Motorola Pr400 Detailed 6881096c25 B Manual
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UHF 465-495 MHz (8486634Z02-O) Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists12-556881096C25-BJune, 2005UHF (465-495 MHz) Radio Parts List (8486634Z02-O)Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.DescriptionC1 2109445U32 CAP, 8pF C2 2109445U26 CAP, 9.1pF C3 2109445U18 CAP, 4.3pF C4 2109445U27 CAP, 10pF C5 2109445U32 CAP, 8pF C6 2109445U24 CAP, 7.5pF C7 2109445U26 CAP, 9.1pF C8 2109445U18 CAP, 4.3pF C9 2109445U22 CAP, 6.2pF C10 2109445U13 CAP, 2.7pF C11 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C12 Not_Placed CAP, 8.2pF C13 2109445U07 CAP, 1.5pF C14 2109445U07 CAP, 1.5pF C20 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C21 2109445U53 CAP, 68pF C23 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C25 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C26 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C27 2109445U25 CAP, 8.2pF C28 2109445U27 CAP, 10pF C29 2109445U22 CAP, 6.2pF C30 2109445U38 CAP, 16pF C31 2109445U21 CAP, 5.6pF C32 2109445U22 CAP, 6.2pF C33 2109445U42 CAP, 24pF C34 2109445U22 CAP, 6.2pF C35 2109445U22 CAP, 6.2pF C36 2109445U39 CAP, 18pF C37 2109445U25 CAP, 8.2pF C38 2109445U20 CAP, 5.1pF C39 2109445U13 CAP, 2.7pF C41 2109445U27 CAP, 10pF C42 2109445U25 CAP, 8.2pF C43 2109445U40 CAP, 20pF C44 2109445U26 CAP, 9.1pF C45 2109445U37 CAP, 15pF C46 Not_Placed CAP, 10pF C47 Not_Placed CAP, 10pF C48 0662057M01 RES, 0 C49 Not_Placed CAP, 3.9pF C51 2113743N48 CAP, 82pF C52 2109445U41 CAP, 22pF C53 2109445U26 CAP, 9.1pF C55 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C56 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C57 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C58 2113743N16 CAP, 3.9pF C59 2113743N12 CAP, 2.7pF C60 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C61 2113743N46 CAP, 68pF C62 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C63 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C64 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C65 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C66 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C67 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C68 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C69 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C70 2113743N53 CAP, 130pF C71 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C72 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C73 2113743L33 CAP, 4700pF C74 2113743N42 CAP, 47pF C80 2109445U41 CAP, 22pF C81 2109445U45 CAP, 33pF C82 2109445U46 CAP, 36pF C90 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C91 2311049A57 CAPP, 10uF C92 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C93 Not_Placed CAP, 3.6pF C99 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C100 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C101 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C102 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C103 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C104 2113743N22 CAP, 6.8pF C105 Not_Placed CAP, 3.9pF C106 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C107 Not_Placed CAP, 27pF C108 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C109 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C111 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C112 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C113 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C114 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C115 2311049A07 CAPP, 1uF C116 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C117 2113740F65 CAP, 390pF C120 Not_Placed CAP, 8.2pF C121 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C122 2113740F13 CAP, 2.7pF C123 2113740F17 CAP, 3.9pF C124 2113740F65 CAP, 390pF C130 Not_Placed CAP, 3.3pF C131 Not_Placed CAP, 2.2pF C132 2113740F23 CAP, 6.8pF C133 Not_Placed CAP, 2.7pF C134 2113740F23 CAP, 6.8pF C135 Not_Placed CAP, 0.5pF C136 2113740F18 CAP, 4.3pF Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description C137 2113740F59 CAP, 220pFC141 2113740F03 CAP, 1pF C150 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C151 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C152 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C153 2113743K18 CAP, 0.47uF C154 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C156 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C157 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C158 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C159 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C160 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C170 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C171 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C172 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C201 2113740F59 CAP, 220pF C202 2109445U52 CAP, 62pF C203 2109445U13 CAP, 2.7pF C204 2113743L09 CAP, 470pF C205 Not_Placed CAP, 2.7pF C206 Not_Placed CAP, 1000pF C207 2113743L09 CAP, 470pF C208 2113743L09 CAP, 470pF C209 2113743L09 CAP, 470pF C210 2113743L09 CAP, 470pF C211 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C212 2113743F18 CAP, 2.2uF C213 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C214 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C215 2113743F18 CAP, 2.2uF C216 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C217 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C218 2113743F18 CAP, 2.2uF C219 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C220 2113743N34 CAP, 22pF C221 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C222 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C223 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C224 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C225 2311049A57 CAPP, 10uF C226 2311049A57 CAPP, 10uF C227 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C228 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C230 2113743F18 CAP, 2.2uF C231 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C232 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C233 2311049A56 CAPP, 4.7uF C240 2109445U06 CAP, 1.3pF C241 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF C243 0886641Z01 CAP, 0.1uF C244 0888600M25 CAP, .01uF Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description C245 2311049A08 CAPP, 1uF C251 0888600M03 CAP, 150pF C252 Not_Placed CAP, 390pF C253 2109445U22 CAP, 6.2pF C254 2109445U15 CAP, 3.3pF C255 2109445U26 CAP, 9.1pF C256 2109445U17 CAP, 3.9pF C257 2109445U35 CAP, 12pF C263 2109445U22 CAP, 6.2pF C264 2109445U14 CAP, 3.0pF C265 2109445U21 