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InFocus Projector IN5100 User Manual

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    Video Standard: when set to Auto, the projector attempts to automatically 
    pick the video standard based on the input signal it receives. (The video 
    standard options may vary depending on your region of the world.) If the 
    projector is unable to detect the corre ct standard, the colors may not look 
    right or the image may appear “torn.”  If this happens, manually select a 
    video standard by selecting NTSC, PAL, or SECAM from the Video Stan -
    dard menu. 
    Active Iris:  when on, the projector monitors
     image brightness and modi-
    fies the light output if the image is dark, which improves black levels. In 
    P r
    esentation mode, it looks at peak brightness, in Theater mode it looks at 
    average brightness.
    Overscan : (Computer 1 and video sources only) removes noise around the 
     deo image.
    The following 4 options are for computer sources only: 
    Phase: adjusts the horizontal pha
     se of computer 2, 3 and component (except 
    480i and 576i) sources. 
    Tracking : adju
     sts the horizontal scan of a computer source (except Computer 
    Horizontal / Vertical Position : adjust
    s the position of a computer source 
    (except Computer 1) and Video 1 source (except 480i and 576i).
    Resolution:  When t
     his feature is set to Auto , the projector attempts to pick 
    the resolution standard based on the inpu t signal it receives. If the projector 
    is unable to detect the correct standard , the resolution may look odd. If this 
    happens, manually select the resolution  from the menu which matches your 
    source signal.
    Computer 2 : all
    ows you to turn Sync on Green on for this source.
    Computer 3 : all
     ows you to turn Sync on Green on for this source.
    Closed Captions : can be sho
     wn when the source is analog - component (480i 
    only), or S-video or composite (NTSC only). The video signal must also 
    include caption information. Auto: Disp lay captions when sound is muted.  On: Always display captions. Off: Never display captions. Channel: Selects 
    which captions to display.
    Video Standard
    Active Iris
    Computer 2 Computer 3 
    Split Screen
    Split Screen lets you show two different sources at the same tim
     e, one on the left half of the screen and the other on the righ t. The following source combina-
    tions are supported:
    Table 2: Split Screen Matrix
    Computer 1 Computer 2Computer 3Video 1Video 2Video 3
    Computer 1 XXX
    Computer 2 X XXXX
    Computer 3 XX XXX
    Video 1 XXX XX
    Video 2 XXX
    Video 3 XXX 
    Exit or Previous: Removes the Split Screen Menu (if Split Screen is on) or goes 
    to the Picture menu (if Split Screen is off).
    Split Screen:   
     Check the box to turn on Split Sc reen, or un-check it to turn off 
    Split Screen.
    Main on Left/Right:  
     Selects which side is the main (primary) side. Characteris -
    tics of the main side:
    Source buttons, as well as Aspect Rati o
      and Auto Image  buttons, affect the 
    main side only (unsupported source  combinations are prevented – see 
    above table).
    Only sound from the main side is audible.
    When Split Screen is turned off, th e m
     ain side is displayed full screen.
    Swap Left and Right:  
     Switches the left and right sources.
    Left/Right Settings:  
     Adjusts aspect ratio, phase,  tracking, and horizontal/ver -
    tical position for the left or right side.
    Left/Right Source:  Sel
     ects the source to display on the left or right side (some 
    items will be disabled to prevent unsupported source combinations – see 
    above table).
    Source Info:  Shows source 
     information for the left and right sides.
    Main Menu:  Turns 
     off Split Screen and goes to the Main Menu.
    To program your remote’s Custom button to
      display the above Split Screen 
    Menu: Go to the Main Menu > Settings > Custom Key menu and select Split 
    IMPORTANT - When Split Screen is on, so me projector functions work dif -
    The Main Menu and its sub-menus are  not available – 
     pressing the Menu 
    button shows the Split Scr een Menu instead. To turn off Split Screen and 
    access other menus from the Split Screen Menu: select Main Menu, or un-
    check Split Screen then select Previous.
    Autosource (source search), Closed Ca ptions and Magnify are 
     not available.Most picture settings can’t be adjusted 
    (e.g. Brightness, Contrast, Keystone, 
    Overscan, Presets, etc.). 
    To change these settings:
    Make sure the source you want to adjust is the main source (See above for a 
     scription of the main source. If needed, go to the Split Screen Menu and 
    select Swap Left and Right or Main on Left/Right).
    Turn off Split Screen (go to the Split  Scre
     en Menu, then select Main Menu, 
    or un-check Split Screen then select Previous).
    Change picture settings.
    Turn on Split Screen (go  to 
     the Split Screen Menu, then check Split Screen).
    Some RS-232 commands have no effect. See the end of the RS-232 Com -
    mand Additions section later in this document.
    Split Screen Menu 
    Settings menu
    Audio: allows adjustments to the volume. Al so allows you to turn on and off 
    the Internal speakers and assign a pa rticular source to a specific audio 
    input. If your HDMI source has problems with its audio stream, you can 
    mute it by selecting HDMI Noise Cancel. 
