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NEC Neax 2400 Imx Isdn Features And Specifications

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Page 181

NEAX2400 IMX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24281, Issue 1
Page 165
Call Transfer Supplementary Service (SS-CT) with Rerouting C-159
C-159 Call Transfer Supplementary Service
 (SS-CT) with Rerouting
General Description
This feature provides CALL TRANSFER activated to be followed by ETS 300 260 protocol (SS-CT). By using this
feature, the station can hold the handling call to transfer to the remote terminal. The rerouting function is also
activated with SS-CT service.
The functions of this feature...

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NEAX2400 IMX ISDN Features and Specifications
Page 166NDA-24281, Issue 1
C-159 Call Transfer Supplementary Service (SS-CT) with Rerouting
General Description (cont’d)
2. Rerouting Function
In order to prevent holding the unnecessary line, the line from the calling party to the transferred
destination is newly established when SS-CT service is successful, LCDs of stations concerned with this
service are shown below.
Station A : Calling Party
Station B : Called Party (Transferring Party)
Station C :...

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NEAX2400 IMX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24281, Issue 1
Page 167
Call Transfer Supplementary Service (SS-CT) with Rerouting C-159
Operating Procedure
This feature is operated when the station is in the two-party connection.
To set the service
1. Perform the switch hook flash; receive special dial tone.
2. Dial the destination’s number; receive ringback tone.
3. The destination party answers the call.
4. The user replaces the handset. Note
5. The calling party and the transferred-to party are...

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NEAX2400 IMX ISDN Features and Specifications
Page 168NDA-24281, Issue 1
C-159 Call Transfer Supplementary Service (SS-CT) with Rerouting
Service Conditions (cont’d)
d.) Each calling party, the called party and the destination station is a Dterm or analog station. 
e.) Another service is activated on the calling party, called party and destination station.
2. Rerouting function is also available for the call as in the following case.
4. When interworking through FCCS link, rerouting function is activated...

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NEAX2400 IMX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24281, Issue 1
Page 169
Call Transfer Supplementary Service (SS-CT) with Rerouting C-159
Service Conditions (cont’d)
7. Reestablished route is decided by the routing selection pattern data programmed at the office where the
calling party is accommodated, or at the gateway PBX office to the called station. Therefore, an improper
route or the route that is the same as before the rerouting function may be selected depending on the office
For Example 1)...

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NEAX2400 IMX ISDN Features and Specifications
Page 170NDA-24281, Issue 1
C-159 Call Transfer Supplementary Service (SS-CT) with Rerouting
Call Transfer - Supplementary Service
1. When CALL PARK [C-29] is used with this feature:
The call parked by CALL PARK feature cannot be transferred by the SS-CT service. However, the station
which operated CALL PARK can use the SS-CT service for another incoming call.
2. When CALL HOLD [C-6] is used with this feature:
The call held by CALL HOLD feature...

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NEAX2400 IMX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24281, Issue 1
Page 171
CCIS Tandem Call - Calling Party Number (CPN) Delivery to ISDN & Q-SIG Networks C-164
C-164 CCIS Tandem Call - Calling Party Number 
(CPN) Delivery to ISDN & Q-SIG Networks
General Description
This feature allows the call from a Tie Line (CCIS line or Q-SIG) station or Attendant Console for INDIVIDUAL
ATTENDANT ACCESS [I-6], to be sent to the public ISDN network (AT&T, NT, NI-2) and Q-SIG network. With
this feature, the calling...

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NEAX2400 IMX ISDN Features and Specifications
Page 172NDA-24281, Issue 1
D-123 Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Addressing
D-123  Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Addressing
General Description
This feature provides for a called party number received via ISDN to be used to designate the station at which the
call is to terminate.
Operating Procedure
No manual operation is required.
Service Conditions
1. The DIRECT INWARD DIALING (DID) numbering plan provided from the ISDN office determines the
number of stations...

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NEAX2400 IMX ISDN Features and Specifications
NDA-24281, Issue 1
Page 173
D Channel Backup - PRI D-152
D-152  D Channel Backup - PRI
General Description
This feature provides a backup D-channel in non-facility associated signaling, by which even if the primary
D-channel encounters link down, etc., the backup D-channel may be active.
Operating Procedure
Manual switch-over is available by:
 designating the required route by means of MAT command (CDBU).
 pull up MB switch on a circuit card of the active...

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NEAX2400 IMX ISDN Features and Specifications
Page 174NDA-24281, Issue 1
E-23 Event Based CCIS - ISDN Transport
E-23  Event Based CCIS - ISDN Transport
General Description
This feature provides Virtual Tie Line service for each event such as call origination and MCI message transmission.
Inter-PBX link for this feature is established on B-channels of the public ISDN line using CCIS No. 7 signaling
protocol. For addressing a specific terminal, Called Sub Address or Called DID Number is used depending on...
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