Nikon D200 User Manual
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171 Setup Custom Settings Option Description Rotate DirectionControls operation of command dials on camera and optional MB-D200 battery pack when setting fl exible program, shutter speed, aperture, easy exposure com- pensation, exposure mode, exposure compensation value, bracketing increment, and fl ash sync mode. • Normal (default): Normal command dial operation. • Reverse: Reverses rotation of command dials. Change Main / SubExchanges functions of main and sub-command dials when setting shutter speed and aperture. • Off (default): Main command dial controls shutter speed, sub-command dial controls aperture. • On: Main command dial controls aperture, sub-com- mand dial controls shutter speed. Aperture SettingControls whether changes to aperture are made using lens aperture ring or command dials. Regardless of setting chosen, lens ring must be used to set aperture for non-CPU lenses, command dials to set aperture for type G lenses not equipped with aperture ring. • Sub-command Dial (default): Aperture can only be adjusted with sub-command dial (or main command dial if Change Main/ Sub is On). • Aperture Ring: Aperture can only be adjusted using lens aperture ring. Camera aperture display shows aperture in increments of 1 EV. This option is selected automatically when non-CPU lens is attached. Menus and PlaybackControls functions performed by command dials dur- ing playback or when menus are displayed. • Off (default): Multi selector used to choose pic- ture displayed, highlight thumbnails, and navigate menus. • On: Main command dial performs same function as pressing multi selector left or right. Sub-command dial performs same function as pressing multi selector up or down. Note that this option has no eff ect on the roles played by the command dials during playback zoom. Single-image playback: main command dial is used to choose picture dis- played, sub-command dial to display additional photo information. Thumbnail playback: main command dial moves cursor left or right, sub- command dial moves cursor up or down. Menu navigation: main command dial moves highlight bar up or down. Rotate sub-command dial to right to display sub-menu, to left to return to previous menu. To make selection, press multi selector to right, press center of multi selector, or press button. Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

172 Custom Settings Setup Custom Setting f6: Setting Method for Buttons and Dials This option allows adjustments that are normally made by pressing the , , , , ISO, QUAL, or WB button and rotating a command dial to be made by rotating the com- mand dial after the button is released. Option Description Default (default)Changes to settings made by rotating command dial while button is held down. HoldSettings can be changed by rotating command dial after button is released. To exit, press button again, press shutter-release button halfway, or (except when No Limit is selected for Custom Setting c3 or optional AC adapter is used) wait for about 20 s. Custom Setting f7: Disable Shutter If No Memory Card This option can be used to enable the shutter re lease when no memory card is inserted in the cam era. Note that when photographs are being cap tured to a computer using Nikon Capture 4 Cam era Control, pho to graphs are not recorded to the cam era mem o ry card and the shutter release will be en abled re gard less of the setting chosen for this option. Option Description Release Locked (default)Shutter-release button disabled when no memory card is inserted. Enable ReleaseShutter-release button enabled when no memory card is inserted. Photographs taken when no memory card is inserted are not saved, although they will be displayed in monitor. Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

173 Technical Notes—Optional Accessories One advantage of digital SLR cameras is the wide variety of accessories available for broadening the scope of digital photography. The following types of acces- sory are available for the D200: Optional Accessories Use Only Nikon Brand Ac ces so ries Only Nikon brand ac ces so ries cer ti fi ed by Nikon spe cifi cal ly for use with your Nikon dig i tal cam era are engineered and proven to op er ate with in its op er a tion al and safety require- ments. T HE USE OF NON-NIKON AC CES SO RIES COULD DAMAGE YOUR CAM ERA AND MAY VOID YOUR NIKON WAR- RAN TY.Software Filters Flash units (Speedlights) Li-ion BATTERY PACK Viewfi nder accessories Batteries AC adapters 10-pin remote terminal accessories Lenses Battery packs Technical Notes Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

