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Nikon D200 User Manual

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Page 191

Technical Notes—Optional Accessories
Other Accessories
At the time of writing, the following accessories were available for the D200.  
Contact your retailer or local Nikon representative for details.
sources♦ EN-EL3e Rechargeable Li-ion Battery: Additional EN-EL3e batteries are available 
from local retailers and Nikon service representatives.  EN-EL3a and EN-EL3 
batteries can not be used.
♦ MB-D200 Battery Pack: The MB-D200 takes one or 
two rechargeable Nikon EN-EL3e Li-ion batter-
ies or...

Page 192

Technical Notes—Optional Accessories
accessoriesThe D200 is equipped with a ten-pin remote 
terminal for remote control and automatic pho-
tography.  The terminal is provided with a cap, 
which protects the contacts when the terminal 
is not in use.  The following accessories can be
used (cable lengths are given in parentheses; all fi gures are approximate):
♦ MC-22 Remote Cord (1 m/3 ft. 3 in.): Remote shutter release with blue, yellow, 
and black ter mi nals for connection to a...

Page 193

Technical Notes—Optional Accessories
Approved Memory Cards
The following cards have been tested and approved for use in the D200:
SanDiskSDCFB 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB
SDCFB ( Type II) 300 MB
SDCF2B ( Type II) 256 MB
SDCFH (Ultra II) 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB
SDCFX (Extreme III) 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB
MediaEntry-level CompactFlash cards 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB
High speed 40× with Write Acceleration ( WA) 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB
Professional 40× with WA 8 GB
Professional 80×...

Page 194

Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
Caring for the Camera
When the camera will not be used for an extended period, replace the mon-
  i tor cover, remove the battery, and store the battery in a cool, dry area with the 
terminal cover in place.  To pre vent mold or mil dew, store the cam era in a dry, 
well-ven ti lat ed area.  Do not store your cam era with naph tha or cam phor moth 
balls or in lo ca tions that:
•  are poorly ventilated or subject to humidities of over 60%
• are next to...

Page 195

Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
 Use a Reliable Power Source
The camera shutter curtain is delicate and easily damaged.  If the camera powers off  while 
the mirror is raised, the shutter curtain will close automatically.  Observe the following pre-
cautions to prevent damage to the curtain:
•  Use a fully-charged battery or an EH-6 AC adapter (available separately) for prolonged 
inspection or cleaning of the low-pass fi lter.
•  Do not turn the camera off  or remove or disconnect the power...

Page 196

Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
5 Re move any dust and lint from the fi lter with a 
blow er.  Do not use a blower-brush, as the bris-
  tles could damage the fi lter.  Dirt that can not 
be removed with a blower can only be re moved 
by  Nikon-au tho rized  ser vice  per son nel.    Un der 
no circumstances should you touch or wipe the 
fi l  t er. 
6 Turn the camera off .  The mirror will return to the down position and the 
shutter curtain will close.  Replace the lens or body cap.
4 Holding the...

Page 197

Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
Caring for the Camera and Battery: Cautions
Do not drop
The product may malfunction if sub ject ed to 
strong shocks or vi bra tion.
Keep dry
This product is not waterproof, and may mal-
  func tion if im mersed in wa ter or ex posed to 
high levels of hu mid i ty.  Rust ing of the in ter nal 
mech a nism  can  cause  ir rep a ra ble  dam age.
Avoid sudden changes in tem per a tureSud den  chang es  in  tem per a ture,  such  as  oc cur 
when en ter ing or leav...

Page 198

Technical Notes—Caring for the Camera
•  To prevent mold or mildew, store the cam era 
in a dry, well-ven ti lat ed area.  If you will not be 
us ing the prod uct for long pe ri ods, re move 
the bat tery to pre vent leak age and store the 
cam era in a plastic bag con tain ing a des ic cant.  
Do not, how ev er, store the cam era case in a 
plas tic bag, as this may cause the ma te ri al to 
de te ri o rate.    Note  that  des ic cant  grad u al ly  los es 
its ca pac i ty to ab sorb mois...

Page 199

Technical Notes—Troubleshooting
If the camera fails to function as expected, check the list of common problems 
below before consulting your retailer or Nikon representative.  Refer to the page 
numbers in the right-most column for more information.
Problem Solution
Camera takes time to turn on. Delete fi les or folders.105, 
Viewfi nder is out of focus.•  Adjust viewfi nder focus.
•  Use optional diopter adjustment lens.16
Viewfi nder is dark. Charge battery or insert charged...

Page 200

Technical Notes—Troubleshooting
Problem Solution
Can not select focus area.•  Unlock focus area selector.
•  Closest subject priority is in eff ect.
•  Monitor is on: camera in playback mode.
•  Exposure meters are off : press shutter-release 
button halfway.53
AF-assist illuminator does not light.•  Camera is in focus mode C.
• Center focus area or focus area group is not 
selected or closest priority is selected for 
group dynamic-area AF.
• Off  selected for Custom Setting a9 (AF As-
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