CAP, 5.6pF C266 2109445U14 CAP, 3.0pF C267 2109445U26 CAP, 9.1pF C268 2109445U01 CAP, 0.5pF C270 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C271 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C272 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C273 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C274 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C275 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C276 2109445U16 CAP, 3.6pF C281 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C282 2109445U18 CAP, 4.3pF C283 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C284 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C285 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C286 2109445U17 CAP, 3.9pF C290 2109445U23 CAP, 6.8pF C291 2109445U36 CAP, 13pF C292 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C301 2113743N42 CAP, 47pF C302 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF C303 2311049A97 CAPP, 33uF C304 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C305 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF C306 2113741F49 CAP, .01uF C310 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C311 2113743E05 CAP, .018uF C312 2311049A57 CAPP, 10uF C313 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C314 2113743L19 CAP, 1200pF C315 2113743L19 CAP, 1200pF C316 2113743L19 CAP, 1200pF C320 2113743E05 CAP, .018uF C321 2311049A57 CAPP, 10uF C322 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C323 2113743N54 CAP, 150pF C331 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C333 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C334 2311049A57 CAPP, 10uF C400 Not_Placed CAP, .022uF Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description
12-56UHF 465-495 MHz (8486634Z02-O) Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts ListsJune, 20056881096C25-BC401 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uFC402 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C403 2113743N50 CAP, 150pF C404 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C405 2113743N50 CAP, 150pF C406 2113743N50 CAP, 150pF C407 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C408 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C409 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C410 2311049A57 CAPP, 10uF C411 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C412 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C413 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C414 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C415 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C416 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C417 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C418 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C419 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C420 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C421 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C422 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C430 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C431 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C432 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C433 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C440 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C441 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C442 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C443 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C444 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C445 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C446 2113743L41 CAP, .01uF C447 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C451 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C452 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C453 2311049A56 CAPP, 4.7uF C454 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C455 2113743L48 CAP, .022uF C456 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C457 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C458 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C459 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C460 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C461 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C462 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C463 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C464 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C465 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C466 Not_Placed CAP, 470pF C467 2113743L19 CAP, 1200pF Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description C470 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C471 2113743F18 CAP, 2.2uF C472 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C473 2113743N54 CAP, 150pF C474 2113743N54 CAP, 150pF C475 2113743L48 CAP, .022uF C476 2113743L48 CAP, .022uF C477 2113743M24 CAP, 0.1uF C478 2113743N54 CAP, 150pF C479 2113743N54 CAP, 150pF C480 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C481 Not_Placed CAP, .01uF C482 Not_Placed CAP, .01uF C483 2113928H02 CAP, 0.22uF C484 Not_Placed CAP, .033uF C488 2113743L09 CAP, 470pF C489 2113743L09 CAP, 470pF C490 2113743L09 CAP, 470pF C492 2113928J08 CAP, 10uF C493 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C494 2113743F18 CAP, 2.2uF C495 2113743F16 CAP, 1uF C496 2113743F16 CAP, 1uF C497 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C498 2113743F16 CAP, 1uF C499 2113743N40 CAP, 39pF C500 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C501 2113743F16 CAP, 1uF C503 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C504 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C505 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C506 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C507 2113743L17 CAP, 1000pF C511 2113740F59 CAP, 220pF C512 2113743N22 CAP, 6.8pF C513 2113740F59 CAP, 220pF C514 2113743N31 CAP, 16pF C518 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C519 2113743F16 CAP, 1uF C521 2109445U13 CAP, 2.7pF C522 2113743N01 CAP, 0.5pF C523 2186463Z03 CAP, 0.5pF C524 2186463Z03 CAP, 0.5pF C525 2113743L07 CAP, 390pF CR1 4813825A19 MMBD352 CR41 4802246J04 HSMS2829 CR51 4813825A19 MMBD352 D51 4802245J97 DAN235ETL D52 4802245J97 DAN235ETL D120 4880973Z02 MA4PH261 D121 4880973Z02 MA4PH261 Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description D201 4862824C03 1SV232D220 4802233J09 IMN10 D221 4802233J09 IMN10 D251 4862824C01 1SV229 D261 4862824C01 1SV229 D262 4862824C01 1SV229 D301 4813833A19 MBRM120ET3 D414 4805129M41 MMBD501 D424 4809924D18 RB520S-30 D440 4805729G49 BRPY1204W D470 4809924D18 RB520S-30 D471 4809924D18 