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NEC Projector PA721X User Manual

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Page 181

8. User Supportware
Installation for Macintosh software
Image	Express	Utility	2	for	Mac	supports	Mac	OS	X.
1	 Insert	the	accompanying	NEC	Projector	CD-ROM	into	your	CD-ROM	drive.	
 The menu window will be displayed.
2	 Double-click	the	CD-ROM	icon.
3	 Double-click	the	 “Mac	OS	X”	folder.
4	 Double-click	 “Image	Express	Utility	2	(Intel).dmg”.
 The “Image Express Utility 2” folder will be displayed.
•	 If	your	Mac	is	PowerPC-based,	double-click	 “Image	Express	Utility	2.dmg”.
5	 Move	the	“Image...

Page 182

8. User Supportware
 Operating the Projector Via the LAN (Virtual Remote Tool)
This	will	help	 you	perform	 operations	 such	as	projector’s	 power	on	or	off	 and	 signal	 selection	 via	a	LAN	 connection. 	It	
is	 also	 used	 to	send	 an	image	 to	the	 projector	 and	register	 it	as	 the	 logo	 data	 of	the	 projector. 	After	 registering	 it,	you	
can	lock	the	logo	to	prevent	it	from	changing.
Control Functions
Power	 On/Off,	 signal	selection,	 picture	freeze,	 picture	mute,	audio	mute,	 Logo...

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8. User Supportware
Start Virtual Remote Tool
Start using the shortcut icon
•	 Double-click	the	shortcut	icon	 on the Windows Desktop.
Start from the Start menu
•	 Click	[Start]	→	[All	 Programs]	 or	[Programs]	→	[NEC	 Projector	 User	Supportware]	→	[Virtual	 Remote	 Tool]	
→	[Virtual	Remote	 Tool].
 When Virtual Remote Tool starts for the first time, “Easy Setup” window will be displayed.
 The “Easy Setup” feature is not available on this model. Click “Close Easy Setup”.
 Closing the “Easy Setup”...

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8. User Supportware
Exiting	Virtual	Remote	 Tool
1	 Click	the	Virtual	Remote	 Tool	icon	 on the Taskbar.
 The pop-up menu will be displayed.
2	 Click	 “Exit”.
 The Virtual Remote Tool will be closed.
Viewing	the	help	file	of	 Virtual	Remote	Tool
•	Displaying	the	help	file	using	the	taskbar
1	 Click	the	Virtual	Remote	 Tool	icon		on	the	taskbar	when	 Virtual	Remote	Tool	is	running.
 The pop-up menu will be displayed.
2.	 Click	 “Help”.
 The Help screen will be displayed.
•	Displaying	the	help	file...

Page 185

8. User Supportware
 Projecting Your Computer’s Screen Image from the Projector 
over a LAN (Image Express Utility Lite)
Using	Image	 Express	 Utility	Lite	allows	 you	to	send	 the	computer’s	 screen	image	to	the	 projector	 over	a	wired	 or	
wireless	LAN.
This	section	 will	show	 you	an	outline	 about	how	to	connect	 the	projector	 to	a	LAN	 and	to	use	 Image	 Express	 Utility	
Lite.	For	the	operation	of	Image	Express	Utility	Lite,	see	the	help	of	Image	Express	Utility	Lite.
What you can do with...

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8. User Supportware
 When connecting with the projector is establised, you can operate the control window to control the projector.
•	 When	 [POWER-SAVING]	 or	[NETWORK	 STANDBY]	is	selected	 for	[STANDBY	 MODE]	from	the	menu,	 the	projector	 that	is	turned	
off	will	not	be	displayed	in	the	select	window	for	destination
Control Window Operations
(1) (2)(3)(4)(5)
(1)  (Source)  �����Selects an input source of the projector � 
(2)  (Picture) ����Turns on or off the Mute (Picture mute), Freeze...

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8. User Supportware
 Projecting an Image from an Angle (Geometric Correction Tool 
in Image Express Utility Lite)
The	Geometric	 Correction	Tool	(GCT)	 function	 allows	you	to	correct	 distortion	 of	images	 projected	 even	from	an	
What you can do with GCT
•	 The	GCT	feature	includes	the	following	three	functions
•	4-point	 Correction:	You 	can 	fit 	a 	projected 	image 	within 	the 	border 	of 	the 	screen 	easily 	by 	align 	the 	four 	corners	
of	an	image	to	the	ones	of	the	screen.

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8. User Supportware
3.	 Use	the	mouse	to	click	the	[ • ]	mark	of	which	corner	you	wish	to	move.
 The currently selected [ • ] mark will turn red.
(In the above example, Windows screens are omitted for clarification.)
4.	 Drag	the	selected	[ • ]	mark	to	the	point	you	wish	to	correct	and	drop	it.
•	 When	 you	click	 somewhere	 within	the	project	 image	area,	the	nearest	 [	• ] mark will go to the position where 
the mouse cursor is.
5.  Repeat Step 3 and 4 to correct the distortion of the projected...

Page 189

8. User Supportware
  Using  the  Projector  to  Operate  Your  Computer  over  a  LAN 
(Desktop Control Utility 1.0)
Using	Desktop	 Control	Utility	1.0	allows	 you	to	remotely	 operate	your	computer	 placed	at	a	distance	 from	the	projector	
over	a	network	(wired	LAN	or	wireless	LAN).
What you can do with Desktop Control Utility 1.0
•	 A	commercially	available	USB	mouse	is	connected	to	the	projector	to	operate	the	computer.
•	 Suppose,	 for	example,	 a	PowerPoint	 file	to	be	 presented	 in	a...

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8. User Supportware
Using the projector to operate your computer’s desktop screen
•	 In	case	of	Windows	7/Windows	Vista,	disable	the	user	account	control	before	using	Desktop	Control	Utility	1.0.	
	 Windows	Vista	has	“User	 Account	 Control”	 function	to	protect	 the	computer.	 The	user	 account	 confirmation	 window	may	be	
	 Since	 Desktop	Control	 Utility	1.0	 cannot	 transfer	 the	user 	account 	confirmation 	window,	 this	window	 makes	the	 operation 	unavail-
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