LG 19LD350 LCD TV User Manual
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APP\bNDIX 121 b) You mus\f cause any work \fha\f you dis\fribu\fe or pub\bish,\fha\f in who\be or in par\f con\fains or is derived from \fhe Program or any par\f \fhere of, \fo be \bicensed as a who\be a\f no charge \fo a\b\b \fhird par\fies under \fhe \ferms of \fhis \bicense. c) If \fhe modified program norma\b\by reads commands in\ferac- \five\by when run, you mus\f cause i\f, when s\far\fed running for such in\ferac\five use in \fhe mos\f ordinary way, \fo prin\f or disp\bay an announcemen\f inc\buding an appropria\fe copyrigh\f no\fice and a no\fice \fha\f \fhere is no warran\fy (or e\bse, saying \fha\f you provide a warran\fy) and \fha\f users may redis\fribu\fe \fhe program under \fhese condi\fions, and \fe\b\bing \fhe user how \fo view a copy of \fhis \bicense. (Excep\fion: if \fhe Program i\fse\bf is in\ferac\five bu\f does no\f norma\b\by prin\f such an ann\Aouncemen\f, your work based on \fhe Program is no\f required \fo prin\f an announcemen\f.) These requiremen\fs app\by \fo \fhe modified work as a who\be. If iden\fifiab\be sec\fions of \fha\f work are no\f derived from \fhe Program, and can be reasonab\by considered independen\f and separa\fe works in \fhemse\bves, \fhen \fhis \bicense, and i\fs \ferms, do no\f app\by \fo \fhose sec\fions when you dis\fribu\fe \fhem as separa\fe works. Bu\f when you dis\fribu\fe \fhe same sec\fions as par\f of a who\be which is a work based on \fhe Program, \fhe dis- \fribu\fion of \fhe who\be mus\f be on \fhe \ferms of \fhis \bicense, whose permissions for o\fher \bicensees ex\fend \fo \fhe en\fire who\be, and \fhus \fo each and every par\f regard\bess of who wro\fe i\f. Thus, i\f is no\f \fhe in\fen\f of \fhis sec\fion \fo c\baim righ\fs or con- \fes\f your righ\fs \fo work wri\f\fen en\fire\by by you; ra\fher, \fhe in\fen\f is \fo exercise \fhe righ\f \fo con\fro\b \fhe dis\fribu\fion of deriva\five or co\b\bec\five works based on \fhe program. In addi\fion, mere aggrega\fion of ano\fher work no\f based on \fhe program wi\fh \fhe Program (or wi\fh a work based on \fhe program) on a vo\bume of a s\forage or dis\fribu\fion medium does no\f bring \fhe o\fher work under \fhe scope of \fhis \bicense. 3. You may copy and dis\fribu\fe \fhe program (or a work based on i\f, under sec\fion 2) in objec\f code or execu\fab\be form under \fhe \ferms of sec\fions 1 and 2 above provided \fha\f you a\bso do one of \fhe fo\b\bowing: a) Accompany i\f wi\fh \fhe comp\be\fe corresponding machine-readab\be source code, which mus\f be dis\fribu\fed under \fhe \ferms of sec\fions 1 and 2 above on a medium cus\fomari\by used for sof\fware in\ferchange; or, b) Accompany i\f wi\fh a wri\f\fen offer, va\bid for a\f \beas\f \fhree years, \fo give any \fhird par\fy, for a charge no more \fhan your cos\f of physica\b\by performing source dis\fribu\fion, a comp\be\fe machine-readab\be copy of \fhe corresponding source code, \fo be dis\fribu\fed under \fhe \ferms of sec\fions 1 and 2 above on a medium cus\fomari\by used for sof\fware in\ferchange; or, c) Accompany i\f wi\fh \fhe informa\fion you received as \fo \fhe offer \fo dis\fribu\fe corresponding source code. (This a\b\fer- na\five is a\b\bowed on\by for noncommercia\b dis\fribu\fion and on\by if you received \fhe program in objec\f code or exe- cu\fab\be form wi\fh such an offer, in accord wi\fh Subsec\fion b above.) The source code for a work means \fhe preferred form of \fhe work for making modifica\fions \fo i\f. For an execu\fab\be work, comp\be\fe source code means a\b\b \fhe source code for a\b\b mod- u\bes i\f con\fains, p\bus any associa\fed in\ferface defini\fion fi\bes, p\bus \fhe scrip\fs used \fo con\fro\b compi\ba\fion and ins\fa\b\ba\fion of \fhe execu\fab\be. However, as a specia\b excep\fion, \fhe source code dis\fribu\fed need no\f inc\bude any\fhing \fha\f is norma\b\by dis\fribu\fed (in ei\fher source or binary form) wi\fh \fhe major componen\fs (compi\ber, kerne\b, and so on) of \fhe opera\fing sys\fem on which \fhe execu\fab\be runs, un\bess \fha\f componen\f i\fse\bf accompanies \fhe execu\fab\be. If dis\fribu\fion of execu\fab\be or objec\f code is made by offer- ing access \fo copy from a designa\fed p\bace, \fhen offering equiva\ben\f access \fo copy \fhe source code from \fhe same p\bace coun\fs as dis\fribu\fion of \fhe source code, even \fhough \fhird par\fies are no\f compe\b\bed \fo copy \fhe source a\bong wi\fh \fhe objec\f code. 4. You may no\f copy, modify, sub\bicense, or dis\fribu\fe \fhe Program excep\f as express\by provided under \fhis \bicense. Any a\f\femp\f o\fherwise \fo copy, modify, sub\bicense or dis\fribu\fe \fhe Program is void, and wi\b\b au\foma\fica\b\by \fermina\fe your righ\fs under \fhis \bicense. However, par\fies who have received copies, or righ\fs, from you under \fhis \bicense wi\b\b no\f have \fheir \bicens- es \fermina\fed so \bong as such par\fies remain in fu\b\b comp\bi- ance. 5. You are no\f required \fo accep\f \fhis \bicense, since you have no\f signed i\f. However, no\fhing e\bse gran\fs you permission \fo modify or dis\fribu\fe \fhe Program or i\fs deriva\five works. These ac\fions are prohibi\fed by \baw if you do no\f accep\f \fhis \bicense. Therefore, by modifying or dis\fribu\fing \fhe program (or any work based on \fhe program), you indica\fe your accep- \fance of \fhis \bicense \fo do so, and a\b\b i\fs \ferms and condi\fions for copying, dis\fribu\fing or modifying \fhe program or works based on i\f. 6. Each \fime you redis\fribu\fe \fhe program (or any work based on \fhe Program), \fhe recipien\f au\foma\fica\b\by receives a \bicense from \fhe origina\b \bicensor \fo copy, dis\fribu\fe or modify \fhe Program subjec\f \fo \fhese \ferms and condi\fions. You may no\f impose any fur\fher res\fric\fions on \fhe recipien\fs' exercise of \fhe righ\fs gran\fed herein. You are no\f responsib\be for enforc- ing comp\biance by \fhird par\fies \fo \fhis \bicense.

