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Communications System
Lucent Technologies INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Guide
Lucent Technologies INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Guide
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INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 About This Book Page xi How to Use This Book How to Use This Book This b ook is d esig ned as a d isc ussion of voic e response tec hnolog y, and the b est method s to use to d esig n ap p lic ations for the I NTUITY C O N VERSA N T system. This book c ontains useful g uid elines and sug g estions, b ut does not c ontain sp ec ific p roc edures to follow to d evelop ap plic ations. For information ap plic ation d evelop ment, see the sec tion titled , “ Related Resourc es,” in this c hap ter. To Locate Specific Topics This book inc ludes an alphabetic al index at the end for quick acc ess to specific topic s. Conventions Used in This Book This sec tion d esc rib es the c onventions used in this book. Key Presses Keys that you p ress on your telep hone keyp ad are rep resented as sq uare b oxes. For example, an instruc tion to p ress the first key on your telep hone keyp ad is shown as Press to record a message. Screen Displays nValues, system messag es, field names, and p romp ts that ap p ear on the sc reen are shown in typ ewriter-style constant width as shown in the following examp les: Example 1: The grammars provided can be seen in the Choices menu for the Recognition Type field on the Promp t & Collec t sc reen). Example 2: Prompt & Collect Prompt Speak with Interrupt Phrase: “Please enter your 5-digit customer number. ” 1

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 About This Book Page xii Conventions Used in This Book Typography nCommand s and text you typ e in or enter ap p ear in bold type , as in the following examp les: Example 1: En t e r change-switch-time-zone at the enter command: prompt. Example 2: Ty p e high or low in the Speed: field . Safety and Security Alert Labels This b ook uses the following symb ols to c all your attention to p otential p rob lems that c ould c ause p ersonal injury, d amag e to eq uip ment, loss of d ata, or servic e interrup tions: !CAUTION: Ind ic ates the p resenc e of a hazard that if not avoid ed c an or will c ause minor p ersonal injury or p rop erty damag e, inc lud ing loss of d ata. !WARNING: Ind ic ates the p resenc e of a hazard that if not avoid ed c an c ause d eath or severe p ersonal injury. !DANGER: Ind ic ates the p resenc e of a hazard that if not avoid ed will c ause d eath or severe p ersonal injury.

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 About This Book Page xiii Related Resources Related Resources This sec tion d esc rib es ad d itional d oc umentation and training availab le for you to learn more ab out the I NTUITY CONVERSANT product. Documentation NOTE: Th e INTUITY™ C O N VERSAN T® Sy s t e m Ve r s io n 6 . 0 Sys t e m D e s c r i p t io n, 585-310-241, c ontains a d etailed d esc rip tion of all b ooks inc lud ed in V6.0 I NTUITY CONVERSANT doc umentation library. Always refer to the ap p rop riate b ook for sp ec ific information on installing , ad ministering , or maintaining an I NTUITY C O N VERSA N T s y st e m . Application Development Documentation To d evelop an ap p lic ation for your INTUITY CONVERSANT system, use the following d oc umentation: nINTUITY™ CONVERSANT® System Version 6.0 Ap p lic ation Develop ment with Script Builder , 585-310-760 nINTUITY™ CONVERSANT® System Version 6.0 Ap p lic ation Develop ment with Ad vanc ed Method s , 585-310-761 nINTUITY™ CONVERSANT® System Version 6.0 Sp eec h Develop ment, Processing, and Rec ognition , 585-310-762 nINTUITY™ CONVERSANT® System Version 6.0 Communic ation Develop ment , 585-310-763 nINTUITY™ CONVERSANT® System Version 6.0 Ap p lic ation Develop ment with Grap hic al Desig ner , 585-310-764 Additional Suggested Documentation It is sug g ested that you also ob tain and use the following b ook for information on sec urity and toll fraud issues: nB C S Pro d u c t s Se c u r it y H a n d b o o k, 555-025-600 See the insid e front c over for information on how to ord er I NTUITY C O N VERSA N T d oc umentation.

