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Communications System
Lucent Technologies BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum Instructions Manual
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BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-5 Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System 3 [ Rec ommend ed] When Quic k Assist is run in recover mod e from the \CVR promp t in an OS/2 wind ow, or run automatic ally as p art of system maintenanc e, inc lud e the -M n parameter to sp ec ify a mailb ox to rec eive unattac hed messages. [ Rec ommend ed] Use the Req uire Pa s sw o rd t o Pr o c e e d t o N e x t L e ve l op tion to sec ure V-Trees that p rovid e sensitive information suc h as p ric ing d ata and c ustomer d ata. To l l Fr a u d [ Req uired ] Disab le the Transfer Invalid Mailb oxes During Hours and Transfer Invalid Mailb oxes After Hours p arameters on the Invalid Mailb ox tab in System Se t u p . Ph y si c a l Se c u r it y [ Req uired ] Store the M2000 system PC in a sec ure area. [ Req uired ] The mod em c onnec tion to the system should b e “ d isabled ” when it is not req uired for use b y b onafid e personnel. This c onnec tion should be enab led only by the system administrator on an “as need ed ” b asis. Table 3-1. Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System — Continued Y/N 1Note N/A

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-6 Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System 3 End-User Education [ Req uired ] The end-user must periodically/frequently change all sec ond ary p assword s. After changing the secondary passwords, the end-user should notify the ap p rop riate Luc ent sup p ort org anization(s) that the passwords have been changed. [ Rec ommend ed] Req uire that sub sc rib ers rec ord their Name p romp ts so that the system voic es the mailbox owner’s name to callers send ing messages to M2000 system mailb oxes. MERLIN Leg end Sec urity [ Req uired ] Contac t the Luc ent system rep resentative to determine what sec urity features are availab le for the Merlin Legend c ommunic ation system and how to imp lement them. Follow the guidelines given in the Merlin Leg end sec urity c hec klist. Before imp lementing any sec urity features on the p hone system, c ontac t an Luc ent tec hnic al sup p ort rep resentative to ensure that the features you want to imp lement will not d isrup t M2000 system p erformanc e in any way. 1.If “ NO” (N), p rovide Note referenc e numb er and exp lain. Table 3-1. Messaging 2000 Voice Mail System — Continued Y/N 1Note N/A

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-7 PARTNER, PARTNER II, and PARTNER Plus Communications Systems, and 3 PARTNER, PARTNER II, and PARTNER Plus Communications Systems, and PARTNER Advanced Communications System (ACS) See also the g eneral sec urity c hec klist for all BCS Prod uc ts in the BC S Pro d u c t s Sec urity Hand b ook , 555-025-600, Ap p end ix H, and see the sec urity c hec klist for any attac hed voic e mail systems or other ad junc ts. C us tom er : _________________________________________ Loc ati on: _________________________________________ Pro d uc t Typ e : _________________________________________ N ew Ins tal l: _________________________________________ Sys tem U p g r ad e: _________________________________________ Maj or A d d i ti on: _________________________________________ Table 3-2. PARTNER, PARTNER II, and PARTNER Plus Comm. Systems and PA RT N E R A C S Y/N 1Note N/A Physical Security Switc h room and wiring c losets loc ked All eq uip ment d oc umentation sec ured Attend ant c onsole sec ured at night; head set unp lug ged Loc al and remote ad ministration eq uip ment sec ured Telephone logs and printed reports sec ured Ad junc t (CAT, SMDR, Printer, etc .) terminals secured

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-8 PARTNER, PARTNER II, and PARTNER Plus Communications Systems, and 3 Customer Education System manag er/ad ministrator has c op y of Sec urity Hand b ook/Toll Fraud Overview System sec urity p olic y estab lished and distributed System security p olicy reviewed periodically Sec urity p olic y inc lud ed in new-hire orientation Employees know how to detect p otential toll fraud Emp loyees know where to rep ort susp ec ted toll fraud Ac c ount c od es not seq uential Remote ac c ess p hone numb er not published Barrier codes and passwords are c hosen to b e d iffic ult to g uess Barrier c od es, p assword s (inc lud ing voic e mail), and ac c ount codes are removed/changed when emp loyees are terminated Ac c ount c od es and log ins not written d own or translated on auto-dial b uttons Log ins and password s are not written d own All c ustomer p assword s are changed on a regular basis Hac kerTracker threshold s estab lished Soc ial eng ineering exp lained Customer is aware of network-b ased toll fraud surveillanc e offering s suc h as netPROTECT Table 3-2. PARTNER, PARTNER II, and PARTNER Plus Comm. Systems and PA RT N E R A C S — Continued Y/N 1Note N/A

