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InFocus Projector IN5100 User Manual

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    							Temperature light
    Lamp won’t turn on, Temp light is lit (page 15)
    Make sure vents aren’t blocked; allow projector 
    to cool for one minute 
    Unplug projector; wait 20 minutes; plug in 
    projector and turn it on: lamp lights
    Lamp light
    Lamp won’t turn on, Lamp light is lit ( page 15)Lamp may need to be replaced ( page 38)
    Lamp turns on 
    Still having problems?
    If you need assistance, visit our websit
    e (www.infocus.com/service) or call us.
    This product is backed by a limited warranty. An extended warranty plan may be purchased from your dealer. When sending the pro jector in for repair, we 
     mend shipping the unit in its original packing material, or  having a professional packaging company pack the unit. Please  insure your shipment for its 
    full value. Image not centered on screen
    Adjust horizontal or vertical position in 
    Picture>Advanced menu
    Move projector, adjust zoom or lens shift, adjust 
    heightCorrect image 
    Using the keypad buttons
    power–turns the projector on ( page 10) and off ( page 15).
    menu –opens the on-screen me nus 
     (page  27).
    up/down arrows –navigates to and adjusts settin
     gs in the menus (page 27).
    select –confirms choices made in the menus ( page 27
    source –switches among active sources 
    Using the remote control 
    The remote uses two (2) AAA batteries (not included). They are easily 
    installed by sliding the cover off the remotes back, aligning the + and - ends 
    of the batteries, sliding  them into place, and then replacing the cover.
    To operate, point the remote at the proj ection scree
     n or at the projector (not 
    at the computer). The range of optimum operation is about 16 feet (5m). For 
    best results, aim the remote directly at the projector.
    To use the laser pointer, press and hold the  Laser button. 
     The laser turns off 
    when the button is released, or times out after two (2) minutes of continu -
    ous operation.
    WARNING : Do not
      look into the laser beam emitted from the top of the 
    remote control
    The remote contains four  Source buttons that allow you to assign a particu -
    lar input to a specific source. Simply  pres
     s the numbered Source buttons to 
    travel to whatever four sources you wish to have available. 
    Press the remotes Menu button to  open the projectors
      menu system. Use the 
    arrow buttons to navigate, and the  Select button to select features and adjust 
    values in the menus. 
    The remote also has a power button to tu rn the projector on and off, volu
    buttons and a mute button to control th e sound, a backlight button to light 
    the remotes buttons in the dark, and a video and computer button to switch 
    between those two sources.
    Two presentation-specific  features a
     re also provided. Use the blank button 
    to display a blank screen instead of the  current slide; use the effect button to 
    invoke a user-definable action, such as freeze, or magnify.
    The Auto Image button reacquires the  computer im
     age and the Presets but-
    ton lets you customize the settings for  each source
     . Up to three Preset set-
    tings can be customized and saved.
    backlight button
    navigation buttons
    source buttons
    Troubleshooting the remote
    • Make sure the batteries are installe d in the proper orientation and are 
    not dead. The LED at the top of the remote lights when any button is 
    pressed when the battery power is adequate.
    • Make sure you’re pointing the remo te 
     at the projector, not the com-
    puter, and are within the remote range of 16 feet (5m). 
    Using the audio 
    To play sound from the projector, connect your source to an Audio In con-
    nector on the projector.
    To adjust the volume, mute, or  loud
     ness, use the Audio menu (see page 33).
    Troubleshooting audio
    If there is no sound, check the following:
    • Make sure the audio cable is connected.
    • Make sure mute isn’t active. 
    • Make sure the volume is turned up enough.
    • Make sure you are connected to the corresponding  audio in for your 
     ce. By default, Audio 1  corresponds to Computer 2, Audio 2 corre -
    sponds to C o
     mputer 3, Audio 3  corresponds to  Video 2 and 3, and  Audio 
    4  corresponds to  Video 1. You can change these assignments, see 
    page  33.
    • Adjust the audio source.
