect the power source while the mirror is 
    •  If the battery runs low while the mirror is raised, a beep will sound and the AF-assist il-
    luminator will blink to warn that the shutter curtain will close and the mirror will lower in 
    about two minutes.  End cleaning or inspection immediately.
    The Low-Pass Filter
    The image sensor that acts as the cam era’s picture element is fi tted with a low-
    pass fi lter to prevent moiré.  Al though this fi lter prevents foreign objects from 
    adhering directly to the image sensor, under certain con di tions dirt or dust on 
    the fi lter may appear in photographs.  If you suspect that dirt or dust in side 
    the camera is aff ecting your pho to graphs, you can clean the fi lter as described 
    below.  Note, however, that the low-pass fi lter is extremely delicate and easily 
    damaged.  Nikon recommends that fi lter be cleaned only by Nikon-authorized 
    service personnel.
    1 Remove the lens and turn the camera on.
    2 Display the Mirror Lock-up menu and press 
    the multi selector right (
     117; note that this 
    option is not available at battery levels of 
    or below, while shooting multiple exposures, or 
    when using an optional MB-D200 battery pack 
    with AA batteries).  The message shown at right 
    will be displayed and a row of dashes will appear 
    in the control panel and viewfi nder.  To return 
    to normal operation without raising the mirror, 
    turn the camera off .
    3 Press the shut ter-re lease but ton all the way 
    down.  The mir ror will be raised and the shut ter 
    cur tain will open, re veal ing the low-pass fi l ter, 
    and a row of dashes will blink in the control pan-
    el.  The display in the viewfi nder will turn off .
    Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Nikon Manuals 
    Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
    5 Re move any dust and lint from the fi lter with a 
    blow er.  Do not use a blower-brush, as the bris-
      tles could damage the fi lter.  Dirt that can not 
    be removed with a blower can only be re moved 
    by  Nikon-au tho rized  ser vice  per son nel.    Un der 
    no circumstances should you touch or wipe the 
    fi l  t er. 
    6 Turn the camera off .  The mirror will return to the down position and the 
    shutter curtain will close.  Replace the lens or body cap.
    4 Holding the camera so that light falls on the low-
    pass fi lter, ex am ine the fi lter for dust or lint.  If no 
    foreign objects are present, proceed to Step 6.
     Foreign Matter on the Low-Pass Filter
    Nikon takes every possible precaution to pre vent foreign matter from com ing into con tact 
    with the low-pass fi lter during production and ship ping.  The D200, how ev er, is designed 
    to be used with interchangeable lens es, and for eign matter may enter the camera when 
    lens es are removed or exchanged.  Once inside the camera, this for eign matter may adhere 
    to the low-pass fi lter, where it may appear in photographs tak en under cer tain con di tions.  
    To prevent foreign matter from entering the camera, do not exchange lenses in dusty envi-
    ronments.  To pro tect the camera when no lens is in place, be sure to replace the body cap 
    pro vid ed with the camera, being care ful to fi rst remove all dust and other foreign matter 
    that may be ad her ing to the body cap.
    Should foreign matter fi nd its way onto the low-pass fi lter, clean the low-pass fi lter as in-
    structed on pages 185–186 of this manual, or have the low-pass fi lter cleaned by autho-
    rized Nikon ser vice per son nel.  Pho to graphs aff ected by the presence of for eign matter on 
    the low-pass fi lter can be re touched us ing Nikon Capture 4 Version 4.4 or later (available 
    separately) or the clean image options available in some third-party im ag ing software.
     Servicing the Camera and Accessories
    The D200 is a precision device and requires regular servicing.  Nikon recommends that the 
    camera be inspected by the original retailer or Nikon service representative once every 
    one to two years, and that it be serviced once every three to fi ve years (note that fees ap-
    ply to these services).  Frequent inspection and servicing are particularly recommended if 
    the camera is used professionally.  Any accessories regularly used with the camera, such 
    as lenses or optional Speedlights, should be included when the camera is inspected or 
    Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Nikon Manuals 
    Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
    Caring for the Camera and Battery: Cautions
    Do not drop
    The product may malfunction if sub ject ed to 
    strong shocks or vi bra tion.
