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InFocus Projector Learn Big In35wep User Manual

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    Using the keypad buttonsMost buttons are described in detail in other sections, but here is an over
    view of their functions:power–turns the projector on (
     7) and off (
    menu–opens the on-screen menus (
    select –confirms choices made in the menus (
    up/down arrows –navigates to and adjust s settings in the menus (
    auto image–resets the projector to the source.presets–cycles through the available preset settings (
    keystone –vertical keystone adjusts the squareness of the image (
    You can also adjust the ke ystone via the menus. See 
    volume–adjusts sound (
    source–changes the active source. 
    menu navigation buttons 
    Using the remote controlThe remote uses two (2) provided AA batteries. They are easily installed by 
    sliding the cover off the remote’s back,  aligning the + and - ends of the bat
    teries, sliding them into place, and then  replacing the cover.Caution: When replacing the batteries, be  aware that using batteries other 
    than the type provided with the proj ector may risk severe damage to the 
    remote. When disposing of the batteries , be sure to do so in an environmen
    tally proper manner.To operate, point the remote at the front of the projector (not at the com
    puter). The range of optimum operation is about 15 feet (4.5m).Press the remote’s Pow e r button to turn the pr ojector on and off (see page
     12 for shutdown info).
    Press the remote’s Menu button to open the proj ector ’s menu system. Use 
    the arrow buttons to navigate, and the  Select button to select features and 
    adjust values in the menus. See 
     24 for more info on the menus.
    The remote also has a  Source button to switch between sources.If you connect the USB portion of the M1-DA computer cable (
     5) you 
    can use the up and down arrow navigati on buttons to advance slides in a 
    PowerPoint presentation.Troubleshooting the remote Make sure the batteries are installe d in the proper orientation and are 
    not dead. Make sure you’re pointing the remote  at the projector or the screen, not 
    the computer, and are within the remote range of 15 feet (4.5m). For 
    best results, point the remote at the projector.
    Using the audio To play sound from the projector, connect your source to the Audio In con
    nector on the projector.To adjust the volume, use the buttons on the keypad.To adjust the balance or turn off the  projector ’s chime, use the Audio menu 
    Troubleshooting audioIf there is no sound, check the following: Make sure the audio cable is connected. Make sure mute isn’t active.  Make sure the volume is tu rned up enough. Press the Vo l u m e button 
    on the keypad. Adjust the audio source. If playing a video, make sure th e playback has not been paused.Connecting external speakersThe projector can be attached to external speakers that have their own 
    power source by plugging a speaker cable into the projector ’s  Audio Out 
    connect audio cable
    adjust volume
    external speakers
    speaker cable 
    Optimizing computer imagesAfter your computer is connected properly and the computer ’s image is on 
    the screen, you can optimize the imag e using the onscreen menus. For gen
    eral information on using the menus, see 
     Adjust the Keystone, Contrast, or  Brightness in the Picture menu.  Change the Aspect Ratio. See 
     25 for details.
     Adjust the Color Space, Temperature or Control in the Advanced 
    menu. Adjust the Phase, Tracking, or Horizo ntal or Vertical position in the 
    Advanced menu. Once you have optimize d the image for a particular source, you can 
    save the settings using Presets. This  allows you to quickly recall these 
    settings later. See 
    Presentation featuresSeveral features are provided to make giving presentations easier. The fol
    lowing is an overview, details ar e found in the menu section on 
     The Custom key, available on several optional remotes only, allows you 
    to assign various features to the button. See 
     30 for details. 
     The Startup Logo menu option le ts you change the default startup 
    screen to a black, white, or blue screen. See 
     Two menu options, Power Save and Screen Save, are provided to auto
    matically shut down the projector afte r several minutes of inactivity or 
    display a blank screen. This helps preserve lamp life. See 
    Optimizing video imagesAfter the video device is connected prop erly and the image is on the screen, 
    you can optimize the image using the  onscreen menus. For general informa
    tion on using the menus, see 
     Adjust the Keystone, Contrast, Brightness, Color, or Tint in the Picture 
    menu. See 
     Change the Aspect ratio. Aspect rati o is the ratio of the image width to 
    image height. TV screens are usually  1.33:1, also known as 4:3. HDTV 
    and most DVDs are 1.78:1, or 16:9. Choo se the option that best fits your 
    input source. See 
     Select a Sharpness, Color Temperatur e, or Video Standard setting. See 
     Adjust the Color Control or White Peaking settings. See 
    Customizing the projectorYou can customize the projector for your specific setup and needs. See page
     28 to 
     32 for details on these features.