    • If playing a video, make sure th e playback 
     has not been paused.
    Connecting external speakers
    The projector can be attached to external speakers that have their own 
    power source by plugging a speaker cable into the projector’s Audio Out 
    connect audio cable
    adjust volume
    external speakers
    speaker cable 
    Optimizing computer images
    After your computer is connected properly and the computer’s image is on 
    the screen, you can optimize the imag e using the onscreen menus. For gen-
    eral information on using the menus, see  page 27.
    • Adjust the Keystone, Contrast, or  Brightness in the 
     Picture menu. 
    • Change the Aspect Ratio. Aspect Rati o is t
     he ratio of the image width to 
    image height. Standard TV screens  and older laptops are 4:3; HDTV 
    and most DVDs are 16:9; and wide screen computers are 16:10. Choose 
    the option that best fits your input source. See  page 28 for details.
    • Adjust the Color Temperatur e 
     in the Advanced menu.
    • Adjust the Phase, Tracki ng
     , or Horizontal or Vertical position in the 
    Advanced menu.
    • Once you have optimized the image  for 
     a particular source, you can 
    save the settings using Presets. This  allows you to quickly recall these 
    settings later. See  page 29.
    Presentation features
    Several features are provided to make giving presentation easier. The fol -
    lowing is an overview, details are found in the menu section on  page 27 .
    •The  Cu
     stom key, available on several optional remotes only, allows you 
    to assign various features to the key.  The default effect is Source Info. 
    See  page  35 for details. 
    • The Freeze effect allows you to fr eez
     e the displayed image. This is use-
    ful if you want to make changes on your computer without your audi -
    ence seeing them. 
    • The Startup Logo menu option le ts you 
     change the default startup 
    screen to a black, white, blue, or  a custom logo screen via Capture New . 
    See  page  34.
    • Two menu options, Power Save and Screen Save, are provided to auto -
    matically shut down the projector afte r seve
     ral minutes of inactivity or 
    display a blank screen. This he lps preserve lamp life. See page 34 .
    • A Low Power menu option is also available to help lower the projec- tor’s fan sound volume. See  page 34. 
    Optimizing video images
    After the video device is connected properly and the image is on the screen, 
    you can optimize the image using the onscreen menus. For general informa -
    tion on using the menus, see  page 27.
    • Adjust the Keystone, Contrast, Brightne ss
     , Color, or Tint in the Picture 
    menu. See  page 28. 
    • Change the Aspect ratio.  Aspect 
     ratio is the ratio of the image width to 
    image height. Standard TV screens  and older laptops are 4:3; HDTV 
    and most DVDs are 16:9; and wide screen computers are 16:10. Choose 
    the option that best fits your input source. See  page 28.
    • Select a Sharpness setting. See  page 29.
    • Adjust the Color Temperature. Select a listed value, or select User and  i
     ndividually adjust the intensity of the red, green, and blue color. See 
    page  29.
    Customizing the projector
    You can customize the projector for your specific setup and needs. See 
    page  33 to page  36 for details on these features.
    • For rear projection, turn Rear mode on in the  S
     ettings>System menu.
    • For ceiling mounted projection,  turn Ce
     iling mode on in the Set-
    tings>System  menu.
    • Specify which source the projector ch ecks first
      for an active signal dur-
    ing power-up. 
    • Turn the projector’s on-screen  d
     isplay messages on and off.
    • Turn on power saving features. 
    • Specify blank screen colors and startup logos.
    •Specify the menu language.
    • Control your projector  using RS23
     2 commands. See page 9 and 
    page  42. 
    Using the menus
    To open the menus, press the menu button on the keypad or remote. (The 
    menus automatically close after 60 seconds if no buttons are pressed.) The 
    Main menu appears. Use the arrow buttons to move up and down to high -
    light the desired subm enu, then press the Select button. 
     change a menu setting, highlight it, press  Select, then use
      the up and 
    down arrow buttons to adjust the value, select an option using radio but-
    tons, or turn the feature on or  off us
     ing check boxes. Press Select to confirm 
    your changes. Use the arrows to navi gate to another setting. When your 
    adjustments are complete, navigate to Previous, then press  Select to go to 
    the previous menu; press the  Menu button at any time to close the menus. 