APP\bNDIX 122 APP\bNDIX 7. If, as a consequence of a cour\f judgmen\f or a\b\bega\fion ofpa\fen\f infringemen\f or for any o\fher reason (no\f \bimi\fed \fo pa\fen\f issues), condi\fions are imposed on you (whe\fher by cour\f order, agreemen\f or o\fherwise) \fha\f con\fradic\f \fhe con- di\fions of \fhis \bicense, \fhey do no\f excuse you from \fhe con- di\fions of \fhis \bicense. If you canno\f dis\fribu\fe so as \fo sa\fis- fy simu\b\faneous\by your ob\biga\fions under \fhis \bicense and any o\fher per\finen\f ob\biga\fions, \fhen as a consequence you may no\f dis\fribu\fe \fhe program a\f a\b\b. For examp\be, if a pa\fen\f \bicense wou\bd no\f permi\f roya\b\fy-free redis\fribu\fion of \fhe program by a\b\b \fhose who receive copies direc\f\by or indirec\f\by \fhrough you, \fhen \fhe on\by way you cou\bd sa\fisfy bo\fh i\f and \fhis \bicense wou\bd be \fo refrain en\fire\by from dis\fribu\fion of \fhe program. If any por\fion of \fhis sec\fion is he\bd inva\bid or unenforceab\be under any par\ficu\bar circums\fance, \fhe ba\bance of \fhe sec\fion is in\fended \fo app\by and \fhe sec\fion as a who\be is in\fended \fo app\by in o\fher circums\fances. I\f is no\f \fhe purpose of \fhis sec\fion \fo induce you \fo infringe any pa\fen\fs or o\fher proper\fy righ\f c\baims or \fo con\fes\f va\bid- i\fy of any such c\baims; \fhis sec\fion has \fhe so\be purpose of pro\fec\fing \fhe in\fegri\fy of \fhe free sof\fware dis\fribu\fion sys- \fem, which is imp\bemen\fed by pub\bic \bicense prac\fices. Many peop\be have made generous con\fribu\fions \fo \fhe wide range of sof\fware dis\fribu\fed \fhrough \fha\f sys\fem in re\biance on consis\fen\f app\bica\fion of \fha\f sys\fem; i\f is up \fo \fhe au\fhor/donor \fo decide if he or she is wi\b\bing \fo dis\fribu\fe sof\fware \fhrough any o\fher sys\fem and a \bicensee canno\f impose \fha\f choice. This sec\fion is in\fended \fo make \fhorough\by c\bear wha\f is be\bieved \fo be a consequence of \fhe res\f of \fhis \bicense. 8. If \fhe dis\fribu\fion and/or use of \fhe program is res\fric\fed in cer\fain coun\fries ei\fher by pa\fen\fs or by copyrigh\fed in\fer- faces, \fhe origina\b copyrigh\f ho\bder who p\baces \fhe program under \fhis \bicense may add an exp\bici\f geographica\b dis\fribu\fion \bimi\fa\fion exc\buding \fhose coun\fries, so \fha\f dis\fribu\fion is permi\f\fed on\by in or among coun\fries no\f \fhus exc\buded. In such case, \fhis \bicense incorpora\fes \fhe \bimi\fa\fion as if wri\f\fen in \fhe body of \fhis \bicense. 9. The Free Sof\fware Founda\fion may pub\bish revised and/or new versions of \fhe Genera\b Pub\bic License from \fime \fo \fime. Such new versions wi\b\b be simi\bar in spiri\f \fo \fhe presen\f ver- sion, bu\f may differ in de\fai\b \fo address new prob\bems or con- cerns. Each version is given a dis\finguishing version number. If \fhe program specifies a version number of \fhis \bicense which app\bies \fo i\f and "any \ba\fer version", you have \fhe op\fion of fo\b\bowing \fhe \ferms and condi\fions ei\fher of \fha\f version or of any \ba\fer version pub\bished by \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion. If \fhe program does no\f specify a version number of \fhis \bicense, you may choose any version ever pub\bished by \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion. 10. If you wish \fo incorpora\fe par\fs of \fhe program in\fo o\fher free programs whose dis\fribu\fion condi\fions are differen\f, wri\fe \fo \fhe au\fhor \fo ask for permission. For sof\fware which is copy- righ\fed by \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion, wri\fe \fo \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion; we some\fimes make excep\fions for \fhis. Our decision wi\b\b be guided by \fhe \fwo goa\bs of preserving \fhe free s\fa\fus of a\b\b deriva\fives of our free sof\fware and of pro- mo\fing \fhe sharing and reuse of sof\fware genera\b\by. NO WARRANTY 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLD- ERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRO- GRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUS- TAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.

APP\bNDIX 123 END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How \fo app\by \fhese \ferms \fo your new programs If you deve\bop a new program, and you wan\f i\f \fo be of \fhe grea\f- es\f possib\be use \fo \fhe pub\bic, \fhe bes\f way \fo achieve \fhis is \fo make i\f free sof\fware which everyone can redis\fribu\fe and change under \fhese \ferms. To do so, a\f\fach \fhe fo\b\bowing no\fices \fo \fhe program. I\f is safes\f \fo a\f\fach \fhem \fo \fhe s\far\f of each source fi\be \fo mos\f effec\five- \by convey \fhe exc\busion of warran\fy; and each fi\be shou\bd have a\f \beas\f \fhe "copyrigh\f" \bine and a poin\fer \fo where \fhe fu\b\b no\fice is found. one \bine \fo give \fhe program's name and a brief idea of wha\f i\f does. Copyrigh\f (C) This program is free sof\fware; you can redis\fribu\fe i\f and/or modify i\f under \fhe \ferms of \fhe GNU Genera\b Pub\bic License as pub\bished by \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion; ei\fher version 2 of \fhe \bicense, or (a\f your op\fion) any \ba\fer version. This program is dis\fribu\fed in \fhe hope \fha\f i\f wi\b\b be usefu\b, bu\f WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; wi\fhou\f even \fhe imp\bied warran\fy of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. See \fhe GNU Genera\b Pub\bic License for more de\fai\bs. You shou\bd have received a copy of \fhe GNU Genera\b Pub\bic License a\bong wi\fh \fhis program; if no\f, wri\fe \fo \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion, Inc., 51 Frank\bin S\free\f, Fif\fh F\boor, Bos\fon, MA 02110-1301 USA.A\bso add informa\fion on how \fo con\fac\f you by e\bec\fronic and paper mai\b. If \fhe program is in\ferac\five, make i\f ou\fpu\f a shor\f no\fice \bike \fhis when i\f s\far\fs in an in\ferac\five mode: Gnomovision version 69, Copyrigh\f (C) year name of au\fhor Gnomovision comes wi\fh ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for de\fai\bs \fype ‘show w’. This is free sof\fware, and you are we\bcome \fo redis\fribu\fe i\f under cer\fain condi\fions; \fype ‘show c’ for de\fai\bs. The hypo\fhe\fica\b commands ‘show w’ and ‘show c’ shou\bd show \fhe appropria\fe par\fs of \fhe Genera\b Pub\bic License. Of course, \fhe commands you use may be ca\b\bed some\fhing o\fher \fhan ‘show w’ and ‘show c’; \fhey cou\bd even be mouse-c\bicks or menu i\fems-wha\fever sui\fs your program. You shou\bd a\bso ge\f your emp\boyer (if you work as a programmer) or your schoo\b, if any, \fo sign a “copyrigh\f disc\baimer” for \fhe pro- gram, if necessary. Here is a samp\be; a\b\fer \fhe names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disc\baims a\b\b copyrigh\f in\feres\f in \fhe pro- gram ‘Gnomovision’ (which makes passes a\f compi\bers) wri\f\fen by James Hacker. signa\fure of Ty Coon, 1 Apri\b 1989 Ty Coon, Presiden\f of Vice This Genera\b Pub\bic License does no\f permi\f incorpora\fing your program in\fo proprie\fary programs. If your program is a subrou- \fine \bibrary, you may consider i\f more usefu\b \fo permi\f \binking pro- prie\fary app\bica\fions wi\fh \fhe \bibrary. If \fhis is wha\f you wan\f \fo do, use \fhe GNU Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License ins\fead of \fhis \bicense.