RB520S-30 D491 Not_Placed MMBD501 E451 2480640Z01 BK1005HM471 E452 2480640Z01 BK1005HM471 E453 2480640Z01 BK1005HM471 E500 2480640Z01 BK1005HM471 F301 6580542Z01 FUSE FL51 9180022M11 MXF45 FL52 9180468V04 FLTR FL53 9180469V05 CFWC455E FL54 9180469V03 CFWC455G J140 0986428Z01 CONN_J J301 0986565Z01 CONN_J J460 0986615Z01 CONN_J J470 0985818A01 CONN_J J471 0980683Z03 CONN_J J491 2809926G01 CONN_P L1 2409348J15 IDCTR, 9.85nH L2 2409348J15 IDCTR, 9.85nH L3 2409348J15 IDCTR, 9.85nH L21 2413926N18 IDCTR, 33nH L31 2409348J15 IDCTR, 9.85nH L32 2409348J15 IDCTR, 9.85nH L33 2409348J15 IDCTR, 9.85nH L34 2409348J15 IDCTR, 9.85nH L40 2413926K16 IDCTR, 27nH L41 2413926K16 IDCTR, 27nH L51 2413926N26 IDCTR, 150nH L52 2462587V43 IDCTR, 560nH L53 2113743N52 CAP, 120pF L54 2413923A25 IDCTR, 1.2uH L55 2413926N16 IDCTR, 22nH L81 2413923A19 IDCTR, 1uH L100 2413926K27 IDCTR, 220nH L101 2413926K27 IDCTR, 220nH L102 2409377M25 IDCTR, 7.5nH L103 2409377M24 IDCTR, 5.1nH L110 2413926K27 IDCTR, 220nH L120 2413926K27 IDCTR, 220nH L121 2462587V24 IDCTR, 15nH Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description L130 2460591C36 IDCTR, 20.45nH L131 2460591C40 IDCTR, 17.02nH L132 2460591C40 IDCTR, 17.02nH L140 2460591L14 IDCTR, 15.92nH L141 2479990M01 IDCTR, 30.54nH L211 2413926K30 IDCTR, 390nH L251 2413926N28 IDCTR, 220nH L252 2413926N17 IDCTR, 27nH L254 2484562T11 IDCTR, 12.5nH L255 2413926N28 IDCTR, 220nH L262 2413926N17 IDCTR, 27nH L264 2484562T13 IDCTR, 8nH L265 2413926N28 IDCTR, 220nH L270 2413926N28 IDCTR, 220nH L271 Not_Placed IDCTR, 220nH L272 2413926N28 IDCTR, 220nH L276 2413926N17 IDCTR, 27nH L281 2413926N15 IDCTR, 18nH L282 2413926N15 IDCTR, 18nH L283 Not_Placed IDCTR, 22nH L291 2413926N10 IDCTR, 6.8nH L292 2413926N14 IDCTR, 15nH L471 2413926K30 IDCTR, 390nH M140 0286427Z01 ANTENNA_NUT Q21 4802247J01 BFS505 Q22 4805723X02 UMT1 Q51 4802197J95 PBR941 Q70 4880214G02 MMBT3904 Q100 4885593U03 BFG540W Q150 4880214G02 MMBT3904 Q170 4809939C34 EMB10 Q171 4880048M01 DTC144EKA Q280 4802245J95 BFS540 Q311 4809579E18 TP0101T Q312 4809579E18 TP0101T Q313 4802245J54 UMG5 Q402 4880048M01 DTC144EKA Q403 4813824A17 MMBT3906 Q410 4802245J54 UMG5 Q440 5180159R01 IMX1 Q470 4805723X02 UMT1 Q471 4802245J54 UMG5 Q472 4805723X02 UMT1 Q481 Not_Placed MMBT3906 Q482 Not_Placed MMBT3904 Q490 4802245J54 UMG5 Q493 4809579E18 TP0101T Q494 4802245J54 UMG5 Q520 5180159R01 IMX1 R20 0662057M92 RES, 5.6K R21 0662057M49 RES, 91 Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description
UHF 465-495 MHz (8486634Z02-O) Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists12-576881096C25-BJune, 2005R22 0662057M92 RES, 5.6KR23 0662057N09 RES, 27K R24 0662057M76 RES, 1.2K R25 0662057M92 RES, 5.6K R40 0662057M74 RES, 1K R51 0662057M43 RES, 51 R52 0662057N01 RES, 12K R53 0662057N11 RES, 33K R54 0662057M91 RES, 5.1K R55 0662057M62 RES, 330 R57 0662057M90 RES, 4.7K R60 0662057M83 RES, 2.4K R61 0662057N23 RES, 100K R62 0662057M86 RES, 3.3K R63 0662057N13 RES, 39K R64 0662057N06 RES, 20K R65 0662057N13 RES, 39K R66 0662057N06 RES, 20K R67 0662057N06 RES, 20K R72 0662057M64 RES, 390 R73 0662057M80 RES, 1.8K R74 0662057M76 RES, 1.2K R75 0662057N01 RES, 12K R76 0662057V04 RES, 12K R77 0662057U99 RES, 8.2K R78 0662057M70 RES, 680 R80 0662057M91 RES, 5.1K R81 0662057M74 RES, 1K R82 Not_Placed RES, 0 R90 0662057M43 RES, 51 R91 0662057M79 RES, 1.6K R100 0662057M72 RES, 820 R101 0662057M20 RES, 5.6 R102 0662057M72 RES, 820 R103 0662057M85 RES, 3K R104 0662057A07 RES, 18 R105 0662057M84 RES, 2.7K R106 0662057M90 RES, 4.7K R107 Not_Placed RES, 300 R110 0662057M70 RES, 680 R111 0662057M81 RES, 2K R120 0662057C55 RES, 150 R121 0662057C55 RES, 150 R150 0680539Z01 RES, 0.1 R151 0662057A15 RES, 39 R152 0662057V27 RES, 100K R153 0662057V27 RES, 100K R154 0662057V27 RES, 100K R155 0662057V27 RES, 100K R156 0662057M62 RES, 330 R157 0662057M82 RES, 2.2K Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description R158 0662057M78 RES, 1.5K R162 0662057M98 RES, 10K R202 0662057N27 RES, 150K R205 0662057M50 RES, 100 R206 Not_Placed RES, 100 R212 0662057C01 RES, 0 R220 0662057M34 RES, 22 R221 0662057M34 RES, 22 R223 0662057M50 RES, 100 R227 0662057N13 RES, 39K R230 0662057N06 RES, 20K R243 0662057M72 RES, 820 R244 0662057M43 RES, 51 R245 0662057M78 RES, 1.5K R246 0662057N23 RES, 100K R247 0662057N14 RES, 43K R253 0662057M42 RES, 47 R254 0662057M50 RES, 100 R255 0662057U91 RES, 3.9K R261 0662057N07 RES, 22K R262 0662057M95 RES, 7.5K R263 0662057M38 RES, 33 R264 0662057M50 RES, 100 R271 0662057M91 RES, 5.1K R272 0662057M93 RES, 6.2K R273 0662057M62 RES, 330 R274 0662057M38 RES, 33 R275 0662057M50 RES, 100 R276 Not_Placed RES, 1K R277 0662057B47 RES, 0 R280 0662057M90 RES, 4.7K R281 0662057M96 RES, 8.2K R282 0662057M73 RES, 910 R283 0662057M53 RES, 130 R284 0662057M70 RES, 680 R285 0662057M01 RES, 0 R310 0662057N23 RES, 100K R311 0662057N23 RES, 100K R312 0662057N06 RES, 20K R313 0662057M98 RES, 10K R320 0662057V43 RES, 330K R321 0662057V35 RES, 200K R322 0662057N23 RES, 100K R400 Not_Placed RES, 100K R410 0662057M98 RES, 10K R411 0662057M72 RES, 820 R412 0662057N23 RES, 100K R413 0662057N23 RES, 100K R414 0662057N11 RES, 33K R415 0662057N11 RES, 33K R416 0662057N06 RES, 20K Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description R417 0662057M98 RES, 10KR418 0662057N23 RES, 100K R419 0662057M90 RES, 4.7K R420 0662057V35 RES, 200K R421 0662057V27 RES, 100K R422 0662057N23 RES, 100K R423 0662057N23 RES, 100K R424 0662057V35 RES, 200K R425 0662057V27 RES, 100K R430 0662057N23 RES, 100K R431 Not_Placed RES, 100K R432 0662057M01 RES, 0 R433 0662057N23 RES, 100K R434 Not_Placed RES, 100K R440 0662057M90 RES, 4.7K R441 0662057M90 RES, 4.7K R442 0662057A33 RES, 220 R443 0662057A27 RES, 120 R445 0662057M90 RES, 4.7K R446 0662057M98 RES, 10K R451 0662057N15 RES, 47K R460 0662057N08 RES, 24K R462 0662057N08 RES, 24K R463 0662057N08 RES, 24K R464 0662057N10 RES, 30K R469 0662057M26 RES, 10 R470 0662057M82 RES, 2.2K R471 0662057M82 RES, 2.2K R472 0662057M70 RES, 680 R473 0662057M70 RES, 680 R474 0662057A37 RES, 330 R475 0662057N29 RES, 180K R476 0662057N23 RES, 100K R477 0662057M82 RES, 2.2K R478 0662057M82 RES, 2.2K R479 0662057N23 RES, 100K R480 0662057B47 RES, 0 R481 Not_Placed RES, 100K R482 Not_Placed RES, 330K R483 Not_Placed RES, 150K R484 Not_Placed RES, 2.2K R485 Not_Placed RES, 100K R486 Not_Placed RES, 100K R487 0662057M01 RES, 0 R488 0662057N35 RES, 330K R489 Not_Placed RES, 91K R490 Not_Placed RES, 2.2K R491 0662057M01 RES, 0 R492 0662057N08 RES, 24K R493 0662057N35 RES, 330K R494 0662057V43 RES, 330K Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description R495 0662057M92 RES, 5.6K R496 