LG Bb5520a Owners Manual
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6 Appendix Appendix61 Appendix6 Controlling a TV with the Supplied Remote Control You can control your TV using the buttons below. By pressing You can 1 ( TV POWER) Turn the TV on or off. AV/INPUT Switch the TV’s input source between the TV and other input sources. PR/CH W/S Scan up or down through memorized channels. VOL +/– Adjust the volume of the TV Depending on the unit being connected, you may not be able to control your TV using some of the buttons. ,Note Setting up the remote to control your TV You can operate your TV with the supplied remote control. If your TV is listed in the table below, set the appropriate manufacturer code. 1. W hile holding down 1 ( TV POWER) button, and press the manufacturer code for your TV with the numerical buttons (see the table below). Manufacturer Code Number LG 1(Default), 2 Zenith 1, 3, 4 GoldStar 1, 2 Samsung 6, 7 Sony 8, 9 Hitachi 4 2. R elease the 1 (TV POWER) button to complete setting. Depending on your TV, some or all buttons may not function on the TV, even after entering the correct manufacturer code. When you replace the batteries of the remote, the code number you have set may be reset to the default setting. Set the appropriate code number again.

Appendix 62 Appendix6 Network Software Update Network update notification From time to time, performance improvements and/or additional features or services may be made available to units that are connected to a broadband home network. If there is new software available and the unit is connected to a broadband home network, the player will inform you about the update as follows. Option 1: 1. The update menu will appear on the screen when you turn off the player. 2. Use A/D to select a desired option and then press ENTER ( b). [OK] Starts the software update. [Cancel] Exits the update menu and turns the power off. Option 2: If the software update is available from the update server, the “Update” icon appears in the Home menu. Press blue (B) colored button to start the update procedure. Software Update You can update the player using the latest software to enhance the products operation and/or add new features. You can update the software by connecting the unit directly to the software update server. yB efore updating the software in your player, remove any disc and USB Device from the player. y B efore updating the software in your player, turn the player off and then turn it back on. y D uring the software update procedure, do not turn off the player or disconnect AC power, or do not press any button. y I f you cancel the update, turn off the power and turn it on for stable performance. y T his unit cannot be updated to previous software version. ,Note 1. Check the net work connection and settings (page 25). 2. S elect [Software] option in the [Setup] menu then press ENTER ( b). 3. S elect [Update] option, and press ENTER ( b). The player will check for the newest update. y P ressing ENTER ( b) while checking for the update will end the process. y I f there is no update available, the Message, “No update is found.” appears. Press ENTER ( b ) to return to the [Home Menu]. ,Note

Appendix63 Appendix6 4. If newer version exists, the message “Do you want to download it?” appears. 5. S elect [OK] to start update. (Selecting [Cancel] will end the update.) 6. T he player starts downloading the newest update from the server. (Downloading will takes several minutes depending on your home network condition) 7. When do wnloading is completed, the message, “Download is complete. Do you want to update?” appears. 8. S elect [OK] to start updating. (Selecting [Cancel] will end the update and downloaded file will not be re-usable. To update software the next time, the software update procedure has to be started from the beginning again.) Do not turn off the power during the software update. >Caution 9. When updat e is completed, the power will be turned automatically in a few seconds. 10. T urn the power back on. The system now operates with the new version. The Software Update function may not work properly depending on your internet environment. In this case, you can obtain the latest software from the authorized LG Electronics Service Centre then update your player. Refer to “Customer Support” on page 57. ,Note

