LG Nexus 5 Service Manual
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3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - 181 -Copyright © 2013 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposesLGE Internal Use Only U5001 U7000 BOT

3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - 182 -Copyright © 2013 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposesLGE Internal Use Only 3.20 Wireless Charging Troubleshooting When the WLC does not work, the problem comes from WLC antenna, SUB Board or WLC chip itself. Wireless charging system is not controlled by the main core. TP1 : Input power from secondary coil : AC 19V(at 100kHz~200kHz) TP2 : Output power from WLC chip : within 4.8V ~ 5V TP3 : Antenna itself has about 5.9uH self-inductance and 600mohm self-resistance (w/ RLC Meter) TP4 : C-clip is cracked or separated from board WLC_5V_OUT VBUS_USB_IN_PM U15001 EN2 AC1_2 OUT4 BOOT1 /CHG COM1 CLMP1 FOD PGND1 AC2_1RECT2 AC2_2 OUT3 PGND2 ILIM AD CLMP2 TS_CTRL OUT1 RECT1 PGND3 EN1/TERM /AD_EN AC1_1 BOOT2 PGND4 COM2 OUT2 10u C15001 10n C15020 10n C15010 C15022 33n 33n C15004 C15013 68n 25V 0.1u C15017 C15002 10u DNI R15012C15011 68n 10K R15014 C15000 0.1u ANT15003 MBV62562001FEED DNI R15017 R15019 130.01 R1501 8 200 R15016 180 R150130 C15016 47n C15019 10uC15018 10u C150210.47u C150090.47u R15011 12K C15015 330pC15014 2.2n ANT15002 MBV62562001FEED C15052 1uWLC_FULL_CHG Max 1.2A WLC Matching Point Rev11_BOM updated Rev11_BOM updated Rev11_BOM updated Rev11_BOM updated Rev11_BOM updated Rev11_BOM updated Rev11_BOM updated Rev10 (0717) Rev10 (0717) Rev10 (0717) TP1 TP4 TP2

3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - 183 -Copyright © 2013 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposesLGE Internal Use Only LGE Internal Use Only 4.23 Wireless Charging Troubleshooting When the WLC does not work, the problem comes from WLC antenna, SUB Board or WLC chip itself. Wireless charging system is not controlled by the main core. TP1 : Input power from secondary coil : AC 19V(at 100kHz~200kHz) TP2 : Output power from WLC chip : within 4.8V ~ 5V TP3 : Antenna itself has about 5.9uH self -inductance and 600mohm self- resistance (w/ RLC Meter) TP4 : C -clip is cracked or s eparated from board TP1 TP2 TP3 TP4 TP2 TP1 LGE Internal Use Only 4.23 Wireless Charging Troubleshooting When the WLC does not work, the problem comes from WLC antenna, SUB Board or WLC chip itself. Wireless charging system is not controlled by the main core. TP1 : Input power from secondary coil : AC 19V(at 100kHz~200kHz) TP2 : Output power from WLC chip : within 4.8V ~ 5V TP3 : Antenna itself has about 5.9uH self -inductance and 600mohm self- resistance (w/ RLC Meter) TP4 : C -clip is cracked or s eparated from board TP1 TP2 TP3 TP4 TP2 TP1

3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - 184 -Copyright © 2013 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposesLGE Internal Use Only Change Battery Cover Or C-Clip START Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Charging OK? Charging OK? Charging OK? Is Signal OK? Change the SUB Board Charging OK? Check the Antenna & C-Clip END END END END

