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NEC Server Installation Guide

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    							NDA-30009   Revision 3.0Page 5
    Server Installation Guide Application Configuration
    Step  3:  Facilities (Messenger and Logical Monitor only)
    According to instructions in the APM Operations Manual, designate the following 
    NEAX2400 facilities for each Messenger and Logical Monitor component using 
    the Facilities command on the APM Configuration Entry screen.  You only need 
    to specify those facilities whose corresponding Server commands will be used.  For 
    example, if you only use commands 10 to 17, you should only select SCF.  The 
    only facilities that the Logical Monitor uses are SCF, SMFN, and SMFR.
    Note:The MSF Op-Codes and/or TMF Op-Codes that are selected in the APM during 
    Step 3 must also be assigned at the NEAX MAT.  For more information, see Chap-
    ter 3, MAT Assignments.
    Step 4:  Secondary OAI Configuration Parameters (Messenger and Logical 
    Monitor only)
    Using the OAI-Conf command on the Configuration Entry screen, make the entry 
    shown for each of the following parameters required by the indicated Server 
    components.  Use the instructions provided for this option in the APM Operations 
    *  Differs for each PBX link.
    Facility Command
    KTF #33
    MRFR #42
    MRFI #30, #40
    MSF #40, #41
    NTF #33
    RCF #20-#24
    SCF #10-#17, #60, #61
    SMFN #50, #51, #60, #61
    SMFR #50-#52, #60, #61
    TCFD #33
    TCFI #32
    TMF #30, #31
    Parameter Messenger Logical Monitor 
    Timeout Value #1 10 0
    Te n a n t  N u m b e r 0 0
    Source Link Name OAI1TCP OAI1TCP
    Destination Link Name PBX1TCP* PBX1TCP*
    Association Recovery 0 0 
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    Application Configuration Server Installation Guide
    Parameter Definitions:
    Timeout Value #1:  Designates the number of seconds that Server is to wait for 
    NTF/KTF input (default, if not specified in a command).  Applies to the 
    Messenger only.
    Tenant Number:  Specifies the number of the tenant that this Messenger and 
    Logical Monitor each serves.  0=everyone.
    Source Link Name:  Identifies the port on the source side of the communication 
    link; entry should correspond to a link name in the APM system configuration 
    Destination Link Name:  Identifies the PBX port on the destination side of the 
    communication link; entry should correspond to a link name in the APM system 
    configuration file.
    Association Recovery:  Designates the number of seconds this Messenger and 
    Logical Monitor will each wait before trying to re-establish an association with 
    the NEAX that has been released.
    Step 5:  User-defined Parameters (All Components)
    Make the following additional parameter entries through the UserDefined 
    command on the APM Configuration Entry screen.
    Messenger User-defined Parameters:
    Logical Monitor User-defined Parameters
    User-defined Entry Definition
    #1 01Messenger identifier.  Used in the 
    header of Server commands.  Must be 
    unique for each Messenger.
    #2 Controller Name of the Command Controller.
    #3 LogmonName of the Logical Monitor 
    associated with this Messenger.  
    Required only when using commands 
    #60 and #61.
    User-defined Entry Definition
    #1 /oai/app/svr/logmon.logLog filename (with path) of the Logical 
    Monitoring process.
    #2 Controller Name of the Command Controller. 
    							NDA-30009   Revision 3.0Page 7
    Server Installation Guide Application Configuration
    Controller User-defined Parameters
    An application can create a command file containing a sequence of commands 
    that Server reads and executes, or it can exchange messages interactively with 
    Server through a command FIFO.  If the application interacts with Server,  it 
    sends to Server through a command
     FIFO and receives from Server through 
    a response
     FIFO.  These are configured with the User-defined Parameters.
    This completes the configuration of Server in the APM.  Now go to the next section 
    to make the necessary command assignments at the NEAX2400 Maintenance 
    Administration Terminal (MAT).
    User-defined Entry Definition
    #1 noWhether or not (yes/no) a command file 
    #2 /oai/app/svr/cfifoIf #1 is yes, the name (with path) of the 
    command file; if #1 is no, the name of 
    the command FIFO.
    #3 yesWhether or not (yes/no) to set up for a 
    response FIFO; must be no if #1 is yes 
    (uses a command file).
    #4 /oai/app/svr/rfifo Response FIFO name (if #3 is yes).
    #5 allLogging options:
    All - log comments, responses, 
    asynchronous messages.
    Error - log only responses with errors.
    None - no logging requested
    #6 /oai/app/svr/logPath name of the directory where 
    logging file is to be updated and 
    #7 daily Log file backup period:  daily or hourly.