    Keep dry
    This product is not waterproof, and may mal-
      func tion if im mersed in wa ter or ex posed to 
    high levels of hu mid i ty.  Rust ing of the in ter nal 
    mech a nism  can  cause  ir rep a ra ble  dam age.
    Avoid sudden changes in tem per a tureSud den  chang es  in  tem per a ture,  such  as  oc cur 
    when en ter ing or leav ing a heat ed build ing on 
    a cold day, can cause con den sa tion in side the 
    de vice.  To prevent con den sa tion, place the de-
    vice in a car ry ing case or a plas tic bag be fore 
    ex pos ing it to sud den chang es in tem per a ture.
    Keep away from strong mag net ic fi  eldsDo not use or store this device in the vi cin i ty 
    of equip ment that gen er ates strong elec tro -
    mag net ic  radiation  or  mag net ic  fi  elds.    Strong 
    static charg es or the mag net ic fi elds pro duced 
    by equip ment such as radio trans mit ters could 
    in ter fere with the monitor, dam age data stored 
    on the mem o ry card, or aff ect the prod uct’s in-
      ter nal  cir cuit ry.
    Do not leave the lens pointed at the sun
    Do not leave the lens pointed at the sun or 
    another sight source for an extended period.  
    Intense light may cause the image sensor to 
    deteriorate or produce a white blur eff ect in 
    Vertical white streaks may appear in photo-
    graphs of the sun or other strong light sources.  
    This phenomenon, known as “blooming,” can 
    be prevented by reducing the amount of light 
    that falls on the image sensor, either by choos-
    ing a slow shutter speed and small aperture or 
    by using an ND fi lter. Do not touch the shutter curtain
    The shutter curtain is extremely thin and eas-
    ily damaged.  Under no cir cum stanc es should 
    you exert pres sure on the curtain, poke it with 
    clean ing tools, or sub ject it to powerful air 
    cur rents from a blow er.  These actions could 
    scratch, de form, or tear the curtain.
    Handle all mov ing parts with care
    Do not ap ply force to the bat tery-cham ber, 
    card-slot, or con nec tor cov ers.  These parts are 
    es pe cial ly  sus cep ti ble  to  dam age.
    •  When cleaning the camera body, use a blow-
      er to remove dust and lint, then wipe gently 
    with a soft, dry cloth.  After using your cam-
    era at the beach or seaside, wipe off  any sand 
    or salt using a cloth lightly damp ened with 
    pure water and then dry your camera thor-
    oughly.  In rare in stanc es, static electricity 
    produced by a brush or cloth may cause the 
    LCD dis plays to light up or dark en.  This does 
    not in di cate a malfunction, and the dis play 
    will shortly return to normal.
    •  When cleaning the lens and mirror, re mem ber 
    that these elements are easily dam aged.  
    Dust and lint should be gen tly removed with 
    a blower.  When using an aerosol blower, 
    keep the can vertical (tilting the can could 
    result in liquid be ing sprayed on the mir ror).  
    If you do get a fi ngerprint or other stain on 
    the lens, apply a small amount of lens cleaner 
    to a soft cloth and wipe the lens carefully.
    •  See “Cleaning the Low-Pass Filter” for informa-
    tion on cleaning the low-pass fi lter (
    Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Nikon Manuals 
    Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
    •  To prevent mold or mildew, store the cam era 
    in a dry, well-ven ti lat ed area.  If you will not be 
    us ing the prod uct for long pe ri ods, re move 
    the bat tery to pre vent leak age and store the 
    cam era in a plastic bag con tain ing a des ic cant.  
    Do not, how ev er, store the cam era case in a 
    plas tic bag, as this may cause the ma te ri al to 
    de te ri o rate.    Note  that  des ic cant  grad u al ly  los es 
    its ca pac i ty to ab sorb mois ture and should be 
    placed  at  reg u lar  in ter vals.