Not_Placed RES, 10K R497 Not_Placed RES, 1MEG R498 Not_Placed RES, 47K R499 Not_Placed RES, 270K R501 0662057M50 RES, 100 R502 0662057M50 RES, 100 R503 0662057M50 RES, 100 R504 0662057M50 RES, 100 R505 0662057M50 RES, 100 R506 0662057M50 RES, 100 R507 0662057M50 RES, 100 R508 0662057N23 RES, 100K R509 0662057N23 RES, 100K R510 0662057N35 RES, 330K R511 0662057N23 RES, 100K R512 0662057N27 RES, 150K R513 0662057N23 RES, 100K R514 0662057N23 RES, 100K R515 0662057M01 RES, 0 R516 Not_Placed RES, 0 R517 Not_Placed RES, 0 R518 0662057N31 RES, 220K R519 0662057N23 RES, 100K R520 0662057N23 RES, 100K R521 Not_Placed RES, 100K R522 0662057N23 RES, 100K R523 0662057M98 RES, 10K S440 4080710Z14 4080710Z15 SWITCH, Rotary, 16-Ch. Select SWITCH, Rotary, 32/64 Ch. Select S441 4070354A01 SWITCH S442 4070354A01 SWITCH S443 4070354A01 SWITCH S444 1880619Z02 SWITCH SH1 2686421Z01 SHIELD SH40 2686419Z01 SHIELD SH50 2686423Z01 SHIELD SH52 2686424Z01 SHIELD SH100 2686418Z01 SHIELD SH200 2686424Z01 SHIELD SH201 2686423Z01 SHIELD SH250 2686425Z01 SHIELD SH251 2686425Z01 SHIELD SH253 2686422Z01 SHIELD SH400 2686420Z02 SHIELD SH401 2686420Z01 SHIELD T41 2580541Z02 XFMR T42 2580541Z02 XFMR U51 5186144B01 SA616 Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description
12-58UHF 465-495 MHz (8486634Z02-O) Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts ListsJune, 20056881096C25-B * Motorola Depot Servicing only UHF (465-495 MHz) Keypad Board Parts List (8466565A03-B)U52 5109522E10 TC7W04F U110 0186438Z02 RA07M4452M_UHF U150 5113818A01 LM2904 U151 2484657R01 57R01 U201* 5185963A27 63A27 U251 5105750U54 50U54 U310 5102478J01 TK71750S U320 5185963A55 LP2986 U330 5102479J01 TK71730S U401* 5102226J56 MC68HC11FL0 U402* 5102463J64 X25128-2.7 U403 Not_Placed SRM2B256 U404* 5102480J01 AT49LV001N_70VI U451 5185130C53 30C53 U480 Not_Placed LM2904 U490 5108858K99 TDA8541 U510 5113818A01 LM2904 U511 4802245J54 UMG5 VR110 4813830A86 MM3Z3V9T1 VR301 4813830A33 MMBZ5250B VR302 4813830A33 MMBZ5250B VR471 4813830A18 MMBZ5235B VR472 4813830A09 MMBZ5226B VR473 4813830A33 MMBZ5250B VR474 4813830A33 MMBZ5250B VR475 4880140L20 MMBZ5245B Y51 4802245J84 TSS2_44_395MHZ Y70 9186145B02 45B02 Y201* 4880114R06 14R06 Y202 Not_Placed 45J68 Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.DescriptionC1 NOTPLACED CAP, 150pF C2 2113740F55 CAP, 150pF C3 NOTPLACED CAP, 150pF C4 2113743E20 CAP, 0.1uF C5 NOTPLACED CAP, 150pF C6 NOTPLACED CAP, 150pF C7 NOTPLACED CAP, 150pF C8 NOTPLACED CAP, 150pF C21 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF C22 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF C23 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF C24 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF C25 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF Circuit RefMotorola Par t No.Description C26 2113743N50 CAP, 100pFC27 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF C28 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF C29 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF C30 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF C31 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF C32 2113743N50 CAP, 100pF D1 4809496B11 QSMG-H799 D2 4809496B11 QSMG-H799 D3 4809496B11 QSMG-H799 D4 4809496B11 QSMG-H799 D5 4809496B11 QSMG-H799 D6 4809496B11 QSMG-H799 D7 4809496B11 QSMG-H799 D8 4809496B11 QSMG-H799 D10 4809496B11 QSMG-H799 J1 0986632Z01 CONN_J J2 0909059E18 CONN_J R1 0662057A97 RES, 100K Q1 4802245J54 UMG5 Q2 4802245J54 UMG5 Q3 4802245J54 UMG5 Q4 4802245J54 UMG5 Q5 4802245J54 UMG5 Q6 4802245J54 UMG5 Q7 4802245J54 UMG5 Q8 4802245J54 UMG5 Q9 4802245J54 UMG5 Q10 4802245J54 UMG5 Q11 4802245J54 UMG5 Q12 4802245J54 UMG5 R1 0662057A97 RES, 100k R2 0662057A76 RES, 13K R3 0662057A81 RES, 22K R4 0662057A88 RES, 43K R5 0662057B01 RES, 130K R6 0662057A97 RES, 100K R7 0662057A76 RES, 13K R8 0662057A81 RES, 22K R9 0662057A88 RES, 43K R10 0662057B01 RES, 130K R11 0662057A41 RES, 470 R12 0662057A41 RES, 470 R13 0662057A37 RES, 330 R14 0662057A37 RES, 330 R15 0662057A37 RES, 330 R20 0662057A41 RES, 470 Circuit RefMotorola Part No.Description
INDEX A Antenna Matching Network, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation ...............................8-4 Antenna Matching Network, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation ...............................9-4 Antenna Matching Network, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation .............................10-4 Antenna Matching Network, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation................................4-4 Antenna Matching Network, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation................................5-4 Antenna Switch, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation..................................................8-3 Antenna Switch, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation..................................................9-3 Antenna Switch, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation................................................10-3 Antenna Switch, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation ..................................................4-3 Antenna Switch, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation ..................................................5-3 Audio Circuitry Theory of Operation ....................................................................................3-4 Audio Power Amplifier Theory of Operation ........................................................................3-5 B Battery Charging Through Microphone Jack Controller Theory of Operation .....................3-6 Battery Gauge Controller Theory of Operation....................................................................3-4 Boot Mode Control Controller Theory of Operation .............................................................3-4 C Computer Software Copyrights .............................................................................................. ii Control and Indicator Interface Controller Theory of Operation ..........................................3-2 Controller Theory of Operation ............................................................................................3-1 Controller .......................................................................................................................3-1 Microprocessor Circuitry ..........................................................................................3-1 Memory Usage ..................................................................................................3-2 Control and