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Miele K12020s1 Manual

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    							The correct temperature21. . . in the freezer compartment(depending on model)To freeze fresh food and to store frozenfood for a long time, a temperature of-18 °C is required. At this temperaturethe growth of micro-organisms is gener-ally halted. As soon as the temperaturerises above -10 °C, the micro-organ-isms become active in the food againso that it cannot be kept as long. Forthis reason, partially defrosted or fullydefrosted food must not be re-frozen.Food may be re-frozen once it has beencooked, as the high temperaturesachieved when cooking destroy mostmicro-organisms.
    Setting the temperatureThe temperature is set with the On/Offand temperature selector.
    0003Turn it to a setting between 1 and 7.
    The higher the setting, the lower thetemperature in the appliance.A middle range setting is usually suffi-cient.However, if frozen food is to be storedin the freezer compartment, then asetting of between 4 and 7 is recom-mended to ensure that the requiredtemperature in the freezer compartmentis maintained.It is also advisable to set the temperat-ure within this range, if
    –the door is being opened frequentlyand/or being kept open for longerperiods,–large quantities of food are stored in-side the appliance,–there is a high ambient temperature.0003Set the temperature as required usingthe temperature selector dial.The temperature in the freezer com-partment is controlled by the temper-ature in the refrigerator section. 
    							Winter setting22With low room temperaturesThe freezer compartment may not getcold enough if the room temperatureis at 18 °C or below because the lowambient temperature in the roomcauses the compressor to switch onless frequently. This can cause frozenfood to thaw. The winter setting is de-signed to prevent this happening.To activate the winter setting
    0003Press the winter setting rocker switchto setting "1".
    The compressor will now switch onmore frequently, lowering the temperat-ure in the freezer compartment to therequired level.To deactivate the winter settingIf the ambient room temperature iswarmer than 18 °C, the winter settingshould be switched off. Otherwise theappliance will use more energy than itneeds to.
    0003Press the winter setting rocker switchto setting "0".
    The appliance will continue running atnormal power.
    Freezing food efficientlyFor optimum results switch on thewinter setting on before putting freshfood into the freezer compartment. Thishelps food to freeze quickly and retainits nutrients, vitamins, flavours and ap-pearance.Exceptions! This is not necessary:
    –when placing food in the freezer thatis already frozen.–when freezing up to 2 kg fresh fooddaily.
    Activate the winter settingActivate the winter setting 24 hours be-fore placing food to be frozen in thefreezer compartment.
    0003Press the winter setting rocker switchto setting "1".
    The temperature in the freezer compart-ment will start to drop because thecompressor is switching on more fre-quently.Deactivate the winter settingSwitch the winter setting off about 24hours after placing food in the freezercompartment as it will be frozen.
    0003Press the winter setting rocker switchto setting "0".
    The appliance will continue running atnormal power.    
    							Storing food in the refrigerator section23Danger of explosion.Do not store explosive materials inthe appliance or any products con-taining propellants (e.g. spray cans).
    If storing food which contains alot of fat or oil in the appliance or theappliance door, make sure that itdoes not come into contact withplastic components as this couldcause stress cracks or break theplastic.
    Different storage zonesDue to natural air circulation there aredifferent temperature zones in the refri-gerator section.Cold, heavy air sinks to the lowest sec-tion of the appliance. Make use of thedifferent temperature zones when pla-cing food in the appliance.
    To allow air to circulate efficiently, donot pack food too closely together inthe refrigerator.Food must not touch the back of therefrigerator section as it may freeze tothe back wall.Warmest areaThe warmest area in the refrigeratorsection is at the top in the front areaand in the door. Use this for storing but-ter and cheese.Coldest areaThe coldest area is directly above thefruit and vegetable drawer(s) and at theback of the appliance.Use this for all delicate and highly per-ishable food, e.g.
    –fish, meat, poultry,–sausage products, ready meals,–dishes or baked goods containingeggs or cream,–fresh dough, cake mixtures, pizza orquiche dough,–soft cheese and other dairy products,–pre-packed vegetables and otherfresh food with a label stating itshould be kept at a temperature ofapprox. 4 °C. 
    							Storing food in the refrigerator section24Food which is not suitable forstorage in the refrigerator sec-tionNot all food is suitable for refrigerationat temperatures below 5°C as somefood is sensitive to cold. The appear-ance, consistency, taste and / or the vit-amin content of certain types of foodcan be adversely affected by beingstored in too cold a place.Food which does not tolerate cold tem-peratures includes:
    –Pineapples, avocados, bananas,pomegranates, mangoes, melons,papayas, passion fruit, citrus fruits(such as lemons, oranges, mandar-ins, grapefruit),
    –Fruit which is not yet ripe–Aubergines/eggplant, cucumbers,potatoes, peppers/capsicum, toma-toes, courgettes/zucchini,–Some hard cheeses, e.g. Parmesan.