    Dots appear before the menu name. The numbe r
     of dots indicate the menu’s 
    level, ranging from one (the Main menu ) to five (the most nested menus). 
    The menus are grouped by usage:
    • The Picture menu prov ide
     s image adjustments.
    • The Settings menu provides set-up  type adjustments 
     that are not 
    changed often.
    • The Source Info menu provides a read-only display of information  abou
     t the projector and source. 
    Certain menu items may be grayed ou t until a 
     particular source is con-
    nected. For example, Tint is only avai lable for vid
     eo sources and will be hid-
    den when a computer source is active. Other menu items may be grayed out 
    when they are not avai
    lable. For example, Brightness is grayed out until an 
    image is active.
    Keypad navigation 
    buttonsMain menu Menu
    Source Info menu 
    Picture menu
    To adjust the following six settings, highlight the setting, press Select, use 
    the up and down arrows to adjust the  values, then press select to confirm 
    the changes.
    Keystone Vertical : adjusts 
     he image vertically and makes a squarer image by 
    using an adjustable scale band. 
    Keystone Horizontal : adjusts t
     he image horizontally and makes a squarer 
    image by using an adjustable scale band.
    Corner Correction:  allows you to adjust the corn ers of
      the projected image. 
    This is particularly helpful when stac king projectors. Select the corner you 
    would like to adjust with in the Corner Correction submenu and follow the 
    instructions on the screen to make desired adjustments.
    Contrast : contro
    ls the degree
      of difference between the lightest and darkest 
    parts of the picture and changes the amount of black and white in the 
    Brightness : changes the intensity 
     f the image.
    Color : (Computer 1 and video sources on ly) adjusts a video image fro
    black and white to fully saturated color.
    Tint: (C omputer 1 and NTSC video sources only) adjusts the red-green color 
     lance in the image.
    Auto Image : resynchs the 
     projector to the source.
    Aspect Ratio : Asp
     ect ratio is the ratio of the image width to image height. 
    Standard TV screens and older laptop s are 4:3; HDTV and most DVDs are 
    16:9; and widescreen computers are 16:10. The default is  16:10, which dis-
    plays the input resized up or  down 
     to fill the display area.
    increasing keystone
    Keystone Verticaldecreasing keystone
    Keystone Horizontal
    Aspect RatioCorner Correction 
    Presets: Presets are provided that optimize the projector for displaying com-
    puter presentations and video images in  di
     fferent lighting conditions and 
    on different backgrounds. 
    There are also user-definable presets.  To se
     t a preset for the current source, 
    adjust the image, select Save Settings in the Presets menu, then select Save 
    User Presets 1 (or 2 or 3). You can recall  these settings in the future by select-
    ing the User 1 preset. If you select  User Presets 
     then further adjust the 
    image, Presets Off will automatically be  selected in the Preset menu to indi-
    cate changes have been made. 
    To restore the factory default sett ings, 
    choose Factory Reset in the Set-
    tings>Service  me
    Advanced settings
    Sharpness: changes the clarity of the edges  o
     f a video image. Select a sharp-
    ness setting.
    Color Space : This option 
     applies to computer and component video sources 
    (except 480i/576i). It allows you to sele ct a color space that has been specifi-
    cally tuned for the input  signal. When Auto is 
     cted, the projector auto-
    matically determines the standard. To  choose a 
     different setting, turn off 
    Auto, then choose RGB for computer sources, RGB Video for HDMI com -
    puter sources, and either REC709 or  REC601
     component video sources.
    Color Temperature : changes the inte
     nsity of the colors. Select a listed value, 
    or select User and individually adjust the intensity of the red, green, and 
    blue colors.
    Presets Save Settings
    Color Space
    Color Temperature 
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