    Monitor Out Default:  Det
     rmines the source (either Computer 2 or Computer 
    3) which is output through the Moni tor Out connector. Computer 2: Out-
    puts Computer 2 unless current source  is 
     3 (in that case output 
    Computer 3 instead). Computer 3: Outputs Computer 3 unless current 
    source is Computer 2 (in that case ou tput Computer 2 instead). Off: Outputs 
    the current source if it is Computer  2 or Computer 3. Otherwise do not out -
    put any signal.
    : allows you to assign a particular  input to a specific source key 
    when using the remote. Also allows se lection of a default Startup Source 
    and enables or disables Autosource. 
    Sources>Power-up Source:  this
     etermines which source the projector checks 
    first for active signal during power-up. 
    Sources>Autosource:  When 
     urce is not checked, the projector defaults 
    to the source selected in Powerup Source. If no source is found, a blank 
    screen displays. When Autosource is  checked, Powerup Source determines 
    which source the projector defaults to at  power-up. If no signal is present, 
    the projector checks the sources in order until a source is found or until 
    power down. 
    System>Rear: reve rses 
     the image so you can project from behind a trans -
    lucent screen.
    Ceiling :
     turns the image upside down for ceiling-mounted projection.
     G: To preve n
     t eye injury if the projector is ceiling mounted, 
    wear protective eyewear before opening lamp door. A warning sticker is 
    included with the user documentatio n. Place this sticker on the lamp 
    door if the projector is mounted on the ceiling.
    IR Receivers : turns i
     dividual IR receivers off or on to avoid environmen -
    tal interference. Auto Power
    : When A
     uto Power is checked, the projector automatically 
    goes into the startup state after the  projector is powered on. This allows 
    control of ceiling mounted projectors with a wall power switch.
    Display Messages : d
     splays status messages (s uch as “Searching”) in the 
    lower-left corner of the screen.
    System  IR Receivers 
    Low Power: toggles between on and off. Turn it on to lower the light out -
    put of the lamp. This also lowers the fan speed, making the projector qui -
    PC Screen Saver Off : prevents
     r notebook computer from going into 
    Screen Save mode. The projector must be connected to the PC via a USB 
    cable for this feature to work.
    Power Save : automatically turns 
     he lamp off after no signals are detected 
    for 20 minutes. After 10 additional mi nutes with no signal, the projector 
    powers down. If an active signal is  received before the projector powers 
    down, the image will be displayed. 
    Screen Save : automatically blanks the 
     n after no signals are detected 
    for five minutes. The imag e returns when an active source is detected or 
    a remote or keypad button is presse d. Screen Save is disabled when 
    Power Save is enabled.
    Startup Logo:  allows you to  display a 
    blank Black, White, or Blue screen 
    instead of the default screen when no source is detected at startup. It also 
    allows you to capture and disp lay a custom startup screen. 
    To capture a custom logo, display  the image you 
    want to capture on 
    your computer and select the Capture New option. From the  Capture 
    New  menu, use the Capture Position  X and Capture Position Y adjust -
    ments to frame the logo to be captured. Press Capture Start in the  Cap-
    ture New  menu. The projector will let you know if the capture was a 
     ccess or a failure.
    The next time you start the projector, the custom logo you captured dis -
    Blank Screen : d
    etermines what color is displayed when you press the 
    Blank  button on an optional remote.
    Ruled Lines:  This fea
     ture displays line patterns that are useful when pro-
    jecting onto a writeable surface, or  when installi
     ng and setting up the 
    projector. Lines on White: Horizontal lines on a white background. Lines  on Black: Horizontal lines on a blac
    k background. Grid on White: Grid 
    on a white background. Grid on Black: Grid on a black background.
    Screen Save
    Startup LogoCapture New
    Blank ScreenRuled Lines 
    Custom Key (for use with optional remote only ): allows you to assign a dif-
    ferent function to the  Cus
     tom key on the optional remote to quickly and eas -
    ily use the effect. Only one effect can be enabled at a time. The default is 
    Sou r
    ce Info; highlight an effect and press  Select to choose a different one.
    Blank : shows an empty screen. 
    Mute:  turns off all sound. 
    AV Mute : turns of
     f all sound and displays a blank screen.
    Aspect Ratio : se ts the ratio of the im age 
     width to image height.
    Source : cy cles through the available sources.
    Auto Image :  causes 
     all sources to be reacquired.
    Freeze :  pauses the projected image.
    Magnify : allows you to enlarge a section of the projected image.
    Ruled Lines:  displays line
      patterns that are useful when projecting onto a 
    writeable surface, or when installi ng and setting up the projector. 
    Split Screen:  enable
     s or disables Split Screen. Before using this for the 
    first time, configure Split Screen sources and layouts using the Split 
    Screen menu.
    Source Info : di
     splays the Source Info menu.
    Service Info:  displays the Service Info menu.
