Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Guide
Lucent Technologies INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Guide
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INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 Index Page IN-3 design principles,4-2c onsistency,4-3 d ialog ue,4-3error p revention,4-4exits,4-4 feedback,4-4human memory,4-3know your c allers,4-2 researc h g uid elines,4-2shortcuts,4-4dial 1 prompt,4-27 examp le,4-28Script Builder code,4-29d ial ahead,2-2 d efinition,1-5Text-to-Speech,2-12touc h-tone recog nition,2-2 d ial p ulse rec ognition (DPR),2-3, 4-36accuracy,4-36 improvement,2-3, 4-36 training,4-36 c ap abilities,2-3design guidelines,4-36 uses,2-3d ial through,4-34d efinition,1-5 design guidelines,4-34d iscourag ing,4-35enc ourag ing,4-35 prompt wording,4-34with error messages,4-34digit input,4-13 c onfirming,4-17digit sequences,4-17 sing le d ig it,4-17 c onnec ted -d ig it entry,4-15 c onstant-leng th seq uenc es,4-13design guidelines,4-13dial pulse recognition,4-36 entry,4-14tone-pac ed entry,4-15variab le-leng th seq uenc es,4-13 d igit seq uences c onfirming,4-17c onstant-leng th,4-13 entry,4-14valid ation,4-16checksums,4-16 custom grammar,4-16 database lookups,4-16 variab le-leng th,4-13 DIP, see d ata interfac e p roc ess (DIP) DPR, see d ial p ulse rec ognition (DPR)

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 Index Page IN-4 E enhanced b asic sp eec h,3-3, 4-44d efinition,1-6 lang uag es,3-3, 4-44errors,4-23barge-in,4-23, 4-34 c aller,4-23, 5-5design guidelines,4-23dial through,4-34 message word ing,4-24p revention,4-4sp eech rec og nition,4-23, 5-6 sub stitution,1-7, 5-6esc ape seq uences,4-48 examp le,4-49more information,4-49Exec _UNIX,4-53 F faults, see errors fax see also Script Build er FAX Ac tions FA X Ac t i on s see also Script Build er FAX Ac tions FA X_C o mb i ne ,4-52FA X_C o vr Pa g e,4-52FA X_Se nd,4-51, 4-52 feedback announc ements,4-7c aller opinion,5-3, 5-5 design principles,4-4FlexWord sp eec h rec og nition,2-6, 4-37accuracy,2-9 improvement,2-10, 4-37 c ap abilities,2-7 barge-in,2-9 key word sp otting,2-9 languages,2-7 voc ab ularies,2-7 d efinition,1-5 design guidelines,4-37prompt wording,4-39uses,2-6 voc ab ulary,2-7, 4-37FlexWord toolkit,2-8d efinition,1-5

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 Index Page IN-5 G g rammar, c ustom,4-16Grap hic al Speech Editor (GSE) d efinition ,1-6 K key word sp otting d efinition ,1-7FlexWord speech rec ognition,2-9WholeWord sp eec h rec og nition,2-6 L lang uag e gate d efinition ,4-40examp le,4-41Script Builder code,4-43 sp oken input,4-40touc h-tone inp ut,4-40languages supported enhanc ed b asic sp eech ,3-3, 4-44FlexWord speech rec ognition,2-7Text-to-Speech,2-11 WholeWord sp eec h rec og nition,2-5 M menu d efinition ,1-6design guidelines,4-11number of c hoices,4-11 numbered op tions,4-12seq uenc e,4-11subdivided options,4-12 monetary amounts,4-44multiling ual ap p lic ations,4-45 N numeric al inp ut, see dig it inp ut

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 Index Page IN-6 O op inion feed bac k, q uestionnaire,5-3outlines,3-7 P p erformance d ata, collecting,5-3 system,5-6p hrase screening d efinition,1-6 prerecorded speech d efinition,1-6 enhanc ed b asic sp eech,3-3, 4-44p rofessional sp eaker,3-3prompts and announcements,4-46 Promp t & Collec t action step d efinition,1-6prompts,4-5 barge-in,4-34d efinition,1-6design guidelines,4-5 dial 1,4-27dial through,4-34digit entry,4-15 leng th,4-5p rerec ord ed speech,4-46Text-to-Speech,4-45 wording,4-6, 4-34, 4-39 R rec og nition dial pulse, see dial pulse recognition (DPR) sp eech, see sp eec h rec og nition touc h-tone, see touc h-tone recog nition recognition type d efinition ,1-6research, design principles,4-2 S screening, p hrase,1-6Sc rip t Builder c od e examp le c lass d etec tor ,4-48 dial 1 promp t,4-29 escape sequence,4-49 language g ate,4-43