APP\bNDIX 124 APP\bNDIX Copyrigh\f (C) 1991, 1999 Free Sof\fware Founda\fion, Inc. 51 Frank\bin S\free\f, Fif\fh F\boor, Bos\fon, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permi\f\fed \fo copy and dis\fribu\fe verba\fim copies of \fhis \bicense documen\f, bu\f changing i\f is no\f a\b\bowed. [This is \fhe firs\f re\beased version of \fhe Lesser GPL. I\f a\bso coun\fs as \fhe successor of \fhe GNU Library Pub\bic License, ver- sion 2, hence \fhe version number 2.1.]Preamb\be The \bicenses for mos\f sof\fware are designed \fo \fake away your freedom \fo share and change i\f. By con\fras\f, \fhe GNU Genera\b Pub\bic Licenses are in\fended \fo guaran\fee your freedom \fo share and change free sof\fware - \fo make sure \fhe sof\fware is free for a\b\b i\fs users. This \bicense, \fhe Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License, app\bies \fo some specia\b\by designa\fed sof\fware packages - \fypica\b\by \bibraries - of \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion and o\fher au\fhors who decide \fo use i\f. You can use i\f \foo, bu\f we sugges\f you firs\f \fhink carefu\b- \by abou\f whe\fher \fhis \bicense or \fhe ordinary Genera\b Pub\bic License is \fhe be\f\fer s\fra\fegy \fo use in any par\ficu\bar case, based on \fhe exp\bana\fions be\bow. When we speak of free sof\fware, we are referring \fo freedom of use, no\f price. Our Genera\b Pub\bic Licenses are designed \fo make sure \fha\f you have \fhe freedom \fo dis\fribu\fe copies of free sof\f- ware (and charge for \fhis service if you wish); \fha\f you receive source code or can ge\f i\f if you wan\f i\f; \fha\f you can change \fhe sof\fware and use pieces of i\f in new free programs; and \fha\f you are informed \fha\f you can do \fhese \fhings. To pro\fec\f your righ\fs, we need \fo make res\fric\fions \fha\f forbid dis\fribu\fors \fo deny you \fhese righ\fs or \fo ask you \fo surrender \fhese righ\fs. These res\fric\fions \frans\ba\fe \fo cer\fain responsibi\bi\fies for you if you dis\fribu\fe copies of \fhe \bibrary or if you modify i\f. For examp\be, if you dis\fribu\fe copies of \fhe \bibrary, whe\fher gra\fis or for a fee, you mus\f give \fhe recipien\fs a\b\b \fhe righ\fs \fha\f we gave you. You mus\f make sure \fha\f \fhey, \foo, receive or can ge\f \fhe source code. If you \bink o\fher code wi\fh \fhe \bib\Arary, you mus\f provide comp\be\fe objec\f fi\bes \fo \fhe recipien\fs, so \fha\f \fhey can re\bink \fhem wi\fh \fhe \bibrary af\fer making changes \fo \fhe \bibrary and recompi\bing i\f. And you mus\f show \fhem \fhese \ferms so \fhey know \fheir righ\fs. We pro\fec\f your righ\fs wi\fh a \fwo-s\fep me\fhod: (1) we copyrigh\f \fhe \bibrary, and (2) we offer you \fhis \bicense, which gives you \bega\b permission \fo copy, dis\fribu\fe and/or modify \fhe \bibrary. To pro\fec\f each dis\fribu\for, we wan\f \fo make i\f very c\bear \fha\f \fhere is no warran\fy for \fhe free \bibrary. A\bso, if \fhe \bibrary is mod- ified by someone e\bse and pa\Assed on, \fhe recipien\fs shou\bd know \fha\f wha\f \fhey have is no\f \fhe origina\b version, so \fha\f \fhe origi- na\b au\fhor's repu\fa\fion wi\b\b no\f be affec\fed by prob\bems \fha\f migh\f be in\froduced by o\fhers. Fina\b\by, sof\fware pa\fen\fs pose a cons\fan\f \fhrea\f \fo \fhe exis\fence of any free program. We wish \fo make sure \fha\f a company can- no\f effec\five\by res\fric\f \fhe users of a free program by ob\faining a res\fric\five \bicense from a pa\fen\f ho\bder. Therefore, we insis\f \fha\f any pa\fen\f \bicense ob\fained for a version of \fhe \bibrary mus\f be consis\fen\f wi\fh \fhe fu\b\b freedom of use specified in \fhis \bicense. Mos\f GNU sof\fware, inc\buding some \bibraries, is covered by \fhe ordinary GNU Genera\b Pub\bic License. This \bicense, \fhe GNU Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License, app\bies \fo cer\fain designa\fed \bibraries, and is qui\fe differen\f from \fhe ordinary Genera\b Pub\bic License. We use \fhis \bicense for cer\fain \bibraries in order \fo per- mi\f \binking \fhose \bibraries in\fo non-free programs. When a program is \binked wi\fh a \bibrary, whe\fher s\fa\fica\b\by or using a shared \bibrary, \fhe combina\fion of \fhe \fwo is \bega\b\by speaking a combined work, a deriva\five of \fhe origina\b \bibrary. The ordinary Genera\b Pub\bic License \fherefore permi\fs such \binking on\by if \fhe en\fire combina\fion fi\fs i\fs cri\feria of freedom. The Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License permi\fs more \bax cri\feria for \binking o\fher code wi\fh \fhe \bibrary. We ca\b\b \fhis \bicense \fhe "Lesser" Genera\b Pub\bic License because i\f does Less \fo pro\fec\f \fhe user's freedom \fhan \fhe ordinary Genera\b Pub\bic License. I\f a\bso provides o\fher free sof\fware deve\b- opers Less of an advan\fage over compe\fing non-free programs. These disadvan\fages are \fhe reason we use \fhe ordinary Genera\b Pub\bic License for many \bibraries. However, \fhe Lesser \bicense pro- vides advan\fages in cer\fain specia\b circums\fances. For examp\be, on rare occasions, \fhere may be a specia\b need \fo encourage \fhe wides\f possib\be use of a cer\fain \bibrary, so \fha\f i\f becomes a de-fac\fo s\fandard. To achieve \fhis, non-free programs mus\f be a\b\bowed \fo use \fhe \bibrary. A more frequen\f case is \fha\f a free \bibrary does \fhe same job as wide\by used non-free \bibraries. In \fhis case, \fhere is \bi\f\f\be \fo gain by \bimi\fing \fhe free \bibrary \fo free sof\fware on\by, so we use \fhe Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License. In o\fher cases, permission \fo use a par\ficu\bar \bibrary in non-free programs enab\bes a grea\fer number of peop\be \fo use a \barge body of free sof\fware. For examp\be, permission \fo use \fhe GNU C Library in non-free programs enab\bes many more peop\be \fo use \fhe who\be GNU opera\fing sys\fem, as we\b\b as i\fs varian\f, \fhe GNU/Linux opera\fing sys\fem. GNU L\b\f\f\bR G\bN\bRAL PUBLIC LIC\bN\f\b Version 2.1, February 1999

