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InFocus Projector Learn Big In35wep User Manual

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Page 21

Using the keypad buttonsMost buttons are described in detail in other sections, but here is an over
view of their functions:power–turns the projector on (
 7) and off (
menu–opens the on-screen menus (
select –confirms choices made in the menus (
up/down arrows –navigates to and adjust s settings in the menus (
auto image–resets the projector to the source.presets–cycles through the available preset settings (
keystone –vertical keystone...

Page 22

Using the remote controlThe remote uses two (2) provided AA batteries. They are easily installed by 
sliding the cover off the remote’s back,  aligning the + and - ends of the bat
teries, sliding them into place, and then  replacing the cover.Caution: When replacing the batteries, be  aware that using batteries other 
than the type provided with the proj ector may risk severe damage to the 
remote. When disposing of the batteries , be sure to do so in an environmen
tally proper manner.To operate,...

Page 23

Using the audio To play sound from the projector, connect your source to the Audio In con
nector on the projector.To adjust the volume, use the buttons on the keypad.To adjust the balance or turn off the  projector ’s chime, use the Audio menu 
Troubleshooting audioIf there is no sound, check the following: Make sure the audio cable is connected. Make sure mute isn’t active.  Make sure the volume is tu rned up enough. Press the Vo l u m e button 
on the keypad. Adjust the audio...

Page 24

Optimizing computer imagesAfter your computer is connected properly and the computer ’s image is on 
the screen, you can optimize the imag e using the onscreen menus. For gen
eral information on using the menus, see 
 Adjust the Keystone, Contrast, or  Brightness in the Picture menu.  Change the Aspect Ratio. See 
 25 for details.
 Adjust the Color Space, Temperature or Control in the Advanced 
menu. Adjust the Phase, Tracking, or Horizo ntal or Vertical position in the 

Page 25

Using the menusTo open the menus, press the Menu button on the keypad or remote. (The 
menus automatically close  after 60 seconds if no buttons are pressed.) The 
Main menu appears. Use the arrow  buttons to move up and down to high
light the desired submenu, then press the  Select button. To change a menu setting, highlight it, press  Select, then use the up and 
down arrow buttons to adjust the value,  select an option using radio but
tons, or turn the feature on or off using check boxes....

Page 26

Picture menuTo adjust the following six settings, highlight the setting, press Select, use 
the up and down arrows to adjust the  values, then press select to confirm 
the changes.Ke y s t o n e  Ve r t i c a l : adjusts the image vertically  and makes a squarer image. 
You can also adjust keystone from the keypad.Ke y s t o n e  H o r i zo n t a l : adjusts the image horizontally and makes a squarer 
image. Contrast : controls the degree of difference  between the lightest and darkest 
parts of the...

Page 27

Presets: Presets are provided that optimi ze the projector for displaying 
computer presentations and video images in different lighting conditions 
and on different backgrounds. There are also user-definable presets. To set a preset for the current source, 
adjust the image, select Save Settings  in the Presets menu, then select Save 
User 1 (or 2 or 3). You can recall these  settings in the future by selecting the 
User 1 preset. If you make any adjustments to the imag e, Presets Off will...

Page 28

Advanced settingsThe following 4 options are for computer and component sources only. Phase: adjusts the horizo ntal phase of a computer source.Tr a c k i n g: adjusts the vertical scan of a computer source.Horizontal/Vertical Position : adjusts the position of a computer source.Sync Threshold Adjust: (enhanced and high defini tion sources only) If a 
hardware device, such as a DVD player , is not syncing properly with the 
projector, select this op tion to help it sync.Overscan: removes noise around...

Page 29

Settings menuAudio: allows adjustments to the volume  and balance, and turns the projec
tor ’s startup Chime on and off.Sources
: allows you to assign a particular input to a specific source key 
when using an optional remote. Also al lows selection of a default Power-up 
Source and enables or disables Autosource. 
Sources>Power-up Source:  this determines which source the projector 
checks first for active video during power-up. Sources>Autosource:  When Autosource is not checked, the projector...

Page 30

PC Screen Saver Off: prevents your computer from going into Screen Save 
mode. This feature is only available if  the USB portion of the computer cable 
is connected to your computer (
Pow e r  S av e : automatically turns the lamp of f after no signals are detected 
for 20 minutes. After 10 additional mi nutes with no signal, the projector 
powers down. If an active signal is received before the projector powers 
down, the image will be displayed. Screen Save : automatically blanks  the...
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