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Motorola I58sry User Guide

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Page 151

Storing the Memo Number to Phonebook
Storing the Memo Number to Phonebook
1From the idle screen, pressm.
2PressSto scroll toMemo.
3PressAunder SELECT.
4Pressm.WithSto re t o PH B Khighlighted, pressAunder SELECT.
5This displays theSto re Toscreen with[New Entry]highlighted. Press
Aunder SELECT.
6To create a valid Phonebook entry, you must assign a type. PressRto
scroll to theTy p efield.
7PressBunder CHANGE. PressSto scroll to the type of number you
want to assign to the Phonebook entry. PressBunder...

Page 152


Page 153

Nextel Online®
You can use your phone’s Net feature to access a suite of wireless data products
known as Nextel Online®(NOL). You can use your Internet-readyi58srphone
to send and receive email, two-way messages, access your address book obtain
driving directions, check weather and news updates, shop, view the latest stock
quotes, conduct financial transactions, and more. Access the specific
information you need to get business done... easily... wirelessly!
For more information, see theNextel Online...

Page 154

Starting the Microbrowser
Just as you use Netscape Navigator®or Microsoft®Internet Explorer to browse
the Web from your desktop, the microbrowser contained in your phone allows
you to explore and use a variety of Nextel Online services. To begin using NOL:
1From the idle screen, pressmto access theMain Menu.
2PressSto scroll toNet.
3PressAunder SELECT.
4Your NOL home page displays.
NOTE: The first time you access Net, you will be asked to enable
security to ensure your information remains...

Page 155

Using Your Phone as a Modem
Using Your Phone as a Modem
You can use youri58srphone as a wireless modem! You can connect your
IBM™-compatible computer* or Personal Digital Assistant* (PDA) to your
i58srphone and access your company’s network using Nextel Online Dial-Up
services or access the Internet or POP3 email with Nextel Online Packetstream
Gold—all without the hassle of locating a telephone jack for a landline
To activate Dial-Up services or Packetsream Gold, call 1-800-NEXTEL6 or...

Page 156


Page 157

Java Apps
The Java Apps feature of youri58srphone runs applications written in the Java
programming language. Youri58srphone comes with several Java applications
NOTE: In order to run a Java application, you may first need to install
the application. See“Installing Java Apps”on page 148.
You can download, install, and run additional Java applications (games and
business productivity tools) by loading them into your phone via the Internet at
nextel.com/idenupdate, then downloading them to...

Page 158

Installing Java Apps
To install Java applications on your phone:
Running Java Apps
To run an application:
NOTE: If you receive an incoming phone call, the Java application may
be suspended.
To suspend a running application:
1From theJava Appsscreen, pressRto scroll to the desired
2To determine whether the application needs to be installed, look at the
display options on the screen.
If the display option is RUN or SELECT, the application is already...

Page 159

Downloading Applications
To resume a suspended application:
To stop a running application:
Downloading Applications
To access a selection of free Java applications, you may use the Download Apps
Java application on your phone. For a selection of free and purchasable Java
applications, you can go to the iDEN Update Website at www.nextel.com/
Downloading applications is easy. You can download these applications over
the air by using the DownloadApps application available on your phone or...

Page 160

By Permission—When an application attempts to view your phone’s
location, you will be prompted to give permission. However, a different
privacy protection mechanism may apply to those customers who purchase
a dispatch application.
See“Setting Privacy for Each Java Application”on page 151 for information on
choosing one of these options.
Granting or Denying Permission
If you choose theBy Permissionoption, you have several ways to grant or deny
each Java application access to your...
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