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Husqvarna Viking Designer 2 Manual

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    							Quilting with Quilt Designer II
    Log Cabin Quilt
    The Log Cabin Quilt is a favorite traditional quilt 
    pattern that is easy and fast to sew. The tra di tion al 
    red center blocks are said to represent the fi re in the 
    fi replace or the heart of a log cab in. The fabric colors 
    used in the blocks are fre quent ly sewn to create 
    a light and a dark di ag o nal half, as shown in the 
    Sewing Supplies
    Light and dark cotton quilt fabrics, 44”/45” (110/114 cm) 
    Fabric A:1/4 yd. (25 cm) for center blocks.
    Fabric A: 1 yd. (90 cm) for inner border.
    Fabric B: 5/8 yd. (60 cm) for log 2, 3 
    Fabric C: 7/8 yd. (80 cm) for log 4, 5
    Fabric D: 1 yd. (90 cm) for log 6, 7
    Fabric E: 1 1/4 yd. (1.15 m) for log 8,9
    Fabric F: 1 2/3 yd. (1.5 m) for log 10, 11
    Fabric G: 1 2/3 yd. (1.5 m) for log 12, 13
    Fabric G: 2 1/2 yd. (2.25 m.) for outer border.
    Fabric G: 1 yd. (90 cm) for binding.
    Fabric H: 2 1/2 yd. (2.25 m.) for log 14, 15
    Fabric I : 2 1/2 yd. (2.25 m.) for log 16, 17
    Backing: 9 1/2 yds. (8.7 m) cotton fabric 
    Batting: 112” x 93” (2.85 x 2.35 m).
    Neutral colored Sewing thread 
    Sewing thread to matching fabrics in outer logs,14,15 
    and 16,17.
    Sewing thread matching backing
    Schmetz Quilting Needles (412 40 20-01)
    Safety pins for basting the quilt 
    Husqvarna Viking Ruler (412 66 17-01) or (412 66 15-01)
    Husqvarna Viking Cutting Mat (412 66 13-01) 
    Olfa Ergonomic“ Rotary Cutter (415 16 42-01)
    1/4” (6 mm) seam allowance included in all 
    meas ure ments. Wash and press all fabrics before you cut 
    and sew.
    Cut all fabrics for logs and center squares into 1 1/2” 
    (38 mm) wide strips across fabric width. 
    Cut the strips from fabric A into 99 center squares, 1 
    1/2” x 1 1/2” (38 x 38 mm). 
    Cut 12 strips, 2 3/4” (70 mm) wide in fabric A for 
    in ner border. 
    Cut 12 strips, 7” (175 mm) wide in fabric G for out er 
    border. Appr. size of  À nished quilt: 112” x 93” (2.85 x 2.35 m). (99 
    blocks, 9” x 9” (23 x 23 cm) in 9 rows across and 11 blocks 
    The pattern begins from the center square and strips or ”logs” are 
    stitched, right sides together around the center square. (Always sew 
    the next strip on the side with the seam of  the previous strip.)  
    							Quilting with Quilt Designer II
    Making the blocks:
    Select Woven Light on the Sewing Advisor. Snap on 
    presser foot A and insert stitch d-Card E
    1 with quilt 
    and appliqué stitches in your Quilt 
    De sign er. Select stitch E
    101 for a 1/4” (6 mm) seam 
    al low ance when the fabric edges line up with the 
    edge of the A Foot. Adjust stitch length to 1 1/2. 
    Thread with a light color neutral sew ing thread on 
    top and in the bobbin, that will not show through 
    the lightest fabric in the quilt.
    Illustration A
    With right sides together and raw edges aligned, 
    place center squares on top of the fi rst fabric strip 
    for log 2. Stitch the center squares to the strip, right 
    sides together. Unfold and press seam allowance 
    towards the center square.
    Illustration B
    Using rotary cutter and ruler, align ruler with the 
    raw edge of the square and cut strips even with the 
    edges of the center square. Repeat for all squares.
    Place the two-square units on top of the fabric strip 
    for log 3 right sides together. Sew. Align rul er with 
    raw edge of the unit and cut to form three-piece 
    units. Repeat for all blocks. Always press seam 
    allowance towards the center of the block.
    Illustration C, D, E
    Continue sewing logs in this way until you have 
    used all strips and have 99 fi nished blocks, keep ing 
    the light colored fabrics on one side and the dark on 
    the other as illustrated.
    Combining the blocks:
    Illustration F
    Check up that all 99 quilt blocks are the same size. 
    Arrange the blocks so the light and dark cre ates the 
    Straight Furrow Quilt Top as il lus trat ed. Join the 
    blocks, right sides together, to 9 horizontal rows with 
    11 blocks in each row. Press seam allowance fl at 
    Sew the rows to form the quilt top. Press seam 
    allowances open. 