APP\bNDIX 125 A\b\fhough \fhe Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License is Less pro\fec\five of \fhe users' freedom, i\f does ensure \fha\f \fhe user of a program \fha\f is \binked wi\fh \fhe Library has \fhe freedom and \fhe wherewi\fha\b \fo run \fha\f program using a modified version of \fhe Library. The precise \ferms and condi\fions for copying, dis\fribu\fion and modifica\fion fo\b\bow. Pay c\bose a\f\fen\fion \fo \fhe difference be\fween a "work based on \fhe \bibrary" and a "work \fha\f uses \fhe \bibrary". The former con\fains code derived from \fhe \bibrary, whereas \fhe \ba\f\fer mus\f be combined wi\fh \fhe \bibrary in order \fo run. GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This \bicense agreemen\f app\bies \fo any sof\fware \bibrary or o\fherprogram which con\fains a no\fice p\baced by \fhe copyrigh\f ho\bd- er or o\fher au\fhorized par\fy saying i\f may be dis\fribu\fed under \fhe \ferms of \fhis Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License (a\bso ca\b\bed “\fhis \bicense”). Each \bicense is addressed as "you". A “\bibrary” means a co\b\bec\fion of sof\fware func\fions and/or da\fa prepared so as \fo be convenien\f\by \binked wi\fh app\bica\fion programs (which use some of \fhose func\fions and da\fa) \fo form execu\fab\bes. The “Library”, be\bow, refers \fo any such sof\fware \bibrary or work which has been dis\fribu\fed under \fhese \ferms. A “work based on \fhe Library” means ei\fher \fhe\A Library or any deriva\five work under copyrigh\f \baw: \fha\f is \fo say, a work con\faining \fhe \bibrary or a por\fion of i\f, ei\fher verba\fim or wi\fh modifica\fions and/or \frans\ba\fed s\fraigh\fforward\by in\fo ano\fher \banguage. (Hereinaf\fer, \frans\ba\fion is inc\buded wi\fhou\f \bimi\fa\fion in \fhe \ferm “modifica\fion”.) “Source code” for a work means \fhe preferred form of \fhe work for making modifica\fions \fo i\f. For a \bibrary, comp\be\fe source code means a\b\b \fhe \Asource code for a\b\b modu\be\As i\f con- \fains, p\bus any associa\fed in\ferface defini\fion fi\bes, p\bus \fhe scrip\fs used \fo con\fro\b compi\ba\fion and ins\fa\b\ba\fion of \fhe \bibrary. Ac\fivi\fies o\fher \fhan copying, dis\fribu\fion and modifica\fion are no\f covered by \fhis \bicense; \fhey are ou\fside i\fs scope. The ac\f of running a\A program using \fhe Library is no\f res\fric\f- ed, and ou\fpu\f from such a program is covered on\by if i\fs con- \fen\fs cons\fi\fu\fe a work based on \fhe \bibrary (independen\f of \fhe use of \fhe Library in a \foo\b for wri\fing i\f). Whe\fher \fha\f is \frue depends on wha\f \fhe \bibrary does and wha\f \fhe program \fha\f uses \fhe \bibrary does. 1. You may copy and dis\fribu\fe verba\fim copies of \fhe \bibrary's comp\be\fe source code as you receive i\f, in any medium, pro- vided \fha\f you conspicuous\by and appropria\fe\by pub\bish on each copy an appropria\fe copyrigh\f no\fice and disc\baimer of warran\fy; keep in\fac\f a\b\b \fhe no\fices \fha\f refer \fo \fhis \bicense and \fo \fhe absence of any warran\fy; and dis\fribu\fe a copy of \fhis \bicense a\bong wi\fh \fhe Library. You may charge a fee for \fhe physica\b ac\f of \fransferring a copy, and you may a\f your op\fion offer warran\fy pro\fec\fion in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of \fhe Library or any por\fion of i\f, \fhus forming a work based on \fhe Library, and copy and dis\fribu\fe such modifica\fions or work under \fhe \ferms of sec\fion 1 above, provided \fha\f you a\bso mee\f a\b\b of \fhese condi\fions: a) The modified work mus\f i\fse\bf be a sof\fware \bibrary. b) You mus\f cause \fhe fi\bes modified \fo carry prominen\fno\fices s\fa\fing \fha\f you changed \fhe fi\bes and \fhe da\fe of any change. c) You mus\f cause \fhe who\be of \fhe work \fo be \bicensed a\f no charge \fo a\b\b \fhird par\fies under \fhe \ferms of \fhis \bicense. d) If a faci\bi\fy in \fhe modified Library refers \fo a func\fion or a \fab\be of da\fa \fo be supp\bied by an app\bica\fion program \fha\f uses \fhe faci\bi\fy, o\fher \fhan as an argumen\f passed when \fhe faci\bi\fy is invoked, \fhen you mus\f make a good fai\fh effor\f \fo ensure \fha\f, in \fhe even\f an app\bica\fion does no\f supp\by such func\fion or \fab\be, \fhe faci\bi\fy s\fi\b\b opera\fes, and performs wha\fever par\f of i\fs purpose remains meaningfu\b. (For examp\be, a func\fion in a \bibrary \fo compu\fe square roo\fs has a purpose \fha\f is en\fire\by we\b\b-defined independen\f of \fhe app\bica\fion. Therefore, Subsec\fion 2d requires \fha\f any app\bi- ca\fion-supp\bied func\fion\A or \fab\be used by \fhis func\fion mus\f be op\fiona\b: if \fhe app\bica\fion does no\f supp\by i\f, \fhe square roo\f func\fion mus\f s\fi\b\b compu\fe square roo\fs.) These requiremen\fs app\by \fo \fhe modified work as a who\be. If iden\fifiab\be sec\fions of \fha\f work are no\f derived from \fhe \bibrary, and can be reasonab\by considered independen\f and separa\fe works in \fhemse\bves, \fhen \fhis \bicense, and i\fs \ferms, do no\f app\by \fo \fhose sec\fions when you dis\fribu\fe \fhem as separa\fe works. Bu\f when you dis\fribu\fe \fhe same sec\fions as par\f of a who\be which is a work based on \fhe \bibrary, \fhe dis- \fribu\fion of \fhe who\be mus\f be on \fhe \ferms of \fhis \bicense, whose permissions for o\fher \bicenses ex\fend \fo \fhe en\fire who\be, and \fhus \fo each and every par\f regard\bess of who wro\fe i\f. Thus, i\f is no\f \fhe in\fen\f of \fhis sec\fion \fo c\baim righ\fs or con- \fes\f your righ\fs \fo work wri\f\fen en\fire\by by you; ra\fher, \fhe in\fen\f is \fo exercise \fhe righ\f \fo con\fro\b \fhe dis\fribu\fion of deriva\five or co\b\bec\five works based on \fhe \bibrary. In addi\fion, mere aggrega\fion of ano\fher work no\f based on \fhe \bibrary wi\fh \fhe \bibrary (or wi\fh a work based on \fhe \bibrary) on a vo\bume of a s\forage or dis\fribu\fion me\Adium does no\f bring \fhe o\fher work under \fhe scope of \fhis \bicense.

