Hitachi Ed-X12 Projector Users Manual
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31 IMAGE Menu Item Description H SIZE8VLQJWKHEXWWRQVxzDGMXVWVWKHKRUL]RQWDOVL]H Large Ù Small displayed correctly. In such a case, please reset the adjustment by pressing the RESET button on the remote control during this operation. AUTO ADJUST EXECUTESelecting this item performs the automatic adjustment feature. For an RGB signal The vertical position, the horizontal position, the horizontal phase and the horizontal size will be automatically set to default. And the aspect ratio will be...
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32 INPUT Menu INPUT Menu Item Description PROGRESSIVE8VLQJWKHEXWWRQVxzVZLWFKHVWKHSURJUHVVPRGH TV Ù FILM Ù TURN OFF input, an S-VIDEO input or COMPONENT VIDEO input of 525i (480i) or 625i (576i) signal. FILM adapts to the 2-3 Pull-Down conversion system. But these may cause a certain defect (for example, jagged line) of the picture for a quick moving object. In such a case, please select TURN OFF, even though the screen image may lose the sharpness. VIDEO NR HIGH Ù MID Ù LOW COMPONENT...
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33 Item Description COMPONENT VIDEO port. COMPONENT Ù SCART RGB When the SCART RGB is selected, the COMPONENT VIDEO port function as a port for a SCART RGB signal input and VIDEO port function as a port for SCART RGB sync input. A SCART adapter and SCART cable realize a SCART RGB input to the projector. For details, contact your dealer. VIDEO FORMATSet the video format for the s-video port and video port. (1) Use thH{yEXWWRQVWRVHOHFWWKHLQSXWSRUW ...
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34 INPUT Menu Item Description RESOLUTION *2The resolution for the RGB1 and RGB2 input signals can be set on this projector. ,QWKH,1387PHQXVHOHFW5(62/87,21XVLQJWKHxzEXWWRQVDQG SUHVVWKHyEXWWRQ The RESOLUTION menu will be displayed. (2) In the RESOLUTION menu select the UHVROXWLRQ\RXZLVKWRGLVSOD\XVLQJWKHxz buttons. Selecting AUTO will set a resolution appropriate to the input signal. 3UHVVLQJWKHyRU(QWHUEXWWRQZKHQ selecting a STANDARD resolution will...
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35 SETUP Menu SETUP Menu Item Description AUTO KEYSTONE EXECUTESelecting this item performs the Automatic keystone distortion correction. Projector automatically corrects vertical keystone distortion due to the (forward/backward) setup angle by itself. Menu. When the slant of the projector is changed, executes this function again. :KHQ9,19(57RU+ 9,19(57LVVHOHFWHGWRWKH0,5525LWHP in the SETUP menu, if the projector screen is inclined or angled downward, this function may not work...
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36 SETUP Menu SETUP Menu (continued) Item Description MIRROR NORMAL Ù H:INVERT Ù V:INVERT Ù+ 9,19(57 If Transition Detector is TURN ON and MIRROR status is changed, Transition Detector Alarm ( 48) will be displayed when projector is restarted after the power switch is turned off. VOLUME8VLQJWKHEXWWRQVxzDGMXVWVWKHYROXPH High Ù Low AUDIO Allocates the audio ports. Choose a picture input port using the buttons xzWKHQVHOHFWWKHDXGLRSRUWWREH interlocked with the input port...
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37 SCREEN Menu SCREEN Menu Item Description LANGUAGE language. SUOMIÙ POLSKI Ù TÜRKÇE ENGLISHÙ FRANÇAIS Ù DEUTSCHÙ ESPAÑOLÙ ITALIANO NORSKÙ NEDERLANDS Ù PORTUGUÊSÙãÄ.† Ù Ù Ù SVENSKAÙ MENU POSITION To quit the operation, press the MENU button on the remote control or keep no operation for about 10 seconds. BLANK The blank screen is a screen for the temporarily blanking feature ( 22). It is displayed by pressing the BLANK button on the remote control. MyScreen Ù ORIGINAL ÙBLUE Ù WHITE Ù BLACK...
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38 SCREEN Menu Item Description START UP The start-up screen is a screen displayed when no signal or an unsuitable signal is detected. MyScreen Ù ORIGINAL Ù TURN OFF MyScreen is a screen you can register as a desired screen.The ORIGINAL screen is the existing standard screen. When TURN OFF is selected, the BLACK screen is used. ORIGINAL screens will change to the BLANK screen after several minutes. If also the BLANK screen is the MyScreen or ORIGINAL, it will change to the BLACK screen. below....
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39 SCREEN Menu Item Description MESSAGE8VLQJWKHEXWWRQVxzWXUQVRQRIIWKHPHVVDJHIXQFWLRQ TURN ON Ù TURN OFF When the TURN ON is selected, the following message function works.“AUTO IN PROGRESS” while automatically adjusting ”NO INPUT IS DETECTED” ”SYNC IS OUT OF RANGE” Searching….” while searching for the input ”Detecting….” while an input signal is detected The indication of the input signal displayed by changing The indication of the aspect ration displayed by changing The indication of the...
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40 OPTION Menu OPTION Menu Item Description AUTO SEARCH 8VLQJWKHEXWWRQVxzWXUQVRQRIIWKHDXWRPDWLFVLJQDOVHDUFKIXQFWLRQ TURN ON Ù TURN OFF When the TURN ON is selected, detecting no signal automatically cycles through input ports in the following order. The search is started from the current port. Then when an input is found, the projector will stop searching and display the image. RGB IN1 Ö RGB IN2 Ö COMPONENT VIDEO Ö S-VIDEO Ö VIDEO AUTO KEYSTONE...