    When shopping for foodThe freshness of food when first placedin the appliance is the most importantfactor in determining how long it staysfresh, and how long it can be kept in theappliance.Always observe the use-by date andthe recommended storage temperature.Time out of the refrigerator should bekept to a minimum, for example, whentransporting food in a hot car.Tip: Take a cool bag with you whenshopping and on return place food intothe appliance immediately.
    Storing food correctlyFood should generally be storedcovered or packaged in the refriger-ator section. This will prevent foodsmells from affecting other food, foodfrom drying out, and also any cross-contamination of bacteria. This is espe-cially important for storing protein-based food such as meat or fish.The growth of bacteria, such as sal-monella, can be avoided by setting thecorrect temperature and maintaininggood standards of hygiene.Fruit and vegetablesFruit and vegetables can be storedloose in the fruit and vegetabledrawer(s).Protein rich foodPlease note that food rich in protein de-teriorates faster than other types offood. Shellfish, for example, deterior-ates faster than fish, and fish deterior-ates faster than meat. 
    							Adjusting the interior fittings25Moving the shelvesThe shelves can be adjusted accordingto the height of the food.
    0003Raise the shelf, and pull it forwardsslightly until the notch at the side is inline with the shelf support. It can thenbe raised or lowered to the requiredlevel.
    The raised edge on the protective stripat the back must face upwards to pre-vent food from touching the back of theappliance and freezing to it.
    Stoppers prevent the shelves from be-ing dislodged by mistake.Split shelf(depending on model)In order to accommodate tall items inthe appliance, such as tall bottles orcontainers, one of the shelves is di-vided. The front section can be pushedcarefully under the rear section.
    0003Push the rear half of the glass shelfslightly upwards.0003With the rear half pushed up, lift thefront half of the glass shelf up slightlyat the front, then slide it carefully un-derneath the rear half.
    Adjusting the door shelf /bottle shelf
    0003Push the door/bottle shelf upwards,then remove it by pulling it forwards0003Replace the door/bottle shelf at therequired position. Ensure that it is se-curely pushed back into position.  
    							Freezing and storing food (depending on model)26Using the freezer compartmentUse the freezer compartment to:–store frozen food,–make ice cubes,–freeze small quantities of fresh food.Up to 2 kg of food can be frozen in24 hours.
    Freezing fresh foodFresh food should be frozen as quicklyas possible. This way the nutritionalvalue of the food, its vitamin content,appearance and taste are not impaired.Food which takes a long time to freezewill lose more water from its cells,which then shrink. During the defrostingprocess, only some of this water is re-absorbed by the cells; the rest collectsaround the food.If food is frozen quickly, the cells haveless time to lose moisture, so theyshrink less. As there is not so muchmoisture loss, it is easier for the food toreabsorb it during the defrosting pro-cess, and very little water collectsaround the defrosted food.
    Storing frozen foodWhen buying frozen food to store inyour freezer, check
    –that the packaging is not damaged,–the use-by date,–the temperature at which the frozenfood is being stored in the shop. Thelength of time it can be kept is re-duced if it has been stored at a tem-perature warmer than -18 °C.
    0003Buy frozen food once you have fin-ished the rest of your shopping, andwrap it in newspaper or use a coolbag or cool box to transport it.
    0003Store it in the freezer as soon as pos-sible.Never re-freeze partially or fullydefrosted food. Consume defrostedfood as soon as possible as it willlose its nutritional value and spoil ifleft for too long. Defrosted food mayonly be re-frozen after it has beencooked. 
    							Freezing and storing food (depending on model)27Home freezingOnly freeze fresh food which is in agood condition.
    Hints on home freezing
    –The following types of food are suit-able for freezing:Fresh meat, poultry, game, fish, ve-getables, herbs, fresh fruit, dairyproducts, cakes, leftovers, egg yolks,egg whites and a range of pre-cooked meals.
    –The following types of food are notsuitable for freezing:Grapes, lettuce, radishes, sourcream, mayonnaise, eggs in theirshells, onions, whole raw apples andpears.
    –To retain colour, taste, aroma and vit-amin C, vegetables should beblanched after they have beentrimmed and washed. To blanch:bring a large saucepan of water tothe boil, immerse the vegetables inthe fast boiling water for 2 - 3 minutes, depending on variety. Re-move, and plunge into ice-cold waterto cool quickly. Drain and pack readyfor freezing.
    –Lean meat freezes better than fattymeat, and can be stored for consid-erably longer.–To prevent chops, steaks, cutlets orrolled meat from freezing together insolid blocks when packed, separatewith a sheet of plastic freezer film.
    –Do not season fresh foods orblanched vegetables before freezing.Only season cooked food lightly be-fore freezing, but care should betaken as the taste of some spices al-ters when frozen.–Placing hot foods or drinks in thefreezer causes food that is alreadyfrozen to partially thaw and increasesenergy consumption. Allow hot foodsand drinks to cool down before pla-cing them in the freezer.
    0003Freeze food in portions.
    Suitable packing material
    –plastic freezer film–freezer bags–aluminium foil–freezer containers
    Unsuitable packing material
    –wrapping paper–grease-proof paper–cellophane–bin bags–plastic carrier bags0003Expel as much air as possible fromthe packaging.0003Close the packaging tightly with–rubber bands–plastic clips–string or bag ties–freezer tape.