     For rear projection, turn Rear mode on in the Settings>System menu. For ceiling mounted projection, turn Ceiling mode on in the  Set
    tings>System menu. 
     Specify which source the projector ch ecks first for active video during 
    power-up.  Specify the function of the Cus tom Key on the optional remote.  Turn the projector ’s display messages on and off. Turn on power saving features.  Specify blank screen colors and startup logos. Specify the menu language. Control your projector using RS-232 commands. See 
    Using the menusTo open the menus, press the Menu button on the keypad or remote. (The 
    menus automatically close  after 60 seconds if no buttons are pressed.) The 
    Main menu appears. Use the arrow  buttons to move up and down to high
    light the desired submenu, then press the  Select button. To change a menu setting, highlight it, press  Select, then use the up and 
    down arrow buttons to adjust the value,  select an option using radio but
    tons, or turn the feature on or off using check boxes. Press Select to confirm 
    your changes. Use the arrows to na vigate to another setting. When your 
    adjustments are complete, navigate to Exit, then press  Select to go to the 
    previous menu; press the  Menu button at any time  to close the menus. Dots appear before the menu name. The  number of dots indicate the menu’s 
    level, ranging from one (the Main menu ) to four (the most nested menus). The menus are grouped by usage: The Picture menu provides image adjustments. The Settings menu provides set-up type adjustments that are not 
    changed often. The Source Info menu provides  a read-only display of information 
    about the projector and source. Certain items will be grayed out or hi dden until a particular source is con
    nected. For example, Color is only available for video sources and will be 
    hidden when a computer source is active. Other menu items may be grayed 
    out when they are not available. For ex ample, Brightness is grayed out until 
    an image is active.
    Keypad navigation 
    Main menu Menu
    Source Info menu 
    Picture menuTo adjust the following six settings, highlight the setting, press Select, use 
    the up and down arrows to adjust the  values, then press select to confirm 
    the changes.Ke y s t o n e  Ve r t i c a l : adjusts the image vertically  and makes a squarer image. 
    You can also adjust keystone from the keypad.Ke y s t o n e  H o r i zo n t a l : adjusts the image horizontally and makes a squarer 
    image. Contrast : controls the degree of difference  between the lightest and darkest 
    parts of the picture and changes the  amount of black and white in the 
    image.Brightness : changes the intensity of the image.Color: (video and component sources on ly) adjusts a video image from 
    black and white to fully saturated color.Tint : (NTSC video sources only) adjusts the red-green color balance in the 
    image.Auto Image : resets the projector to the sourceAspect Ratio : Aspect ratio is the ratio of  the image width to image height. 
    TV screens are usually 1.33:1, also kn own as 4:3. HDTV and most DVDs are 
    1.78:1, or 16:9. The default is 4:3, wh ich displays the input resized up or 
    down to fill the display area. The 15:9  option is only available on the WXGA 
    The aspect ratio selection is saved for each source. 
    increasing keystone decreasing keystone
    Aspect Ratio 
    Presets: Presets are provided that optimi ze the projector for displaying 
    computer presentations and video images in different lighting conditions 
    and on different backgrounds. There are also user-definable presets. To set a preset for the current source, 
    adjust the image, select Save Settings  in the Presets menu, then select Save 
    User 1 (or 2 or 3). You can recall these  settings in the future by selecting the 
    User 1 preset. If you make any adjustments to the imag e, Presets Off will automatically be 
    selected in the Preset menu to indicate changes have been made. To restore the factory default sett ings, choose Factory Reset in the  Set
    tings>Service menu.