    #8 50Maximum number of unresponded 
    commands that will be queued before 
    new incoming messages are rejected.
    #9 1Time (in seconds) to wait for one or 
    more commands (from the FIFO) or 
    one or more responses (from the 
    application’s queue).  If this value is 0, 
    at most one command and one response 
    will be processed every second. 
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    Application Configuration Server Installation Guide
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    							NDA-30009   Revision 3.0Page 9
    Server Installation Guide MAT Assignments
    Chapter 3 MAT Assignments
    This guide assumes that data settings that affect the operation of all OAI software 
    on a system-wide basis have already been assigned on the NEAX Maintenance 
    Administration Terminal (MAT).   Such settings include, system index values and 
    assignment of Interface I/O Port Data in the Interface Processor (IP).  For more 
    information about these system data settings and the MAT commands described 
    below for Server, refer to the OAI Module Installation Manual for the NEAX2400 
    IMS, the NEAX2400 IMS Command Manual, and the NEAX2400 IMS Job 
    Specification Manual.
    Server is configured for access to several facilities, but its use of those facilities is 
    dictated by the application(s) that uses Server to interface with the NEAX2400 
    IMS.  Refer to the NEAX2400 IMS Programming Manual to determine what MAT 
    assignments are necessary as the needs of applications supported by Server become 
    clear.  The following relationships between NEAX facilities and MAT assignments 
    are provided as examples only:
    Mode Set Facility (MSF) And Terminal Multi-Transfer Facility (TMF)
    Server requires MAT assignment of the MSF and TMF to an OAI-assigned 
    function key on all Dterms that will be enabled to communicate with Server, and in 
    turn, the user application.  This description is more detailed than those that follow 
    it because of the relationship between the two commands and between the 
    commands and the configuration of the user application. 
    							Page 10NDA-30009   Revision 3.0
    MAT Assignments Server Installation Guide
    The MSF/TMF facility and its Op-Code are assigned to one of the 14 OAI Key 
    Codes in the MAT.  (The MSF Op-Codes range from 128 to 191 and TMF from 
    192 to 255; assignments are available for on-screen viewing through the Providers 
    command in the APM Application Configuration option.)   Each of the OAI Key 
    Codes corresponds to an AKYD Function Key Index (FKI) value which is then 
    assigned to the specific D
    term function key.  This process is illustrated on the next 
    Figure 3-1   OAI Function Key Assignment
    A knowledge of the Dterm stations in the NEAX system and which ones will be set 
    up to access the user application through Server is necessary to using the following 
    AOKC:  Assignment of OAI  Key Codes
    This command is used to associate the MSF or TMF facility and its Op-Code that 
    was configured in the APM for Server to one of the OAI Key Codes in the MAT.
    (a) Select an unused OAI Key Code, from 1 to 14.  To determine what Key 
    Codes are available for assignment,  use the LOKC command to list the 
    AOKC Key Codes that are already assigned.
    (b) Enter the type of facility using the value that designates the MSF or the TMF.
    (c) Enter the same Op-Code that was configured for Server in the APM.  If nec-
    essary, retrieve it using the Providers command on the APM Configuration 
    Entry screen (See page 3 of this guide).
    Designation of
    (Type=MSF or TMF)
    and its Op-Code for 
    Use by
    Assignment of
     an OAI 
    Key Code
     (between 1 
    and 14)
     to the Same 
    Facility Type and Op-
    Assignment of Corre-
    sponding MAT Func-
    tion Key Index to a
    specific Dterm Func-
    tion Key
    . . . . .. . . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    PBX Correspondence of
      OAI Function
     Key Codes
    Key Indices
      1 < . . . .> 34
      2 < . . . .> 35
      3 < . . . .> 36
      4 < . . . .> 37
      5 < . . . .> 38
      6 < . . . .> 39
      7 < . . . .> 40
      8 < . . . .> 41
      9 < . . . .> 42
     10 < . . . .> 43
     11 < . . . .> 44
     12 < . . . .> 45
     13 < . . . .> 46
     14 < . . . .> 47 
    							NDA-30009   Revision 3.0Page 11
    Server Installation Guide MAT Assignments
    AKYD:  Assignment of Dterm Function Key
    The AKYD command (formerly AKY1) can only be used to assign key data on 
    those Dterms that have already been assigned through the ASDT command.
    MAT Function Key Indexes #34 to #47 have been designated for use in the OAI 
    system and correspond to the 14 OAI Key Codes as illustrated above.  The AKYD 
    command is used to assign a D
    term function key to the specific MAT Function Key 
    Index that, in turn, corresponds to the previously assigned OAI Key Code.  This 
    command must be used  to assign the function key on each D
    term that is to be set 
    up with access to Server.
