Brush Cutter
GGP Italy SPA Brush Cutter 1715010690 Operators Manual Latvian Version
GGP Italy SPA Brush Cutter 1715010690 Operators Manual Latvian Version
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Pareiza tehniskÇ apkope ir ∫oti svar¥ga maš¥nas sÇkotnïjÇs darb¥bas efektivitÇtes un droš¥bas saglabÇšanai. Veicot tehnisko apkopi: – Atvienojiet sveces uzvÇzni. – Uzgaidiet, kad dzinïjs pietiekoši atdzis¥s.– StrÇdÇjot ar asme¿iem izmantojiet aizsarg- cimdus. – Asmens aizsargam jÇbt uzstÇd¥tam, iz¿emot gad¥jumus, kad darb¥bas tiek veik-tas ar asmeni. – Neizlejiet apkÇrtïjÇ vidï e∫∫as, benz¥nu un citas piesÇr¿ojošas vielas. CILINDRS UN TROKŠøA SLÅPîTÅJS Lai samazinÇtu ugunsgrïka risku bieži t¥riet cilin- dra ribas ar saspiesta gaisa pal¥dz¥bu un atbr¥vojiet zonu ap trokš¿a slÇpïtÇja no zÇÆskaidÇm, zariem, lapÇm un citiem atgriezu- miem. IEDARBINÅŠANAS MEZGLS Lai izvair¥tos no dzinïja pÇrkarsïjuma un bojÇjuma, dzesïšanas gaisa iepldes režÆiem visu laiku jÇbt t¥riem un uz tiem nedr¥kst bt zÇÆskaidu un atgriezumu. IedarbinÇšanas aukla ir jÇnomaina, kad parÇdÇs pirmÇs nodiluma paz¥mes. STIPRINÅJUMI Periodiski pÇrbaudiet visu skrvju un uzgriež¿u pievilkšanu, kÇ ar¥ to, ka rokturi ir cieši piestiprinÇti. GAISA FILTRA T±R±ŠANA (21. z¥m.) Gaisa filtra t¥r¥šana ir ∫oti svar¥ga maš¥nas labai un ilgstošai darb¥bai. NestrÇdÇjiet bez filtra vai ar bojÇtu filtru, lai neiz-rais¥tu dzinïja nelabojamus bojÇjumus. T¥r¥šana jÇveic ik pïc 8-10 darba stundÇm. SVAR±GI !UZMAN±BU! Lai not¥r¥tu filtru: – Nospiediet mïl¥ti (3), no¿emiet vÇku (1) un fil- trïjošo elementu (2). – IzmazgÇjiet filtrïjošo elementu (2) ar deni un ziepïm. Neizmantojiet benz¥nu vai citus š ¥dinÇtÇjus. – NožÇvïjiet gaisa filtru – UzstÇdiet atpaka∫ filtrïjošo elementu (2) un vÇku (1). SVECES PÅRBAUDE (22. z¥m.) Periodiski no¿emiet un not¥riet sveci ar metÇla sukas pal¥dz¥bu, novÇcot iespïjamas nogulsnes. Lai piek∫tu svecei ir jÇatskrvï skrve ar komplektÇcijÇ esošÇs atslïgas pal¥dz¥bu un jÇno¿em augšïjÇ maska. Çrbaudiet un noregulïjiet attÇlumu starp elektro- diem, lai tas btu pareizs. UzstÇdiet sveci atpaka∫, l¥dz galam pieskrvïjot to ar piegÇdÇto atslïgu. Gad¥jumÇ, ja elektrodi ir apdedzinÇti, izolÇcija ir bojÇta, kÇ ar¥ ik pïc 100 darb¥bas stundÇm svece ir jÇnomaina pret sveci ar analoÆiskiem raksturo- jumiem. MOTOREππAS NOMAIøA Iztukšojiet e∫∫as tvertni, kamïr dzinïjs vïl ir silts, lai nodrošinÇtu Çtru un piln¥gu e∫∫as izliešanu. 1. PÇrbaudiet, vai degvielas tvertnes vÇci¿š ir labi aizvïrts. 2. No¿emiet e∫∫as tvertnes vÇci¿u un izlejiet e∫∫u tvertnï, noliecot dzinïju no e∫∫as tvertnes ielietnes puses. 3. Uzpildiet tvertni ar rekomendïjamo e∫∫u un pÇrbaudiet l¥meni. 4. UzstÇdiet atpaka∫ e∫∫as tvertnes vÇci¿u. KARBURATORA REGULîŠANA Karburators tiek regulïts rpn¥cÇ tÇ, lai nodrošinÇtu vislielÇko efektivitÇti visos lietošanas apstÇk∫os, ar minimÇlo kait¥go gÇzu izmeti saska¿Ç ar spïkÇ esošo likumdošanu. 14 TEHNISKÅ APKOPE UN UZGLABÅŠANALV 8. TEHNISKÅ APKOPE UN UZGLABÅŠANA