174 Technical Notes—Optional Accessories Lenses CPU lenses (particularly type G and D lenses) are recommended for use with the D200 (note that IX Nikkor CPU lenses can not be used). The following lenses can be used with the D200: Camera setting Lens/accessoryFocusMode Metering AFM (with electronic range fi nder)MP SA M 3D Color CPU lenses 1 Type G or D AF Nikkor 2; AF-S, AF-I Nikkor ✔✔✔✔✔✔— ✔ 3 PC-Micro Nikkor 85 mm f/2.8D 4— ✔ 5✔— ✔ 6✔— ✔ 3 AF-S / AF-I Teleconverter 7✔ 8✔ 8✔✔✔✔— ✔ 3 Other AF Nikkor (except lenses for F3AF) ✔ 9✔ 9✔✔✔— ✔✔ 3 AI-P Nikkor— ✔ 10✔✔✔— ✔✔ 3 Non-CPU lenses 11 AI-modifi ed, AI-, AI-S, or Series E Nikkor 12— ✔ 10✔— ✔ 13— ✔ 14✔ 15 Medical Nikkor 120 mm f/4— ✔✔— ✔ 16—— — Refl ex Nikkor—— ✔— ✔ 13—— ✔ 15 PC-Nikkor— ✔ 5✔✔ 17—— ✔ AI-type Teleconverter 18— ✔ 8✔— ✔ 13— ✔ 14✔ 15 TC-16A AF Teleconverter — ✔ 8✔— ✔ 13— ✔ 14✔ 15 PB-6 Bellows Focusing Attachment 19— ✔ 8✔— ✔ 20—— ✔ Auto extension rings (PK-series 11-A, 12, or 13; PN-11)— ✔ 8✔— ✔ 13—— ✔ 1 IX Nikkor lenses can not be used. 2 Vibration Reduction (VR) supported with VR lens es. 3 Spot metering meters selected focus area. 4 The camera’s exposure metering and fl ash con trol sys tems do not work properly when shifting and/or tilt ing the lens, or when an aperture oth er than the maximum aperture is used. 5 Electronic range fi nder can not be used with shifting or tilting. 6 Manual exposure mode only. 7 Compatible with AF-I Nikkor lenses and with all AF-S lens es ex cept AF-S DX VR ED 18–200 mm f/3.5–5.6G; AF-S DX ED 12–24 mm f/4G, 17–55 mm f/2.8G, 18–55 mm f/3.5–5.6G, 18–70 mm f/3.5–4.5G, and 55–200 mm f/4–5.6G; AF-S VR ED 24–120 mm f/3.5–5.6G; and AF-S ED 17–35 mm f/2.8D, 24–85 mm f/3.5–4.5G, and 28–70 mm f/2.8D. 8 With maximum eff ective aperture of f/5.6 or faster. 9 If AF 80–200 mm f/2.8S, AF 35–70 mm f/2.8S, new-model AF 28–85 mm f/3.5–4.5S, or AF 28–85 mm f/3.5–4.5S is zoomed in while focusing at minimum range, image on matte screen in viewfi nder may not be in focus when in-focus indicator is dis- played. Focus manually using image in viewfi nder as guide. 10 With maximum ap er ture of f/5.6 or fast er.11 Some lenses can not be used (see following page). 12 Range of rotation for Ai 80–200 mm f/2.8S ED tripod mount limited by camera body. Filters can not be exchanged while Ai 200–400 mm f/4S ED is mounted on camera. 13 If maximum aperture is specifi ed using Non-CPU Lens Data option in shooting menu, aperture value will be displayed in viewfi nder and control panel. 14 Can be used only if lens focal length and maximum aperture are specifi ed using Non-CPU Lens Data option in shooting menu. Use spot or center-weighted metering if desired results are not achieved. 15 For improved precision, specify lens focal length and maxi- mum aperture using Non-CPU Lens Data option in shooting menu. 16 Can be used at in manual exposure modes at shutter speeds slower than 1/125 s. If maximum aperture is specifi ed using Non-CPU Lens Data option in shooting menu, aperture value will be displayed in viewfi nder and control panel. 17 Exposure determined by presetting lens aperture. In aper- ture-priority auto exposure mode, preset aperture using lens aperture ring before performing AE lock or shifting lens. In Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