    •  Do not store the camera with naph tha or 
    camphor moth balls, close to equip ment 
    that pro duc es strong mag net ic fi elds, or in 
    areas subject to extremes of tem per a ture, for 
    ex am ple near a space heater or in a closed 
    hi cle on a hot day.
    •  To prevent mold or mil dew, take the cam era 
    out of storage at least once a month.  Turn 
    the camera on and re lease the shut ter a few 
    times before putting the cam era away again.
    •  Store the battery in a cool, dry place.  Replace 
    the terminal cover before put ting the battery 
    Notes on the monitor
    •  The monitor may contain a few pix els that 
    are always lit or that do not light.  This is a 
    char ac ter is tic  com mon  to  all  TFT  LCD  moni-
    tors and does not in di cate a mal func tion.  Im-
      ag es re cord ed with the prod uct will not be 
    aff  ect ed.
    •  Images in the mon i tor may be diffi 
    cult to see 
    in a bright light.
    •  Do not apply pressure to the monitor; this 
    could cause dam age or mal func tion.  Dust or 
    lint on the mon i tor can be re moved with a 
    blower.  Stains can be re moved by rub bing 
    the surface light ly with a soft cloth or cham-
      ois leath er.
    • Should the monitor break, care should be 
    taken to avoid injury due to bro ken glass and 
    to pre vent the liq uid crystal from the moni-
    tor touch ing the skin or en ter ing the eyes or 
    •  Replace the monitor cover when trans port ing 
    the camera or leaving it un at tend ed.Turn the product off  before re mov ing or disconnecting 
    the power source
    Do not unplug the product or re move the bat-
    tery while the prod uct is on, or while im ag es 
    are being recorded or deleted.  Forc ibly cut ting 
    pow er to the prod uct in these cir cum stanc es 
    could re sult in loss of data or in damage to 
    product memory or internal circuitry.  To pre-
      vent  an  ac ci den tal  in ter rup tion  of  pow er,  avoid 
    car ry ing the prod uct from one lo ca tion to an-
      oth er while the AC adapter is con nect ed.
    •  Dirt on the battery terminals can prevent the 
    camera from functioning.
    •  When you turn the device on, check the bat-
    tery-level dis played in the con trol pan el to 
    de ter mine whether the bat tery needs to be 
    recharged or replaced.  The bat tery needs to 
    be recharged or replaced when the battery-
    level  in di ca tor  is  fl  ash ing.
    •  When tak ing pho to graphs on im por tant oc-
      ca sions, ready a spare EN-EL3e bat tery and 
    keep it ful ly charged.  De pend ing on your 
    lo ca tion, you may fi nd it diffi  cult to pur chase 
    place ment bat ter ies on short notice.
    •  On cold days, the capacity of bat ter ies tends 
    to de crease.  Be sure the battery is fully 
    charged before tak ing pho to graphs out side 
    in cold weath er.  Keep a spare bat tery in a 
    warm place and ex change the two as nec-
      es sary.  Once warmed, a cold bat tery may 
    cov er some of its charge.
    •  Continuing to charge the battery after it is ful-
    ly charged can impair battery performance.
    •  Should the bat tery ter mi nals be come dirty, 
    wipe them off  with a clean, dry cloth be fore 
    •  After removing the battery from the cam era, 
    be sure to replace the ter mi nal cov er.
    •  Used batteries are a valuable resource.  Please 
    recycle used batteries in accord with local 
    Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Nikon Manuals 
    Technical Notes—Troubleshooting
    If the camera fails to function as expected, check the list of common problems 
    below before consulting your retailer or Nikon representative.  Refer to the page 
    numbers in the right-most column for more information.
    Problem Solution
    Camera takes time to turn on. Delete fi les or folders.105, 
    Viewfi nder is out of focus.•  Adjust viewfi nder focus.
