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NEC Projector Np4001 User Manual

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Page 81

5. Using On-Screen Display 
Aspect Ratio 
Aspect Ratio alters the appearance or Ratio of the projected image. The NP4000 and 
NP4001 support different Aspect Ratio options as shown. 
NP4000 Aspect Ratio Options:
4:3 – Standard TV screen (4:3), proportionally four units wide for every three units high, 
no matter the size of the screen. 
16:9  – A wide-screen aspect ratio for video. 
Crop  – Crop the image. 
Native  – Displays the current image in its true resolution. 
Normal  – Displays the...

Page 82

5. Using On-Screen Display 
NP4001 Aspect Ratio Options: 
4:3 – Standard TV screen (4:3), proportionally four units wide for every three units high, 
no matter the size of the screen. 
16:9  – A wide-screen aspect ratio for video. 
15:9  – Uses the full display. 
Letterbox  – Reduced image to display the true aspect with black borders on top and bot-
Native  – Displays the current image in its true resolution. 
Normal  – Displays the current image in its aspect ratio.  

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5. Using On-Screen Display 

Page 84

5. Using On-Screen Display 
Video images normally exceed the size of the display screen. The edge of the picture 
may or may not de displayed correctly. The  border area that is cropped can be adjusted 
by using the Overscan menu. 
Set the overscan percentage between 0 – 15% to  compensate for different screen sizes. 
WXGA Mode (NP4001 only) 
Selecting On will give priority to a WXGA (1280 x 768) signal in recognizing an input 
When WXGA Mode is set to On, an XGA (1024 x 768)...

Page 85

5. Using On-Screen Display 
Video Menu 
The Video menu is used to configure image options such as deinterlace and telecine. 
Access the Video menu in the Adjust menu. 
The following table lists all functions with a description and the default setting. A detailed 
description follows the table. 
Reduction  Select Noise Reduction mode (see page 74
3D Y/C  
Separation  Select 3D Y/C Separation mode (see page
Select Deinterlace mode (see page 74)....

Page 86

5. Using On-Screen Display 
Noise Reduction 
Select the level of noise reduction required. 
Range: Off, Low, Medium, High. 
3D Y/C Separation 
3D Y/C Separation separates composite signal to Y (brightness) signal and C (color) 
signal, and can help to produce clearer and sharper images without overlapping colors 
(rainbow effect). 
Set 3D Y/C Separation On or Off. 
Deinterlace converts an interlaced image to a progressive scan image. 
Select the form of Deinterlacing required...

Page 87

5. Using On-Screen Display 
Color Matrix 
Color Matrices define the amount of the three-color components R (red), G (green), and 
B (blue) in a single point in color space. 
Select from the following: 
Auto  – Auto selects the color matrix. 
RGB  – Sets the color matrix to RGB, use for PC monitor or camera imaging. 
SDTV  – Sets the color matrix to SDTV, use for Standard Definition imaging. 
HDTV  – Sets the color matrix to HDTV, use for High Definition imaging. 
Telecine aids in...

Page 88

5. Using On-Screen Display 
s Detail Settings Menu Descriptions and Functions 
The Detail Settings menu contains basic and advanced color adjustment options such as 
gamma correction, color contrast and color correction.  
The General tab contains general Detail Settings such as gamma correction and color 
temperature. Access to the General tab is through the Detail Settings menu. 
The following table lists all functions with a brief description. 
Reference  Set Reference...

Page 89

5. Using On-Screen Display 
The Reference mode allows the projector to differentiate between source materials for 
example movies, PC images or video stills. 
Select from the following: 
High-Bright  – Select for use in a brightly lit room. 
Presentation  – Select if the projector is to be used for presentation purposes. 
Video  – Select for video projection. 
Movie  – Select for Movie projection. 
Graphic  – Select Graphic for still images. 
sRGB  – Select for projecting PC or web page...

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5. Using On-Screen Display 
White Balance 
White Balance allows the projector to compensate for different colors of light being emit-
ted by different light sources. 
The following table lists all functions with a brief description. 
Brightness R  Set the Brightness R value  to compensate for red light sources. 
Brightness G  Set the Brightness G value to  compensate for green light sources. 
Brightness B  Set the Brightness B value to compensate for blue light sources. 
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