NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Circuit Card System Manual
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CHAPTER 3 NDA-24318 Page 34 Issue 1 OFFICE DATA PROGRAMMING 13. When all lines of an IPTRK circuit card are busy, alternate routing to C.O. line or Tie line is available. Details on alternate routing patterns are shown in the table below: 14. PAD can be provided for RECEIVE control only. 15. This feature does not support Broad Band Services H0, H1 of ISDN/CCIS line. This feature supports 1B only. 16. This feature does not support any OAI/ACD services. 17. Depending to the firmware version of the IPTRK circuit card, the following system data assignment is required. The system data varies depending on the combination of the main PBX software version and the IPTRK firmware. ASYDL, SYS 1, Index 527, b6: 0=PA-8IPTB (SW-404 IPTRK PROG-C) is used 1=PA-8IPTB (SW-390 IPTRK PROG-B) is used 3.4 Data Programming To allow FCCS networking via IP [F-36] service, perform the data programming as follows: ASYDL → ACRD → ACTK → MBCT → AFCH → AETH → ACAN → AFRT → AGIP Note:When office data is assigned/modified, be sure to initialize the IPTRK circuit card (by flipping its MB key OFF → ON → OFF). STEP 1:ASYDL - Provided that the IPTRK circuit card is equipped in the node within the FCCS network, NDM data broadcasting is not to be executed. Therefore, when the IPTRK circuit card is used in the FCCS network, perform the following data assignment at the Network Control Node (NCN). SYS1, INDEX 534, b7=1 (NDM data individual broadcasting from NCN to each LN) Table 3-2 Alternate Routing to be Provided/Not Provided (FCCS Networking via IP [F-36]) FROM FCCS NETWORKING VIA IP (POINT-TO-MULTIPOINT) TO FCCS NETWORKING VIA IP (POINT-TO-MULTIPOINT) Analog C.O. line Not Available Not Available Analog Tie line ×Not Available CCIS ×Not Available ISDN × (via Sub Address-Addressing only)Not Available Dp Channel ×Not Available FCCS network over Intranet (via DTI) ×× FCCS network via ISW (IPX-U)×× FCCS Networking via IP (Point-to-Multipoint)×× CCIS Networking via IP (Point-to-Multipoint)×Not Available Table 3-3 PBX Software/IPTRK Circuit Card Firmware PA-8IPTB SW-390 IPTRK PROG-B (NR-575835-000) Assign the data to 1 PA-8IPTB SW-404 IPTRK PROG-C (NR-577024-000) or later version Assign the data to 0
NDA-24318 CHAPTER 3 Page 35 Issue 1 OFFICE DATA PROGRAMMING STEP 2:ACRD - Assign Route Class Data of speech routes. It is not required to assign the signal route data. IPTRK circuit card assigned by the AFCH command is used as the FCCS signal channel controlling card. An example data assignment is shown in the following figure. Figure 3-9 Example Data Assignment (ACRD) Note 1: This CDN, TC/EC is used for setting Echo Canceller. Assignment is 0=Echo Canceller OFF, 1=Echo Canceller ON. Note 2:This data setting is an example. Speech Speech Signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15FGHTF TCL RLP SMDR LSG PAD TRKS TC/EC FINT FPEG TC MTC STSEQ MMN 16 LKIND 17 IPLYR 18 IPTRKC_RT 3 4 2 0 12 0 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 2 3 4 2 0 12 0 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1CDNType Node A HUB IPTRK Router (speech)C_RT2 (speech)C_RT1 IPTRK to CPU ACRD: Speech Route (LSG=12, FGH=0, LKIND=3, IPTRK=1) 13 3 4 2 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (FCCS Signal)RT 13 Note 1 Note 2
