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NEC Projector PX602UL-WH User Manual

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Page 161

Exiting	Virtual	 Remote 	T ool
1	 Click	the	Virtual 	 Remote 	T ool 	 icon 	 on the Taskbar.
	 The	pop-up	menu	will	be	displayed.
2	 Click	“Exit”.
	 The	Virtual	 Remote 	T ool 	 will 	 be 	 closed.
Viewing	the	help	file	of	Virtual 	 Remote 	T ool
•	Displaying	the	help	file	using	the	taskbar
1	 Click	the	Virtual 	 Remote 	T ool 	 icon 		on	the	taskbar	when	Virtual 	 Remote 	T ool 	 is 	 running.
	 The	pop-up	menu	will	be	displayed.
2.	 Click	“Help”.
	 The	Help	screen	will	be	displayed.
•	Displaying...

Page 162

❹ Controlling the Projector over a LAN (PC Control Utility Pro 4/
Pro 5)
Using	the 	utility 	softw are 	“PC 	Control 	Utility 	Pro 	4”	or 	“PC 	Control 	Utility 	Pro 	5”	included 	on 	the 	companion 	NEC 	Pro-
jector	CD-ROM,	the	projector	can	be	controlled	from	a	computer	over	a	LAN.
PC	Control	Utility	Pro	4	is	a	program	compatible	with	Windows.	 (→	this	page)
PC	Control	Utility	Pro	5	is	a	program	compatible	with	Mac	OS.	(→	page	152)
Control Functions
Power	On/Off, 	signal 	selection, 	picture 	freez...

Page 163

If the menu window will not be displayed, try the following procedure.
For	Windows	7:
1.	 Click	“start”	 on 	Windo ws.
2.	 Click	“All	 Programs”	→ “Accessories”  → “Run”.
3.	 Type	your	CD-R OM 	drive 	name 	(e xample:	“Q:\”) 	and 	“LA UNCHER.EXE”	in 	“Name”.	(e xample:	Q:\
4.	 Click	“OK”.
	 the	menu	window	will	be	displayed.
2	 Click	“PC	 Control 	 Utility 	 Pro 	 4”	 on 	 the 	 menu 	 window.
	 The	installation	will	start.
	 When	the	installation	is	complete,	the	Welcome 	 window...

Page 164

Step 2: Connect the projector to a LAN.
Connect	the	projector 	to 	the 	LAN 	b y 	f ollowing 	the 	instr uctions 	in 	“Connecting 	to 	a 	Wired 	LAN”	(→	page	133)	and	“10.	
Controlling	the	Projector	by	Using	an	HTTP	Browser”	 (→	page	42)
Step 3: Start PC Control Utility Pro 4
Click	“Start”	→	“All	programs”	or 	“Prog rams”	→	“NEC	Projector 	User 	Suppor tware”	→	“PC	Control 	Utility 	Pro 	4”	→ 
“PC	Control	Utility	Pro	4”.
•	 For	the	Schedule 	function 	of 	the 	PC 	Control 	utility 	Pro 	4 	to...

Page 165

Using on Mac OS
Step 1: Install PC Control Utility Pro 5 on the computer
1.	 Insert	the	accompanying	NEC	Projector	CD-ROM	in	your	Mac	CD-ROM	drive.
	 The	CD-ROM	icon	will	be	displayed	on	the	desktop.
2.	 Double-click	the	CD-ROM	icon.
	 The	CD-ROM	window	will	be	displayed.
3.	 Double-click	the	“Mac	 OS 	 X”	 folder.
4.	 Double-click	“PC	 Control 	 Utility 	 Pro 	 5.pkg”.
	 The	installer	will	start.
5.	 Click	“Next”.
	 “END	USER	LICENSE	AGREEMENT”	 screen 	 will 	 be 	 displayed.
6.	 Read	“END	 USER...

Page 166

9. Appendix
❶ Throw distance and screen size
This	projector	can 	be 	used 	with 	3 	kinds 	of 	optional 	lenses 	(sold 	separ ately).	The 	char t 	belo w 	sho ws 	compatib le 	lenses 	
according	to	the 	projector 	model.	Ref er 	to 	the 	inf ormation 	on 	this 	page 	and 	use 	a 	lens 	suited 	f or 	the 	installation 	en vi-
ronment	(screen	size	and	throw	distance).	For 	 instructions 	 on 	 mounting 	 the 	 lens, 	 see 	 page 	121.
Lens	(model)
Projector	(model	name)NP34ZLNP35ZLNP36ZLNP37ZL...

Page 167

Screen	sizeLens	model	nameNP34ZLNP35ZL/NP36ZL NP37ZL
inch minch minch m
42	-	541.1 - 1.454	-	681.4	-	1.767	-	1291.7	-	3.360"51	-	651.3	-	1.765	-	811.7	-	2.180	-	1552.1 - 4.0
80"68	-	871.7	-	2.287	-	1092.2	-	2.8108	-	2082.8	-	5.3100"85	-	1092.2	-	2.8109	-	1362.8	-	3.5135	-	2603.5	-	6.6120"102	-	1312.6	-	3.3131	-	1643.3	-	4.2163	-	3134.2	-	8.0150"128	-	1643.3	-	4.2164	-	2054.2	-	5.2204	-	3925.2	-	10.0200"171	-	2194.4	-	5.6219	-	2745.6	-	6.9273	-...

Page 168

Projection	range	for	the	different	lenses
NP34ZLPX602UL-WH/PX602UL-BK: 40–314/1.0–7.9 m
PX602WL-WH/PX602WL-BK: 42–330/1.1–8.3 m
NP36ZLPX602WL-WH/PX602WL-BK: 54–411/1.4–10.4 m
PX602UL-WH/PX602UL-BK: 63–748/1.6–19.0 m
PX602WL-WH/PX602WL-BK: 67–786/1.7–19.9 mNP37ZL
PX602UL-WH/PX602UL-BK: 51–392/1.3–10.0 m
PX602WL-WH/PX602WL-BK: 54–411/1.4–10.4 mNP35ZL
Tables of screen sizes and dimensions
Screen	height
Screen 	 width16:10	screen	size		
Size	(inches)Screen	widthScreen...

Page 169

Lens shifting range
This	projector	is 	equipped 	with 	a 	lens 	shift 	function 	f or 	adjusting 	the 	position 	of 	the 	projected 	image 	b y 	using 	the 	LENS 	
SHIFT	buttons	(→	page	19).	The	 lens 	 can 	 be 	 shifted 	 within 	 the 	 range 	 shown 	 below.
•	 Please	do	not	use	the	lens	shift	function	when	projecting	portrait	images.	Please	use	it	with	the	lens	in	the	center.
Legend:	V	“V ertical”	ref ers 	to 	the 	screen 	height 	and 	H 	“Hor izontal”	ref ers 	to 	the 	screen 	width.	The...

Page 170

❷ Mounting the Optional Board (sold separately)
Before	mounting	or 	remo ving 	the 	optional 	board, 	be 	sure 	to 	tur n 	off 	the 	projector , 	w ait 	f or 	the 	f ans 	to 	stop 	and 	tur n 	
off	the	main	power	switch.
Tool	needed:	Phillips 	 screwdriver 	 (plus-head)
1.	 Turn	off	the	main	power	switch	of	the	projector.
2.	 Loosen	the	two	screws	on	the	SLOT	cover	of	the	terminals.
	 Remove	the	two	screws	and	the	SLOT	cover.
NOTE:	Keep	the	two	screws	and	the	slot	cover.
3. Insert the...
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