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 About This Book Page xiv How to Comment on This Book Tr a i n i n g The following training c lasses are rec ommend ed for Sc rip t Build er app lic ations on a V6.0 I NTUITY C O N VERSAN T sy s t e m : nCourse No. BC3612A, Introd uc tion to Sc rip t Build er (for d omestic ap plic ations) nCourse No. GC3604A, Introd uc tion to Sc rip t Build er (for international ap plic ations) nCourse No. BC3625A, Ad vanc ed Sc rip t Build er (for domestic ap plic ations) nCourse No. GC3605A, Ad vanc ed Sc ript Build er (for international ap plic ations) For more information on I NTUITY CONVERSANT training , c all the BCS Ed uc ation and Training Center at one of the following numbers: nOrg anizations within Luc ent Tec hnolog ies: (904) 636-3261 nLuc ent Tec hnolog ies c ustomers and all others: (800) 255-8988 How to Comment on This Book We are interested in your sug g estions for imp roving this b ook. Please c omp lete and return the reader c omment c ard that is loc ated b ehind the title p ag e. If the reader c omment c ard has b een removed , send your c omments to: Lucent Technologies Prod uc t Doc umentation Room 22-2H15 11900 North Pec os Street Denver, Colorad o 80234 You may also fax your c omments to the attention of the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies I NTUITY CONVERSANT d oc umentation team at (303) 538-1741. Please mention the name and ord er number of this b ook, INTUITY™ CONVERSANT® System V6.0 Ap p lic ation Desig n Guid elines , 585-310-670.

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 About This Book Page xv Disclaimer Disclaimer Intellec tual p rop erty (inc lud ing trad emarks) related to this p rod uc t and reg istered to AT&T Corp oration has b een transferred to Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Inc orporated . Any referenc e within this text to Americ an Telep hone and Teleg rap h Corp oration or AT&T should b e interp reted as referenc es to Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Inc orp orated . The exc ep tion is c ross referenc es to b ooks p ub lished p rior to Dec emb er 31, 1996, whic h retain their orig inal AT&T titles. Luc ent Tec hnolog ies—formed as a result of AT&T’s planned restruc turing — designs, builds, and delivers a wide range of public and private networks, c ommunic ations systems and software, c onsumer and b usiness telep hone systems, and mic roelec tronic c omp onents. The world -renowned Bell Lab oratories is the researc h and d evelop ment arm for the c omp any.

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 About This Book Page xvi Disclaimer

Introduction to Voice Response Application Design Page 1-1 Overview 1 INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 1 1Introduction to Voice Response Application Design Overview This c hap ter p rovid es an introd uc tion to the c onc ep t of voic e response. Purpose The p urp ose of this c hap ter is to introd uc e you to the c onc ep t of voic e resp onse, inc lud ing voic e resp onse ap p lic ations and voic e resp onse ap p lic ation desig n.

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 Introduction to Voice Response Application Design Page 1-2 What is a Voice Response System? 1 What is a Voice Response System? A voic e resp onse system c onsists of hard ware and software that p rovid es either full or p artial automation of telep hone transac tions that would otherwise b e p erformed b y an op erator/attend ant, an emp loyee, or a c all c enter agent. The I NTUITY™ CONVERSANT® system not only p rovid es the b asic voic e resp onse tec hnolog y to automate telep hone transac tions, b ut also provid es the mec hanism need ed to d evelop the software that g uid es suc h transac tions. This software is known as an application. What is a Voice Response Application? An ap plic ation is a set of instruc tions written for the voic e resp onse system that informs it how to c arry out the automated transac tion. Ap p lic ations d efine the c all flow and d etermine what c allers hear and how c allers resp ond to the system. Voice Response Application Uses Voic e resp onse ap p lic ations c an b e used in a wide variety of situations. The following examp les c an help you d etermine some p ossib ilities for the b est use of voic e resp onse ap plic ations for your b usiness. Voice Response for Repetitive Information Requests Rep etitive information req uests that c an b e fulfilled with a voic e resp onse ap plic ation inc lud e: nInterest rates, foreig n c urrenc y exc hang e rates, and loan rates nReal estate information on a p roperty with a sp ec ific id entifier suc h as a number nCustomer servic e information such as updates on product maintenance issues and their resolutions nStatus of automob ile rep airs b eing performed and their estimated c osts nReg istration forms, entry b lanks, or tax forms nConferenc e/trad eshow information suc h as list of sp eakers and sc hed ules nAir travel information such as departure/arrival times nFinanc ial statements c omp any sharehold ers Other examp les inc lud e p ark or rec reation loc ations, b ranc h offic e/store loc ations, restaurant loc ations, b us sc hed ules/rates, theater sc hed ule/rates, c onc ert information, and sporting event times and results.