    Measure width and length of the quilt top to 
    de ter mine the length of the borders.Illustration A
    Illustration FIllustration C
    Illustration D Illustration EIllustration B 
    							Quilting with Quilt Designer II
    Inner border: 
    Illustration G, H
    Piece together on the diagonal, 1 strip for each side 
    of the quilt top for inner border. To piece on the 
    diagonal, place them right sides together on a 90 
    degree angle and stitch on a diagonal to eliminate 
    bulk at the seams. Press seam al low ance open and 
    cut away excess seam allowance. Two strips need to 
    measure at least the length of the quilt plus 8” (200 
    mm), and two needs to meas ure at least the width of 
    the quilt plus 8” (200 mm).
    Stitch a strip to all four sides of the quilt top, right 
    sides together, leaving 4” (100 mm) of each strip, at 
    all four corners, extending from the quilt top corners. 
    Press seam allowances towards the quilt top. 
    Miter the border corners by folding the excess strips 
    to the wrong side and fi nger press a di ag o nal fold 
    mark. Stitch in the fold mark from the wrong side 
    starting from the outer edge to the inner corner. Cut 
    away excess seam al low ance and press open.
    Outer border:
    Sew the outer border in the same way as the 
    in ner border but start stitching 8” (200 mm) from 
    the edge of the strip this time. Two strips need to 
    measure at least the length of the quilt plus 16” (400 
    mm), and two needs to measure at least the width of 
    the quilt plus 16” (400 mm).
    Piece the backing to form one piece at least the size 
    of your quilt. Place the backing on a fl at sur face, 
    wrong side up. Place the batting and the quilt top on 
    top right side up. Safety-pin baste the layers together 
    with two safety pins in every block.
    Illustration I 
    Use presser foot A or the optional Open Toe Foot for 
    better visibility. Select stitch A
    102 on stitch d-Card A1. 
    Thread the machine with sew ing thread matching the 
    darker outer logs of the blocks on top, and sewing 
    thread matching the backing in the bobbin. Quilt 
    through all layers following the individual log cabin 
    blocks as il lus trat ed. The Sensor System feeds the 
    layers even ly. Touch Needle Stop Down to pivot at 
    the corners with the needle in the fabric. 
    The Sensor System actually ”senses” the exact piv ot 
    height for the presser foot.  
    Illustration G
    Illustration H
    Illustration I 
    							Quilting with Quilt Designer II
    After fi nishing the pattern of the dark logs, 
    rethread with sewing thread matching the lighter logs 
    and continue to in the same way to quilt along the 
    edge of the light logs.
    Quilt through all layers around the quilt top and 
    around the inner frame.
    Remove the safety pins. Trim all raw edges even.
    Rethread the machine with sewing thread match ing 
    the binding fabric on top and bobbin.
    Illustration J
    Cut 2 3/4” (70 mm) wide strips in fabric G, and 
    sew them together, to go all the way around the 
    quilt. (You will need about 425” (10.60 m). Sew the 
    binding strips together with di ag o nal seam as before 
    to reduce the bulk in the seam al low ance, by placing 
    two strips right sides 
    together, at a 90-degree angle and stitching on the 
    di ag o nal.
    Illustration K
    Trim the seam allowances to 3/8” (9 mm) and press 
    Illustration L
    Sew the remaining strips in the same way. Fold in 
    half lengthwise, wrong sides together, and press.
    Starting at the bottom edge of the quilt, lay a bind ing 
    strip on the wrong side of your quilt, raw edges 
    aligned. Touch needle stop down. Start stitching 2” 
    (50 mm) in from the beginning of the binding and 
    stop when you get to 1/4” (6 mm) from the fi rst 
    corner. When the needle stops down, the Sensor 
    Foot Pivot automatically raises the presser foot 
    sensing the exact pivot height for your fabric layers. 
    Pivot towards the corner, and stitch diagonally off 
    the corner.
    Illustration M
    Fold the binding across the diagonally stitched line 
    and back on itself along the right side. 
    Illustration N
    Start sewing again, 1/4” (6 mm) from the corner. 
    Con tin ue this way all the way around. 
     Illustration J
    Illustration K
    Illustration L
    Illustration M
    Illustration N 
    							Quilting with Quilt Designer II
    Illustration O
    Illustration P
    Illustration O
    To sew a mitered seam where the two pieces of 
    binding meet, fold the ends diagonally where they 
    meet and press. 
    Illustration P
    Pin together along the fold lines and stitch, 
    be ing careful not to catch the quilt in this seam. Trim 
    off excess binding.
    Illustration Q
    Turn the binding to the right side and pin in place. 
    Tuck excess fabric at the corners into a miter. Use 
    presser foot A and stitch A
    102 or the optional Edge/
    Joining Foot and stitch A
    103 and stitch the binding in 
    place from the right side of the quilt.
    To label the quilt with your name, the name of 
    the quilt, date, and other information, use the 
    programmable letters and numbers on stitch 
    d-Card O
    1. Use the programmable letters on your 
    Husqvarna Viking. See programming letters and 
    stitches on page 65.
    Illustration Q 
    							Quilting with Quilt Designer II
    Decorative Sewing 
    							Decorative Sewing
    Free Motion Sewing
    With free motion sewing you have unlimited 
    pos si bil i ties to create beautiful and creative 
    dec o ra tions ide al for fashion accessories and 
    embellishing garments.
