LG 19LD350 LCD TV User Manual
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Page 121
APP\bNDIX 121 b) You mus\f cause any work \fha\f you dis\fribu\fe or pub\bish,\fha\f in who\be or in par\f con\fains or is derived from \fhe Program or any par\f \fhere of, \fo be \bicensed as a who\be a\f no charge \fo a\b\b \fhird par\fies under \fhe \ferms of \fhis \bicense. c) If \fhe modified program norma\b\by reads commands in\ferac- \five\by when run, you mus\f cause i\f, when s\far\fed running for such in\ferac\five use in \fhe mos\f ordinary way,...
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APP\bNDIX 122 APP\bNDIX 7. If, as a consequence of a cour\f judgmen\f or a\b\bega\fion ofpa\fen\f infringemen\f or for any o\fher reason (no\f \bimi\fed \fo pa\fen\f issues), condi\fions are imposed on you (whe\fher by cour\f order, agreemen\f or o\fherwise) \fha\f con\fradic\f \fhe con- di\fions of \fhis \bicense, \fhey do no\f excuse you from \fhe con- di\fions of \fhis \bicense. If you canno\f dis\fribu\fe so as \fo sa\fis- fy simu\b\faneous\by your ob\biga\fions under \fhis...
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APP\bNDIX 123 END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How \fo app\by \fhese \ferms \fo your new programs If you deve\bop a new program, and you wan\f i\f \fo be of \fhe grea\f- es\f possib\be use \fo \fhe pub\bic, \fhe bes\f way \fo achieve \fhis is \fo make i\f free sof\fware which everyone can redis\fribu\fe and change under \fhese \ferms. To do so, a\f\fach \fhe fo\b\bowing no\fices \fo \fhe program. I\f is safes\f \fo a\f\fach \fhem \fo \fhe s\far\f of each source fi\be \fo mos\f effec\five- \by convey \fhe...
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APP\bNDIX 124 APP\bNDIX Copyrigh\f (C) 1991, 1999 Free Sof\fware Founda\fion, Inc. 51 Frank\bin S\free\f, Fif\fh F\boor, Bos\fon, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permi\f\fed \fo copy and dis\fribu\fe verba\fim copies of \fhis \bicense documen\f, bu\f changing i\f is no\f a\b\bowed. [This is \fhe firs\f re\beased version of \fhe Lesser GPL. I\f a\bso coun\fs as \fhe successor of \fhe GNU Library Pub\bic License, ver- sion 2, hence \fhe version number 2.1.]Preamb\be The...
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APP\bNDIX 125 A\b\fhough \fhe Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License is Less pro\fec\five of \fhe users' freedom, i\f does ensure \fha\f \fhe user of a program \fha\f is \binked wi\fh \fhe Library has \fhe freedom and \fhe wherewi\fha\b \fo run \fha\f program using a modified version of \fhe Library. The precise \ferms and condi\fions for copying, dis\fribu\fion and modifica\fion fo\b\bow. Pay c\bose a\f\fen\fion \fo \fhe difference be\fween a "work based on \fhe \bibrary" and a...
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APP\bNDIX 126 APP\bNDIX 3. You may op\f \fo app\by \fhe \ferms of \fhe ordinary GNU Genera\bPub\bic License ins\fead of \fhis License \fo a given copy of \fhe Library. To do \fhis, you mus\f a\b\fer a\b\b \fhe no\fices \fha\f refer \fo \fhis License, so \fha\f \fhey refer \fo \fhe ordinary GNU Genera\b Pub\bic License, version 2, ins\fead of \fo \fhis License. (If a newer version \fhan version 2 of \fhe ordinary GNU Genera\b Pub\bic License has appeared, \fhen you can...
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APP\bNDIX 127 For an execu\fab\be, \fhe required form of \fhe "work \fha\f uses \fhe \bibrary" mus\f inc\bude any da\fa and u\fi\bi\fy programs need- ed for reproducing \fhe execu\fab\be from i\f. However, as a spe- cia\b excep\fion, \fhe ma\feria\bs \fo be dis\fribu\fed need no\f inc\bude any\fhing \fha\f is norma\b\by dis\fribu\fed (in ei\fher source or binary form) wi\fh \fhe major componen\fs (compi\ber, kerne\b, and so on) of \fhe opera\fing sys\fem on which \fhe...
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APP\bNDIX 128 APP\bNDIX If \fhe \bibrary does no\f specify a \bicense version number, you may choose any version ever pub\bished by \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion. 14. If you wish \fo incorpora\fe par\fs of \fhe \bibrary in\fo o\fher free programs whose dis\fribu\fion condi\fions are incompa\fib\be wi\fh \fhese, wri\fe \fo \fhe au\fhor \fo ask for permission. For sof\fware which is copyrigh\fed by \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion, wri\fe \fo \fhe Free Sof\fware...
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APP\bNDIX 129 1.Defini\fions. 1.0.1. “Commercia\b use” means dis\fribu\fion or o\fherwise making\fhe covered code avai\bab\be \fo a \fhird par\fy. 1.1. “Con\fribu\for” means each en\fi\fy \fha\f crea\fes or con- \fribu\fes \fo \fhe crea\fion of modifica\fions. 1.2. “Con\fribu\for version” means \fhe combina\fion of \fhe orig- ina\b code, prior modifica\fions used by a con\fribu\for, and \fhe modifica\fions made by \fha\f par\ficu\bar con\fribu\for. 1.3. “Covered code” means \fhe origina\b...
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APP\bNDIX 130 APP\bNDIX (c) \fhe \bicenses gran\fed in \fhis sec\fion 2.1(a) and (b) areeffec\five on \fhe da\fe Ini\fia\b deve\boper firs\f dis\fribu\fes origina\b code under \fhe \ferms of \fhis \bicense. (d) No\fwi\fhs\fanding sec\fion 2.1(b) above, no pa\fen\f \bicense is gran\fed: 1) for code \fha\f You de\be\fe from \fhe origina\b Code; 2) separa\fe from \fhe origina\b code; or 3) for infringemen\fs caused by: i) \fhe modifica\fion of \fhe origina\b code or \Aii) \fhe...