HP DesignJet Z2100 GP 24 User Manual
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No output when printing from Microsoft Visio 2003 For more information about problems when printing large images (more than 129 inches long) from Microsoft Visio 2003, see Microsofts online knowledge base ( http://support.microsoft.com/search/). To avoid these problems, it is possible to scale the image down in Visio to a size shorter than 129 inches and then to scale the drawing up in the driver by using the Scale to options in the Effects tab of the Windows driver. If the down-scaling in the application and the up-scaling in the driver match, the result is as originally intended. Unavailable driver features when printing from QuarkXPress When you print from QuarkXPress, the following driver features are not available. ●Print Preview ●Rotation ●Scaling ●Office features or paper saving options ●Back to front printing If you are using the HP-GL/2 driver, the following features are not available. ●Print Preview ●Back to front printing To get the same results, use the equivalent features available in QuarkXPress. Printer alerts Your printer can communicate are two types of alerts: ●Errors: Mainly alerting you to the fact that the printer is unable to print. However, in the driver, errors can also alert you to conditions that could ruin the print, such as clipping, even if the printer is able to print. ●Warnings: Alert you when the printer needs attention either for an adjustment, such a calibration or for a possible unprintable situation, such a preventive maintenance or low ink. There are four different alerts communicators within your printers system. ●Front-panel display: The front panel only shows the most relevant alert at a time. It generally requires the user to press the OK key for confirmation, but in the case of a warning, it disappears after a timeout. There are permanent alerts, such as ink cartridge low on ink, that reappear when the printer becomes idle and there is not another more severe alert. ●HP Easy Printer Care (Windows) or HP Printer Utility (Mac OS): These applications have a section in the Overview tab called Items needing attention. All the alerts currently present in the printer are listed under this section. If alerts are enabled and there is a problem that prevents printing, the user is shown a pop-up window that explains why the printer is not going to print. These pop-up alerts are configurable also as desktop alerts. ENWW No output when printing from Microsoft Visio 2003 151 Troubleshooting general printer issues

●Embedded Web Server: The upper-right corner of the EWS screen shows the Printer status. If there is an alert in the printer, the status shows the alert text. Both the front-panel display and the EWS show the same alert. ●Driver: The driver shows alerts. The driver warns about job configuration settings that may produce a problem in the final output. If the printer is not ready to print, it displays a warning. 152 Chapter 14 Troubleshooting general printer issues ENWW Troubleshooting general printer issues

15 Front-panel error messages Occasionally you may see one of the following messages appear on the front-panel display. If so, please follow the advice in the Recommendation column. If you see an error message that does not appear here, and you feel in doubt about the correct response, contact HP Support. See Contact HP Support on page 160. Table 15-1 Text messages MessageRecommendation [Color] cartridge has expiredReplace the cartridge. See Handling ink cartridges andprintheads on page 81. [Color] cartridge is missingInsert a cartridge of the correct color. See Handling ink cartridges and printheads on page 81. [Color] cartridge is out of inkReplace the cartridge. See Handling ink cartridges andprintheads on page 81. [Color] printhead #[n] error: not presentInsert the correct printhead. See Handling ink cartridges and printheads on page 81. [Color] printhead #[n] error: please removeRemove the incorrect printhead and insert a new printhead of the correct type (color and number). See Handling ink cartridges and printheads on page 81. [Color] printhead #[n] error: replaceRemove the non-functional printhead and insert a new printhead. See Handling ink cartridges and printheadson page 81. [Color] printhead #[n] error: reseatRemove and reinsert the same printhead, or try cleaning the electrical connections. If necessary, insert a new printhead. See The front-panel display recommends reseating or replacing a printhead on page 141. [Color] printhead #[n] out of warrantyThe printheads warranty has expired, because of the length of time it has been in operation or because of the volume of ink used. [Color] printhead #[n] warranty warningThe printheads warranty may be invalidated by the use of the wrong kind of ink. IO errorRestart the printer. If the problem persists, contact HP Support. See Contact HP Support on page 160. IO warningTry again; if the problem persists, contact HP Support. See Contact HP Support on page 160. Paper advance calibration pendingPerform paper advance calibration. See Recalibrate the paper advance on page 119. Paper too small to print paper advance calibrationUnload paper and load larger paper. Paper too small to scan paper advance calibrationUnload paper and load larger paper. PDL Error: Ink system not ready Clean the printheads. See Clean the printheads on page 141. ENWW153 Front-panel error messages