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24318 Page 36 Issue 1 OFFICE DATA PROGRAMMING STEP 3:ACTK - Assign the connection trunk data of IPTRK circuit card. It is not required to assign the trunk data for D-channel. An example data assignment is shown in the following figure. Figure 3-10 Example Data Assignment (ACTK) Note 1: When the IPTRK circuit card is furnished without a sub board (PZ-8VCTB), only LV0-LV7 of Group 04 are used. Note 2:When the IPTRK circuit card is furnished without a sub board (PZ-8VCTB), only LV0-LV7 of Group 12 are used. Note 3:Be sure to assign a speech channel to the first port of the IPTRK circuit card controlling FCCS signal. STEP 4:MBCT - Unbusy the connection trunk data assigned in the previous step, by using the MBCT command. 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 C_RT C_TKC_LENS (1-1023) (1-4095)MG U G L 00-07 0-3 00-23 0-7 10104000 11204000 12304000 1505 000 1605 000 1405 000 1705 000 20 1 1 2000 21 2 1 2000 22 3 1 2000 23 4 1 2000 13404000 2413 000 2513 000 2613 000 2713 000 IPTRK (C_RT 1 = Speech) IPTRK (C_RT 2 = Speech) PWR PWR slot 07 slot 10 PWR PWR 00 0102 0304 0506 0708 0912 13 14 1520 21 22 2300 0102 0304 0506 0708 0910 1112 13 14 1516 17 18 1920 21 22 23 slot 06/07 slot 10 IPTRK (C_RT1 [speech]), RT 13 [FCCS Signal] IPTRK (C_RT2 [speech]) Note 1 LV0 LV7 G04 G05 Note 2 LV0 LV7 G12 G13 ...... ............ ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ........... 10 1116 17 18 19 (Speech) C_RT1 (Speech) C_RT2 When IPTRK circuit cards are mounted in the following slots with the specified RT numbers, data setting is as follows: IPTRK (RT 13 = FCCS Signal) Signal RT 13 Note 3 Note 3
NDA-24318 CHAPTER 3 Page 37 Issue 1 OFFICE DATA PROGRAMMING STEP 5:AFCH - Assign FCH number (FCHN) to each IPTRK circuit card which is used as the FCCS signal controlling card. Figure 3-11 Example Assignment of FCHN Note: This setting is an example. FCHN 1 FCHEN 000040 AFCH command display Note Node A HUB IPTRK Router (Speech and FCCS Signal)C_RT2 (speech and FCCS Signal)C_RT1 IPTRK to CPU FCHN = 1 FCHEN = 000040 In this example, FCHN = 1 is assigned to the IPTRK circuit card controlling FCCS signal.
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24318 Page 38 Issue 1 OFFICE DATA PROGRAMMING STEP 6:AETH - Assign the following data: FPC (Fusion Point Code): FPC number (1-253) of the Destination Node FCHN (FCH Number): FCH Number, specified in Step 5 C_RT (Connection Route): Connection Route Number of speech channel (1-1023) DST_IP (Destination IP Address): IPTRK IP address of the Destination Node NEXT_IP (Next IP Address): IPTRK IP address of the Destination Node Example data assignment is shown in the following figure, and the Example Data Sheets (Figure 3-15 through Figure 3-19) at the end of CHAPTER 3. Figure 3-12 Example Assignment of Destination IP and Next IP (AETH) Note: A maximum of