    Network : The pro ject
     or has an RJ45 Ethern et connector that supports net -
    work connections and TCP/IP protocols.  This wi
     ll allow for the control and 
    management of the projector over a corporate network. Visit our website for 
    complete details on using the networking  functionality. The following fields 
    are accessible when DHCP is not chec ked and available for manual entry of 
    For network control, you can access th e projector 
    through Port 23 (Telnet).
    We use the same control codes on serial  a
     s we do over the network. InFocus
    network control uses the  Teln
     et packet structure. IP Address:
     Identifies the projector on the network.
    Subnet Mask:
     the network address part of the IP address.
    Default Gateway:  The IP ad
     dress of the local router.
    DNS Server:  Shows the ad
     dress of the DNS server.
    DHCP:  Select this to automatically obta i
     n an IP address, Subnet mask, 
    and Default gateway.
    AMX DD: When enabled, allows the AMX controller to dynamically 
    de tect t
    he projector.
    Network Restart:  Disc
     onnects the projector fr om the network, gets a 
    new IP address, and reconnects.
    Network Info:  Provide
     s information on the network configuration.
    Network Info 
    Language: allows you to select a language for the onscreen display of menus 
    and messages.
    Service: to use these  
     features, highlight them and press  Select.
    Factory Reset : restores all 
     settings (except Lamp and Filter Hours and Net -
    work settings) to their default after  displ
     aying a confirmation dialog box.
    Reset Lamp Hours : re
     sets the lamp hours counter in the Service Info menu to 
    zero. Do this only after changing the la mp. It displays a confirmation dialog 
    Reset Filter Hours : resets 
     the filter counter in the Service Info menu to zero. 
    Do this only after cleaning the filter. It displays a confirmation dialog box.
    Service Info: provides information  for service.
     rvice Code : only
      used by authorized service personnel.
    Service menu
    Service Info 
    Cleaning the lens
    1Apply a non-abrasive camera lens cleaner to a soft, dry cloth.
    Avoid using an excessive amount  of cle
     aner, and don’t apply the 
    cleaner directly to the lens. Abrasive  cleaners, solvents or other harsh 
    chemicals might scratch the lens.
    2Lightly wipe the cleaning cloth over th e lens in a circular motion. If you 
    don’t intend to use the projector  immediately, replace the lens cap.
    clean the lens 
    with a soft dry cloth
    and non-abrasive
    Replacing the projection lamp
    The lamp hour timer in the Service Info menu counts the number of hours 
    the lamp has been in use. Twenty ho urs before the specified end of the 
    lamp’s life, the message “Change lamp” briefly appears on the projected 
    NOTE : You 
     order new lamp housings from www.infocus.com  (in select 
    areas), your retailer or your dealer.  Only genuine InFocus lamps are tested 
    for use in this projector. InFocus is not liable for the performance, safety or 
    certification of any other lamps. The  use of other lamps violates the projec -
    tor warranty and voids all certific at
    ion marks on thi
     s projector.
    1Turn off the projector and unplug the power cable. 
    2Wait 45 minutes to allow the projector to cool thoroughly.
    3Loosen the lamp cover screw on the  right side of the projector (marked 
    by the arrow) then slide and lift the lamp cover off.
    • To avoid burns, allow the projector to  cool 
     for at least 45 minutes before 
    you replace the lamp
    • Only genuine InFocus lamps are tested  with this projector. Use of other 
    lamps may cause electrical shock and fire.
    • To prevent eye injury if the projec tor is ce
     iling mounted, wear protec-
    tive eyewear before opening lamp do or. A warning stic
     ker is included 
    with the user documentation. Place th is sticker on the lamp door if the 
    projector is mounted on the ceiling.
    • Do not drop the lamp module. The  glass may shatt
     er and cause injury. 
    Do not touch the glass lamp screen. Fingerprints can obscure projection 
    • Be extremely careful when removing the lamp housing. In the unlikely  event 
    that the bulb ruptures, small  glass fragments may be generated. 
    The lamp housing is designed to contain these fragments, but use cau -
    tion when removing the lamp housing. Before replacing the lamp, 
    cl ean 
    the lamp compartment and dispose of cleaning materials. Wash  hands after lamp
    Hg – Lamp contains mercury. Manage in accordance with local 
    disposal laws. See  www.lamprecycle.org .
    Service Info menu
    turn off and unplug
    the projector
    wait 45 minutes
    lamp cover screw 
    Loosen the three captive screws (m
    arked by the arrows) on the lamp 
    module. When replacing the lamp,  never touch any screws without the 
    arrow mark.  
    5Carefully remove the lamp module by grasping and lifting the handle. 
    Dispose of the lamp in an environmentally proper manner. 
    6Install the new lamp module, making sure that it is properly seated, and 
    tighten the three captive screws.
    7Replace the cover over the lamp module  by sliding it back into place and 
    tightening the screw.
    8Plug in the power cable, press the power switch then press the  Power 
    button to turn the projector back on. Reset the lamp hour timer by navi -
    gating to the  Settings>Service  menu and sele
     cting Reset Lamp Hours .
    loosen the captive screws on lamp module
    lamp module handle
    reset lamp hours in Service menu 
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