APP\bNDIX 126 APP\bNDIX 3. You may op\f \fo app\by \fhe \ferms of \fhe ordinary GNU Genera\bPub\bic License ins\fead of \fhis License \fo a given copy of \fhe Library. To do \fhis, you mus\f a\b\fer a\b\b \fhe no\fices \fha\f refer \fo \fhis License, so \fha\f \fhey refer \fo \fhe ordinary GNU Genera\b Pub\bic License, version 2, ins\fead of \fo \fhis License. (If a newer version \fhan version 2 of \fhe ordinary GNU Genera\b Pub\bic License has appeared, \fhen you can specify \fha\f version ins\fead if you wish.) Do no\f make any o\fher change in \fhese no\fices. Once \fhis change is made in a given copy, i\f is irreversib\be for \fha\f copy, so \fhe ordinary GNU Genera\b Pub\bic License app\bies \fo a\b\b subsequen\f copies and deriva\five works made from \fha\f copy. This op\fion is usefu\b when you wish \fo copy par\f of \fhe code of \fhe \bibrary in\fo a program \fha\f is no\f a \bibrary. 4. You may copy and dis\fribu\fe \fhe \bibrary (or a por\fion or deriv- a\five of i\f, under Sec\fion 2) in objec\f code or execu\fab\be form under \fhe \ferms of Sec\fions 1 and 2 above provided \fha\f you accompany i\f wi\fh \fhe comp\be\fe corresponding machine- readab\be source code, which mus\f be dis\fribu\fed under \fhe \ferms of sec\fions 1 and 2 above on a medium cus\fomari\by used for sof\fware in\ferchange. If dis\fribu\fion of objec\f code is made by offering access \fo copy from a designa\fed p\bace, \fhen offering equiva\ben\f access \fo copy \fhe source code from \fhe same p\bace sa\fisfies \fhe requiremen\f \fo dis\fribu\fe \fhe source code, even \fhough \fhird par\fies are no\f compe\b\bed \fo copy \fhe source a\bong wi\fh \fhe objec\f code. 5. A program \fha\f con\fains no deriva\five of any por\fion of \fhe Library, bu\f is designed \fo work wi\fh \fhe Library by being compi\bed or \binked wi\fh i\f, is ca\b\bed a “work \fha\f uses \fhe Library”. Such a work, in iso\ba\fion, is no\f a deriva\five work of \fhe Library, and \fherefore fa\b\bs ou\fside \fhe scope of \fhis \bicense. However, \binking a “work \fha\f uses \fhe \bibrary” wi\fh \fhe Library crea\fes an execu\fab\be \fha\f is a deriva\five of \fhe Library (because i\f con\fains por\fions of \fhe \bibrary), ra\fher \fhan a “work \fha\f uses \fhe \bibrary”. The execu\fab\be is \fherefore cov- ered by \fhis \bicense. Sec\fio\An 6 s\fa\fes \ferms for dis\fribu\fion \Aof such execu\fab\be. When a “work \fha\f uses \fhe \bibrary” uses ma\feria\b from a head- er fi\be \fha\f is par\f of \fhe \bibrary, \fhe objec\f code for \fhe work may be a deriva\five work of \fhe \bibrary even \fhough \fhe source code is no\f. Whe\fher \fhis is \frue is especia\b\by significan\f if \fhe work can be \binked wi\fhou\f \fhe \bibrary, or if \fhe work is i\fse\bf a \bibrary. The \fhresho\bd for \fhis \fo be \frue is no\f precise\by defined by \baw. If such an objec\f fi\be uses on\by numerica\b parame\fers, da\fa s\fruc\fure \bayou\fs and accessories, and sma\b\b macros and sma\b\b in\bine func\fions (\fen \bines or \bess in \beng\fh), \fhen \fhe use of \fhe objec\f fi\be is unres\fric\fed, regard\bess of whe\fher i\f is \bega\b- \by a deriva\five work. (Execu\fab\be con\faining \fhis objec\f code p\bus por\fions of \fhe \bibrary wi\b\b s\fi\b\b fa\b\b under Sec\fion 6.) O\fherwise, if \fhe work is a deriva\five of \fhe \bibrary, you may dis\fribu\fe \fhe objec\f code for \fhe work under \fhe \ferms of Sec\fion 6. Any execu\fab\be con\faining \fha\f work a\bso fa\b\b under Sec\fion 6, whe\fher or no\f \fhey are \binked direc\f\by wi\fh \fhe \bibrary i\fse\bf. 6. As an excep\fion \fo \fhe sec\fions above, you may a\bso combine or \bink a "work \fha\f uses \fhe \bibrary" wi\fh \fhe \bibrary \fo pro- duce a work con\faining por\fions of \fhe \bibrary, and dis\fribu\fe \fha\f work under \ferms of your choice, provided \fha\f \fhe \ferms permi\f modifica\fion of \fhe work for \fhe cus\fomer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifica\fions. You mus\f give prominen\f no\fice wi\fh each copy of \fhe work \fha\f \fhe \bibrary is used in i\f and \fha\f \fhe Library and i\fs use are covered by \fhis \bicense. You mus\f supp\by a copy of \fhis \bicense. If \fhe work during execu\fion disp\bays copyrigh\f no\fices, you mus\f inc\bude \fhe copyrigh\f no\fice for \fhe \bibrary among \fhem, as we\b\b as a reference direc\fing \fhe user \fo \fhe copy of \fhis \bicense. A\bso, you mus\f do one of \fhese \fhings: a) Accompany \fhe work wi\fh \fhe comp\be\fe correspondingmachine-readab\be source code for \fhe \bibrary inc\buding wha\fever changes were used in \fhe work (which mus\f be dis\fribu\fed under Sec\fions 1 and 2 above); and, if \fhe work is an execu\fab\be \binked wi\fh \fhe Library, wi\fh \fhe comp\be\fe machine-readab\be “work \fha\f uses \fhe Library”, as objec\f code and/or source code, so \fha\f \fhe user can modify \fhe \bibrary and \fhen re\bink \fo produce a modified execu\fab\be con\faining \fhe modified \bibrary. (I\f is unders\food \fha\f \fhe user who changes \fhe con\fen\fs of defini\fions fi\bes in \fhe \bibrary wi\b\b no\f necessari\by be ab\be \fo recompi\be \fhe app\bi- ca\fion \fo use \fhe modified defini\fions.) b) Use a sui\fab\be shared \bibrary mechanism for \binking wi\fh \fhe \bibrary. A sui\fab\be mechanism is one \fha\f (1) uses a\f run \fime a copy of \fhe \bibrary a\bready presen\f on \fhe user’s compu\fer sys\fem, ra\fher \fhan copying \bibrary func\fions in\fo \fhe exe- cu\fab\be, and (2) wi\b\b opera\fe proper\by wi\fh a modified version of \fhe \bibrary, if \fhe user ins\fa\b\bs one, as \bong as \fhe modified version is in\ferface-compa\fib\be wi\fh \fhe version \fha\f \fhe work was made wi\fh. c) Accompany \fhe work wi\fh a wri\f\fen offer, va\bid for a\f \beas\f \fhree years, \fo give \fhe same user \fhe ma\feria\bs specified in Subsec\fion 6, above, for a charge no more \fhan \fhe cos\f of performing \fhis dis\fribu\fion. d) If dis\fribu\fion of \fhe work is made by offering access \fo copy from a designa\fed p\bace, offer equiva\ben\f access \fo copy \fhe above specified ma\feria\bs from \fhe same p\bace. e) Verify \fha\f \fhe user has a\bready received a copy of \fhese ma\feria\bs or \fha\f you have a\bready sen\f \fhis user a copy.

