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Mitsubishi Electric Lt 46151 Owners Guide

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Page 41

 4.  TV Menus 41
Assign	names	to	TV	inputs	before	making	
video	adjustments	(New Device Found	or	
Inputs > Name	menu).		Adjustments	will	be	
reset	to	the	defaults	if	you	name	or	rename	
inputs	afterwards.		To	make	picture	adjust-
From the •	Adjust > Picture menu:
Press	1. 		to	highlight	an	option.
Press	2. 			to	adjust.
While watching TV:•			Press	the	MORE	key	and	then	
8	(VIDEO)	in	the	on-screen	menu.		Press			to	
select	the	video	option	you	want	to	change.		Press	
			to	change...

Page 42

42 4.  TV Menus
SpeakersThe	Speakers	option	displays	only	if	an	A /V	receiver	or	headphone	connection	has	been	
detected.		Detection	occurs	on	the	right	AVR AUDIO OUTPUT	jack	or	the	DIGITAL AUDIO OUT	jack.		
An	A /V	receiver	can	also	be	detected	on	an	HDMI	jack.
TVTurns	on	the	internal	TV	speakers.
AV ReceiverTurns	off	the	TV	speakers	so	you	hear	sound	only	from	a	connected	A /V	receiver.
Note:		When	you	disconnect	an	analog	A /V	receiver,	be	sure	to	change	the	
Speakers	setting	to	TV	to	hear	sound	from...

Page 43

 4.  TV Menus 43
Adjust, continued
Listen To
Applies	only	to	
analog	chan-
nels	from	the	
ANT	input
StereoThe	TV	plays	stereo	broadcasts	in	stereo	and	mono	broadcasts	in	mono.		The	
word	Stereo	is	displayed	when	you	tune	to	a	channel	broadcasting	in	stereo.
MonoReduces	background	noise.		Use	when	receiving	a	weak	stereo	audio	signal.		All	
audio	is	played	as	mono	with	this	setting.
Selects	an	additional	monaural	sound	track	not	audible	during	normal	TV	viewing.		
The	SAP...

Page 44

44 4.  TV Menus
ResetResets	audio	and	picture	adjustments	for	the	current	input.		Highlight	the	•	Reset	icon	and	press	
ENTER	twice.
Reset•		has	no	effect	on	global	settings	(Balance,	Listen To,	Language,	Film Mode,	and 
Advanced Picture).
GlobalGlobal	settings	apply	to	all	inputs.
Video Mute
inputs	only)
OnDisplays	a	solid	colored	background	when	there	is	no	video	signal	
from	the	current	input.		The	colored	screen	reminds	you	that	the	
TV	is	powered	on	when	there	is	no	picture.		The	TV...

Page 45

 4.  TV Menus 45
Adjust, continued
PerfectColor SlidersAdjusts	the	saturation	(intensity)	of	six	colors	for	
the	current	image	source.
PerfectTint Sliders
(153	or	249	series)
Adjusts	six	hues	for	the	current	image	source
Using PerfectColor:
Highlight	the	PerfectColor™	icon	and	press	ENTER	to	display	the	PerfectColor	menu.		Settings	are	
retained	independently	for	each	TV	input.
•	 Press			to	move	from	one	color	bar	to	the	next.
•	 Press				to	change	settings.
•	 Press	CANCEL to...

Page 46

46 4.  TV Menus
Captions on Analog Channels
The	TV	can	decode	captions	from	the	ANT INPUT and	
the	composite	VIDEO	jacks.		Broadcasters	can	send	
either	standard	closed	captions	or	text	service.		Standard	
closed	captions	follow	the	dialogue	of	the	program	and	
display	in	a	small	section	of	the	screen.		Text-service	closed	
captions	often	contain	information	such	as	weather	or	
news	and	cover	a	large	portion	of	the	screen.
•	Analog text-service options display a large 
black or...

Page 47

 4.  TV Menus 47
Displays	on-screen	menus	in	either	English	or	Spanish.
Note:		To	listen	to	audio	in	other	languages	(when	available),	see	Adjust > Audio > 
Listen To > SAP	(analog	signal)	or	Language	(digital	signal)	on	page	43.
Set	the	TV	clock	to:
Use	the	TV	Timer	to	power	on	the	TV	automatically	at	a	preset	time•	
Receive	correct	updates	to	ChannelView	listings•	
Note:		When	the	Daylight	Savings	Time	change	occurs,	you	must	open	this	menu	and	set	the	TV’s	
clock	ahead...

Page 48

48 4.  TV Menus
Initial, continued
Fast Power 
Options	for	power	consumption	while	the	TV	is	powered	off.
Standard•		keeps	the	TV’s	energy	use	within	ENERGY	STAR®	guide-
lines	while	powered	off.
Fast Power On•		lets	the	TV	power	up	quickly.		The	TV	uses	power	
while	in	the	off	state	in	excess	of	ENERGY	STAR	guidelines	for	a	
powered-down	device.
Ant Air, 
Ant Cable
You must perform a channel scan to receive digital channels.		Scan...

Page 49

 4.  TV Menus 49
Initial, continued
Basic Screen
(153, 249 series)
AutoS TA R TPerform	Auto	setup	using	the	supplied	calibration	
microphone.		See	page	36.
ManualCustomTo	perform	manual	setup,	see	page	34.
Note:  Do	not	perform	manual	adjustments	after	
running	Auto	setup.		Doing	so	will	erase	all	settings	
created	during	Auto	setup.
TV LocationCenter, Left, L 
Corner, Right, R 
Highlight	the	item	that	best	describes	the	TV’s	loca-
tion	relative	to	the	wall.		Required	for	Manual...

Page 50

50 4.  TV Menus
NameCablebox, Cam(corder), CD, DVD 
(DVD, DVD2, Blu-ray), DVR, Game 
(Game, PS, Xbox, Wii), MP3 Player, 
PC,  Satellite, VCR, AVR
Delete (deactivated	HDMI	only)
On/Off (ANT	only)
Lets	you	assign	or	•	change	names	of	inputs	appearing	in	
the	Activity	menu.
Press		-			to	move	between	inputs.
Press		-		to	select	a	name.
You	cannot	change	the	name	of	the	current	input;	you		-
must	first	switch	to	another	input.		If	you	have	only	one	
input,	such	as	a	cable	box,	make	sure	the	Ant	input...
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