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Nikon D200 User Manual

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Page 71

The metering method determines how the cam era sets exposure:
Method Description
3D color 
matrix II/
matrix II/
matrix1,005-pixel RGB sensor sets exposure based on variety of information from all 
areas of frame.  With type G or D lens, camera uses 3D color matrix metering II 
for natural results even when frame is dominated by bright (white or yellow) 
or dark (black or dark green) colors.  With other CPU lenses, 3D range informa-
tion is not included;...

Page 72

Exposure Mode
Exposure mode determines how the camera sets shutter speed and aperture 
when adjusting exposure.  Four modes are available: programmed auto (P), shut-
ter-priority auto (S), aperture-priority auto (A), and manual (M).
To preview the eff ects of aperture, press and hold the 
depth-of-fi eld preview button.  The lens will be stopped 
down to the aperture value se lect ed by the cam era 
(modes P and S) or the val ue cho sen by the user (modes 
A and M), al low ing depth...

Page 73

P: Programmed Auto
In this mode, the camera automatically adjusts shutter speed and aperture ac-
  cord ing to a built-in program (
 195) for optimal exposure in most sit u a tions.  
This mode is recommended for snapshots and other sit u a tions in which you want 
to leave the camera in charge of shutter speed and aperture.  Ad just ments can 
be made using fl exible program, ex po sure com pen sa tion (
 72), and auto ex-
  po sure bracketing (
 73).  Programmed auto is only...

Page 74

S: Shutter-Priority Auto
In shutter-priority auto, you choose the shutter speed while the camera au to -
mat i cal ly selects the aperture that will produce the optimal exposure.  Shutter 
speed can be set to values between 30 s and / s.  Use slow shutter speeds to 
suggest motion by blurring moving objects, high shutter speeds to “freeze” mo-
tion.  Shutter-priority auto is only available with CPU lenses.
To take pho to graphs in shutter-pri or i ty auto:
2 Rotate the main...

Page 75

 Non-CPU Lenses
Exposure mode A (aperture-priority auto) is automatically selected when a non-CPU lens 
is attached.  The exposure mode indicator (S) will blink in the control panel and A will be 
displayed in the viewfi nder.
 Changing from Mode M to Mode S
If you select a shutter speed of  in mode M and then select mode S without changing 
the shutter speed, the shutter-speed display will fl ash and the shutter can not be released.  
Rotate the main command dial to select a diff...

Page 76

A: Aperture-Priority Auto
In aperture-priority auto, you choose the aperture while the camera au to mat i-
  cal ly selects the shut ter speed that will produce the optimal exposure.  Small 
apertures (high f/-numbers) increase depth of fi eld, bringing both the main sub-
ject and back ground into focus.  Large apertures (low f/-num bers) soften back-
ground details and let more light into the camera, increasing the range of the 
fl ash and making photographs less susceptible to...

Page 77

 Non-CPU Lenses
If the maximum aperture of the lens has been specifi ed using the Non-CPU Lens Data 
item in shooting menu (
 93) when a non-CPU lens is attached, the current f/-number will 
be displayed in the control panel and viewfi nder, rounded 
to the nearest full stop.  Otherwise the aperture displays 
will show only the number of stops (
, with maximum ap-
erture displayed as ) and the f/-number must be read 
from the lens aperture ring.
 Exposure Warning
If the camera is...

Page 78

M: Manual
In manual exposure mode, you control both shutter speed and aperture.  Shut ter 
speed can be set to values between 30 s and / s, or the shutter can be held 
open for indefi nitely for longer exposures (
).  Aperture can be set to val ues 
between the minimum and maximum values for the lens.  Using the elec tron ic 
analog exposure display in the viewfi nder, you can adjust exposure ac cord ing to 
shooting con di tions and the task at hand.
To take pho to graphs in...

Page 79

 AF Micro Nikkor Lenses
Provided that an external exposure meter is used, the exposure ratio need only be taken 
into account when the lens aperture ring is used to set aperture.
 Non-CPU Lenses
If the maximum aperture of the lens has been specifi ed using the Non-CPU lens data 
item in shooting menu (
 93) when a non-CPU lens is attached, the current f/-num-
ber will be displayed in the viewfi nder and control 
panel, rounded to the nearest full stop.  Otherwise the 

Page 80

Autoexposure Lock
When center-weighted metering is used, an area in the center of the frame is 
assigned the greatest weight when determining exposure.  Similarly, when spot 
metering is used, exposure is based upon lighting conditions in the selected fo-
cus area.  If the subject is not in the metered area when the picture is taken, 
exposure will be based on lighting conditions in the back ground, and the main 
sub ject may be under- or over-exposed.  To prevent this, use...
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