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NEC Projector PA721X User Manual

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Page 191

8. User Supportware
•	Operation	on	computer
1	 Click	Windows	 [Start]	→	[All	 Programs]	→	[NEC	 Projector	 User	Supportware]	→	[Desktop	 Control	Utility	
1.0]	→	[Desktop	Control], 	in	that	order.
 The “Selection Of Network Connections” window is displayed.
 This displays a list of the network devices connected to the computer you are using.
2	 Select	the	network	device	to	use	and	click	[OK].
 The “Startup password settings” window will be displayed.
•	 In	 case	 of	Windows	 7/Windows	 Vista,	the	User...

Page 192

8. User Supportware
3	 Input	the	starting	password	of	Desktop	Control	Utility	1.0,	and	click	[OK].
 The “Current password” window will be displayed.
The	character	string	displayed	in	the	password	field	varies	each	time	Desktop	Control	Utility	1.0	is	started.
4 Write down the character string displayed in the password field.
 Write down “PMHN” in the screen example of step 3.
5	 Click	[OK].
 Desktop Control Utility 1.0 will be started.
 Move to the room where the projector is installed, with the...

Page 193

8. User Supportware
•	Operating	the	projector	(connecting	computer)
1	 Connect	a	USB	mouse	that	is	commercially	available	to	the	projector.
2 Turn on the power to the projector.
 Set the LAN setting of the projector in advance.
3	 Press	the	SOURCE	button	on	the	projector	unit.
 The Source list will be displayed.
 In case of the remote control, press the NETWORK button.
 The “network menu” screen will be displayed, proceed to step 5.
4 Press the /	buttons	to	select	[NETWORK], 	and	then	press	the...

Page 194

8. User Supportware
 The “DESKTOP CONTROL UTILITY menu” screen will be displayed.
6	 Click	 “ENTRY”.
 A password input screen will be displayed.
7	 Input	the	password	you	have	written	down	in	step	4	of	 “Operation	on	computer”.
•	 Click	the	[BS]	 button	 on	the	 right	 side	of	the	 [PASSWORD]	 field	to	delete	 the	character	 to	the	 left	of	the	 character	
insertion point.
8 After inputting the password, click the 	button	on	the	right	side	of	the	[PASSWORD]	field....

Page 195

8. User Supportware
10	Click	the	computer	at	the	connection	destination	and	then	[OK].
 The desktop screen of the computer at the connection destination will be\
•	Operating	the	projector	(manipulating	desktop	screen)
The	 displayed	 desktop	screen	can	be	manipulated	 by	using	 the	USB	 mouse	 connected	 to	the	 projector. 	If	 the	 EXIT	
button	 of	the	 projector	 or	remote	 control	is	pressed	 while	the	desktop	 screen	is	displayed,	 an	auxiliary	 operation	 bar	
is	displayed	at	the...

Page 196

8. User Supportware

  (cut-off icon) �������Disconnects communication with the computer �
  (Shift icon) ����������When the highlight is moved to this icon and the ENTER button is pressed, shift lock status is set� 
The  shift  lock  is  canceled  if  the  highlight  is  moved  to  this  icon  and  the  ENTER  button  is  pressed 
  (Ctrl icon) ������������When the highlight is moved to this icon and the ENTER button is pressed, control lock status is set� 
The control lock is canceled if the...

Page 197

8. User Supportware
•	Operating	the	projector	(exiting	Desktop	Control	Utility	1.0)
1	 Click	the	projector	icon	[]	on	the	taskbar	while	the	desktop	screen	is	displayed.
2	 Click	[Exit].
 Desktop Control Utility 1.0 will be terminated.
3 Press the EXIT button on the projector unit or on the remote control.
 The “network menu” screen will be displayed.
4 Press the MENU button on the projector unit or on the remote control.
 The on-screen menu will be displayed.
5	 Select	an	input	source	other	than...

Page 198

8. User Supportware
 Controlling the Projector over a LAN (PC Control Utility Pro 4)
Using	the	utility	software	“PC	Control	Utility	Pro	4”,	the	projector	can	be	controlled	from	a	computer	over	a	LAN.
Control Functions
Power	On/Off,	 signal	selection,	 picture	freeze,	 picture	mute,	audio	mute,	 adjusting,	 error	message	 notification,	 event	
Screen	of	PC	Control	Utility	Pro	4
This	section	 provides	 an	outline	 of	preparation	 for	use	 of	PC	 Control	 Utility	Pro	4.	For	 information	 on...

Page 199

9. Appendix
 Throw distance and screen size
Five	separate	 bayonet	style	lenses	 can	be	used	 on	this	 projector. 	Refer	 to	the	 information	 on	this	 page	 and	use	a	
lens	 suited	 for	the	 installation	 environment	 (screen	size	and	throw	 distance). 	For	 instructions	 on	mounting	 the	lens,	
see	page	141.
Lens types and throw distance
Screen	sizeLens	model	nameNP11FLNP12ZLNP13ZLNP14ZLNP15ZL30"0.7	-	0.940"0.60.9	-	1.21.2	-	2.460"1.01.4	-	1.91.8 - 3.73.6 -...

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9. Appendix
Screen	sizeLens	model	nameNP11FLNP12ZLNP13ZLNP14ZLNP15ZL30"0.7 - 1.040"0.71.0 - 1.31.3 - 2.560"1.01.5 - 2.01.9	-	3.83.8 - 6.15.9	-	9.180"1.42.0 - 2.62.6 - 5.15.1 - 8.28.0 - 12.2100"1.72.5 - 3.33.2	-	6.46.3 - 10.210.0	-	15.4120"2.13.1	-	4.03.9	-	7.77.6 - 12.312.1 - 18.5150"2.63.8 - 5.04.8	-	9.79.6	-	15.415.2 - 23.1200"5.1 - 6.76.5	-	12.912.8 - 20.620.3	-	30.9240"6.2 - 8.07.8 - 15.515.4	-	24.724.4	-	37.1300"7.7 - 10.19.7	-...
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