Hyundai H Lcd2202 Instruction Manual
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11 TroubleshootingBefore calling a technician, please check the following items to see whether you can easily diagnose and fix the encountered symptoms on your own. S ymptomsPossible CauseCorrectionNo picture, no sound, and no indicator lightThe power cord is not plugged in. Contrast, brightness, sharpness, color and volume are all in the minimum value or TV is in mute mode.Plug the power cord in. Alter the value of contrast, brightness, sharpness, color and volume.Picture and sound with abnormityContrast and color are set improperly. Color system is set improperly. Sound system is set improperly.Set the value of Contrast and color properly. Set the sound system properly.Picture is spotted or with snowSignal source is low-grade or the signal is in a lower quality.Use the qualified signal cord.Blue backgroundNo video signal or the signal cord is improperly/not connected.Connect the signal cord properly.PC Picture is not in the middle of the screenPicture is not well adjusted.Press the CH+/CH- buttons at one time to adjust it. Adjust H/V- position manually to adjust it.No soundNo audio signal or the signal cord is improperly/not connected.Connect the audio signal cord properly. Set the sound system properly.The RC does not workBatteries are improperly installed or exhausted.Make sure the positive and the negative polarities are correct. Reattach the battery lid. Repla ce the batteries.The causes of interferenceIncorporated in your TV receiver are the most up-to-date devices to eliminate int erference. Local radiation however, can create disturbances, which visibly affect your picture. Proper installations, a good aerial are your best safeguards against these disturbances. xRF INTERFERENCE Moving ripples across the screen are caused by nearby transmitting or receiving short-wave radio equipment. xDIATHERMY Herringbone pattern and partial picture loss can result from the operation of diathermy equipment from a nearby doctors surgery or hospital. xSNOW Weak TV signals from long distant stations result in an instead picture and give the effect of falling snow. An antenna adjustment or antenna amplifier may be needed. xGHOST Multiple image, caused by TV signals reflected back from surrounding buildings, hills, aircraft, etc. is minimized by correct aerial positioning. xCAR IGNITION Nearby cars and electrical motors can cause small streaks across the picture or make the picture roll.

12 SpecificationsI temsH-LCD2202Size (diagonal)22” (56 cm)Brightness300 (cd/m2 )Contrast700:1Angle of view170°/160°High speed response5 msResolution1680 x 1050LCD panel items Aspect ratio16:10Color systemPAL, SECAMSound systemDK, I, BGNICAM Stereo/A22 x 5 WS-video inYesSCARTYesComposite outYesPC audio inputYesVGA (d-Sub)YesHDMI inputYesPlug and PlayYesRussian OSDYesProgressive scanYesDigital comb filterYesSleep timeYesQuantity of channels199TeletextYesVoltage input~100-240 V; 50/60 HzNote:The LCD panel is a high technology product wit h many thin film transistors that can give you a fine picture details. Occasionally, a few non-active pixels may appear on the screen as a fixed point of blue, green, red, black or white, please note that this does not affect the performance of your LCD TV. Warning:Specifications may be subject to change without notice for improvement.

13 Kh^_j`Zgb_Kh^_j`Zgb_...............................................................................................................................................13 Ij_^mij_`^_gbybf_ju[_ahiZkghklb....................................................................................................14 H[sZybgnhjfZpby..................................................................................................................................16 Dhfie_dlihklZ\db...................................................................................................................................16 We_f_glumijZ\e_gbybih^dexq_gb_.....................................................................................................17 Hi_jZpbbkwdjZgguff_gx.....................................................................................................................21

14 Ij_^mij_`^_gbybf_ju[_ahiZkghklbIh`ZemcklZ, ba\e_dbl_ rgmj iblZgby ba jha_ldb b k\y`bl_kv k k_j\bkghc kem`[hc \ke_^mxsbokemqZyo:x?keb \ ba^_ebb bf_xlky y\gu_ g_bkijZ\ghklb, gZijbf_j, ba g_]h b^_l ^uf, qm\kl\m_lky ki_pbnbq_kdbcaZiZobebkeur_gg_ihgylguca\md. x?keb\gmljvba^_ebyihiZeZex[Zy`b^dhklvbebihklhjhggb_ij_^f_lu. x?kebg_lbah[jZ`_gbybeba\mdZ. x?kebih\j_`^_gdhjimkbebiZg_ev. x?keb

15 xG_ mklZgZ\eb\Zcl_ mkljhckl\h \ ahg_ fZ]gblguo \heg. Wlh fh`_l ijb\_klb d ihehfd_ mkljhckl\Z.

16 H[sZybgnhjfZpbyxJZaf_jwdjZgZ: 22/56 kf xNhjfZlwdjZgZ: 16:10 xJZaj_r_gb_wdjZgZ: 1680 x 1050 xYjdhklv: 300 d^f² xDhgljZklghklv: 700:1 xRbjhdbcm]heh[ahjZ: 170º/160º x