eight routes are available. POWERPOWERPO W ER Router Router IPTRK Destination information embedded in the packet NEXT _ IP DST _ IPb bb .b bb .bb b.b c c c.c c c. cc c .c NEX T _ IP DS T _ I Pb b b.b b b.b b b. b bb b .bb b .bb b .b N E X T_ I P D S T_I P ccc .c cc. c cc. cc cc. cc c. cc c. c Node A Node B Node C FPC=10FPC=12 FPC=11 Router (1 ) To F PC 11 (2 ) To FP C 1 2 (1)(2) FPC C_RT FCHN (FCH Number) DST_IP NEXT_IP 12 CNT bbb.bbb.bbb.b 1 1 bbb.bbb.bbb.b 11 (1): Connection between FPC 10 and 11 Note FPC C_RT FCHN (FCH Number) DST_IP NEXT_IP 12 CNT bbb.bbb.bbb.b 2 1 ccc.ccc.ccc.c 12 (2): Connection between FPC 10 and 12 Note IPTRK IPTRK Intranet
NDA-24318 CHAPTER 3 Page 39 Issue 1 OFFICE DATA PROGRAMMING STEP 7:ACAN - Assign the Fusion Connection Index Code (FCIC) to Self node FPC: FPC (Fusion Point Code): FPC number (1 - 253) of the Self node FCIC (Fusion Connection Index Code): Unique Fusion CICs in Self node C_LENS (Connection_LENS): IPTRK LENS data (speech channel data) specified in Step 3 Example data assignment is shown in Figure 3-13. STEP 8:AFRT - Set Connection Route Numbers of the speech channels for the FCHN, which was assigned in Step 5. FCHN (FCH Number): FCHN, specified in Step 5 C_RT (Connection Route): Connection Route of the speech channels, specified in Step 2 Example data assignment is shown in the following figure. Figure 3-13 Example Data Assignment (ACAN/AFRT) Note 1: This setting is an example. Note 2:A maximum of eight C_RT can be programmed. FCHN CNT1 2 1 31 2 C_RT AFRT command parameters Note 1 Note 2 assigned in Step 5 ACAN command parameters Note 1 Note 1 FPC FCIC10 17 C_LENS 000120 (Self Node) FPC FCIC10 1 C_LENS 000040 C_RT1 (Speech) .....Bch..... FCIC1: 000041 FCIC2: 000042 FCIC3: 000043 FCIC16: 000057 C_RT2 (Speech) ..... .....Bch FCIC17: 000120 FCIC18: 000121 FCIC19: 000122 FCIC32: 000137 FPC 10 HUB IPTRK Router FCCS signal (logical assignment) IPTRK to CPU
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24318 Page 40 Issue 1 OFFICE DATA PROGRAMMING STEP 9:AG IP - Assign IP addresses of IPTRK circuit card and its connected route. LENS (Line Equipment Number): Assign the first LEN of IPTRK-accommodated HW block KIND (Kind of Selection): IPTRK (FCCS) IPTK_IP (IP Address of IPTRK): IP address of the IPTRK circuit card DG_IP (IP Address of Default Gateway): IP address of the router NETMSK (Net Mask of IP Address): Net Mask of IP address ToS CONTROL: IP Precedence or DiffServ (either) QoS1 (QoS Data for signal route): When IP Precedence is selected, 0-7 When DiffServ is selected, 0x00-0x3F QoS2 (QoS Data for speech Path): When IP Precedence is selected, 0-7 When DiffServ is selected, 0x00-0x3F MULT (Kind of Multiple Connection): Point-to-Multipoint Note 1 NETID (Network ID): Fixed to 0 CSLINK_NUM (Maximum number of client/server connection): 16 line ARP (Frame Type of ARP): Select DIX when the “Detail” box is checked Note 2 Note 1: Be sure to select “Point-to-Mult”. Note 2:RTP check box is provided for detail assignment of the following parameters, if required. Usually the default data of “0” is set for all parameters. PKGLOSS (Amount of Packet Loss): 8% (default) JIT_MAX (Maximum Jitter Buffer): 600 ms (default) JIT_MIN (Minimum Jitter Buffer): 80 ms (default) MNGS (Interval of Jitter adjustment): 5 times (default) JIT_COUNT (Interval of Jitter statistics): 1 sec (default) BASE_COUNT (Interval of Time-base correction): 10 sec (default) JIT_FAST (Judging rate of fast arrived packet): 100% (default) TIME_FAST (Time-base correction Judgment): 50% (default)