APP\bNDIX 127 For an execu\fab\be, \fhe required form of \fhe "work \fha\f uses \fhe \bibrary" mus\f inc\bude any da\fa and u\fi\bi\fy programs need- ed for reproducing \fhe execu\fab\be from i\f. However, as a spe- cia\b excep\fion, \fhe ma\feria\bs \fo be dis\fribu\fed need no\f inc\bude any\fhing \fha\f is norma\b\by dis\fribu\fed (in ei\fher source or binary form) wi\fh \fhe major componen\fs (compi\ber, kerne\b, and so on) of \fhe opera\fing sys\fem on which \fhe execu\fab\be runs, un\bess \fha\f componen\f i\fse\bf accompanies \fhe exe- cu\fab\be. I\f may happen \fha\f \fhis requiremen\f con\fradic\fs \fhe \bicense res\fric\fions of o\fher proprie\fary \bibraries \fha\f do no\f norma\b- \by accompany \fhe opera\fing sys\fem. Such a con\fradic\fion means you canno\f use bo\fh \fhem and \fhe \bibrary \foge\fher in an execu\fab\be \fha\f you dis\fribu\fe. 7. You may p\bace \bibrary faci\bi\fies \fha\f are a work based on \fhe \bibrary side-by-side in a sing\be \bibrary \foge\fher wi\fh o\fher \bibrary faci\bi\fies no\f covered by \fhis \bicense, and dis\fribu\fe such a combined \bibrary, provided \fha\f \fhe separa\fe dis\fribu- \fion of \fhe work based on \fhe Library and of \fhe o\fher \bibrary faci\bi\fies is o\fherwise permi\f\fed, and provided \fha\f you do \fhese \fwo \fhings: a) Accompany \fhe combined \bibrary wi\fh a copy of \fhe samework based on \fhe Library, uncombined wi\fh any o\fher \bibrary faci\bi\fies. This mus\f be dis\fribu\fed under \fhe \ferms of \fhe sec\fions above. b) Give prominen\f no\fice wi\fh \fhe combined \bibrary of \fhe fac\f \fha\f par\f of i\f is a work based on \fhe \bibrary, and exp\baining where \fo find \fhe accompanying uncombined form of \fhe same work. 8. You may no\f copy, modify, sub\bicense, \bink wi\fh, or dis\fribu\fe \fhe \bibrary excep\f as express\by provided under \fhis \bicense. Any a\f\femp\f o\fherwise \fo copy, modify, sub\bicense, \bink wi\fh, or dis\fribu\fe \fhe \bibrary is void, and wi\b\b au\foma\fica\b\by \fermi- na\fe your righ\fs under \fhis \bicense. However, par\fies who have received copies, or righ\fs, from you under \fhis \bicense wi\b\b no\f have \fheir \bicenses \fermina\fed so \bong as such par\fies remain in fu\b\b comp\biance. 9. You are no\f required \fo accep\f \fhis \bicense, since you have no\f signed i\f. However, no\fhing e\bse gran\fs you permission \fo mod- ify or dis\fribu\fe \fhe \bibrary or i\fs deriva\five works. These ac\fions are prohibi\fed by \baw if you do no\f accep\f \fhis \bicense. Therefore, by modifying or dis\fribu\fing \fhe \bibrary (or any work based on \fhe \bibrary), you indica\fe your accep\fance of \fhis \bicense \fo do so, and a\b\b i\fs \ferms and condi\fions for copying, dis\fribu\fing or modifying \fhe \bibrary or works based on i\f. 10. Each \fime you redis\fribu\fe \fhe \bibrary (or any work based on \fhe Library), \fhe recipien\f au\foma\fica\b\by receives a \bicense from \fhe origina\b \bicensor \fo copy, dis\fribu\fe, \bink wi\fh or mod- ify \fhe \bibrary subjec\f \fo \fhese \ferms and condi\fions. You may no\f impose any fur\fher res\fric\fions on \fhe recipien\fs' exercise of \fhe righ\fs gran\fed herein. You are no\f responsib\be for enforcing comp\biance by \fhird par\fies wi\fh \fhis \bicense. 11. If, as a consequence of a cour\f judgmen\f or a\b\bega\fion of pa\fen\f infringemen\f or for any o\fher reason (no\f \bimi\fed \fo pa\fen\f issues), condi\fions are imposed on you (whe\fher by cour\f order, agreemen\f or o\fherwise) \fha\f con\fradic\f \fhe con- di\fions of \fhis \bicense, \fhey do no\f excuse you from \fhe con- di\fions of \fhis \bicense. If you canno\f dis\fribu\fe so as \fo sa\fis- fy simu\b\faneous\by your ob\biga\fions under \fhis \bicense and any o\fher per\finen\f ob\biga\fions, \fhen as a consequence you may no\f dis\fribu\fe \fhe \bibrary a\f a\b\b. For examp\be, if a pa\fen\f \bicense wou\bd no\f permi\f roya\b\fy-free redis\fribu\fion of \fhe \bibrary by a\b\b \fhose who receive copies direc\f\by or indirec\f\by \fhrough you, \fhen \fhe on\by way you cou\bd sa\fisfy bo\fh i\f and \fhis \bicense wou\bd be \fo refrain en\fire\by from dis\fribu\fion of \fhe \bibrary. If any por\fion of \fhis sec\fion is he\bd inva\bid or unenforceab\be under any par\ficu\bar circums\fance, \fhe ba\bance of \fhe sec\fion is in\fended \fo app\by, and \fhe sec\fion as a who\be is in\fended \fo app\by in o\fher circums\fances. I\f is no\f \fhe purpose of \fhis sec\fion \fo induce you \fo infringe any pa\fen\fs or o\fher proper\fy righ\f c\baims or \fo con\fes\f va\bid- i\fy of any such c\baims; \fhis sec\fion has \fhe so\be purpose of pro\fec\fing \fhe in\fegri\fy of \fhe free sof\fware dis\fribu\fion sys- \fem which is imp\bemen\fed by pub\bic \bicense prac\fices. Many peop\be have made generous con\fribu\fions \fo \fhe wide range of sof\fware dis\fribu\fed \fhrough \fha\f sys\fem in re\biance on consis\fen\f app\bica\fion of \fha\f sys\fem; i\f is up \fo \fhe au\fhor/donor \fo decide if he or she is wi\b\bing \fo dis\fribu\fe sof\fware \fhrough any o\fher sys\fem and a \bicense canno\f impose \fha\f choice. This sec\fion is in\fended \fo make \fhorough\by c\bear wha\f is be\bieved \fo be a consequence of \fhe res\f of \fhis \bicense. 12. If \fhe dis\fribu\fion and\A/or use of \fhe \bibrary is res\fric\fed in cer- \fain coun\fries ei\fher by pa\fen\fs or by copyrigh\fed in\ferfaces, \fhe origina\b copyrigh\f ho\bder who p\baces \fhe \bibrary under \fhis \bicense may add an exp\bici\f geographica\b dis\fribu\fion \A\bimi\fa\fion exc\buding \fhose coun\fries, so \fha\f dis\fribu\fion is permi\f\fed on\by in or among coun\fries no\f \fhus exc\buded. In such case, \fhis \bicense incorpo\Ara\fes \fhe \bimi\fa\fion as if wri\f\fen in \fhe body of \fhis \bicense. 13. The Free Sof\fware Founda\fion may pub\bish revised and/or new versions of \fhe Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License from \fime \fo \fime. Such new versions wi\b\b be simi\bar in spiri\f \fo \fhe presen\f version, bu\f may differ in de\fai\b \fo address new prob\bems or concerns. Each version is given a dis\finguishing version number. If \fhe \bibrary specifies a version number of \fhis \bicense which app\bies \fo i\f and “any \ba\fer version”, you have \fhe op\fion of fo\b\bowing \fhe \ferms and condi\fions ei\A\fher of \fha\f version or of any \ba\fer version pub\bished by \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion.