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 Introduction to Voice Response Application Design Page 1-3 What is a Voice Response System? 1 Voice Response for Database Information Requests A voic e resp onse system c an b e c onnec ted to a system c ontaining enterp rise sp ec ific information to ac c ess or store information in the host. Enterp rise sp ec ific information inc lud es: p ub lished materials, b ank ac c ounts, and p rod uc t d esc rip tions. Datab ase information req uests inc lud e: nBank or investment accounts nMag azine artic les nNews wire stories nPublic rec ord s suc h as d eed s or lic enc es nTelep hone d irec tory listing s nGovernment rec ord s nCatalog item descriptions Voice Response for Order Processing You c an d esig n a voic e resp onse ap p lic ation to ac c ept either touc h-tone inp ut, sp oken inp ut, or b oth, so that c allers c an use the system to plac e ord ers, c onfirm ord ers, or c hec k order status. Ord ering p roc essing inc lud es: nMerc handise orders, restoc king — A manufac turer c alls a sup p lier to req uest sp are p arts. A c onfirmation of the ord er c an be faxed to the manufac turer. nHotel reservations — Callers c an register and pay by telephone, then rec eive a c onfirmation fax inc lud ing a map and d irec tions. nTravel reservations — Callers c an reserve a seat and p ay over the telep hone. Confirmation c an b e sent b y fax. nBenefits reg istration — Callers sig n up for a c omb ination of b enefits, and c an req uest c onfirmation b y fax. nBrokerag e servic es — Callers c an b uy and sell stoc ks and b ond s, rec eiving a fax c onfirmation of the transac tion. nTalent ag enc y — Callers c an req uest information on ac tors with p artic ular talents or p hysic al attrib utes. Information c an b e sp oken out, and p hotog rap hs and resumes c an b e faxed to the c aller. Voice Response for Information Gathering A voice resp onse system can b e used to g ather information from those who c all a d esig nated numb er. Information g athering inc lud es: nConsumer or p olitic al surveys nCustomer feed b ac k/c omp laints nEmp loyee feedb ac k

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 Introduction to Voice Response Application Design Page 1-4 Defining Successful Voice Response Applications 1 Voice Response System Versus An Attendant Do not eliminate all attend ants. Even a well-d esig ned automated transac tions c annot serve every c aller’s need . Some c allers will have prob lems that c annot b e hand led b y the voic e resp onse system. Callers may want and need to sp eak to a p erson, so it is imp ortant to p rovid e some attend ants that are familiar with your business p olic ies and p roc ed ures. Defining Successful Voice Response Applications Consid er multip le c riteria when d efining suc c ess in your voic e resp onse ap plic ations. You may have to measure some asp ec ts of how your c urrently d o b usiness, and dec ide on one or more sp ec ific areas to targ et for imp rovement. Think ab out why you are interested in automating some of your b usiness interac tions. To save time? To save money? To b etter serve your c ustomers? To free p ersonnel for more c halleng ing tasks? Take your most imp ortant reasons for automation, and d etermine measurab le ob jec tives for automation. Defining Measurable Objectives For example, if you want to use voic e resp onse to b etter serve your c ustomers, you mig ht c hoose as an ob jec tive to red uc e c all hold ing times. A measurab le ob jec tive mig ht b e to red uc e c all hold ing times b y 50%. You c an also figure out the yearly saving s exp ec ted from red uc ed hold ing times, and fac tor this into your p lan. Here are some examp les of other typ es of measurab le ob jec tives that you may want to ac hieve throug h the d esig n of your ap p lic ation: nReduce your cost per call by 30%. nInc rease c all c omp letion rate b y 45%. nReduce the percentage of callers who get a busy signal by 50%. nInc rease c ustomer satisfac tion with the voic e resp onse system b y 25%. Rememb er to estimate the rate of savings for eac h ob jec tive. Determining your true ob jec tives, as well as how to measure them, will allow you to jud g e the effec tiveness of your voic e response ap p lic ations.