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NEC Projector PX602UL-WH User Manual

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Page 151

Stacking projectors
The	projected	image 	br ightness 	can 	be 	doub led 	b y 	g ravity 	stac king 	up 	to 	tw o 	projectors 	without 	e xternal 	suppor t.	This 	
is	called	“Stacking 	 Projection”.
2	projectors	can	be	stacked	on	top	of	each	other	for	“Stac king”	 setup.
A	minimum	of 	tw o 	persons 	are 	required 	to 	carr y 	the 	projector .	Otherwise 	the 	projector 	ma y 	tumb le 	or 	drop , 	causing 	
personal	injury.
•	 Projectors	with	different	model	numbers	cannot	be	gravity...

Page 152

Attaching	Stacking	Holders
Attach	three	stacking	holders	to	three	locations	on	the	top	of	the	lower	projector.
Tools	required	are	Phillips	screwdriver	(plus-head)	and	three	stacking	holders	packaged	with	the	projector.
Loosen	the	tilt	feet	(three	locations)	of	the	projector.
1. Remove rubber caps and screws at three locations.
(1)	Use	your	tweezers	or	nail	to	pinch	and	pull	up	the	rubber	cap.
(2)	Remove	the	screw	from	a	square	hole.
2. Attach the three stacking holders at three...

Page 153

3.	 Put	another	projector	on	the	first	projector.
	 Put	each	tilt	foot	of	the	upper	projector	on	the	stacking	holders	(three	locations).
•	 Each	tilt	foot	has	a	rubber.	Place 	 each 	 tilt 	 foot 	 rubber 	 on 	 stacking 	 holders 	 (three 	 locations).
Foot	rubber
•	 To	remove	the	stacking	holders,	perform	the	above	steps	in	reverse	order.
6. Installation and Connections  

Page 154

7. Maintenance
❶ Cleaning the Lens
•	 Turn	off	the	projector	before	cleaning.
•	 The	projector	has	a	plastic	lens.	Use 	 a 	 commercially 	 available 	 plastic 	 lens 	 cleaner.
•	 Do	not	scratch	or	mar	the	lens	surface	as	a	plastic	lens	is	easily	scratched.
•	 Never	use	alcohol	or	glass	lens	cleaner	as	doing	so	will	cause	damage	to	the	plastic	lens	surface.
•	 Please	do	not 	use 	a 	spr ay 	containing 	flammab le 	gas 	to 	remo ve 	dust 	attached 	to 	the 	lens , 	etc.	Doing 	so 	ma y...

Page 155

8. User Supportware
❶ Operating Environment for Software Included on CD-ROM
Names and Features of Bundled Software Programs
Name	of	software	programFeatures
Virtual	Remote	Tool
(Windows	only)
When	the	computer 	and 	projector 	are 	connected 	using 	a 	netw ork 	(wired 	LAN), 	
such	operations	as 	tur ning 	the 	projector’ s 	po wer 	on 	and 	off 	and 	s witching 	the 	
signal	can	be 	perf ormed.	It 	is 	also 	possib le 	to 	send 	an 	image 	to 	the 	projector 	
and	register	it 	as 	the 	bac kground...

Page 156

❷ Installing Software Program
Installation for Windows software
The	software	prog rams 	e xcept 	PC 	Control 	Utility 	Pro 	5 	suppor t 	Windo ws 	8.1, 	Windo ws 	8, 	Windo ws 	7, 	Windo ws 	Vista, 	
and	Windows	 XP.
•	 To	install	or 	uninstall 	each 	software 	program, 	the 	Windows 	user 	account 	must 	have 	“Administrator” 	privilege 	(Windows 	8.1, 	
Windows	8,	Windows	7,	Windows	Vista)	or	“Computer	Administrator”	privilege	(Windows	XP).
•	 Exit	all	running	programs	before	installation.	If...

Page 157

2	 Click	a	software	program	you	wish	to	install	on	the	menu	window.
	 The	installation	will	start.
•	 Follow	the	instructions	on	the	installer	screens	to	complete	the	installation.
Uninstalling	a	Software	Program
Exit	the	softw are 	prog ram 	bef ore 	uninstalling.	T o 	uninstall 	the 	softw are 	prog ram, 	the 	Windo ws 	user 	account 	m ust 	
have	“Administrator”	pr ivilege 	(Windo ws 	8.1, 	Windo ws 	8, 	Windo ws 	7, 	and 	Windo ws 	Vista) 	or 	“Computer 	Administr a-

Page 158

Using on Mac OS
Step 1: Install PC Control Utility Pro 5 on the computer.
1.	 Insert	the	accompanying	NEC	Projector	CD-ROM	in	your	Mac	CD-ROM	drive.	
	 The	CD-ROM	icon	will	be	displayed	on	the	desktop.
2.	 Double-click	the	CD-ROM	icon.	
	 The	CD-ROM	window	will	be	displayed.
3.	 Double-click	the	“Mac	 OS 	 X”	 folder.
4.	 Double-click	“PC	 Control 	 Utility 	 Pro 	 5.pkg”.	
	 The	installer	will	start.
5.	 Click	“Next”.	
	 “END	USER	LICENSE	AGREEMENT”	 screen 	 will 	 be 	 displayed.
6.	 Read	“END...

Page 159

❸ Operating the Projector Via the LAN (Virtual Remote Tool)
This	will	help 	y ou 	perf orm 	oper ations 	such 	as 	projector’ s 	po wer 	on 	or 	off 	and 	signal 	selection 	via 	a 	LAN 	connection.	It 	
is	also	used 	to 	send 	an 	image 	to 	the 	projector 	and 	register 	it 	as 	the 	logo 	data 	of 	the 	projector .	After 	register ing 	it, 	y ou 	
can	lock	the	logo	to	prevent	it	from	changing.
Control Functions
Power	On/Off, 	signal 	selection, 	picture 	freez e, 	picture 	m ute, 	audio 	m ute,...

Page 160

Connect the projector to a LAN.
Connect	the	projector 	to 	the 	LAN 	b y 	f ollowing 	the 	instr uctions 	in 	“Connecting 	to 	a 	Wired 	LAN”	(→	page	133)	and	“10.	
Controlling	the	Projector	by	Using	an	HTTP	Browser”	 (→	page	42)
Start Virtual Remote Tool
Start using the shortcut icon
•	 Double-click	the	shortcut	icon	 on the Windows Desktop.
Start from the Start menu
•	 Click	[Start] 	→	[All	Programs] 	or 	[Pr ograms] 	→	[NEC	Projector 	User 	Suppor tware] 	→	[Virtual	Remote 	T ool] 	
→	[Virtual...
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