175 Technical Notes—Optional Accessories manual exposure mode, preset aperture using lens aperture ring and determine exposure before shifting lens. 18 Exposure compensation required when used with AI 28– 85 mm f/3.5–4.5S, AI 35–105 mm f/3.5–4.5S, AI 35–135 mm f/3.5–4.5S, or AF-S 80–200 mm f/2.8D. See teleconverter manual for details.19 Requires PK-12 or PK-13 auto extension ring. 20 Use preset aperture. In exposure mode A, set aperture using focusing attachment before determining exposure and taking photograph. • PF-4 Reprocopy Outfi t requires PA-4 Camera Holder. Incompatible Accessories and Non-CPU Lenses The following accessories and non-CPU lenses can NOT be used with the D200: • Non-AI lenses • Lenses that require the AU-1 focusing unit (400 mm f/4.5, 600 mm f/5.6, 800 mm f/8, 1200 mm f/11) • Fisheye (6 mm f/5.6, 8 mm f/8, OP 10 mm f/5.6) • 21 mm f/4 (old type) • K2 rings • ED 180–600 mm f/8 (serial numbers 174041–174180) • ED 360–1200 mm f/11 (serial numbers 174031–174127) • 200–600 mm f/9.5 (serial numbers 280001– 300490)• Lenses for the F3AF (80 mm f/2.8, 200 mm f/3.5, TC-16 Teleconverter) • PC 28 mm f/4 (serial number 180900 or earlier) • PC 35 mm f/2.8 (serial numbers 851001– 906200) • PC 35 mm f/3.5 (old type) • 1000 mm f/6.3 Refl ex (old type) • 1000 mm f/11 Refl ex (serial numbers 142361–143000) • 2000 mm f/11 Refl ex (serial numbers 200111–200310) Compatible Non-CPU Lenses If lens data are specifi ed using the Non-CPU lens data option in the shooting menu, many of the features available with CPU lenses can also be used with non-CPU lenses. If lens data are not specifi ed, color matrix metering can not be used, and center-weighted metering is used when matrix metering is selected. Non-CPU lenses can only be used in exposure modes A and M, when aperture must be set using the lens aperture ring. If the maximum aperture has not been specifi ed using Non- CPU lens data, the camera aperture display will show the number of stops from maximum aperture; the actual aperture value must be read off the lens aperture ring. Aperture-prior- ity auto will be selected automatically in exposure modes P and S. The exposure-mode indicator in the control panel will blink, and A will be displayed in the viewfi nder. Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

176 Technical Notes—Optional Accessories CPU lenses can be iden ti fi ed by the presence of CPU contacts. Type G lenses are marked with a “G” on the lens barrel, type D lenses with a “D.” CPU lens Type G lens Type D lens Type G lenses are not equipped with a lens aperture ring. Unlike other CPU lens- es, there is no need to lock the aperture ring at the minimum aperture setting (maximum f/-number) when using a type G lens. Picture Angle and Focal Length The diagonal picture angle of the D200 is less than that of a 35-mm cam era. When cal cu lat ing the focal length of the lenses for the D200 in 35-mm format, mul ti ply the focal length of the lens by about 1.5: Option Approximate focal length (mm) in 35-mm format (modifi ed for picture angle) 35-mm camera17 20 24 28 35 50 60 85 D20025.5 30 36 42 52.5 75 90 127.5 35-mm camera105 135 180 200 300 400 500 600 D200157.5 202.5 270 300 450 600 750 900 The size of the area exposed by a 35-mm camera is 36 × 24 mm. The size of the area exposed by the D200, in contrast, is 23.6 ×15.8 mm, meaning that the diago- nal picture angle of a 35-mm camera is ap- proximately 1.5 times that of the D200. Cal cu lat ing Picture Angle Picture size (D200) Picture size (35-mm format) Lens (23.6 mm × 15.8 mm) Picture diagonal (36 mm × 24 mm) Picture angle (35-mm format) Picture angle (D200) Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