    Advanced settingsThe following 4 options are for computer and component sources only. Phase: adjusts the horizo ntal phase of a computer source.Tr a c k i n g: adjusts the vertical scan of a computer source.Horizontal/Vertical Position : adjusts the position of a computer source.Sync Threshold Adjust: (enhanced and high defini tion sources only) If a 
    hardware device, such as a DVD player , is not syncing properly with the 
    projector, select this op tion to help it sync.Overscan: removes noise around the video image.BrilliantColor™ : produces an expanded on-screen color spectrum that 
    delivers enhanced color saturation fo r bright, true-to-life images. Choose 
    Normal Look for most video sources  and Bright Look for most computer 
    sources.  White Peaking : adjusts the white level pr ocessed in the image. It 
    increases the brightness of whites that are near 100%. Color Space : This option applies to computer  sources. It allows you to 
    select a color space that has been specifically tuned for the video input. 
    When Auto is selected, the projector  automatically determines the standard. 
    To choose a different setting, turn of f Auto, then choose RGB for computer 
    sources, choose either REC709 or REC601 for component sources.Color Temperature : changes the intensity of the colors. Select a listed 
    value.Color Control : allows you to individually modify each color. Highlight the 
    color, press  Select, then use the arrows to adjust the value.Sharpness : changes the clarity of the edges  of a video image. Select a sharp
    ness setting.Video Standard: (video sources only) When it  is set to Auto, the projector 
    attempts to pick the video standard au tomatically based on the input signal 
    it receives. (The video standard option s may vary depending on your region 
    of the world.) If the projector is unable to detect the correct standard, the  colors may not look right or the image 
    may appear “torn.” If this happens, 
    manually select a video standard by selecting NTSC, PAL, or SECAM from 
    the Video Standard menu.
    Color Space Color Temperature
    Color Control
    Video Standard
    Settings menuAudio: allows adjustments to the volume  and balance, and turns the projec
    tor ’s startup Chime on and off.Sources
    : allows you to assign a particular input to a specific source key 
    when using an optional remote. Also al lows selection of a default Power-up 
    Source and enables or disables Autosource. 
    Sources>Power-up Source:  this determines which source the projector 
    checks first for active video during power-up. Sources>Autosource:  When Autosource is not checked, the projector 
    defaults to the sour ce selected in Power-up Source . If no source is found, a 
    blank screen displays. When Autosource is checked, Power-up Source 
    determines which source the projector defa ults to at startup. If no signal is 
    present, the projector checks the source s in order until a source is found or 
    until power down. When  Autosource is selected, the  Source Enable fea
    ture indicates which sources the projector attempts to lock onto. You can use 
    the Source Enable feature to eliminate certain sources from this search, 
    which will speed the search. By default, the check boxes for all sources are 
    checked. Uncheck a source box to elim inate it from the search. When Auto
    source is not checked, the projector defaults to Computer 1 initially, then 
    defaults to whatever source is selected in the Power-up Source menu. To 
    display another source, you must manually select one by pressing the 
    Source  button on the remote or keypad. Th is cycles through all the sources 
    that are selected in the Source Enable menu. System>OSD Offset:  allows you to change the position of the On Screen 
    Display items.Rear:  reverses the image so you can pr oject from behind a translucent 
    screen.  Ceiling:  turns the image upside down for ceiling-mounted projec
    tion. Low Power : Turn this on to lower the light  output of the lamp. This also 
    lowers the fan speed, making the projector quieter.Auto Power : When Auto Power is checked,  the projector automatically 
    goes into the startup state after power is applied. This allows control of ceil
    ing mounted projectors with a wall power switch.Display Messages : displays status messages (such as “Searching” or 
    “Mute”) in the lower-left corner of the screen.
    PC Screen Saver Off: prevents your computer from going into Screen Save 
    mode. This feature is only available if  the USB portion of the computer cable 
    is connected to your computer (
    Pow e r  S av e : automatically turns the lamp of f after no signals are detected 
    for 20 minutes. After 10 additional mi nutes with no signal, the projector 
    powers down. If an active signal is received before the projector powers 
    down, the image will be displayed. Screen Save : automatically blanks  the screen with a black color after no sig
    nals are detected for a preset number  of minutes. The image returns when 
    an active source is detected or a remote  or keypad button is pressed. Screen 
    Save is disabled when Power Save is enabled.Startup Logo:  allows you to display a blank Black, White, or Blue screen 
    instead of the default screen at star tup and when no source is detected.Blank Screen: determines what color is displayed when no source is 
    System  Screen Save
    Startup Logo
    Blank Screen 
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