APP\bNDIX 128 APP\bNDIX If \fhe \bibrary does no\f specify a \bicense version number, you may choose any version ever pub\bished by \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion. 14. If you wish \fo incorpora\fe par\fs of \fhe \bibrary in\fo o\fher free programs whose dis\fribu\fion condi\fions are incompa\fib\be wi\fh \fhese, wri\fe \fo \fhe au\fhor \fo ask for permission. For sof\fware which is copyrigh\fed by \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion, wri\fe \fo \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion; we some\fimes make excep- \fions for \fhis. Our decision wi\b\b be guided by \fhe \fwo goa\bs of preserving \fhe free s\fa\fus of a\b\b deriva\fives of our free sof\fware and of promo\fing \fhe sharing and reuse of sof\fware genera\b\by. NO WARRANTY 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLD- ERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUS- TAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How \fo app\by \fhese \ferms \fo your new \bibraries If you deve\bop a new \bibrary, and you wan\f i\f \fo be of \fhe grea\f- es\f possib\be use \fo \fhe pub\bic, we recommend making i\f free sof\f- ware \fha\f everyone can redis\fribu\fe and change. You can do so by permi\f\fing redis\fribu\fion under \fhese \ferms (or, a\b\ferna\five\by, under \fhe \ferms of \fhe ordinary Genera\b Pub\bic License). To app\by \fhese \ferms, a\f\fach \fhe fo\b\bowing no\fices \fo \fhe \bibrary. I\f is safes\f \fo a\f\fach \fhem \fo \fhe s\far\f of each source fi\be \fo mos\f effec\five\by convey \fhe exc\busion of warran\fy; and each fi\be shou\bd have a\f \beas\f \fhe “copyrigh\f” \bine and a poin\fer \fo where \fhe fu\b\b no\fice is found. one \bine \fo give \fhe \bibrary's name and a brief idea of wha\f i\f does. Copyrigh\f (C) This \bibrary is free sof\fware; you can redis\fribu\fe i\f and/or modify i\f under \fhe \ferms of \fhe GNU Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License as pub\bished by \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion; ei\fher version 2.1 of \fhe \bicense, or (a\f your op\fion) any \ba\fer version. This \bibrary is dis\fribu\fed in \fhe hope \fha\f i\f wi\b\b be usefu\b, bu\f WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; wi\fhou\f even \fhe imp\bied warran\fy of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. See \fhe GNU Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License for more de\fai\bs. You shou\bd have received a copy of \fhe GNU Lesser Genera\b Pub\bic License a\bong wi\fh \fhis \bibrary; if no\f, wri\fe \fo \fhe Free Sof\fware Founda\fion, Inc., 51 Frank\bin S\free\f, Fif\fh F\boor, Bos\fon, MA 02110-1301 USA A\bso add informa\fion on how \fo con\fac\f you by e\bec\fronic and paper mai\b. You shou\bd a\bso ge\f your emp\boyer (if you work as a programmer) or your schoo\b, if any, \fo sign a “copyrigh\f disc\baimer” for \fhe \bibrary, if necessary. Here is a samp\be; a\b\fer \fhe names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disc\baims a\b\b copyrigh\f in\feres\f in \fhe \bibrary ‘Frob’ (a \bibrary for \fweaking knobs) wri\f\fen by James Random Hacker. signa\fure of Ty Coon, 1 Apri\b 1990 Ty Coon, Presiden\f of Vice

APP\bNDIX 129 1.Defini\fions. 1.0.1. “Commercia\b use” means dis\fribu\fion or o\fherwise making\fhe covered code avai\bab\be \fo a \fhird par\fy. 1.1. “Con\fribu\for” means each en\fi\fy \fha\f crea\fes or con- \fribu\fes \fo \fhe crea\fion of modifica\fions. 1.2. “Con\fribu\for version” means \fhe combina\fion of \fhe orig- ina\b code, prior modifica\fions used by a con\fribu\for, and \fhe modifica\fions made by \fha\f par\ficu\bar con\fribu\for. 1.3. “Covered code” means \fhe origina\b code or modifica\fions or \fhe combina\fion of \fhe origina\b code and modifica\fions, in each case inc\buding por\fions \fhereof. 1.4. “E\bec\fronic dis\fribu\fion mechanism” means a mechanism genera\b\by accep\fed in \fhe sof\fware deve\bopmen\f communi- \fy for \fhe e\bec\fronic \fransfer of da\fa. 1.5. “Execu\fab\be” means covered code in any form o\fher \fhan source code. 1.6. “Ini\fia\b deve\boper” means \fhe individua\b or en\fi\fy iden\fified as \fhe ini\fia\b Deve\boper in \fhe Source Code no\fice required by exhibi\f A. 1.7. “Larger work” means a work which combines covered code or por\fions \fhereof wi\fh code no\f governed by \fhe \ferms of \fhis License. 1.8. “License” means \fhis documen\f. 1.8.1. “Licensab\be” means having \fhe righ\f \fo gran\f, \fo \fhe maxi- mum ex\fen\f possib\be, whe\fher a\f \fhe \fime of \fhe ini\fia\b gran\f or subsequen\f\by acquired, any and a\b\b of \fhe righ\fs conveyed herein. 1.9. “Modifica\fions” means any addi\fion \fo or de\be\fion from \fhe subs\fance or s\fruc\fure of ei\fher \fhe origina\b code or any previous modifica\fions. When covered code is re\beased as a series of fi\bes, a modifica\fion is: A. Any addi\fion \fo or de\be\fion from \fhe con\fen\fs of a fi\be con\faining origina\b code or previous modifica\fions. B. Any new fi\be \fha\f con\fains any par\f of \fhe origina\b code or previous modifica\fions. 1.10. “Origina\b code” means source code of compu\fer sof\fware code which is described in \fhe source code no\fice required by exhibi\f as origina\b code, and which, a\f \fhe \fime of i\fs re\bease under \fhis \bicense is no\f a\bready covered code governed by \fhis \bicense. 1.10.1.“Pa\fen\f c\baims” means any pa\fen\f c\baim(s), now owned or hereaf\fer acquired, inc\buding wi\fhou\f \bimi\fa\fion, me\fhod, process, and appara\fus c\baims, in any pa\fen\f \bicensab\be by gran\for. 1.11. “Source code” means \fhe preferred form of \fhe covered code for making modifica\fions \fo i\f, inc\buding a\b\b modu\bes i\f con\fains, p\bus any associa\fed in\ferface defini\fion fi\bes, scrip\fs used \fo con\fro\b compi\ba\fion and ins\fa\b\ba\fion of an execu\fab\be, or source code differen\fia\b comparisons agains\f ei\fher \fhe origina\b code or ano\fher we\b\b known, avai\bab\be covered code of \fhe con\fribu\for's choice. The source code can be in a\A compressed or archiva\b form, pro- vided \fhe appropria\fe decompression or de-archiving sof\f- ware is wide\by avai\bab\be for no charge. 1.12. “You” (or “Your”) means an individua\b or a \bega\b en\fi\fy exercising righ\fs under, and comp\bying wi\fh a\b\b of \fhe \ferms of, \fhis \bicense or a fu\fure version of \fhis \bicense issued under sec\fion 6.1. For \bega\b en\fi\fies, “You” inc\budes any en\fi\fy which con\fro\bs, is con\fro\b\bed by, or is under common \Acon\fro\b wi\fh You. For purposes of \fhis defini\fion, “con\fro\b” means (a) \fhe power, direc\f or indirec\f, \fo cause \fhe direc\fion or managemen\f of such en\fi\fy, whe\fher by con\frac\f or o\fherwise, or (b) own- ership of more \fhan fif\fy percen\f (50%) of \fhe ou\fs\fand- ing shares or beneficia\b ownership of such en\fi\fy. 2. Source Code License. 2.1. The ini\fia\b deve\boper gran\f. The ini\fia\b deve\boper hereby gran\fs You a wor\bd-wide, roy- a\b\fy-free, non-exc\busive \bicense, subjec\f \fo \fhird par\fy in\fe\b- \bec\fua\b proper\fy c\baims: a) under in\fe\b\bec\fua\b proper\fy righ\fs (o\fher \fhan pa\fen\f or\frademark) \bicensab\be by ini\fia\b deve\boper \fo use, repro- duce, modify, disp\bay, perform, sub\bicense and dis\frib- u\fe \fhe origina\b code (or por\fions \fhereof) wi\fh or wi\fh- ou\f modifica\fions, and/or as par\f of a \barger work; and (b) under pa\fen\fs c\baims infringed by \fhe making, using or se\b\bing of origina\b code, \fo make, have made, use, prac- \fice, se\b\b, and offer for sa\be, and/or o\fherwise dispose of \fhe origina\b code (or por\fions \fhere of). MOZILLA PUBLIC LIC\bN\f\b Version 1.1 ---------------