Indicator Interface ..........................................................................3-2 Serial Bus Control of Circuit Blocks ..................................................................3-2 Interface to RSS Programming .........................................................................3-3 Storage of Customer-Specific Information .........................................................3-3 Sensing of Externally-Connected Accessories ..................................................3-3 Microprocessor Power-Up, Power-Down and Reset Routine............................3-3 Boot Mode Control.............................................................................................3-4 Microprocessor 7.3975 MHz Clock....................................................................3-4 Battery Gauge ...................................................................................................3-4 Audio Circuitry ...............................................................................................................3-4 Transmit and Receive Low-Level Audio Circuitry ..............................................3-4 Audio Power Amplifier .......................................................................................3-5 Internal Microphone Audio Voice Path ..............................................................3-5 PTT Circuits .......................................................................................................3-6 VOX Operation ..................................................................................................3-6 Battery Charging Through Microphone Jack .....................................................3-6 Programming and Flashing Through Microphone Jack .....................................3-6
June, 20056881096C25-B 2INDEX: D DC Power Distribution Theory of Operation ........................................................................ 2-1 DC Regulation and Distribution Theory of Operation .......................................................... 2-1 Disclaimer .............................................................................................................................. ii Document Copyrights.............................................................................................................ii E F Foreword ................................................................................................................................ ii Fractional-N Synthesizer, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation ................................... 8-5 Fractional-N Synthesizer, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation ................................... 9-5 Fractional-N Synthesizer, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation ................................. 10-5 Fractional-N Synthesizer, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation ................................... 4-5 Fractional-N Synthesizer, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation ................................... 5-5 Frequency Generation Circuitry, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation......................... 8-4 Frequency Generation Circuitry, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation......................... 9-4 Frequency Generation Circuitry, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation....................... 10-4 Frequency Generation Circuitry, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation ......................... 4-4 Frequency Generation Circuitry, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation ......................... 5-4 G H Harmonic Filter, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation .................................................. 8-3 Harmonic Filter, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation .................................................. 9-3 Harmonic Filter, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation ................................................ 10-3 Harmonic Filter, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation .................................................. 4-3 Harmonic Filter, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation .................................................. 5-3 I Interface to RSS Programming Controller Theory of Operation.......................................... 3-3 Internal Microphone Audio Voice Path Theory of Operation ............................................... 3-5 Introduction, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation........................................................ 8-1 Introduction, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation........................................................ 9-1 Introduction, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation...................................................... 10-1 Introduction, UHF Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists .................................. 12-1 Introduction, VHF Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists .................................... 7-1 Introduction, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation ........................................................ 4-1 Introduction, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation ........................................................ 5-1 J K Keypad, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation .............................................................. 8-7 Keypad, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation .............................................................. 9-7 Keypad, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation ............................................................ 10-7 Keypad, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation .............................................................. 4-7