177 Technical Notes—Optional Accessories Optional Flash Units (Speedlights) When used with a compatible device such as the SB-800, SB-600, and remote SB-R200 Speedlights (available separately), the D200 supports the full range of options available with the Nikon Creative Lighting System (CLS), including i-TTL fl ash control ( 76), FV Lock ( 81), and Auto FP High-Speed Sync ( 160). Support for Advanced Wireless Lighting allows the built-in fl ash to be used as a commander unit for remote SB-800, SB-600, and SB-R200 Speedlights. See the Speedlight manual for details. Note that the built-in Speedlight will not fi re when an optional Speedlight is attached. SB-800 and SB-600 Speedlights These high performance Speedlights have Guide Numbers of 38/125 and 30/98 respectively (m/ft, 35-mm zoom head position, ISO 100, 20 °C/68 °F). The fl ash head can be rotated through 90 ° above the horizontal, 180 ° left, and 90 ° right for bounce-fl ash or close-up photography. The SB-800 can be rotated 7 ° below the horizontal. Auto power zoom (24–105 mm and 24–85 mm, respectively) en- sures that the illuminating angle is adjusted in accord with lens focal length. The built-in wide panel can be used for an angle of 14 mm (the SB-800 also supports 17 mm). An illuminator is included to assist in adjusting settings in the dark. SB-R200 Wireless Remote Speedlight This high-performance wireless remote Speedlight has a Guide Number of 10/32 (m/ft, ISO 100, 20 °C/68 °F). Although it cannot be mounted on the camera ac- cessory shoe, the SB-R200 can be fi red using an optional SB-800 Speedlight or SU-800 wireless Speedlight commander, or a camera with Advanced Wireless Lighting and a built-in fl ash. With the D200 in commander mode ( 163), the SB-R200 serves as a remote fl ash. It can held by hand, placed on an AS-20 Speed- light stand, or mounted on the camera lens using the SX-1 attachment for re- mote control and close-up i-TTL photography. Use Only Nikon Flash Accessories Use only Nikon Speedlights. Negative voltages or voltages over 250 V applied to the ac- ces so ry shoe could not only prevent normal operation, but damage the sync cir cuit ry of the camera or fl ash. Be fore us ing a Nikon Speed light not listed in this section, con tact a Nikon-au tho rized ser vice rep re sen ta tive for more information. Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

178 Technical Notes—Optional Accessories The following features are available with the SB-800, SB-600, and SB-R200: Speedlight Flash mode/feature SB-800 SB-600Advanced Wireless Lighting SB-800 SB-600 1SB-R200 2 i-TTL 3✔ 4✔ 4✔✔✔ AA Auto aperture 5✔ 6— ✔—— ANon-TTL auto ✔ 6— ✔ 7—— GN Range-priority manual ✔———— MManual ✔✔✔✔✔ RPT Repeating fl ash ✔— ✔ 9✔ 9— REAR Rear-curtain sync ✔✔✔✔✔ Red-eye reduction ✔✔✔—— Flash Color Information Communication ✔✔——— Auto FP High-Speed Sync 8✔✔✔ 9✔ 9✔ 9 FV lock ✔✔✔✔✔ AF-assist for multi-area AF 10✔ 5✔ 5——— Auto zoom ✔✔——— ISO Auto (Custom Setting b1) ✔✔——— 1 Functions as remote fl ash only. 2 Can not be mounted on camera accessory shoe. Can be used as remote fl ash if camera is in commander mode ( 163) or SB-800 Speedlight is mounted on camera and SB-R200 is con- trolled by optional SU-800 wireless Speedlight commander. 3 When using non-CPU lens with i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash for Digital SLR, improved precision can be obtained if lens data are specifi ed in Non-CPU Lens Data menu. 4 Standard i-TTL for Digital SLR is used with spot metering or when selected with Speedlight. 5 Not available with non-CPU lenses unless lens data have been specifi ed using Non-CPU Lens Data. 6 Use Speedlight controls to select fl ash mode. 7 Available only if non-CPU lens is used without specifying lens data in Non-CPU Lens Data menu. 8 Select 1/250 s (Auto FP) for Custom Setting e1 (Flash Sync Speed; 160). Not available if built-in fl ash fi res. 9 Available only when SB-800 is used as master fl ash or optional SU-800 wireless Speedlight commander is used. 10 Available with AF CPU lenses only. The following Speedlights can be used in non-TTL auto and manual modes. If they are set to TTL, the camera shutter-release button will lock and no pho to - graphs can be taken. Speedlight Flash modeSB-80DX, SB-28DX, SB-28, SB-26, SB-25, SB-24SB-50DX, SB-23, SB-29 2, SB-21B 2, SB-29S 2 SB-30, SB-27 1, SB-22S, SB-22, SB-20, SB-16B, SB-15 ANon-TTL auto ✔— ✔ MManual ✔✔✔ Repeating fl ash ✔—— REAR Rear-curtain sync ✔✔✔ 1 When an SB-27 is mounted on the D200, the fl ash mode is automatically set to TTL, and the shutter-release will be disabled. Set the SB-27 to A (non-TTL auto fl ash). 2 Autofocus is only avail able with AF-Mi cro lenses (60 mm, 105 mm, or 200 mm). Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