3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - 185 -Copyright © 2013 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposesLGE Internal Use Only 3.21 USB Trouble shooting The sequence of D821 USB is, USB connected to D821 -> VBUS_USB_IN(FL16003) goes to 5V -> USB_DATA is triggered -> USB work USB Trouble shooting is shown below. Battery voltage higher than 3.2V? START Pin 30~35 of CN16000 are about 5V? [VBUS_USB_IN_PM] Pin 11~12 of CN16000 are open? [USB_HS1_DP/DM SLIM1]] Pin 11, 12 of CN16000 are USB Signal? Charge or Charging the battery. Insert USB Cable Change Lower FPCB If the pin 11~12 of CN16000 are short Rework(Replace) the D16001 END Check the Lower FPCB No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - 186 -Copyright © 2013 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposesLGE Internal Use Only CN16000 33 32 34 31 35 30 36 29 37 28 38 27 39 26 40 25 41 24 42 23 43 22 44 21 45 20 46 19 47 18 48 17 49 16 50 15 51 14 52 13 53 12 54 11 55 10 56 9 57 8 58 7 59 6 60 5 61 4 62 3 63 2 64 1 G1 G2 G3 G4 +3V1_VREG_L22 +5V5_DDVDH-5V5_DDVDL VBUS_USB_IN_PM +1V8_VREG_LVS3 +2V95_VREG_L16 LCD_PWM ANT_TUNER_0ANT_TUNER_1 MAIN_MIC_GND WLED_A MAIN_MIC_BIAS SPK_PSPK_N MAIN_MIC_P WLED_C1WLED_C2 TOUCH_RESET LCD_MAKER_ID TOUCH_INT_N LCD_VSYNCLCD_RESET_N USB_HS1_DP_SLIM1USB_HS1_DM_SLIM1 USB_ID BLUE_LED_DRV GREEN_LED_DRVRED_LED_DRV MIPI_DSI0_LANE3_M MIPI_DSI0_CLK_MMIPI_DSI0_CLK_P MIPI_DSI0_LANE0_P MIPI_DSI0_LANE1_MMIPI_DSI0_LANE1_P TOUCH_I2C_SDATOUCH_I2C_SCLMIPI_DSI0_LANE3_P MIPI_DSI0_LANE2_MMIPI_DSI0_LANE2_P MIPI_DSI0_LANE0_M05/20 RevE => RevG CN16000 FL160033 2 1 IN GNDOUT D16000 D16001 7 8 4 3 5 2 6 1 VBUS GND2D+ GND1D-ID GND4GND3 22p C16018CN16002 11 10 9 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 VBUS_USB_IN_PM USB_HS1_DP_SLIM 1 USB_HS1_DP_SLIM1USB_HS1_DM_SLIM1 USB_HS1_DM_SLIM1 USB_ID USB_ID 4/2 Changed Net Nam e 4/2 changed USB I/O connector (from EAG63090001 to EAG63510401) CN16002FL16003 D16001

3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - 187 -Copyright © 2013 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposesLGE Internal Use Only MIC16000 FB16000 FB16001FL16003 D16010 D16009 D16008 D16001 D16000 C16026 C16025 C16024 C16018 CN1600 2 CN16000