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 Index Page IN-7 Sc rip t Builder, (Con’t) c od e examp le touch-tone with sp oken inp ut ,4-31 yes/no q uestion with b arge-in,4-19 c onfirm an entry,4-9custom grammar,4-16 d efinition,1-6FAX Ac tions,2-13, 4-51design guidelines,4-51 Sc r ip t B ui l d e r FA X A c ti o ns c ap abilities,2-13 d efinition,1-5Exec _UNIX,4-53FA X_Co mb in e,4-52 FA X_C o vr Pag e,4-52FA X_Sen d,4-51, 4-52more information,4-51 uses,2-13selecting words for wordlists, see word choic e sp eech custom ,1-6p rerec ord ed definition ,1-6 enhanc ed b asic sp eec h,1-6, 3-3 professional sp eaker,3-3 promp ts and announc ements,4-46 recog nition, see sp eec h rec og nition Text-to-Speech, see Text-to-Sp eec h (TTS) speech recognition ,2-4, 4-25accuracy improvement ,2-10 measurement,2-10 app lic ation d ifferenc es,4-26d efinition,1-6 design guidelines,4-27, 4-37FlexWord speech rec ognition,2-6, 4-37recog nition d ifferenc es,4-25 used with touc h-tone recog nition,4-27modify ap plication,4-32 separate application,4-27 sing le ap plication,4-30 WholeWord sp eec h rec og nition,2-4, 4-27yes/no q uestions,4-18 sp ell word s, Text-to-Sp eech,4-49sub stitution error d efinition,1-7 testing,5-6system p erformance,5-6 T test the ap p lic ation,5-2c ontrolled environment,5-3d ata collec tion caller op inion ,5-3 p erformanc e d ata,5-3 unc ontrolled environment,5-5

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 Index Page IN-8 Text-to-Sp eec h (TTS),2-11, 4-45accuracy,2-12 c ap abilities,2-11, 4-49ab b reviations,2-11, 4-48 barge-in,2-12 language,2-11 outp ut,4-47 pronunc iation,4-50 sp eaking rate,4-48 speech recognition,2-11 sp elling word s,4-49 touch-tone rec og nition,2-11 c lass detectors definition,4-47 examp le,4-48 d efinition,1-7design guidelines,4-45 esc ap e sequenc es,4-48examp le,4-49 information,4-49 p erformanc e improvement g uid elines,4-47 prompts and announcements sp oken inp ut,4-46 touch-tone inp ut,4-45 rules for sentenc es,4-47 testing applications,4-50uses,2-11TFLUSH,4-21 tone-p ac ed d igit entry,4-15touc h-tone recog nition,2-2, 4-25 accuracy,2-3 ap p lic ation d ifferences,4-26 capabilities,2-2 d ial ahead,2-2 d ial through,2-2 definition,1-7 used with sp eec h rec og nition,4-27 modify application,4-32 separate application,4-27 sing le app lic ation,4-30 uses,2-2 yes/no q uestions,4-18 touc h-tone recog nition differences,4-25training for d ial pulse rec ognition acc urac y,4-36 transac tion d efinition,1-7troub les, see errors TTS, see Text-to-Sp eec h (TTS)

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 Index Page IN-9 U usab ility d efinition,1-7 goals,5-2, 5-6testing,5-3, 5-5user interfac e d efinition ,1-7 V voc abulary, see also word list,2-7, 4-37 creation,2-8d efinition,1-7 examp le,2-7FlexWord speech rec ognition,2-7, 4-37Luc ent Tec hnolog ies servic e,2-8 size,2-7word,1-7, 2-7voic e resp onse system,1-2 ad vanc ed tec hnolog ies,2-1application design,4-1app lic ation uses,1-2 d efinition,1-2 W WholeWord speech rec ognition,2-4, 4-27, 4-40 accuracy,2-6bilingual applications,4-40enhanc ed b asic sp eec h,4-44 language g ate,4-40 c ap abilities barge-in,2-6 biling ual ap p lic ations,2-5 key word sp otting,2-6 languages,2-5 d efinition,1-7design guidelines,4-27, 4-40multiling ual ap p lic ations,4-45 uses,2-4word d efinition,1-7, 2-7 voc ab ulary, see word list word choic e c ommon resp onses ,4-38 digits,4-38leng th,4-37meaning,4-38 sound,4-37synonyms,4-38yes and no,4-38

INTUITY CONVERSANT System Version 6.0 Application Design Guidelines 585-310-670 Issue 1.0 December 1996 Index Page IN-10 word sp otting , see key word sp otting word list,2-8, 4-39 creation,2-8d efinition,1-7, 2-7examp le,2-7 larg e lists,4-39size,2-7 Y yes/no q uestions,4-18barge-in,4-19design guidelines,4-18 sp oken input,4-18touc h-tone inp ut,4-18