MessageRecommendation PDL Error: Job clippedThe image is too large for the paper or for the printer. Load larger paper if possible, or reduce the image size. PDL Error: memory fullRestart the printer and try resending the job; if necessary, reduce the complexity of the job. PDL Error: out of paperLoad more paper. PDL Error: parsing errorThe print job is unintelligible to the printer. Try to recreate and resend it. Check your cable connections. PDL Error: print mode errorThe paper type or print quality specified for the job are incorrect. Change the loaded paper type or the print settings. PDL Error: printing errorTry sending the job again. PDL Error: virtual memory fullRestart the printer and try resending the job; if necessary, reduce the complexity of the job. Printhead alignment error: paper too smallUnload paper and load larger paper. Replace [color] cartridgeReplace the cartridge. See Handling ink cartridges and printheads on page 81. Reseat [color] cartridgeRemove and reinsert the same cartridge. See Handling ink cartridges and printheads on page 81. Update: failed. Invalid file Make sure that you have selected the correct firmware update file. Then try again to perform the update. Table 15-2 Numerical error codes Error codeRecommendation 01.0 01.1 01.2Restart the printer. If the problem persists, contact HP Support. See Contact HP Support on page 160. 21 21.1 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 24Restart the printer. If the problem persists, contact HP Support. See Contact HP Support on page 160. 52:01The printer needs internal cleaning. See Clean the printhead drop detector on page 142. If the problem persists, contact HP Support. See Contact HP Support on page 160. 62 63 64 65 67Update your printers firmware. See Update the firmware on page 100. 74.1 Try the firmware update again. Do not try to use your computer while the update is in progress. If the problem persists, contact HP Support. See Contact HP Support on page 160. Table 15-1 Text messages (continued) 154 Chapter 15 Front-panel error messages ENWW Front-panel error messages

Error codeRecommendation 79Restart the printer. If the problem persists, contact HP Support. See Contact HP Support on page 160. 94 94.1Restart color calibration. See Color calibration on page 58. Table 15-2 Numerical error codes (continued) ENWW155 Front-panel error messages

156 Chapter 15 Front-panel error messages ENWW Front-panel error messages

16 HP Customer Care ●Introduction ● HP Professional Graphics Services ● HP Instant Support ● HP Proactive Support ● Contact HP Support ENWW157 HP Customer Care

Introduction HP Customer Care offers award-winning support to ensure you get the most from your HP Designjet, providing comprehensive, proven support expertise and new technologies to give you unique end-to- end support. Services include setup and installation, troubleshooting tools, warranty upgrades, repair and exchange services, phone and Web support, software updates, and self-maintenance services. To find out more about HP Customer Care, please visit us at: http://www.hp.com/go/designjet/ or call us on the telephone (see Contact HP Support on page 160). HP Professional Graphics Services For further information on all the services described in this section, please visit http://www.hp.com/go/ pgs/. Knowledge Center Enjoy a world of dedicated services and resources to ensure you always get the best performance from your HP Designjet products and solutions. Join the HP community at the Knowledge Center, your large-format printing community at http://www.hp.com/go/knowledge_center/djz2100/ for 24×7 access to: ●Multimedia tutorials ●Step-by-step how-to guides ●Downloads — the latest printer firmware, drivers, software, paper profiles, etc. ●Technical support — online troubleshooting, customer care contacts, and more ●Workflows and detailed advice for completing various printing tasks from particular software applications ●Forums for direct contact with the experts, both HP and your colleagues ●Warranty tracking online, for your peace of mind ●Latest product information — printers, supplies, accessories, software, etc. ●Supplies Center for all you need to know about ink and paper By customizing your registration for the products you have purchased and your type of business, and by setting your communication preferences, you decide the information you need. HP Start-Up Kit The HP Start-Up Kit is the DVD that comes with your printer; it contains the printers software and documentation, including introductory multimedia tutorials to help you to get a good first print. HP Care Packs and Warranty Extensions If you would like to extend your printers warranty beyond the standard period, two methods are available. ●An HP Care Pack provides support for a three-year period. You can buy it when you buy the printer, or for a short time afterwards. ●A one-year Warranty Extension can be bought at any time. 158 Chapter 16 HP Customer Care ENWW HP Customer Care

