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Nikon D200 User Manual

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Page 81

While exposure lock is in eff ect, the following settings can be changed without altering 
the metered value for exposure:
Exposure mode Settings
Programmed auto Shutter speed and aperture (fl exible program;  63)
Shutter-priority auto Shutter speed
Aperture-priority auto Aperture
The new values can be confi rmed in the viewfi nder and control panel.  Note that the 
metering method can not be changed while exposure lock is in eff ect (changes to me-
tering take eff ect when the lock is...

Page 82

Exposure Compensation
To obtain the desired results with certain subject compositions, it may be nec es -
sary to use ex po sure compensation to alter exposure from the val ue sug gest ed 
by the cam era.  As a rule of thumb, positive compensation may be needed when 
the main sub ject is dark er than the background, negative val ues when the main 
sub ject is bright er than the background.
1 Pressing the  button, rotate the main com-
  mand dial and confi rm ex po sure com pen sa...

Page 83

Exposure and Flash Bracketing
In exposure brack et ing, the camera varies exposure compensation with each 
shot, while in the case of fl ash brack et ing, fl ash level is varied with each shot (i-
TTL and, with the optional SB-800 Speedlight, auto aperture fl ash control modes 
only).  Only one pho to graph is pro duced each time the shut ter is released, mean-
ing that sev er al shots (up to nine) are re quired to com plete the brack et ing se-
  quence.  Ex po sure and fl ash brack et...

Page 84

4 Com pose a photograph, focus, and shoot.  The cam era will vary ex po sure 
and/or fl ash level shot-by-shot according to the brack et ing pro gram se-
  lect ed.  Mod i fi  ca tions to ex po sure are add ed to those made with ex po sure 
com pen sa tion  (
 72), making it possible to achieve exposure compensa-
tion values of more than 5 EV.
While bracketing is in eff 
 ect, a bracketing progress indicator will be dis-
played in the control panel.  A seg ment will dis ap pear from...

Page 85

The camera modifi es exposure by varying shutter speed and aperture (programmed 
auto), aperture (shutter-priority auto), or shutter speed (aperture-priority auto, manual 
exposure mode).  When On is selected for Custom Setting b1 (ISO Auto), the camera 
will automatically vary ISO sensitivity for optimum exposure when the limits of the cam-
era exposure system are exceeded.  If Custom Setting e5 (Auto BKT Set) is set AE Only 
or to AE & Flash and On is selected for Custom Setting b1...

Page 86

Reference—Flash Photography
The D200 is equipped with a Guide Number 12/39 fl ash (ISO 100, m/ft) that can 
be used not only when natural lighting is inadequate, but also to fi ll in shadows 
and backlit subjects or to add a catch light to the subject’s eyes.
The built-in fl ash supports the following types of fl ash control:
i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash for Digital SLR: Speedlight emits series of nearly invisible prefl ashes 
(monitor prefl ashes) immediately before main fl ash.  Prefl ashes refl ected from...

Page 87

Reference—Flash Photography
Flash Sync Modes
The camera supports the following fl ash sync modes:
Flash sync mode Description
Front-curtain syncRecommended for most situations.  In programmed auto and ap-
erture-priority auto modes, shutter speed will au to mat i cal ly be set 
to values between / and / s (/ to /, s when using optional 
Speedlight with Auto FP High-Speed Sync;  160).
Red-eye reductionRed-eye reduction pre-fl ash lights for approximately one second 
before main fl ash....

Page 88

Reference—Flash Photography
Using the Built-in Flash
To use the built-in fl ash:
1 Choose a metering method ( 61).  Select ma-
trix or center-weighted metering to activate i-
TTL Balanced Fill-Flash for Digital SLR.  Standard 
i-TTL Flash for Digital SLR is activated automati-
cally when spot metering is selected.
2 Press the fl ash pop-up button.  The built-in fl ash 
will pop up and begin charging.  When the fl ash 
is fully charged, the fl ash-ready indicator will 
3 Press the  button and rotate...

Page 89

Reference—Flash Photography
4 Press the shutter-release button halfway and check exposure (shutter 
speed and aperture).  The shutter speeds and apertures available when the 
built-in fl ash is raised are listed below.
Exposure mode Shutter speed AperturePSet automatically by camera (/–/ s) 1Set automatically 
by camera63
SValue selected by user (/–30 s) 264
ASet automatically by camera (/–/ s) 1Value selected by 
user 366
MValue selected by user (/–30 s) 268
1 Limit for slow...

Page 90

Reference—Flash Photography
Flash Exposure Compensation
Flash exposure compensation can be used to increase or reduce fl ash output 
from the level chosen by the camera’s fl ash control system.  Flash output can 
be increased to make the main subject appear brighter, or reduced to prevent 
unwanted highlights or refl ections.  As a rule of thumb, positive compensation 
may be needed when the main subject is darker than the background, negative 
compensation when the main subject is brighter than the...
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