Honeywell control panel VISTA40 Security System User Manual
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– 41 – Trouble Conditions Typical Trouble Displays The word CHECK on the Keypad’s display, accompanied by a rapid beeping at the Keypad, indicates that there is a trouble condition in the system. To silence the beeping sound for trouble conditions, press any key. • A display of “CHECK” accompanied by a display of CALL SERVICE indicates that a problem exists with the system that eliminates some of the protection. CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. • A display of “CHECK” accompanied by a display of one or more zone descriptors indicates that a problem exists with those zone(s). First, determine if the zone(s) displayed are intact and make them so if they are not. If the problem has been corrected, the display of the zone descriptor(s) and “CHECK” should disappear. If not, key an OFF sequence (Code plus OFF) to clear the display. If the display persists, CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. • A display of COMM. FAILURE at the Keypad indicates that a failure has occurred in the telephone communication portion of your system. CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. • A display of SYSTEM LO BAT, accompanied by a once per minute beeping at the Keypad indicates that a low system battery condition exists. CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. • A display of LO BAT and a zone descriptor, accompanied by a once per minute beeping at the Keypad indicates that a low battery condition exists in the wireless transmitter displayed. CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. • A display of MODEM COMM indicates that the control is on-line with the central station’s remote computer. The control will not operate while on-line.

– 42 – Trouble Conditions (cont’d) Power Failure If the POWER indicator is off, operating power for the system has stopped and is inoperative. CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. If the POWER indicator is on, but the message AC LOSS is displayed, the Keypad is operating on battery power only. If only some lights are out on the premises, check circuit breakers and fuses and reset or replace as necessary. CALL FOR SERVICE IMMEDIATELY if AC power cannot be restored. SERVICING INFORMATION Your local dealer is the person best qualified to service your alarm system. Arranging some kind of regular service program with him is advisable. Your local dealer is: Name: Address: Phone:

– 43 – Recommendations For Proper Protection The following recommendations for the location of fire and burglary detection devices help provide proper coverage for the protected premises. Recommendations For Smoke And Heat Detectors With regard to the number and placement of smoke/heat detectors, we subscribe to the recommendations contained in the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Standard #72 noted below. Early warning fire detection is best achieved by the installation of fire detection equipment in all rooms and areas of the household as follows: For minimum protection a smoke detector should be installed outside of each separate sleeping area, and on each additional floor of a multi-floor family living unit, including basements. The installation of smoke detectors in kitchens, attics (finished or unfinished), or in garages is not normally recommended. For additional protection the NFPA recommends that you install heat or smoke detectors in the living room, dining room, bedroom(s), kitchen, hallway(s), attic, furnace room, utility and storage rooms, basements and attached garages. DININGKITCHENBEDROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM LIVING ROOMBEDROOMBDRM BDRM DINING LIVING ROOM TV ROOMKITCHEN BEDROOM BEDROOM TO BR LVNG RM BASEMENTKTCHN.CLOSED DOORGARAGE Smoke Detectors for Minimum Protection Smoke Detectors for Additional Protection Heat-Activated Detectors floor_plan-001-V0

– 44 – Recommendations For Proper Protection (cont’d) In addition, we recommend the following: Install a smoke detector inside every bedroom where a smoker sleeps. Install a smoke detector inside bedrooms where electrical appliances (such as portable heaters, air conditioners or humidifiers) are used. Install a smoke detector inside every bedroom where someone sleeps with the door partly or completely closed. Smoke could be blocked by the closed door. Also, an alarm in the hallway outside may not wake up the sleeper if the door is closed. Install a smoke detector at both ends of a hallway if the hallway is more than 40 feet (12 meters) long. Install smoke detectors in any room where an alarm control is located, or in any room where alarm control connections to an AC source or phone lines are made. If detectors are not so located, a fire within the room could prevent the control from reporting a fire or an intrusion. Recommendations For Proper Intrusion Protection For proper intrusion coverage, sensors should be located at every possible point of entry to a home or commercial premises. This would include any skylights that may be present, and the upper windows in a multi-level building. In addition, we recommend that radio backup be used in a security system so that alarm signals can still be sent to the alarm monitoring station in the event that the telephone lines are out of order (alarm signals are normally sent over the phone lines, if connected to an alarm monitoring station).