    •  Use optional diopter adjustment lens.16
    Viewfi nder is dark. Charge battery or insert charged battery. 10
    Displays turn off  without warning. Choose longer monitor off  or meter off  delays. 157
    Unusual characters displayed in con-
    trol panelSee “A Note on Electronically Controlled Cam-
    eras,” below.—
    Displays in control panel or viewfi nd-
    er are slow and dimDisplays are aff ected by high or low tempera-
    • Fine lines around active focus area 
    in viewfi nder
    •  Viewfi nder display turns redThese phenomena are normal and do not indi-
    cate a malfunction.—
    Playback menu is unavailable. Insert memory card. 14
    Menu item is unavailable.Insert memory card.  Battery Info option is 
    only available when using EN-EL3e batteries.14 
    Image size can not be changed.NEF (RAW) selected for image quality. 28
    Shutter release is disabled.•  Aperture not locked at highest f/-number.
    •  Memory card is full or not inserted.
    •  Flash is charging.
    •  Camera is not in focus.
    • Exposure mode S selected with 
    ed for shutter speed.8
     A Note on Electronically-Controlled Cam er as
    In extremely rare in stanc es, un usu al char ac ters may ap pear in the control panel and the 
    cam era may stop func tion ing.  In most cas es, this phe nom e non is caused by a strong ex-
      ter nal stat ic charge.  Turn the cam era off , re move and replace the battery (note that the 
    battery may be hot), and turn the cam era on again, or, if you are using an AC adapt er (avail-
    able sep a rate ly), dis con nect and re con nect the adapt er and turn the cam era on again.  In 
    the  event  of  con tin ued  mal func tion,  con tact  your  re tail er  or  Nikon  rep re sen ta tive.    Note 
    that dis con nect ing the power source as de scribed above may result in loss of any data not 
    cord ed to the memory card at the time the prob lem occurred.  Data already recorded to 
    the card will not be aff ected.
    Downloaded From camera-usermanual.com Nikon Manuals 
    Technical Notes—Troubleshooting
    Problem Solution
    Can not select focus area.•  Unlock focus area selector.
    •  Closest subject priority is in eff ect.
    •  Monitor is on: camera in playback mode.
    •  Exposure meters are off : press shutter-release 
    button halfway.53
    AF-assist illuminator does not light.•  Camera is in focus mode C.
    • Center focus area or focus area group is not 
    selected or closest priority is selected for 
    group dynamic-area AF.
    • Off  selected for Custom Setting a9 (AF As-
    • Illuminator has turned off  automatically.  Il-
    luminator may become hot with continued 
    use; wait for lamp to cool down.51
    Full range of shutter speeds not avail-
    able.Flash in use.  Flash sync speed can be selected 
    using Custom Setting e1 (Flash Sync Speed); 
    when using optional SB-800, SB-600, or SB-
    R200 Speedlight, choose 1/250 s (Auto FP) for 
    full range of shutter speeds.160
    Focus does not lock when shutter-re-
    lease button is pressed halfway.Camera is in focus mode C: use AE-L/AF-L button 
    to lock focus.56
    Area shown in viewfi nder is smaller 
    than fi nal photo.Viewfi nder has vertical and horizontal frame 
    coverage of about 95%.—
    Photos are out of focus.•  Rotate focus-mode selector to S or C.
    •  Camera unable to focus using autofocus: use 
    manual focus or focus lock.51
    Recording time increases. Turn noise reduction off .131
    Randomly-spaced bright pixels (“noise”) 
    appear in photos.•  Choose lower ISO sensitivity or turn high ISO 
    noise reduction on.
    •  Shutter speed is slower than 8 s: use long ex-
    posure noise reduction.33, 
    Blotches appear on photos.• Clean lens.
    •  Clean low-pass fi lter.184
    Colors are unnatural.•  Adjust white balance to match light source.
    • Adjust Optimize Image settings.35
    Continuous shooting unavailable. Lower fl ash. 78
    RAW image is not played back. Photo taken at image quality of NEF+JPEG. 28
    Can not measure white balance. Subject is too dark or too bright. 41
    Image can not be selected as source 
    for preset white balance.Image was not created with D200. 42
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