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NEC Projector P451w User Manual

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Page 81

4. Using the Viewer
Names and functions of Viewer screen
The	Viewer	has	three	screens: 	Drive	list	screen,	Thumbnail	screen,	and	Slide	screen.
•	Drive	list	screen
Displays	a	list	of	drives	connected	to	the	projector.
Menu	operation
•	 Use	the	▼ or ▲	button	 to	move	 the	cursor	 up	or	down. 	Select	 the	menu	 item	and	press	 the	ENTER	 button	
to	display	the	submenu.
Operation	for	Drive	list	screen
1. Press the ▶	button	to	move	the	cursor	to	the	drive	list. 	
 (Use the ◀ or ▶ button to switch between...

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4. Using the Viewer
REFRESHDisplays	additional	media	servers	in	the	drive	list	screen.
OPTIONSOpens	the	OPTIONS	menu.
SLIDE	SETTINGSets	up	slides.	(→	page	74)
MOVIE	SETTINGSets	up	movie	files. 	(→	page	75)
AUTO	PLAY	SETTINGSets	up	auto	play.	(→	page	75)
SHAREED	FOLDERSets	up	a	shared	folder. 	(→	page	77)
MEDIA	SERVERSets	up	a	media	server.	(→	page	81)
RETURNCloses	the	OPTIONS	menu. 	
SYSTEM	SETTINGSwitches	to	the	 system	 setting	menu.	See	 wired	 LAN,	wireless	 LAN,	WPS,...

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4. Using the Viewer
•	Thumbnail	screen
Displays	a	list	of	folders,	thumbnails,	and	icons	in	the	drive	selected	on	the	drive	list	screen.
Menu	operation
•	 Use	 the	▼ or ▲	button	 to	move	 the	cursor	 up	or	down. 	Select	 the	menu	 item	and	press	 the	ENTER	 button	
to	display	the	menu	or	setting	screen.
Operation	for	 Thumbnail	screen
1. Press  the ▶	button 	to	 move	 the	cursor 	to	 the	 thumbnail	 screen	when	the	OPTIONS	 menu	is	not 	dis-
2.  Press the ▼,  ▲, ◀, or ▶	button	to	select	a	file...

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4. Using the Viewer
•	Slide	screen	(still	image/movie)
Plays	a	file	selected	from	a	list	of	thumbnails	or	icons.
•	 For	operating	a	Microsoft	PowerPoint	file	and	Adobe	PDF	file,	see	page	65, 66.
Control	bar	operation
•	 The	control	bar	will	be	displayed	only	when	a	still	image	(or	index	file)	and	a	movie	file	is	selected.
•	 The	control	bar	for	still	images	differs	from	that	for	movie	files.
1.	 Pressing	the	ENTER	button	in	Slide	screen	will	display	the	control	bar	at	the	bottom	of	the	screen.
2. Use...

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4. Using the Viewer
Functions	of	movie	control	bar
PREVGoes	back	to	the	beginning	of	a	movie	file.
•	 Goes	back	to	the	 beginning	 of	the	 previous	 movie	file	if	executed	 immediately	 after	being	
started	playing.
FRFast-rewinds	a	movie	file	for	about	7	seconds.
PLAY/PAUSEPLAYPlays	a	movie	file.
PAUSEStops	playing	a	movie	file.
FFFast-forwards	a	movie	file	for	about	7	seconds.
NEXTGoes	to	the	beginning	of	a	next	movie	file.
TIMEDisplays	an	elapsed	time	for	playback	or	pause.

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4. Using the Viewer
Viewer option settings
Sets	still	images	or	slides.
SCREEN	SIZEBEST	FITDisplays	the	image	 with	its	aspect	 ratio	in	the	 projector’s	 display-
able	maximum	resolution.
ACTUAL	SIZEDisplays	the	image	in	its	actual	size.
PLAY	MODEMANUALSelects	manual	play.
AUTOSelects	auto	play.
INTERVAL 5 - 300 secondsSpecifies	inter val 	time 	when 	[AUTO] 	is 	selected 	for 	PLAY	
Check	markTurns	on	or	off	the	repeat	function.
•	 To	play	one...

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4. Using the Viewer
Sets	the	functions	for	a	movie	file.
SCREEN	SIZEBEST	FITDisplays	the	image	 with	its	aspect	 ratio	in	the	 projector’s	 display-
able	maximum	resolution.
ACTUAL	SIZEDisplays	the	image	in	its	actual	size.
REPEAT OFFTurns	on	or	off	the	repeat	function.
ONE	REPEATRepeats	one	file	only.
ALL	REPEATRepeats	all	files	in	the	current	folder.
•	 Turning	on	[REPEAT]	will	display	black	screen	during	intermission	between	movies.

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4. Using the Viewer
Sets	the	order	of	displaying	thumbnails	or	slides.
NAME	(ABC..)Displays	the	files	alphabetically	by	name	in	ascending	order.
NAME	(ZYX..)Displays	the	files	alphabetically	by	name	in	descending	order.
EXT. 	(ABC..)Displays	 the	files	 alphabetically	 by	extension	 in	ascending	 or-
EXT. 	(ZYX..)Displays 	the 	files 	alphabetically 	by 	extension 	in 	descending	
DATE	(NEW)Displays	the	files	in	reverse	chronological	order.

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4. Using the Viewer
❹ Projecting data from shared folder
Shared folder Wireless LAN
Shared folder
For	projector:
	Connect	the	projector	to	the	network.
For	computer: 	Place	 files	to	be	 projected	 in	a	shared	 folder	and	note	 the	folder’s	 path.	Memorize	 or	write	 down	 the	
path	for	later	use.
•	 For	sharing	a	folder,	refer	to	your	user	guide	or	help	file	accompanied	with	your	 Windows	computer.
•	 Use	a	keyboard	to	give	a	name	to	the	shared	folder	in	alphanumeric...

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4. Using the Viewer
2.	 Displays	the	[OPTIONS]	menu.
 Press the ▼ button to select the 	(OPTIONS)	icon	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
•	 When	the	OPTIONS	menu	is	displayed,	the	drive	list	will	not	be	displayed.
3.	 Display	the	[SHARED	FOLDER]	screen.
 Press the ▼ button to select the  (SHARED FOLDER) icon and press the ENETR button.
4.	 Select	a	folder	number	and	place	to	enable	it.
 Press the ◀ or  ▶ button to a shared folder number and press the  ▼ button to select [ENABLE] , and then press 
the ENTER...
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