    Tip: Freezer bags may also be sealedusing home heat sealing kits. 
    							Freezing and storing food (depending on model)280003Make a note of the contents and thedate of freezing on the packaging.Approx. 24 hours before placing freshfood in the freezer compartment
    0003Turn the On/Off and temperature se-lector to a medium setting (ap-prox. 6).If the ambient room temperature isabove 18 °C, do not activate thewinter setting.0003Activate the winter setting (see"Winter setting").
    This helps food which is already storedin the freezer to stay frozen.Placing food in the appliance
    Unfrozen food should not touchfrozen food as this will cause frozenfood to begin to thaw.0003Make sure that the packaging andcontainers are dry to prevent themsticking together when frozen.0003Place the food flat in the bottom ofthe freezer compartment so that itfreezes through to the core as quicklyas possible.
    Approx. 24 hours after placing freshfood in the freezer compartmentThe freezing process is complete.
    0003After a further 24 hours turn the tem-perature selector back to the normalsetting.Storage time for frozen foodThe storage life of food is very variable,even at a constant temperature of-18 °C. Decomposition processes alsotake place in frozen food, albeit at avery reduced speed. For example fatcan become rancid from contact withoxygen in the air. This is why lean meatcan be stored approx. twice as long asfatty meat.The storage times quoted are guide val-ues for the storage life of different foodgroups in the freezer section.
    Food groupStoragetime(Months)Ice cream2 to 6Bread, baked goods2 to 6Cheese2 to 4Fish, oily1 to 2Fish, lean1 to 5Sausage, ham1 to 3Game, pork1 to 12Poultry, beef2 to 10Vegetables, fruit6 to 18Herbs6 to 10
    Where the storage time given on thepackaging differs, follow the advice onthe packaging. 
    							Freezing and storing food (depending on model)29DefrostingFrozen food can be defrosted in differ-ent ways:
    –in a microwave oven,–in an oven using "Fan heat" or the"Defrost" setting,–at room temperature,–in the refrigerator section (the coldgiven off by the frozen food helps tokeep the other food cold),–in a steam oven.
    Flat pieces of partially thawed fish canbe placed directly into a hot frying pan.Meat and poultry It is particularly im-portant to observe food hygiene ruleswhen defrosting poultry. Do not use theliquid from defrosted poultry. Pour itaway and wash the container it was in,the sink and your hands. Danger of sal-monella poisoning. Ensure that meatand fish (e.g. mince, chicken, fish fillets)do not come into contact with otherfoods while defrosting. Catch the liquidand dispose of it carefully.Fruit should be defrosted at room tem-perature in its packaging, or in acovered bowl.Most vegetables can be cooked whilestill frozen. Just put straight into boilingwater or hot fat. The cooking time isslightly less than that of fresh veget-ables due to changes in the cell struc-ture.
    Never re-freeze partially or fullydefrosted food. Consume defrostedfood as soon as possible as it willlose its nutritional value and spoil ifleft for too long. Defrosted food mayonly be re-frozen after it has beencooked.
    Cooling drinks quicklyWhen cooling drinks quickly in thefreezer compartment, make sure bottlesare not left in for more than one hour;otherwise they could burst.Ice cubes
    0003Fill the ice cube tray three quartersfull of water and place it on the bot-tom of the freezer compartment.0003Once frozen, use a blunt instrument,for example a spoon handle, to re-move the ice tray from the freezer if itis stuck.
    Tip: Ice cubes can be removed easilyfrom the tray by twisting the tray gentlyor by holding it under cold running wa-ter for a short time.  
    							Defrosting30Refrigerator sectionThe refrigerator section defrosts auto-matically.Condensate and frost can build up onthe back wall of the refrigerator sectionwhilst the compressor is running. Youdo not need to remove this, as it will de-frost and evaporate automatically withthe warmth generated by the com-pressor.The condensate is drained awaythrough a channel and drain hole, thenfed into an evaporation system at theback of the appliance.
    Condensate must be able todrain away unhindered at all times.Keep the condensate channel anddrain hole clean to enable this.
    Freezer compartmentThe freezer compartment does not de-frost automatically.In normal use, ice and frost will form inthe freezer compartment, e.g. on the in-ternal walls. How much ice and frostaccumulates in the appliance will de-pend on the following:
    –whether the freezer compartmentdoor has been opened frequently orleft open for a while.–whether a large quantity of food hasbeen placed in the freezer at once.–whether the humidity in the room hasincreased.
    In certain circumstances, too thick alayer of ice can prevent the freezercompartment door from closing prop-erly. Too thick a layer of ice also re-duces efficiency and increases energyconsumption.
    0003The freezer compartment should bedefrosted from time to time. It mustbe defrosted if a layer of ice approx.0.5 cm thick has accumulated.
    The best time to defrost the freezercompartment is when:
    –there is very little or no food left in theappliance,–the humidity level in the room is lowand the ambient temperature in theroom is also low. 
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