NDA-24318 CHAPTER 3 Page 41 Issue 1 OFFICE DATA PROGRAMMING Figure 3-14 Example Assignment of IP Addresses of IPTRK Circuit Card and Connected Router IPTRK rrr.rrr.rrr.r IPTRKqqq.qqq.qqq.q Node A PO WE RPO WERRouter Router ( 1) To Nod e B( 2) T o Nod e C (1) (2) PO WERRouter IPTRK sss.sss.sss.s Node B IPTRK ttt.ttt.ttt.t Node C PWR 00 0102 0308 0910 1112 13 14 1516 17 18 1920 21 22 2300 0102 03 slot 06/07 070504 06 IPTK_IP qqq.qqq.qqq.q DG_IP MULT Point to Mult 04 0506 07 09 IPTEN Assign the 1st LEN of the IPTRK HW block PIM(1) To Node B PWR 00 0102 0308 0910 11 1516 17 18 1920 21 22 2300 0102 03 slot 10 070504 06 IPTK_IP rrr.rrr.rrr.r DG_IP MULT Point to Mult 04 0506 07 09 IPTEN Assign the 1st LEN of the IPTRK HW block PIM 12 13 14 DG_IP: To Node C Intranet Data Assignment at Node AData Assignment at Node A
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24318 Page 42 Issue 1 OFFICE DATA PROGRAMMING 3.4.1 FCCS Routing Example Data Sheets This figure represent example data for FCCS Networking via IP [F-36] (Point-to-Multipoint). Figure 3-15 FCCS Networking via IP [F-36] [Point-to-Multipoint Connection] Example Data Sheet 1 NEAX2400 IPX FPC 1 IPTRK IPTRK C_RT: 100 IP Address: FCHN: 10 C_RT: 100 IP Address: FCHN: Not assigned for this IP trunk IP Address: PO WE RRouter Intranet IP Address: PO WE RRouter IP Address: POWERRouter IPTRK NEAX2400 IPX FPC 2 C_RT: 100 IP Address: FCHN: 20 IPTRK NEAX2400 FPC 3 C_RT: 200 IP Address: FCHN: 30 Symbols: : IP trunk accommodating speech channels only : IP trunk accommodating speech and control channels Example Routing Information Assignment by AETH: FPC 1: FPC=2, FCHN=10, C_RT=100, DST_IP=, NEXT_IP= FPC=3, FCHN=10, C_RT=100, DST_IP=, NEXT_IP= FPC 2: FPC=1, FCHN=20, C_RT=150, DST_IP=, NEXT_IP= FPC=3, FCHN=20, C_RT=150, DST_IP=, NEXT_IP= FPC 3: FPC=1, FCHN=30, C_RT=200, DST_IP=, NEXT_IP= FPC=2, FCHN=30, C_RT=200, DST_IP=, NEXT_IP=
NDA-24318 CHAPTER 3 Page 43 Issue 1 OFFICE DATA PROGRAMMING This figure represent example data for FCCS Networking via IP [F-36]. Figure 3-16 FCCS Networking via IP [F-36] Example Data Sheet 2 NEAX2400 IPX FPC 1 IPTRK IPTRK C_RT: 100 IP Address: FCHN: 10 C_RT: 101 IP Address: FCHN: 11 IP Address: PO WE RRouter IP Address: PO WE RRouter IPTRK NEAX2400 IPX FPC 2 C_RT: 150 IP Address: FCHN: 20 IPTRK NEAX2400 IPX FPC 3 C_RT: 200 IP Address: FCHN: 30 Symbols: :: IP trunk accommodating speech and control channels Example Routing Information Assignment by AETH: FPC 1: FPC=2, FCHN=10, C_RT=100, DST_IP=, NEXT_IP= FPC=3, FCHN=11, C_RT=101, DST_IP=, NEXT_IP= FPC 2: FPC=1, FCHN=20, C_RT=150, DST_IP=, NEXT_IP= FPC 3: FPC=1, FCHN=30, C_RT=200, DST_IP=, NEXT_IP= IP Address: POWERRouter Intranet Point-to-Multipoint Point-to-Multipoint