6881096C25-BJune, 2005 INDEX: 3 Keypad, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation...............................................................5-7 L List of Figures ........................................................................................................................ ix List of Tables ........................................................................................................................ xii M Memory Usage Controller Theory of Operation ..................................................................3-2 Microprocessor 7.3975 MHz Clock Controller Theory of Operation ....................................3-4 Microprocessor Circuitry Controller Theory of Operation ....................................................3-1 Microprocessor Power-Up, Power-Down and Reset Routine Controller Theory of Operation........................................................................................................3-3 N Notes For All Schematics and Circuit Boards, UHF ..........................................................12-1 Notes For All Schematics and Circuit Boards, VHF ............................................................7-1 O P Power Control, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation ....................................................8-4 Power Control, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation l ..................................................9-4 Power Control, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation ..................................................10-4 Power Control, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation ....................................................4-4 Power Control, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation ....................................................5-4 Product Safety and RE Exposure Compliance....................................................................... ii Programming and Flashing Through Microphone Jack Controller Theory of Operation .....3-6 PTT Circuits Controller Theory of Operation .......................................................................3-6 Q R Receiver Back End, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation ............................................8-2 Receiver Back End, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation ............................................9-2 Receiver Back End, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation ..........................................10-2 Receiver Back-End, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation ............................................4-2 Receiver Back-End, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation ............................................5-2 Receiver Front End, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation............................................8-1 Receiver Front End, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation............................................9-1 Receiver Front End, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation..........................................10-1 Receiver Front-End, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation............................................4-1 Receiver Front-End, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation............................................5-1 Receiver, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation.............................................................8-1 Receiver, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation.............................................................9-1 Receiver, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation...........................................................10-1 Receiver, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation .............................................................4-1 Receiver, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation .............................................................5-1 Related Publications............................................................................................................. xii
June, 20056881096C25-B 4INDEX: S Sensing of Externally-Connected Accessories Controller Theory of Operation .................. 3-3 Serial Bus Control of Circuit Controller Blocks Theory of Operation ................................... 3-2 Service Aids ........................................................................................................................ 1-2 Six Layer Circuit Board, UHF ............................................................................................ 12-3 Six Layer Circuit Board, VHF .............................................................................................. 7-3 Speaker and Microphone Parts List, UHF ......................................................................... 12-3 Speaker and Microphone Parts List, VHF ........................................................................... 7-3 Speaker and Microphone Schematic, UHF ....................................................................... 12-3 Speaker and Microphone Schematic, VHF ......................................................................... 7-3 Storage of Customer-Specific Information Controller Theory of Operation ......................... 3-3 T Test Equipment, Service Aids, and Service Tools ............................................................... 1-1 Test Equipment ................................................................................................................... 1-1 Service Aids .................................................................................................................. 1-2 Transmit and Receive Low-Level Audio Circuitry Theory of Operation .............................. 3-4 Transmitter Power Amplifier, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation .............................. 8-3 Transmitter Power Amplifier, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation .............................. 9-3 Transmitter Power Amplifier, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation ............................ 10-3 Transmit Power Amplifier, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation ................................... 4-3 Transmit Power Amplifier, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation ................................... 5-3 Transmitter, UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation ........................................................ 8-3 Transmitter, UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation ........................................................ 9-3 Transmitter, UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation ...................................................... 10-3 Transmitter, VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation......................................................... 4-3 Transmitter, VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation......................................................... 5-3 Troubleshooting Tables, UHF............................................................................................ 11-1 Troubleshooting Table for Board and IC Signals, UHF ..................................................... 