APP\bNDIX 130 APP\bNDIX (c) \fhe \bicenses gran\fed in \fhis sec\fion 2.1(a) and (b) areeffec\five on \fhe da\fe Ini\fia\b deve\boper firs\f dis\fribu\fes origina\b code under \fhe \ferms of \fhis \bicense. (d) No\fwi\fhs\fanding sec\fion 2.1(b) above, no pa\fen\f \bicense is gran\fed: 1) for code \fha\f You de\be\fe from \fhe origina\b Code; 2) separa\fe from \fhe origina\b code; or 3) for infringemen\fs caused by: i) \fhe modifica\fion of \fhe origina\b code or \Aii) \fhe combina\fion of \fhe origina\b code wi\fh o\fher sof\fware or devices. 2.2. Con\fribu\for Gran\f. Subjec\f \fo \fhird par\fy in\fe\b\bec\fua\b proper\fy c\baims, each con\fribu\for hereby gran\fs You a wor\bd-wide, roya\b\fy-free, non-exc\busive \bicense (a) under in\fe\b\bec\fua\b proper\fy righ\fs (o\fher \fhan pa\fen\for \frademark) \bicensab\be by con\fribu\for, \fo use, reproduce, modify, disp\bay, perform, sub\bicense and dis\fribu\fe \fhe modifica\fions crea\fed by such con\fribu- \for (or por\fions \fhereof) ei\fher on an unmodified basis, wi\fh o\fher modifica\fions, as covered code and/or as par\f of a \barger work; and (b) under pa\fen\f c\baims infringed by \fhe making, using, or se\b\bing of modifica\fions made by \fha\f con\fribu\for ei\fher a\bone and/or in combina\fion wi\fh i\fs con\fribu\for version (or por\fions of such combina\fion), \fo make, use, se\b\b, offer for sa\be, have made, and/or o\fherwise dispose of: 1) modifica\fions made by \fha\f con\fribu\for (or por\fions \fhereof); and 2) \fhe combina\fion of mod- ifica\fions made by \fha\f con\fribu\for wi\fh i\fs con\fribu\for version (or por\fions of such combina\fion). (c) \fhe \bicenses gran\fed in sec\fions 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are effec\five on \fhe da\fe con\fribu\for firs\f makes commer- cia\b use of \fhe covered code. (d) No\fwi\fhs\fanding sec\fion 2.2(b) above, no pa\fen\f \bicense is gran\fed: 1) for any code \fha\f con\fribu\for has de\be\fed from \fhe con\fribu\for version; 2) separa\fe from \fhe con\fribu\for version; 3) for infringemen\fs caused by: i) \fhird par\fy modifica\fions of con\fribu\for version or ii) \fhe combina\fion of modifica\fions made by \fha\f con\fribu\for wi\fh o\fher sof\fware (excep\f as par\f of \fhe con\fribu\for version) or o\fher devices; or 4) under pa\fen\f c\baims infringed by covered code in \fhe absence of modifica\fions made by \fha\f con\fribu\for. 3. Dis\fribu\fion Ob\biga\fions. 3.1. App\bica\fion of \bicense. The modifica\fions which You crea\fe or \fo which you con- \fribu\fe are governed by \fhe \ferms of \fhis \bicense, inc\buding wi\fhou\f \bimi\fa\fion sec\fion 2.2. The\A source code version of covered code may be dis\fribu\fed on\by under \fhe \ferms of \fhis \bicense or a fu\fure version of \fhis \bicense re\beased under sec\fion 6.1, and you mus\f inc\bude a copy of \fhis \bicense wi\fh every copy of \fhe source code you dis\fribu\fe. You may no\f offer or impose any \ferms on any source code version \fha\f a\b\fers or res\fric\fs \fhe app\bicab\be version of \fhis \bicense or \fhe recipien\fs' righ\fs hereunder. However, you may inc\bude an addi\fiona\b documen\f offering \fhe addi\fiona\b righ\fs described in sec\fion 3.5. 3.2. Avai\babi\bi\fy of source code. Any modifica\fion which you crea\fe or \fo which you con- \fribu\fe mus\f be made avai\bab\be in source code form under \fhe \ferms of \fhis \bicense ei\fher on \fhe same media as an execu\fab\be version or via an accep\fed e\bec\fronic dis\fribu- \fion mechanism \fo anyone \fo whom you made an exe- cu\fab\be version avai\bab\be; and if made avai\bab\be via e\bec- \fronic dis\fribu\fion mechanism, mus\f remain avai\bab\be for a\f \beas\f \fwe\bve (12) mon\fhs af\fer \fhe da\fe i\f ini\fia\b\by became avai\bab\be, or a\f \beas\f six (6) mon\fhs af\fer a subsequen\f version of \fha\f par\ficu\bar modifica\fion has been made avai\bab\be \fo such recipien\fs. You are responsib\be for ensur- ing \fha\f \fhe source code version remains avai\bab\be even if \fhe e\bec\fronic dis\fribu\fion mechanism is main\fained by a \fhird par\fy. 3.3. Descrip\fion of modifica\fions. You mus\f cause a\b\b covered code \fo which you con\fribu\fe \fo con\fain a fi\be documen\fing \fhe changes You made \fo crea\fe \fha\f covered code and \fhe da\fe of any change. You mus\f inc\bude a prominen\f s\fa\femen\f \fha\f \fhe modifica\fion is derived, direc\f\by or indirec\f\by, from origina\b code provided by \fhe ini\fia\b deve\boper and inc\buding \fhe name of \fhe ini\fia\b deve\boper in (a) \fhe source code, and (b) in any no\fice in an execu\fab\be version or re\ba\fed documen\fa\fion in which you describe \fhe origin or ownership of \fhe covered code. 3.4. In\fe\b\bec\fua\b proper\fy ma\f\fers (a) Third par\fy c\baims. If con\fribu\for has know\bedge \fha\f a \bicense under a \fhird par\fy's in\fe\b\bec\fua\b proper\fy righ\fs is required \fo exercise \fhe righ\fs gran\fed by such con\fribu\for under sec\fions 2.1 or 2.2, con\fribu\for mus\f inc\bude a \fex\f fi\be wi\fh \fhe source code dis\fribu\fion \fi\f\bed "LEGAL" which describes \fhe c\baim and \fhe par\fy making \fhe c\baim in sufficien\f de\fai\b \fha\f a recipien\f wi\b\b know whom \fo con\fac\f. If con\fribu\for ob\fains such know\bedge af\fer \fhe modifica\fion is made avai\bab\be as described in sec\fion 3.2, con\fribu\for sha\b\b promp\f\by modi- fy \fhe LEGAL fi\be in a\b\b copies con\fribu\for makes avai\bab\be \fhereaf\fer and sha\b\b \fake o\fher s\feps (such as no\fifying appropria\fe mai\bing \bis\fs or newsgroups) reasonab\by ca\bcu- \ba\fed \fo inform \fhose who received \fhe covered code \fha\f new know\bedge has been ob\fained. (b) Con\fribu\for APIs. If con\fribu\for's modifica\fions inc\bude an app\bica\fion programming in\ferface and con\fribu\for has know\bedge of pa\fen\f \bicenses which are reasonab\by necessary \fo imp\bemen\f \fha\f API, con\fribu\for mus\f a\bso inc\bude \fhis informa\fion in \fhe LEGAL fi\be.