– 45 – Emergency Evacuation Establish and regularly practice a plan of escape in the event of fire. The following steps are recommended by the National Fire Protection Association: 1. Position your detector or your interior and/or exterior sounders so that they can be heard by all occupants. 2. Determine two means of escape from each room. One path of escape should lead to the door that permits normal exit from the building. The other may be a window, should your path be impassable. Station an escape ladder at such windows if there is a long drop to the ground. 3. Sketch a floor plan of the building. Show windows, doors, stairs and rooftops that can be used to escape. Indicate escape routes for each room. Keep these routes free from obstruction and post copies of the escape routes in every room. 4. Assure that all bedroom doors are shut while you are asleep. This will prevent deadly smoke from entering while you escape. 5. Try the door. If the door is hot, check your alternate escape route. If the door is cool, open it cautiously. Be prepared to slam the door if smoke or heat rushes in. 6. Where smoke is present, crawl on the ground; do not walk upright. Smoke rises and may overcome you. Clearer air is near the floor. 7. Escape quickly; don’t panic. 8. Establish a common meeting place outdoors, away from your house, where everyone can meet and then take steps to contact the authorities and account for those missing. Choose someone to assure that nobody returns to the house — many die going back.

– 46 – Maintaining Your System Taking Care of Your System The components of your security system are designed to be as free of maintenance as possible. However, there are some things you can do to make sure that your system is in reliable working condition. 1. Test your system weekly. 2. Test the system after any alarm occurs (see TESTING THE SYSTEM). Replacing Batteries in Wireless Sensors Wireless sensors may not have been used in your security system Each wireless sensor in your system has a 9-volt or 3-volt battery. The system detects a low battery in any wireless sensor, including smoke detectors, the optional personal emergency transmitter, and the optional portable wireless keypad. (A low battery in a portable wireless keypad is detected as soon as one of its keys is pressed, and the keypad will display 00.) Alkaline batteries provide a minimum of 1 year of operation, and in most units and applications, provide 2–4 years of service. Actual battery life will depend on the environment in which the sensor is used, the number of signals that the transmitter in the sensor has had to send, and the specific type of sensor. Factors such as humidity, high or low temperatures or large swings in temperature, may all lead to the reduction of actual battery life in an installation. If you have a low battery in a wireless sensor, a low battery message is displayed on the keypad. In addition, a battery-operated smoke detector with a low battery also emits a single chirp sound once approximately every 20-30 seconds, identifying itself as the smoke detector with the weak battery. If you do not replace a smoke detectors low battery, the smoke detector may sound continuously, as if there were a fire alarm. Note: The low battery message comes on as a warning that battery replacement in indicated sensor(s) is due within 30 days. In the meantime, the sensor(s) causing the low battery indication is still fully operational. Important: Use only batteries recommended by your installer as replacement.

– 47 – Maintaining Your System (cont’d) Silencing Low Battery Warning Tones at the Keypad The keypad’s warning tones can be silenced by performing an OFF sequence (code plus OFF key), but the Keypads low battery message display will remain on as a reminder that you have a low battery condition in one or more of your sensors. When you replace the weak battery with a fresh one, the sensor will send a good battery signal to the control as soon as the sensor is activated (opening/closing of door, window, etc.), causing the low battery display to turn off. If the sensor is not activated, the display will automatically clear within approximately 1 hour. Routine Care • Treat the components of your security system as you would any other electrical equipment. Do not slam sensor-protected doors or windows. • Keep dust from accumulating on the keypad and all protective sensors, particularly on motion sensors and smoke detectors. • The keypad and sensors should be cleaned carefully with a dry soft cloth. Do not spray water or any other fluid on the units.

– 48 – Quick Guide To System Functions FUNCTION PROCEDURE COMMENTS Check Zones Press [✱]. To view faulted zones when is system not ready Display All Descriptors Press and hold [✱] for 5 seconds. Displays all alpha descriptors programmed by installer. Arm System Enter code. Press arming key desired (AWAY, STAY, INSTANT, MAXIMUM). Arms system in mode selected. Disarm System Enter code. Press OFF [1]. Disarms system and silences alarms. Bypass Zones Enter code. Press BYPASS [6]. Enter 2-digit zone number(s). Bypassed zones are unprotected and will not cause an alarm if violated. Chime Mode Enter code. Press CHIME [9]. Keypad will sound if doors or windows are violated while system disarmed. Test Mode Enter code. Press TEST [5] Activates alarm sounder and allows sensors to be tested. View Messages Press and hold [0] for 5 seconds Message from central station will appear. View User Capabilities Enter user’s code. Press [✱] + [✱]. Displays partitions & authority levels assigned to the user. GOTO Partition Enter security code. Press [✱]. Enter partition number (1-2). Allows a user at one keypad to perform functions in another partition, (user must be authorized). Self-Help Press and hold any function key for at least 5 seconds. Will display abbreviated instructions for the key pressed. Add a User Enter master/manager code. Press CODE [8]. Enter new user’s user number. Enter code for that user. Enter authority for that user in this partition (1-5). Follow prompts, 1=Yes, 0=No. Master & Manager level users can add users to the system, each with its own code and authority level. Change a User’s Code Enter master/manager code. Press CODE [8]. Enter user’s 2-digit number. Enter new code for that user. Press 0 (No) at prompt. Master & Manager level users can change their own or other users’ codes. Delete a User Enter master/manager code. Press CODE [8]. Enter user no. to be deleted. Enter master/manager code. Press 1 (Yes) at prompt. Master & Manager level users can delete users. A user can only be deleted by a user with higher authority level. Access Control Enter security code. Enter 0. Activate access relay for current partition. Enter security code. Press [#] Enter 71 or 72. Activate output device as programmed. Control Output Device Enter security code. Press [#] Enter 70. Activate output device manually