11-6 Troubleshooting Table for Board and IC Signals, VHF ....................................................... 6-6 Troubleshooting Table for Receiver, UHF ......................................................................... 11-1 Troubleshooting Table for Receiver, VHF ........................................................................... 6-1 Troubleshooting Table for Synthesize, UHF...................................................................... 11-3 Troubleshooting Table for Synthesize, VHF ........................................................................ 6-3 Troubleshooting Table for Transmitter, UHF ..................................................................... 11-4 Troubleshooting Table for Transmitter, VHF........................................................................ 6-4 U UHF Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists ...................................................... 12-1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 12-1 Notes For All Schematics and Circuit Boards ....................................................... 12-1 Six Layer Circuit Board.......................................................................................... 12-3 Speaker and Microphone Schematic .......................................................................... 12-3 Speaker and Microphone Parts List ...................................................................... 12-3 UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation ............................................................................ 8-1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................8-1 UHF Receiver................................................................................................................ 8-1 Receiver Front End ........................................................................................... 8-1 Receiver Back End ............................................................................................ 8-2 UHF Transmitter ............................................................................................................ 8-3
6881096C25-BJune, 2005 INDEX: 5 Transmitter Power Amplifier ..............................................................................8-3 Antenna Switch..................................................................................................8-3 Harmonic Filter ..................................................................................................8-3 Antenna Matching Network.....................................................................................8-4 Power Control ..........................................................................................................8-4 UHF Frequency Generation Circuitry ............................................................................8-4 Fractional-N Synthesizer .........................................................................................8-5 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) ........................................................................8-6 Keypad ..........................................................................................................................8-7 UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation.............................................................................9-1 Introduction....................................................................................................................9-1 UHF Receiver ................................................................................................................9-1 Receiver Front End..................................................................................................9-1 Receiver Back End ..................................................................................................9-2 UHF Transmitter ............................................................................................................9-3 Transmitter Power Amplifier ....................................................................................9-3 Antenna Switch........................................................................................................9-3 Harmonic Filter ........................................................................................................9-3 Antenna Matching Network .....................................................................................9-4 Power Control ..........................................................................................................9-4 UHF Frequency Generation Circuitry ............................................................................9-4 Fractional-N Synthesizer .........................................................................................9-5 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) ........................................................................9-6 Keypad ..........................................................................................................................9-7 UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation...........................................................................10-1 Introduction..................................................................................................................10-1 UHF Receiver ..............................................................................................................10-1 Receiver Front End................................................................................................10-1 Receiver Back End ................................................................................................10-2 UHF Transmitter ..........................................................................................................10-3 Transmitter Power Amplifier ..................................................................................10-3 Antenna Switch......................................................................................................10-3 Harmonic Filter ......................................................................................................10-3 Antenna Matching Network ...................................................................................10-4 Power Control ........................................................................................................10-4 UHF Frequency Generation Circuitry ..........................................................................10-4 Fractional-N Synthesizer .......................................................................................10-5 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) ......................................................................10-6 Keypad ........................................................................................................................10-7 UHF Troubleshooting Tables ............................................................................................. 