17 We_f_glumijZ\e_gbybih^dexq_gb_ I_j_^gyyiZg_evIjZ\ZyiZg_ev HibkZgb_dghihd\_jog_ciZg_eb DghidZHibkZgb_MENU

18 AZ^gyyiZg_ev JZat_fubwe_f_glumijZ\e_gbyaZ^g_ciZg_eb JZat_fHibkZgb_ih^dexq_gby1 Zgguc jZat_f ij_^gZagZq_g ^ey ih^dexq_gby l_e_\bahjZ d k_lb we_dljbq_kdh]hiblZgby 100-240 < (AC) kihfhsvxrgmjZiblZgby.2 HDMIIh^kh_^bgbl_ HDMI dZ[_evdbklhqgbdmkb]gZeZbd HDMI jZat_fm l_e_\bahjZ; aZlygbl_[heluihqZkh\hcklj_ed_gZh[hbodhgpZodZ[_ey.3 VGAIh^kh_^bgbl_ VGA dZ[_evd VGA ihjlmIDbd VGA jZat_fm l_e_\bahjZ; aZlygbl_[heluihqZkh\hcklj_ed_gZh[hbodhgpZodZ[_ey.4 SCARTIh^kh_^bgy_lkydkhhl\_lkl\mxs_fmjZat_fm DVD ie__jZ.5 S-Video \oh^Ih^kh_^bgbl_ S-Video dZ[_evd S-Video \uoh^m DVD ie__jZbd S-Video jZat_fml_e_\bahjZ.6Dhfihablguc\b^_h \oh^Ij_^gZagZq_gu^eyihemq_gbykb]gZeh\\kbkl_f_p\_lghklb PAL, NTSC, SECAM. Dhfihablguc\b^_h\oh^l_e_\bahjZih^kh_^bgy_lkyd dhfihablghfm\uoh^m^jm]h]h\b^_hh[hjm^h\ZgbykihfhsvxAVdZ[_ey.7 Kl_j_hEI\oh^Ih^kh_^bgy_lkydZm^bh\uoh^m DVD ie__jZ (kihfhsvxdZ[_ey VIDEO/S-VIDEO).8 PC Zm^bh\oh^>ZggucjZat_fkem`bl^eyihemq_gbyl_e_\bahjhfZm^bhkb]gZeZk i_jkhgZevgh]hdhfivxl_jZ.9JZat_f^ey gZmrgbdh\>ZggucjZat_fkem`bl^eyih^kh_^bg_gbygZmrgbdh\beb^jm]h]hZm^bh h[hjm^h\Zgby.10JZat_fZgl_ggu>ZggucjZat_fkem`bl^eyih^kh_^bg_gbyZgl_ggu.Ijbf_qZgby: xI_j_^ l_f, dZd \uihegylv ih^dexq_gb_, m[_^bl_kv, qlh l_e_\bahj b ^jm]h_ ih^kh_^bgy_fh_ h[hjm^h\Zgb_\udexq_gu. xIjb ih^kh_^bg_gbb \klZ\eycl_ dZ[_eb \ jZat_fu ijyfh b [_a ijbf_g_gby nbabq_kdh]h mkbeby, bgZq_h[hjm^h\Zgb_fh`_l[ulvih\j_`^_gh. xDZ[_eb S-Video b AV g_fh]ml[ulvbkihevah\Zguh^gh\j_f_ggh. xI_j_^\dexq_gb_fh[hjm^h\Zgbym[_^bl_kv, qlh\k_ih^dexq_gby\uiheg_guijZ\bevgh.

19 Imevl^bklZgpbhggh]hmijZ\e_gby (I>M) 1. DghidZ AV/TV. GZ`fbl_^ey\u[hjZbklhqgbdZkb]gZeZ. 2. Pbnjh\u_ dghidb. GZ`bfZcl_ ^ey \\_^_gby pbnjh\uo agZq_gbc. 3. DghidZ SYSTEM. GZ`bfZcl_ ^ey j_]mebjh\Zgby iZjZf_ljh\p\_lghklbbZm^bh. 4. DghidZ CALL. GZ`bfZcl_ ^ey hlh[jZ`_gby gZ wdjZg_ bgnhjfZpbbhdZgZe_. 5. DghidZ MENU. GZ`fbl_, qlh[u \ua\Zlv beb kdjulv wdjZggh_f_gx. 6. Dghidb VOL+/VOL-. GZ`bfZcl_ ^ey j_]mebjh\Zgby mjh\gy]jhfdhklba\mdZ. 7. Dghidbl_e_l_dklZ: TEXT/TV: \dexq_gb_hldexq_gb_l_e_l_dklZ MIX: hlh[jZ`_gb_l_e_l_dklZih\_jol_e_bah[jZ`_gby SUBP/NICAM: j_`bf ih^kljZgbpufhgh beb kl_j_h j_`bf (\j_`bf_LM, aZf_gbl_[ZlZj_cdbgZgh\u_. Bkihevah\Zgb_I>M Ijb bkihevah\Zgbb I>M ^he`_g [ulv gZijZ\e_g gZ bgnjZdjZkguc ^Zlqbd l_e_\bahjZ. Ij_^f_lu, gZoh^ysb_kyf_`^mI>Mbl_e_\bahjhf, fh]mlf_rZlvjZ[hl_I>M. Ijbf_qZgb_: M, bah[jZ`_ggh]hgZjbkmgd_.

20 F_ju[_ahiZkghklbijbjZ[hl_kI>M xI>M g_ ^he`_g ih^\_j]Zlvky \ha^_ckl\bx `b^dhkl_c b gZoh^blvky \ f_klZo k ih\ur_gghc \eZ`ghklvx. xG_ ih^\ _j]Zcl_ I>M \ha^_ckl\bx ijyfh]h kheg _qgh] h k\ _lZ. I_j _]j _\ fh` _l \ua\Zlv ^_nhjfZpbxdhjimkZI>M. xI>Mfh`_lg_jZ[hlZlvdhjj_dlgh, _kebbgnjZdjZkguc^Zlqbdl_e_\bahjZgZoh^blkyih^ \ha^_ckl\b_fijyfuokheg_qguoemq_cbebkbevgh]hhk\_s_gby.