Appendix 64 Appendix6 About Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials is a software for sharing movie, music and photo files stored on your computer to this player as a DLNA-compatiable digital media server. y The Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials CD- ROM is designed for PCs and should not be inserted in this player or in any product other than a PC. y T he supplied Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials CD-ROM is a customized software edition only for sharing files and folders to this player. y T he supplied Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials software does not support following functions: Transcoding, Remote UI, TV control, Internet services and Apple iTunes y T he supplied Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials software can be downloaded at http://www. lg.com/global/support. Find the download link on the web page of this product. y T his manual explains operations with the English version of Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials as examples. Follow the explanation referring to the actual operations of your language version. ,Note System Requirements Windows PC y Windows® XP (Service Pack 2 or higher), Windows Vista® (no Service Pack required), Windows® 7 (no Service Pack required), Windows® XP Media Center Edition 2005 (Service Pack 2 or higher), Windows Server® 2003 y W indows Vista® 64-bit edition (application runs in 32-bit mode) y W indows® 7 64-bit edition (application runs in 32-bit mode) y Har d drive space: 200 MB hard drive space for a typical installation of Nero MediaHome stand- alone y 1.2 GH z Intel® Pentium® III or AMD Sempron™ 2200+ processors y M emory: 256 MB RAM yGraphics car d with at least 32 MB video memory, minimum resolution of 800 x 600 pixels, and 16- bit color settings y W indows® Internet Explorer® 6.0 or higher yDir ectX® 9.0c revision 30 (August 2006) or higher yNet work environment: 100 Mb Ethernet, WLAN Macintosh yMac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard) yM acintosh computer with an Intel x86 processor yHar d drive space: 200 MB hard drive space for a typical installation of Nero MediaHome stand- alone y M emory: 256 MB RAM

Appendix65 Appendix6 Installing Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials Windows Start up your computer, and insert the supplied CD- ROM disc into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. An installation wizard will walk you through the quick and uncomplicated installation process. To install Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials, proceed as follows: 1. Close all M icrosoft Windows programs and exit any anti-virus software that may be running. 2. I nsert the supplied CD-ROM disc into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. 3. Click [Ner o MediaHome 4 Essentials]. 4. Click [Run] t o start installation. 5. Click [Ner o MediaHome 4 Essentials]. The installation is prepared and the installation wizard appears. 6. Click the [Nex t] button to display the serial number input screen. Click [Next] to go to the next step. 7. I f you accept all conditions, click [I accept the License Conditions] check box and click [Next]. Installation is not possible without this agreement. 8. Click [ Typical] and click [Next]. The installation process is started. 9. I f you want to take part in the anonymous collection of data, select the check box and click the [Next] button. 10. Click the [Exit] butt on to complete the installation. Mac OS X 1. Start up your computer, and insert the supplied CD-ROM disc into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. 2. Br owse the CD-ROM drive and open the “MediaHome_4_Essentials_MAC” folder. 3. D ouble-click the “Nero MediaHome.dmg” image file. The Nero MediaHome window is opened. 4. I n the Nero MediaHome window, drag the Nero MediaHome icon either to the Applications folder within the window or to any other desired location. 5. Y ou can now start the application by double- clicking the Nero MediaHome icon in the location you dragged it to. Sharing files and folders On your computer, you must share the folder contained movie, music and/or photo content to play them on this player. This parts explains the procedure for selecting the shared folders on your computer. 1. D ouble-click the “Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials” icon. 2. Click [Net work] icon on the left and define your network name in the [Network name] field. The Network name you enter will be recognized by your player. 3. Click [Shar es] icon on the left. 4. Click [L ocal Folders] tab on the [Shares] screen. 5. Click [ Add] icon to open the [Browse Folder] window. 6. S elect the folder containing the files you want to share. The selected folder is added to the list of shared folders. 7. Click [Star t Server] icon to start the server. yIf the shared folders or files are not displayed on the player, click the folder on the [Local Folders] tab and click [Rescan Folder] at the [More] button. y V isit www.nero.com for more information and software tools ,Note