    (a) Enter the tenant and station number of the D
    term on which the function key 
    is being assigned.
    (b) Enter the number of the D
    term function key that is to be pressed to activate 
    Server from the Dterm.
    (c) Enter the MAT Function Key Index that corresponds to the previously as-
    signed OAI Key Code.
    Figure 3-2   OAI Function Key Assignment Example
    For example, suppose that the Messenger component is configured to use MSF Op-
    Code #129.  Through the AOKC command, OAI Key Code #10 is assigned MSF 
    #129.  In this example, we want to use D
    term function key #11 to access the server.  
    Since OAI Key Code #10 corresponds in the PBX to MAT Function Key Index 
    #43, D
    term function key #11 is assigned to Function Key Index #43 using the 
    AKYD command.
    Now whenever a phone user presses function key 11 on any assigned D
    term, MSF 
    129 initiates communication with Server.
    MSF #129
    OAI Key
    Code #10 given
    MSF facility type
    Op-Code #129
    Function Key
    Index #43
    assigned to
    term Function
    Key #11
    . . . . .. . . . .
    . . .
    . . .
    PBX Correspondence of
     AOKC AKY1
      OAI Function
     Key Codes
    Key Indices
      1 < . . . .> 34
      2 < . . . .> 35
      3 < . . . .> 36
      4 < . . . .> 37
      5 < . . . .> 38
      6 < . . . .> 39
      7 < . . . .> 40
      8 < . . . .> 41
      9 < . . . .> 42
     10 < . . . .> 43
     11 < . . . .> 44
     12 < . . . .> 45
     13 < . . . .> 46
     14 < . . . .> 47 
    							Page 12NDA-30009   Revision 3.0
    MAT Assignments Server Installation Guide
    Key Transfer Facility (KTF)
    Activities needing KTF as an input device require MAT commands AKYD and 
    AOKC for the assignment of the KTF op-code to a particular function key on 
    specified D
    terms.  Refer to the descriptions above for the MSF and TMF.
    Restriction Control Facility(RCF)
    When Server uses RCF, it specifies RSC and SFC values that have been defined 
    through the following MAT commands:
    ARSC:  Assignment of Route Restriction Class  
    Assigns and displays route restriction information for a tenant and route number.  
    Combined with ASDT, this command activates route restrictions at a station.  
    ASFC:  Assignment of Service Feature Class 
    Assigns various NEAX call processing features to SFC values from 0 to 15.   
    Combine with ASDT, this command activates service features at a station. 
    ASDT:  Assignment of Station Data 
    Associates the pre-assigned route restrictions and service features to a specific 
    station, besides specifying  the telephone class and LENS of the station.  Use the 
    same tenant number (except 0) that was configured for Server.
    Switch Control Facility(SCF) 
    AADT:  Assignment of Announcement or Dictation Trunk
    This MAT command may apply when Server commands #14 (Announce a Call) or 
    #15 (Monitor a Conversation) is used.
    Up to eight trunks can be assigned to each announcement package and up to eight 
    trunks can be assigned to each dictation package.  
    1. Enter the type of trunk to be assigned (announcement –ANT or Dictation–
    2. Assign a package number (message number) — announcement packages are 
    numbered between 1 and 58, and dictation packages are numbered between 1 
    and 5.
    3. For announcement packages only:  Enter the duration of the message timer, an 
    even number of seconds within the range of 2-120 seconds.  When this timer 
    expires, a call is detached from the announcement package, unless the discon-
    nect timer (D parameter) is disabled.  (If D=0, the caller hears the announce-
    ment repeatedly.)
    4. Enter at the CNT prompt the number of announcement or dictation trunks re-
    quired, up to a maximum of 8 each.  
    5.   Enter the route and trunk numbers to be assigned to the package. 
    							NDA-30009   Revision 3.0Page 13
    Server Installation Guide MAT Assignments
    Status Monitor Facility – Request (SMFR)
    If Server is to support an application that requires a monitored (sometimes called 
    pilot) number, use MAT command AMNO to establish the monitored number, as 
    AMNO:  Assignment of Monitored Number
    Assigns a virtual station number as a monitored number that is controlled by 
    Server.  Enter the same tenant number (except 0) configured for Server, the 
    monitored number that Server will monitor, and the optional UCD pilot number to 
    which calls will be routed when Server is not monitoring the monitored number.
    This completes the installation of Server.  Now enter the APM Operations Menu 
    and initialize these three components. 
    							MAT Assignments Server Installation Guide
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