    To select a free motion stitch, enter 
    . V101 is a straight stitch and 
    102 is a zigzag stitch. Snap on press er foot R and 
    lower the feed teeth to manually move the fabric in 
    any direction.
    Decorative Sewing
    Supplied with your Quilt Designer II, there is a Stitch d-Card with 
    decorative fashion stitches. Additional Stitch d-Cards with different 
    types of  decorative stitches are optional accessories. With the decorative 
    Stitch d-Cards, you sew a myriad of  stitches for creative sewing and 
    embellishment. Your creativity is unlimited.
    In this chapter, sewing tips and information will inspire you to vary 
    the look of  the stitches and increase your creative possibilities even 
    Use the stitches on Stitch d-Card N1, Fashion to 
    decorate clothing and accessories. Here a pair of 
    trou sers in fake suede fabric have been decorated 
    with stitches from Stitch d-Card N
    1. The stitch es are 
    com bined with ric rac trim, velvet and snake skin 
    •  Use a pictogram pen to mark a straight line where 
    the fi rst stitch is to be sewn. Mark parallel lines 2.5 
    cm apart. 
    •  Thread the machine with embroidery thread on 
    top and matching sewing thread in the bobbin. 
    Insert Stitch d-Card N
    1 and select a decorative 
    •  Place Tear Away Stabilizer underneath the suede 
    and sew along the fi rst line. Continue to sew 
    decorative stitches on all lines. 
    •  Select straight stitch from Stitch d-Card A
    1 and 
    thread the machine with matching sewing thread 
    in top and bobbin. Sew the velvet and snake skin 
    ribbons between the lines of decorative stitches. 
    Sew the ric rac trim in place with a straight stitch 
    in the center. 
    •  Tear away the stabilizer and press lightly if 
    Stitches N
    115 and N117 are used 
    to decorate a pair of  trousers 
    							Decorative Sewing
    When free motion (free hand) sewing at slow speed 
    (less than 200 rpm) the presser foot moves up and 
    down. The foot is down when the needle is down 
    to hold the fabric in place while the stitch is formed. 
    The foot is raised with the needle so the fabric can 
    be moved without risk ing to bend the needle. At 
    faster sew ing speeds (over 200 rpm) the foot stays in 
    the glide (pivot) position so the fabric can be moved 
    easily for free motion sewing.  
    Free Motion Embellishment
    Use free motion sewing to embellish clothing and 
    •  Thread the machine with embroidery thread on 
    top and bobbin. Hoop the fabric with stabilizer 
    in the optional free motion embroidery hoop. It 
    is essential that the fabric is very tight. Slide the 
    hooped fabric under the needle and touch 
    •  Turn the hand wheel to pull the bobbin thread 
    up through the fabric and hold both threads to 
    prevent them from being dragged down. 
    •  Start sewing, not too slowly, moving the hoop 
    about smoothly. The speed of the machine and 
    the speed in which you are moving the hoop 
    determine the size of the stitch. 
    Use the free motion stitches to make jewelry.
    •  Hoop water-soluble stabilizer and sew in dif fe rent 
    directions to create a lace effect of the thread or 
    sandwich threads and pieces of yarns between two 
    layers of water-soluble stabilizer and hoop. 
    •  Thread the machine with transparent thread on 
    top and bobbin and sew over it several times to 
    hold the yarns together. Rinse off the stabilizer and 
    you will have beautiful thread decorations. 
    Experiment with textures by moving the hoop in circles or in 
    backwards and forwards movements. With some practice and 
    cre a tiv i ty you can create anything you can im ag ine. 
    							Decorative Sewing
    The trans par ent press er foot B is an optional 
    accessory. There is also an open toe appliqué 
    foot that is com plete ly open in front for great er 
    vis i bil i ty. Like the trans par ent press er foot B it 
    fea tures a red guide line for sat in stitching. 
    Use the preprogrammed sa tin stitches on Stitch d-
    Card A
    1 to sew appliqués. The pre-programmed sat in 
    stitch es have a stitch width of 2 mm (A
    127), 4 mm 
    128), and 6 mm (A129). The top ten sion is re duced 
    Fabric: Woven medium fabric, Husqvarna Viking 
    Tear-A-Way stabilizer, Cotton scrap for applique.
    Thread: Sulky Rayon embroidery thread on top and 
    embroidery weight bobbin thread.
    Touch: Woven medium on the Sewing Advisor and 
    stitch A
    128 on Stitch d-Card A1.
    Use: Presser foot B as recommended.
    • Cut a small square for the appliqué from the cotton 
    • To baste the applique square to the fabric, touch 
    111 to zigzag stitch or use fusible web.
    • Place Tear-A-Way stabilizer under the fabric.
    • Place the fabric under the presser foot.
    • Satin stitch around the square with the outside 
    swing of the needle sewing off the edge of the 
    • To turn outside corners, touch  needle stop down 
    or tap the needle down with the foot control 
    to pivot with the needle on the outside of the 
    applique. The Sensor Foot Lift pivot position 
    makes it easy!
    • Touch 
       to secure the stitches. 
    Note: To adjust the satin stitch length or width, touch 
    . Use the  
     but tons to fi ne tune the 
    stitch length or width. 
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