Appendix 66 Appendix6 Area Code List Choose an area code from this list. Area Code A rea Code Area Code Area Code Afghanistan AF Ar gentina AR A ustralia A U Austria A T Belgium BE Bhutan B T Bolivia BO Brazil BR C ambodia KH C anada CA Chile CL China CN C olombia C O Congo C G Costa Rica CR Cr oatia HR Cz ech Republic CZ D enmark DK E cuador EC E gypt EG E l Salvador SV Ethiopia E TFiji F J Finland FI F rance FR G ermany DE Gr eat Britain GB Gr eece GR Gr eenland GL Hong K ong HK Hungar y HU I ndia IN I ndonesia ID Israel IL I taly IT J amaica JM J apan JP K enya KE K uwait K W Libya L Y Luxembourg L U Malaysia M Y Maldives MV M exico MXM onaco MC M ongolia MN M orocco M A Nepal NP Nether lands NL Antilles AN Ne w Zealand NZ N igeria NG Nor way NO Oman OM P akistan PK P anama P A Paraguay PY P hilippines PH P oland PL P ortugal PT R omania R O Russian Federation RU Saudi Arabia SA S enegal SNSingapor e SG Slo vak Republic SK Slo venia SI S outh Africa Z A South Korea KR Spain ES Sr i Lanka LK S weden SE S witzerland CH T aiwan T W Thailand TH T urkey TR Uganda UG Uk raine U A United States US Urugua y UY U zbekistan UZ V ietnam VN Zimbab we ZW

Appendix67 Appendix6 Language code List Use this list to input your desired language for the following initial settings: [Disc Audio], [Disc Subtitle] and [Disc Menu]. Language Code Language Code Language Code Language Code Afar 6565 A frikaans 6570 Albanian 8381 Amhar ic 6577 Arabic 6582 Ar menian 7289 A ssamese 6583 A ymara 6588 A zerbaijani 6590 Bashk ir 6665 Basque 6985 B engali; Bangla 6678 Bhutani 6890 Bihar i 6672 Br eton 6682 Bulgar ian 6671 Bur mese 7789 B yelorussian 6669 Chinese 9072 Cr oatian 7282 Cz ech 6783 Danish 6865 Dut ch 7876 English 6978 Esperant o 6979 Est onian 6984 F aroese 7079 F iji 7074 F innish 7073 French 7082 F risian 7089 G alician 7176 G eorgian 7565 G erman 6869 Gr eek 6976 Gr eenlandic 7576 Guarani 7178 Gujarati 7185 Hausa 7265 Hebr ew 7387 H indi 7273 Hungar ian 7285 Icelandic 7383 I ndonesian 7378 I nterlingua 7365 I rish 7165 I talian 7384 J apanese 7465 K annada 7578 K ashmiri 7583 K azakh 7575 K irghiz 7589 K orean 7579 K urdish 7585 Laotian 7679 Latin 7665 Lat vian, Lettish 7686 Lingala 7678Lithuanian 7684 M acedonian 7775 M alagasy 7771 M alay 7783 M alayalam 7776 M aori 7773 M arathi 7782 M oldavian 7779 M ongolian 7778 Nauru 7865 Nepali 7869 Nor wegian 7879 Or iya 7982 P anjabi 8065 P ashto, Pushto 8083 P ersian 7065 P olish 8076 P ortuguese 8084 Quechua 8185 R haeto-Romance 8277 Rumanian 8279 Russian 8285 Samoan 8377 Sansk rit 8365 S cots Gaelic 7168 S erbian 8382 S erbo-Croatian 8372 Shona 8378Sindhi 8368 Singhalese 8373 Slo vak 8375 Slo venian 8376 Spanish 6983 Sudanese 8385 S wahili 8387 S wedish 8386 T agalog 8476 T ajik 8471 T amil 8465 T elugu 8469 T hai 8472 T onga 8479 T urkish 8482 T urkmen 8475 T wi 8487 Uk rainian 8575 Ur du 8582 U zbek 8590 V ietnamese 8673 V olapük 8679 W elsh 6789 W olof 8779 Xhosa 8872 Y iddish 7473 Y oruba 8979 Z ulu 9085