3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - 188 -Copyright © 2013 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposesLGE Internal Use Only 3.22 HDMI Troubleshooting Check out the setting menu on the phone and then set the proper resolution for the outer display as shown below. Battery voltage higher than 3.2V? START Pin 30~35 of CN16000 are about 5V? [VBUS_USB_IN_PM] TP1(C12012) is 3.3V? TP2(C12007) is 1.8V? TP3(C12009) is 1.8V? TP4(C12001) is 1.0V? HDMI Data Pin of U12001 is HDMI siginal Charge or Charging the battery. Connect the Slimport to HDMI Bridge Check U12001and D16001 Check the Main PCB Change main board or Lower FPCB Check the Lower FPCB No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - 189 -Copyright © 2013 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposesLGE Internal Use Only U12002 EAN62735301 RP114K101D-TRB 5 3 2 4 1VOUTVDDGNDCEPGND +1V0_SLIMPORT_CVDD +1V8_VREG_S3A 20K R12013 C12016 1u SLIMPORT_IOVCC_EN (Slimport)+1V0_SLIMPORT_IOVCC U12002 FL12000 EAM62451101 ICMEF112P350MFR5 6 3 1 4 2 P2P4P1P3 P6 P5 100K R12008R1200 5 4.7KR12006 4.7KR120074.7K D12000 R12004 12K C120070.1uC12006 1u 0.1u C12012 0.1u C12009C12008 1uC12001 0.1uC120030.1u 0.1u C12005 TP12002 TP12001 U12001 E5 D6 D4 C4 E4 C7 D3 A1 C3 E3 B7 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 B3 B2 C1 F2 C2 B1 B4 A2 B6 B5 D1 D2 G2 G1 F1 E2 E1 G7 G6 F6 F4 G4 F3 F5 G5 G3 E7 F7 E6 D7 D5 C6 C5 AVDD10DVDD10_1 DVSS_2 INTP DDC_SDA CSDACSCL HDMI_D0PHDMI_D1P HDMI_HPD_OUT AVSS_2 HDMI_D1N AVSS_1 DDC_SCL HDMI_D2NHDMI_D2P CEC HDMI_P5V HDMI_CLKNHDMI_CLKPHDMI_D0N CHIP_PD_HV CHG_PMP_P U USB_DPUSB_DNID_OUT AVDD18XTAL_OUT R_BIAS RSVL XTAL_IN CABLE_DET AVSS_3 C_WIRE/AUXPAUXN TX0PTX0N VDD33_OUT AVDD33_IN1DVSS_3 AVDD33_IN2 RESISTOR DVDD18_1 RESETN DVDD10_2 DVSS_1 DVDD18_2 DP_HPD_IN HDMI_VT VBUS_USB_IN_PM 620K R1200 9 +1V8_VREG_S3A 1ZCB27000AA0A27MHZ X120002 1 3 4 18p C12013 10p C12015 665K R12010 665K R12003 +1V8_VREG_S3A +1V8_VREG_S3A C12000 2.2u 2.2u C120022.2u C12004 18p C120141M R12002 +1V8_VREG_S3A 1u C12011 +1V8_VREG_S3A +1V0_SLIMPORT_CVDD 10K R12012+1V8_VREG_S3ATP12000 COMMON_I2C_SCLCOMMON_I2C_SDA MSM_USB_HS1_DMMSM_USB_HS1_DP HDMI_TMDS_TCLK_MHDMI_TMDS_TX0_MHDMI_TMDS_TX0_PHDMI_TMDS_TX1_PHDMI_TMDS_TX2_M HDMI_TMDS_TCLK_P HDMI_TMDS_TX1_M HDMI_TMDS_TX2_P PM_USB_ID_HOST USB_ID USB_HS1_DP_SLIM1USB_HS1_DM_SLIM1SLIMPORT_INT_N HDMI_CECHDMI_DDC_CLKHDMI_DDC_DATA HDMI_HOT_PLUG_DETECT SLIMPORT_RESET_NANX_P_DWN_CTL SLIMPORT_CBL_DET AVDD33 AVDD33revA->revB(04.22) Delete:revC->rev1.0(0625) 1% 0.3mm SLIMPORT 0: other cable 1: plugged in ID_R : 620K Clock Line Shield From USB Jack 0.3mm 1% 1% 1%1% 1% 1% 1% U12001 TP1(C12012) TP2(C12007)TP3(C12009) TP4(C12001)

3. TROUBLE SHOOTING - 190 -Copyright © 2013 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposesLGE Internal Use Only TOP R1200120K+1V8_VREG_S3A 1u C12010 RP114K331D-TRB U12000 EAN627687015 3 2 4 1VOUTVDD GNDCE PGND VREG_BOOST_BYPASS SLIMPORT_AVDD33_EN AVDD33 0.3mm U12000 U3000 U12002U12000 U12001 TP3(C12009) TP2(C12007) TP4(C12001) TP1(C12012)