179 Technical Notes—Optional Accessories Notes on Optional Speedlights Refer to the Speedlight manual for detailed instructions. If the Speedlight supports the Creative Lighting System, refer to the section on CLS-compatible digital SLR cameras. The D200 is not included in the “digital SLR” category in the SB-80DX, SB-28DX, and SB-50DX manuals. If Auto FP High-Speed Sync is not used, the shutter will synchronize with an external fl ash at speeds of / s or slower. i-TTL fl ash con trol can be used at ISO sensitivities be tween 100 and 1600. At values over 1600, the desired re sults may not be achieved at some ranges or aperture settings. If the fl ash-ready indicator blinks for about three seconds after a photograph is taken, the fl ash has fi red at full power and the photograph may be underexposed. When an SB-800 or SB-600 is attached, AF-assist illumination and red-eye reduction are performed by the optional Speedlight. The camera provides AF-assist illumination when other Speedlights are used ( 58–59). Auto power zoom is available only with SB-800 and SB-600 Speedlights. In programmed auto, the maximum aperture (minimum f/-number) is lim it ed ac cord ing to sen si tiv i ty (ISO equivalency), as shown below: Maximum aperture at ISO equivalent of: 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500 640 800 1000 1250 1600 44.2 4.5 4.8 5 5.3 5.6 6 6.3 6.7 7.1 7.6 8 For each one-step increase in sensitivity (e.g., from 200 to 400), aperture is stopped down by half an f/-stop. If the maximum aperture of the lens is smaller than given above, the maximum value for aperture will be the maximum aperture of the lens. When an SC-series 17, 28, or 29 sync cable is used for off -camera fl ash photography, cor- rect exposure may not be achieved in i-TTL mode. We recommend that you choose spot metering to select standard i-TTL fl ash control. Take a test shot and view the results in the monitor. In i-TTL, use the fl ash panel or bounce adapter provided with your Speedlight. Do not use other panels such as diff usion panels, as this may produce incorrect exposure. Downloaded From Nikon Manuals

180 Technical Notes—Optional Accessories The D200 is equipped with an accessory shoe that allows SB-series Speedlights, including the SB-800, 600, 80DX, 50DX, 28DX, 28, 27, 23, 22S, and 29S to be mounted di- rectly on the camera without a sync cable. The accessory shoe is equipped with a safety lock for Speedlights with a locking pin, such as the SB-800 and SB-600.The Accessory Shoe ISO Sensitivity (SB-800/SB-600) When used with optional SB-800 and SB-600 Speedlights, i-TTL fl ash control can adjust for ISO sensitivities between 100 and 1600. It may not be able to adjust fl ash level appropri- ately for values over 1600. When On is selected for Custom Setting b1 (ISO Auto; 152), ISO sensitivity will automatically be adjusted as required for optimal fl ash output. This may result in foreground subjects being underexposed in fl ash photographs taken at slow shut- ter speeds, in daylight, or against a bright background. In these cases, choose a fl ash mode other than slow sync or select mode A or M and choose a larger aperture. A sync cable can be connected to the sync terminal as required. Do not connect another Speedlight via a sync cable when performing rear-curtain sync fl ash photogra- phy with an SB-series Speedlights such as the 800, 600, 80DX, 28DX, 28, 50DX, 27, 23, 22s, or 29s mounted on the camera accessory shoe.The Sync Terminal Downloaded From Nikon Manuals