Appendix 68 Appendix6 Trademarks and Licenses Blu-ray Disc™, Blu-ray™, Blu-ray 3D™, BD-Live™, BONUSVIEW™ and the logos are trademarks of the Blu-ray Disc Association. “DVD Logo” is a trademark of DVD Format/Logo Licensing Corporation. Java is a trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates. HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries. Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. DLNA®, the DLNA Logo and DLNA CERTIFIED® are trademarks, service marks, or certification marks of the Digital Living Network Alliance. Manufactured under license under U.S. Patent Nos: 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 6,226,616; 6,487,535; 7,392,195; 7,272,567; 7,333,929; 7,212,872 & other U.S. and worldwide patents issued & pending. DTS-HD, the Symbol, & DTS-HD and the Symbol together are registered trademarks & DTS-HD Master Audio | Essential is a trademark of DTS, Inc. Product includes software. © DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Wi-Fi Protected Setup Mark is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. “AVCHD” and the “AVCHD” logo are trademarks of Panasonic Corporation and Sony Corporation. “Made for iPod,” “Made for iPhone,” and “Made for iPad” mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPod, iPhone, or iPad, respectively, and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Please note that the use of this accessory with iPod, iPhone, or iPad may affect wireless performance.

Appendix69 Appendix6 DivX®, DivX Certified® and associated logos are trademarks of Rovi Corporation or its subsidiaries and are used under license. Cinavia Notice This product uses Cinavia technology to limit the use of unauthorized copies of some commercially- produced film and videos and their soundtracks. When a prohibited use of an unauthorized copy is detected, a message will be displayed and playback or copying will be interrupted. More information about Cinavia technology is provided at the Cinavia Online Consumer Information Center at http://www.cinavia.com. To request additional information about Cinavia by mail, send a postcard with your mailing address to: Cinavia Consumer Information Center, P.O. Box 86851, San Diego, CA, 92138, USA. This product incorporates proprietary technology under license from Verance Corporation and is protected by U.S. Patent 7,369,677 and other U.S. and worldwide patents issued and pending as well as copyright and trade secret protection for certain aspects of such technology. Cinavia is a trademark of Verance Corporation. Copyright 2004-2010 Verance Corporation. All rights reserved by Verance. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.

Appendix 70 Appendix6 Audio Output Specifications Jack/Setting Source HDMI OUT PCM Stereo PCM Multi-Ch DTS Re-encode *3BitStream *1 *2 Dolby Digital PCM 2ch PCM 4.1ch DTSDolby Digital Dolby Digital Plus PCM 2ch PCM 4.1ch DTSDolby Digital Plus Dolby TrueHD PCM 2ch PCM 4.1ch DTSDolby TrueHD DTS PCM 2ch PCM 4.1ch DTSDTS DTS-HD PCM 2ch PCM 4.1ch DTSDTS-HD Linear PCM 2ch PCM 2ch PCM 2ch DTSLinear PCM 2ch Linear PCM 4.1ch PCM 2ch PCM 4.1ch DTSLinear PCM 4.1ch Linear PCM 7.1ch PCM 2ch PCM 4.1ch DTSLinear PCM 7.1ch *1 The secondary and interactive audio may not be included in the output bitstream if [Digital Output] option is set to [BitStream]. (Except LPCM Codec : the output always include interactive and secondary audio.) *2 T his player automatically selects the HDMI audio according to the decoding capability of the connected HDMI device even though [Digital Output] option is set to [BitStream]. *3 I f the [Digital Output] option is set to [DTS re- encode], the audio output is limited to 48 kHz and 5.1ch. If the [Digital Output] option is set to [DTS re-encode], the DTS Re-encode audio is outputted for BD-ROM discs, and the original audio is outputted for the other discs (like [BitStream]). y T he audio is outputted as PCM 48 kHz/16 bit for MP3/WMA file and PCM 44.1kHz/16 bit for Audio CD while playback. y W ith digital audio connection (HDMI OUT ), Disc Menu button sounds of BD-ROM may not be heard if the [Digital Output] option is set to [BitStream]. y I f the audio format of the digital output does not match the capabilities of your receiver, the receiver will produce a strong, distorted sound or no sound at all. y M ulti-channel Digital Surround Sound via digital connection can only be obtained if your receiver is equipped with a Digital Multi-channel decoder. y T his setting is not available on the input signal from an external device.