HP Care Packs and Warranty Extensions include remote support. On-site service is also provided if necessary, with two alternative response-time options. ●Next business day ●Same business day, within four hours (may not be available in all countries) For more information on HP Care Packs, please visit http://www.hp.com/go/lookuptool/. HP Installation The HP Installation service unpacks, sets up, and connects the printer for you. This is one of the HP Care Pack services; for more information, please visit http://www.hp.com/go/ lookuptool/. HP Instant Support HP Instant Support Professional Edition is HPs suite of troubleshooting tools that collect diagnostic information from your printer and match it with intelligent solutions from HPs knowledge bases, allowing you to resolve problems as quickly as possible. You can start an HP Instant Support session by clicking on the link provided by your printers Embedded Web Server. See Access the Embedded Web Server on page 19. To be able to use HP Instant Support: ●You must have a TCP/IP connection to your printer, because HP Instant Support is accessible only through the Embedded Web Server. ●You must have access to the World Wide Web, because HP Instant Support is a Web-based service. HP Instant Support is currently available in English, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. You can find more information about HP Instant Support at http://www.hp.com/go/ispe/. HP Proactive Support HP Proactive Support helps reduce costly printer downtime by preemptively identifying, diagnosing, and resolving printer issues before they become problems for you. HPs Proactive Support tool is designed to help businesses of all sizes reduce support costs and maximize productivity—all with the click of a mouse. A component of the HP Imaging and Printing suite of services, Proactive Support helps you gain control of your printing environment—with a clear focus on maximizing the value of your investment, increasing printer uptime, and reducing printer management costs. HP recommends that you enable Proactive Support right away to save you time and prevent problems before they occur, reducing costly downtime. Proactive Support runs diagnostics and checks for software and firmware updates. You can enable Proactive Support in HP Easy Printer Care for Windows or HP Printer Utility for Mac OS, where you can specify the frequency of connections between your computer and HPs Web server, and the frequency of diagnostic checks. You can also choose to run the diagnostic checks at any time. If Proactive Support finds any potential problem, it notifies you with an alert, which will explain the problem and recommend a solution. In some cases, the solution may be applied automatically; in other cases, you may be asked to perform some procedure to solve the problem. ENWWHP Instant Support 159 HP Customer Care

Contact HP Support HP Support is available to you by telephone. What to do before you call: ●Review the troubleshooting suggestions in this guide. ●Review the relevant driver documentation. ●If you have installed third-party software drivers and RIPs, see their documentation. ●If you call one of the Hewlett-Packard offices, please have the following information available to help us answer your questions more quickly: ●The printer you are using (the product number and the serial number, found on the label at the back of the printer) ●If there is an error code on the front panel, note it down; see Front-panel error messages on page 153 ● The printers Service ID: at the front panel, select the Information menu icon , then View printer information ●The computer you are using ●Any special equipment or software you are using (for example, spoolers, networks, switch- boxes, modems, or special software drivers) ●The cable you are using (by part number) and where you purchased it ●The type of interface used on your printer (USB or network) ●The software name and version you are currently using ●If possible, print out the following reports; you may be asked to fax them to the support center helping you: Configuration, Usage Report, and “all pages above” from Service Information (see The printers internal prints on page 7) Telephone numbers An up-to-date list of HP Support telephone numbers is available on the Web: please visit http://welcome.hp.com/country/us/en/wwcontact_us.html. If you have no access to the Web, try one of the numbers below. ●Algeria: 213 17 63 80 ●Argentina: 0 800 777 HP INVENT, local 5411 4778 8380 ●Australia: 13 10 47 ●Austria: 0810 00 10 00 ●Bahrain: 800 171 ●Belgium: (0) 78 600 600 ●Bolivia: 0 800 1110, local 54 11 4708 1600 ●Brazil: 0800 157 751, local 55 11 3747 7799 ●Canada: 1 800 HP INVENT ●Caribbean: 1 800 711 2884 160 Chapter 16 HP Customer Care ENWW HP Customer Care