Konica Minolta magicolor 1690MF d User Manual
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Configuration Menu Overview 2-34 DNS CONFIG.SettingDISABLE / ENABLE Set whether or not the DNS server set- ting is to be specified. If ENABLE is selected, specify DNS server addresses (up to three addresses). DHCPSettingDISABLE / ENABLE If there is a DHCP server on the net- work, specify whether the IP address and other network information is auto- matically assigned by the DHCP server. BOOTPSettingDISABLE / ENABLE If there is a BOOTP server on the net- work, specify whether the IP address and other...
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Configuration Menu Overview2-35 SNMPSettingDISABLE / ENABLE Select whether or not to enable SNMP. SPEED/DUPLEXSettingAUTO / 10BASE-T FULL / 10BASE-T HALF / 100BASE-TX FULL / 100BASE-TX HALF Specifies the transmission speed for the network and the transmission method for bi-directional transmission. E-MAIL SETTINGSMTPSettingDISABLE / ENABLE Select whether to enable or disable e-mail transmission operations for this machine. SENDER NAMESpecify the name of the E-mail sender (up to 20 characters)...
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Configuration Menu Overview 2-36 SMTP TIMEOUTSetting30 to 300 sec (Default: 60 sec) Select the amount of time (in seconds) until the connection with the SMTP server times out. TEXT INSERTSettingOFF / ON Select whether or not the specified text is inserted into the E-mail message. POP BEFORE SMTPDIS- ABLE/ ENABLESettingDISABLE / ENABLE Select whether or not to enable POP Before SMTP. If ENABLE is selected, specify the time (between 0 and 60 seconds). The default setting is 5sec. POP3 SERVER...
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Configuration Menu Overview2-37 SMTP AUTH.DIS- ABLE/ ENABLESettingDISABLE / ENABLE Select whether or not to enable SMTP authentication. SMTP USER- NAMESpecify the user name (up to 63 charac- ters) used for SMTP authentication. The default setting is blank. SMTP PASS- WORDSpecify the password (up to 15 charac- ters) used for SMTP authentication. The default setting is blank. LDAP SETTINGDISABLE/ENABLESettingDISABLE / ENABLE Select whether or not to enable the LDAP function. LDAP SERVER ADDR.Specify...
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Configuration Menu Overview 2-38 MAX.SEARCH RESULTSSetting5 to 100 (Default: 100) Specify the maximum number of desti- nations displayed after a search. AUTHENTICATIONSettingANONYMOUS / SIMPLE / DIGEST-MD5 / GSS-SPNEGO Select the authentication method used for logging on to the LDAP server. LDAP ACCOUNTSpecify the account (up to 64 charac- ters) used to connect to the LDAP server. The default setting is blank. LDAP PASSWORDSpecify the password (up to 32 charac- ters) used to connect to the LDAP...
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Configuration Menu Overview2-39 LINE MONITORSettingOFF / LOW / HIGH Select the volume of the monitoring sound of the transmission signal. PSTN/PBXSettingPSTN / PBX Select whether the connected tele- phone wiring is a public switched tele- phone network (PSTN) or a private branch exchange (PBX). For a PBX system, the prefix number (outside line access number or exten- sion number) can be specified. USER SETTINGPTT SETTINGSettingARGENTINA / AUSTRA- LIA / AUSTRIA / BEL- GIUM / BRAZIL / CANADA / CHINA...
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Configuration Menu Overview 2-40 DATE&TIMESettingTIME: 00:00-23:59 (Default: 00:00) DATE: ’00/01/01-’99/12/31 ZONE: GMT+12:00-GMT-12:00 (in 30-minute intervals) (Default: GMT+00:00) Use the keypad to specify the current date, time and time zone. DATE FORMATSettingMM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY, YY/MM/DD Select the display format for reports and lists. PRESET ZOOMSettingINCH / METRIC Select the measurement units for the preset zoom ratios. The default setting is INCH for USA and Canada, and METRIC for...
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Configuration Menu Overview2-41 INTERVALSetting2 to 99 min (Default: depends on PTT SET- TING ) Specify the interval between redial attempts. Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals
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Configuration Menu Overview 2-42 COPY SETTING Menu *1 This appears only when the duplex option has been installed. Manufacturer’s default settings appear in bold. COPY SETTING PAPER PRIORITY QUALITY PRIORITY DENSITY PRIORITY DENSITY LEVEL AUTO MANUAL OUTPUT PRIORITY DUPLEX COPY *1 PAPER PRIOR- ITYSettingTRAY1 / TRAY2 Specify the paper tray that is normally used. If an optional lower feeder unit is not installed, this setting is not available. QUALITY PRI- ORITYSettingMIX , TEXT , PHOTO , FINE/MIX ,...
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Configuration Menu Overview2-43 DEN- SITY LEVELAUTOSetting (LIGHT) (DARK) Adjust the density of the background color. MANUALSetting (LIGHT) (DARK) Specify the default copy density. OUTPUT PRIOR- ITYSettingNON-SORT / SORT Select whether or not to sort copies by sets. DUPLEX COPYSettingOFF / LONG EDGE / SHORT EDGE Select the default setting for duplex (double-sided) copying. If OFF is selected, duplex (double-sided) copying is not performed as a default. If LONG EDGE is selected, duplex (double-sided)...