11-1 Troubleshooting Table for Receiver ............................................................................. 11-1 Troubleshooting Table for Synthesizer ........................................................................ 11-3 Troubleshooting Table for Transmitter ......................................................................... 11-4 Troubleshooting Table for Board and IC Signals ......................................................... 11-6 V VHF Schematic Diagrams, Overlays, and Parts Lists ........................................................7-1 Introduction....................................................................................................................7-1
June, 20056881096C25-B 6INDEX: Notes For All Schematics and Circuit Boards ......................................................... 7-1 Six Layer Circuit Board............................................................................................ 7-3 Speaker and Microphone Schematic ............................................................................ 7-3 Speaker and Microphone Parts List ........................................................................ 7-3 VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation............................................................................. 4-1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................4-1 VHF Receiver ................................................................................................................ 4-1 Receiver Front-End ................................................................................................. 4-1 Receiver Back-End.................................................................................................. 4-2 VHF Transmitter ............................................................................................................ 4-3 Transmit Power Amplifier ........................................................................................ 4-3 Antenna Switch ....................................................................................................... 4-3 Harmonic Filter ........................................................................................................ 4-3 Antenna Matching Network ..................................................................................... 4-4 Power Control.......................................................................................................... 4-4 VHF Frequency Generation Circuitry ............................................................................ 4-4 Fractional-N Synthesizer ......................................................................................... 4-5 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) ........................................................................ 4-6 Keypad ..........................................................................................................................4-7 VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation............................................................................. 5-1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................5-1 VHF Receiver ................................................................................................................ 5-1 Receiver Front-End ................................................................................................. 5-1 Receiver Back-End.................................................................................................. 5-2 VHF Transmitter ............................................................................................................ 5-3 Transmit Power Amplifier ........................................................................................ 5-3 Antenna Switch ....................................................................................................... 5-3 Harmonic Filter ........................................................................................................ 5-3 Antenna Matching Network ..................................................................................... 5-4 Power Control.......................................................................................................... 5-4 VHF Frequency Generation Circuitry ............................................................................ 5-4 Fractional-N Synthesizer ......................................................................................... 5-5 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) ........................................................................ 5-6 Keypad ..........................................................................................................................5-7 VHF Troubleshooting Tables ............................................................................................... 6-1 Troubleshooting Table for Receiver............................................................................... 6-1 Troubleshooting Table for Synthesizer .......................................................................... 6-3 Troubleshooting Table for Transmitter ........................................................................... 6-4 Troubleshooting Table for Board and IC Signals ........................................................... 6-6 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), UHF 403-440 MHz Theory Of Operation .................. 8-6 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), UHF 438-470 MHz Theory Of Operation .................. 9-6 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), UHF 465-495 MHz Theory Of Operation ................ 10-6 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), VHF 136-162 MHz Theory Of Operation .................. 4-6 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO), VHF 146-174 MHz Theory Of Operation .................. 5-6 VOX Operation Controller Theory of Operation .................................................................. 3-6 W X