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-9 PARTNER, PARTNER II, and PARTNER Plus Communications Systems, and 3 Customer knows how to subsc rib e t o A C C ESS s e c u ri t y sh a r e d f o ld e r System Features Forc ed ac c ount c odes with verific ation used (PARTNER Plus Communic ations System 3.1 and later, and PARTNER II Communic ations System Release 3.1 and later, and PARTNER ACS Release 1 and later) 900, 976 typ e c alls b loc ked 2 976 look-alikes b loc ked2 Operator c alls restric ted2 011/LD c alls restricted2 1+ 809 and 0+ 809 area c ode blocked2 Block access to Alliance telec onferenc e servic e (0700)2 Station loc k used to sec ure terminals in public areas (PARTNER Plus Release 4.1 and later, PARTNER II Release 4.1 and la t e r , PA RTN ER A C S Re le a se 1 and later Remote Ac c ess for PARTNER ACS Release 3 only Remote Access p assword is changed periodically System Administrator is the only p erson resp onsib le for the sec urity of the Remote Ac c ess p assword Remote Access p assword consists of random alpha numeric characters that can be entered only loc ally, onsite via d ial p ad ad ministration Table 3-2. PARTNER, PARTNER II, and PARTNER Plus Comm. Systems and PA RT N E R A C S — Continued Y/N 1Note N/A

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-10 PARTNER, PARTNER II, and PARTNER Plus Communications Systems, and 3 Remote Access p assword d isab led when not in servic e Voice Mail for PARTNER Plus Release 3.1 and later, PARTNER II Release 3.1 and later, and PARTNER ACS Release 1 and later Ports used for voic e mail outward restricted (FRL 0) unless outcalling is used — If outc alling is used , all voic e mail ports are outward restric ted exc ep t those used for outc alling , whic h are restric ted to areas ap p rop riate for outc alling by FRL —If outc alling to sp ec ific non-loc al areas is required , sp ec ial allow list has b een c reated for those areas and assigned to the outc allng p ort(s) Disallow list c reated c ontaining *, 11, 0, 011, 10, 411, 1411, 700, 800, 1800, 809, 1809, 900, and 9999.,. All voic e mail p orts are assig ned to this disallow list. Product Monitoring for PARTNER Plus, PARTNER II, a n d PA RTN ER A C S o n l y SMDR/Call Ac c ounting rep orts monitored daily Hac kerTracker rep orts monitored daily Automated Attendant Ad minister rang e of valid extensions Ad minister maximum d ig its to matc h d ial p lan Change default system password Table 3-2. PARTNER, PARTNER II, and PARTNER Plus Comm. Systems and PA RT N E R A C S — Continued Y/N 1Note N/A

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-11 PARTNER, PARTNER II, and PARTNER Plus Communications Systems, and 3 Adjuncts Remote Administration Unit (RAU) unattend ed mode d isab led , or RAU p assword enab led for unattend ed mode RAU p assword c onsists of random numb ers RAU p assword is c hang ed reg ularly 1.If “ NO” (N), p rovide Note referenc e numb er and exp lain. 2. Use line acc ess restrictions, outg oing call restric tions, allowed and disallowed lists features. Table 3-2. PARTNER, PARTNER II, and PARTNER Plus Comm. Systems and PA RT N E R A C S — Continued Y/N 1Note N/A

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-12 PARTNER MAIL, PARTNER MAIL VS, and PARTNER Voice Mail (PVM) Systems 3 PART N E R MA IL , PA RT N E R M A IL VS, and PARTNER Voice Mail (PVM) Systems See also the g eneral sec urity c hec klist for all BCS Prod uc ts in the BC S Pro d u c t s Sec urity Handb ook , 555-025-600, Ap p end ix H, and the sec urity c hec klist for the host c ommunic ations system. C us tom er : _________________________________________ Loc ati on: _________________________________________ PBX Typ e: _________________________________________ N ew Ins tal l: _________________________________________ Sys tem U p g r ad e: _________________________________________ Por t A d d i tio ns : _________________________________________ Ta b le 3- 3 . PART NE R MA IL , PARTN E R MA IL V S , a n d PA RTN ER Voi ce M ai l (PVM) Systems Y/N 1Note N/A System Administration for PARTNER Mail, PARTNER MAIL VS, and PARTNER Voice Mail Password s and mailb oxes removed/changed when emp loyees are terminated Mailb oxes for unused extensions deleted Ad ministration log in p assword changed from default Ad ministration log in p assword changed regularly Outcalling privileges not assigned or assig ned only to those req uiring them

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-13 PARTNER MAIL, PARTNER MAIL VS, and PARTNER Voice Mail (PVM) Systems 3 for PARTNER MAIL System only System mailb oxes (90 to 98 and 9999) assig ned COS 7 to 9 to p revent transfer out of mailb ox for PARTNER MAIL Release 3 only System Administrator mailb ox changed from default System Administrator Mailb ox password changed to a maximum-length value that is difficult-to-guess System Administrator Menu Access password changed to a maximum-length value that is difficult-to-guess Forced password change for new value User p assword more than 5 characters long System Features for PARTNER MAIL Release 3 only Mailb oxes c reated only for ac tive sub sc rib ers Transfer restric ted to sub sc rib ers only Log in attempts b efore Mailb ox Loc kout less than 6 Log in attempts b efore Warning Messag e less than 6 Outcalling privileges not assigned or assig ned only to those req uiring them 1.If “ NO” (N), p rovide Note referenc e numb er and exp lain. Ta b le 3- 3 . PART NE R MA IL , PARTN E R MA IL V S , a n d PA RTN ER Voi ce M ai l (PVM) Systems — Continued Y/N 1Note N/A

BCS Products Security Handbook Addendum 585-025-600ADD Issue 1 May 1999 New and Updated Security Checklists 3-14 PARTNER MAIL, PARTNER MAIL VS, and PARTNER Voice Mail (PVM) Systems 3