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NEC Projector P451w User Manual

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Page 71

4. Using the Viewer (not supported by PE501X)
❶ What you can do with the Viewer
The	Viewer	 feature	 allows	you	to	view	 slides	 or	movie	 files	stored	 on	a	USB	 memory	 on	the	 projector,	 or	a	shared	
folder	in	a	computer	connected	to	the	network.
The	 Viewer	has	the	following	features.
•	 When	 a	commercially	 available	USB	memory	 that	stores	 image	files	is	inserted	 into	the	USB	 port	(Type	 A)	of	the	
projector,	the	 Viewer	allows	you	to	view	the	image	files	on	the	USB	memory.
	 Even	if	no...

Page 72

4. Using the Viewer
•	 Movie	files	converted	by	using	the	video/audio	format	which	is	not	supported	by	this	projector	cannot	be	played	back.
	 In	this	case,	there	will	be	no	icon	to	show	that	playback	is	not	possible.
•	 Files	with	Digital	Rights	Management(DRM)	protection	cannot	be	played	back.
•	 Some	of	the	 movie	 files	that	meet	 the	above	 requirements	 may	not	be	played	 back.	Movie	 files	may	 not	be	played	 back	correctly	
depending	on	your	network	environment	or	the	bit	rate	of	your...

Page 73

4. Using the Viewer
Notices	on	shared	folder	and	media	server
•	 Files	from	a	shared	 folder	or	media	 server	 may	not	be	projected	 if	security	 or	antivirus	 software	 is	installed	 on	your	
•	 Open	the	following	firewall	ports:
-	 Media	server	
Port numberProtocol
1900 UDP
2869 TCP
10243 TCP
10280-10284 UDP
-	 Shared	folder
Port numberProtocol
•	 Set	your	computer	 for	sharing	 and	security	 to	grant	 access	 to	files	 in	the	 shared	 folder...

Page 74

4. Using the Viewer
❷ Preparing presentation materials
1.	 Create	your	presentation	materials	and	save	them	in	a	supported	file	format	to	your	computer.
•	 See	page	86 for supported file formats.
•	 Make	sure	that	PowerPoint	file	is	displayed	on	the	Viewer	before	giving	your	real	presentation.
•	 When	creating	a	PDF	 file,	embed	 your	fonts	 in	your	 PDF	 file.	Embedding	 fonts	requires	 Adobe	Acrobat. 	This	
cannot be done in Adobe Reader.
•	Using	Print	Command
Example	for	font	embedding	using...

Page 75

4. Using the Viewer
❸ Projecting images stored in a USB memory device
This	section	explains	the	basic	operation	of	the	Viewer.
The	explanation	provides	the	operational	procedure	when	the	 Viewer	toolbar	is	set	to	the	factory	default.
Preparation:	Before	starting	the	 Viewer,	store	images	to	the	USB	memory	using	your	computer.
Starting the Viewer
1. Turn on the projector. (→	page	15)
2.	 Insert	 the	USB	 memory	 into	the	USB	 port	of	the	 projec-
•	 Do	 not	remove	 the	USB	 memory	 from	the...

Page 76

4. Using the Viewer
4. Press  the ▶	button 	to 	select 	“USB1” 	and 	press 	the	
ENTER button.
	 The	 “USB1” 	thumbnail	screen	will	be	displayed.
•	 For	more	information	about	thumbnail	screen,	see	page	71.
5. Use the ▲▼◀ or ▶ button to select an icon.
•	 The	→  (arrow)  symbol  on  the  right  indicates  there  are 
more pages. pressing the PAGE  ▽ (page down) button 
will show the next page: pressing the PAGE  △ (page up) 
will show the previous page.
6.  Press the ENTER button.

Page 77

4. Using the Viewer
	 •	Movie	file
 The movie file will start playing.
	 After	 finishing	 the	playback,	 the	screen	 will	turn	 to	black. 	
Press	the	EXIT	button	to	return	to	the	thumbnail	screen.
•	 Pressing 	the 	ENTER 	button 	will 	display 	the 	movie’s	
control bar with which you can pause or fastforward and 
some other operations.
	 •	Microsoft	PowerPoint/Excel	file
 The slide on the first page will be displayed.
 Press ▶ to select the next slide; press  ◀ to select the previ-...

Page 78

4. Using the Viewer
	 •	Adobe	PDF	file
 The first page will be displayed.
•	 The	PDF	file	will	fill	the	width	of	the	screen.
 Pressing the ▼ or  ▲ button will scroll the screen down or 
  The PAGE ▼ or PAGE  ▲ button will move the screen one 
page down or up.
	 To	return	to	the	thumbnail	screen,	press	the	EXIT	button.
  Pressing the ENTER button will change the display mode 
between whole screen and part screen.
•	 When	 a	passoword	 input	window	 is	displayed,	 it	means	
that the PDF file is...

Page 79

4. Using the Viewer
	 •	Index	file	(extension:.idx)
•	 Index	files, 	which 	is 	converted 	by 	using 	Viewer 	PPT	
Converter 3.0, will appear in the Thumbnail screen. 
  O n l y   fo l d e r s   a n d   J P E G   f i l e s   c o nve r t e d   by   u s i n g 
Viewer PPT Converter 3.0 will appear in the Thumbnail 
•	 Viewer 	PPT 	Converter 	3.0 	can 	be 	downloaded 	from 	our	
URL:	http://www.nec-display.com/dl/en/index.html
•	 To 	select 	slideshow 	of 	index 	files, 	open 	the...

Page 80

4. Using the Viewer
Exiting the Viewer
1.	 Press	the 	SOURCE 	button 	to 	select 	a 	source 	other 	than	
  A press of the SOURCE button will display the source select 
 A  few  more  presses  of  the  SOURCE  button  will  display 
another source.
•	 To 	exit 	the 	Viewer 	using 	the 	remote 	control, 	select 	a	
source	other	than	[VIEWER]. 
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