– 49 – Summary Of Audible Notification (Alpha Display Keypads) SOUND CAUSE DISPLAY LOUD, INTERRUPTED* Keypad & External FIRE ALARM FIRE is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is displayed. LOUD, CONTINUOUS* Keypad & External BURGLARY/AUDIBLE EMERGENCY ALARM ALARM is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is also displayed. ONE SHORT BEEP (not repeated) Keypad only a. SYSTEM DISARM b. SYSTEM ARMING ATTEMPT WITH AN OPEN ZONE. c. BYPASS VERIFY a. DISARMED/READY TO ARM is displayed. b. The number and descriptor of the open protection zone is displayed. c. Numbers and descriptors of the bypassed protection zones are displayed (One beep is heard for each zone displayed). Subsequently, the following is displayed: DISARMED BYPASS Ready to Arm ONE SHORT BEEP (once every 15 sec.) Keypad only SYSTEM IS IN TEST MODE Opened Zone identifications will appear. ONE BEEP (every 60 sec.) Keypad only LOW BATTERY AT A TRANSMITTER LO BAT displayed with description of transmitter. TWO SHORT BEEPS Keypad only ARM AWAY OR MAXIMUM ARMED AWAY or ARMED MAXIMUM is displayed. Red ARMED indicator is lit. THREE SHORT BEEPS Keypad only a. ARM STAY OR INSTANT b. ZONE OPENED WHILE SYSTEM IS IN CHIME MODE. c. ENTRY WARNING** a. ARMED STAY ZONE BYPASSED or ARMED INSTANT ZONE BYPASSED is displayed. Red ARMED indicator is lit. b. CHIME displayed, descriptor of open protection zone will be displayed if the [ 4] key is pressed. c. DISARM SYSTEM OR ALARM WILL OCCUR is displayed. RAPID BEEPING Keypad only a. TROUBLE b. AC POWER LOSS ALERT*** c. MEMORY OF ALARM a. CHECK displayed. Descriptor of troubled protection zone is displayed. b. AC LOSS displayed (may alternate with other displays that may be present). c. FIRE or ALARM is displayed; descriptor of zone in alarm is displayed. SLOW BEEPING Keypad only a. ENTRY DELAY WARNING** b. EXIT DELAY WARNING (if programmed) a. DISARM SYSTEM OR ALARM WILL OCCUR is displayed. Exceeding the delay time without disarming causes alarm. b. ARMED AWAY or ARMED MAXIMUM is displayed along with You May Exit Now * If bell is used as external sounder, fire alarm is pulsed ring; burglary/audible emergency is steady ring. ** Entry warning may consist of three short beeps or slow continuous beeping, as programmed by your installer. *** Loss of system battery power is not indicated or annunciated by the keypad (warnings are for loss of AC power only).

– 50 – UL NOTICE: This is a “GRADE A” system. “FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC) Part 15 STATEMENT” This equipment has been tested to FCC requirements and has been found acceptable for use. The FCC requires the following statement for your information: This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: If using an indoor antenna, have a quality outdoor antenna installed. Reorient the receiving antenna until interference is reduced or eliminated. Move the receiver away from the control/communicator. Move the antenna leads away from any wire runs to the control/communicator. Plug the control/communicator into a different outlet so that it and the receiver are on different branch circuits. If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The user or installer may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful: “Interference Handbook” This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The user shall not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless authorized by the Installation Instructions or User’s Manual. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. IN THE EVENT OF TELEPHONE OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS In the event of telephone operational problems, disconnect the control by removing the plug from the RJ31X (CA38A in Canada) telephone wall jack. We recommend that your certified installer demonstrate disconnecting the phones on installation of the system. Do not disconnect the phone connection inside the control/communicator. Doing so will result in the loss of your phone lines. If the regular phone works correctly after the control/communicator has been disconnected from the phone lines, the control/communicator has a problem and should be returned for repair. If upon disconnection of the control/communicator, there is still a problem on the line, notify the telephone company that they have a problem and request prompt repair service. The user may not under any circumstances (in or out of warranty) attempt any service or repairs to the system. It must be returned to the factory or an authorized service agency for all repairs.