Nepietiekamas darbspïjas gad¥jumÇ griezieties pie vietïja izplÇt¥tÇja, lai vi¿š pÇrbaud¥tu karburÇciju un dzinïju. • MinimÇlo apgriezienu rež¥ma regulïšana MinimÇlo apgriezienu rež¥ms ir jÇregulï tikai tajÇ gad¥jumÇ, ja grie- zïjier¥ce kustas, kamïr dzinïjs darbojasminimÇlo apgriezienu rež¥mÇ. Lai samazinÇtu Çtrumu, ar simbolu «MIN» apz¥mïtÇ skrve ir jÇpagriež pretïji pulkste¿rÇd¥tÇja virzienam, l¥dz griezïjier¥ce apstÇjas un dzinïjs darbojas pietiekoši vien- mïr¥gi. Ja dzinïja darb¥ba minimÇlo apgriezienu rež¥mÇ nav vienmïr¥ga, pagrieziet skrvi pulkste¿rÇd¥tÇja virzienÇ, lai palielinÇtu Çtrumu. Griezïjier¥ce nedr¥kst kustïties, kamïr dzinïjs darbojas minimÇlo apgriezienu rež¥mÇ; sazinieties ar vietïjoizplÇt¥tÇju, ja js nespïjat nodrošinÇt apmieri-nošu regulïšanu. LEøµISKAIS PÅRVADS (23. z¥m.) Iee∫∫ojiet ar ziedi uz litija bÇzes. No¿emiet skrvi (1) un ielejiet ziedi, ar roku griežot vÇrpstu l¥dz ziede sÇk tecït ÇrÇ; tad uzstÇdiet skrvi (1) atpaka∫. ASMENS AR 3 VAI 4 SMAILîM ASINÅŠANA (24. z¥m.) Izmantojiet aizsargcimdus. Ja asinÇšanas laikÇ asmens nav no¿emts, atvienojiet sveces uzvÇzni. AsinÇšana jÇveic atbilstoši asmens un griezïjele- mentu tipoloÆijai, ar plakanas v¥les pal¥dz¥bu, apstrÇdÇjot visas virsmas vienÇdi. 24. z¥mïjumÇ ir parÇd¥ti pareizas asinÇšanas pie- mïri. A = Nepareiza asinÇšana B = AsinÇšanas robežas C = Nepareizi vai nevienÇdi le¿ i !UZMAN±BU! !UZMAN±BU! !UZMAN±BU! Ir svar¥gi, lai pïc uzasinÇšanas saglabÇtos pareizs l¥dzsvars. Asme¿us ar 3 vai 4 spailïm var izmantot no jeb- kuras puses. Kad viena smai∫u puse ir nodilusi, var apgriezt asmeni un izmantot otro smai∫u pusi. Asmeni nedr¥kst labot, tas ir jÇnomaina, kad parÇdÇs pl¥šanas paz¥mes vai ja ir pÇrsniegta asinÇšanas robeža. GALVIøAS STIEPLES NOMAIøA Lai nomain¥tu neilona stiepli, sekojiet galvi¿ai pievienotajiem norÇd¥jumiem. STIEPLES GRIEŠANAS NAŽA ASINÅŠANA (25. z¥m.) – No¿emiet stieples griešanas nazi (1) no aizsar- ga (2), atskrvïjot skrvi (3). – Nostipriniet stieples griešanas nazi sp¥lïs un uzasiniet to ar plakanas v¥les pal¥dz¥bu, sekojot tam, lai saglabÇtos sÇkotnïjs griešanas le¿ is. – UzstÇdiet nazi atpaka∫ uz aizsargu. ZÅ VEIDA ASMENS AR 24 ZOBIEM ASINÅŠANA (26. z¥m.) Izmantojiet aizsargcimdus. Ja asinÇšanas laikÇ asmens nav no¿emts, atvienojiet sveces uzvÇzni. PÇrbaudiet, vai asmens zobu izloc¥šana ir apmï- ram 1 mm un noregulïjiet to, ja nepieciešams, ar knaib∫u pal¥dz¥bu. V ienmïr¥gi uzasiniet visus zobus ar apa∫as v¥les (1) ar 5,5 mm diametru pal¥dz¥bu, izmantojot to, kÇ parÇd¥ts attïlÇ, un pam¥šus apstrÇdÇjot zo\ bus kreisajÇ un labajÇ pusï. Zoba profilu nedr¥kst main¥t. Asmens nav apgriežams, tÇdïjÇdi, tas jÇizmanto tikai no vienas puses. Asmeni nedr¥kst labot, tas ir jÇnomaina, kad parÇdÇs pl¥šanas paz¥mes vai ja ir pÇrsniegta asinÇšanas robeža. !UZMAN±BU! !UZMAN±BU! !UZMAN±BU! TEHNISKÅ APKOPE UN UZGLABÅŠANA 15LV

ÅRKÅRTîJA TEHNISKÅ APKOPE Visas tehniskÇs apkopes darb¥bas, kuras nav iek∫autas šajÇ rokasgrÇmatÇ, dr¥kst veikt tikai vie- tïjais izplÇt¥tÇjs. Ja darb¥bas veic neatbilstošajÇs darbn¥cÇs vai to veic nekvalificïts personÇls, tas noved pie visu veidu garantiju spïka zaudïšanas. UZGLABÅŠANA Pïc darba pabeigšanas rp¥gi not¥riet maš¥nu no putek∫iem un atgriezumiem, salabojiet vai nomai- niet bojÇtas da∫as. Maš¥na jÇuzglabÇ sausÇ, no nelabvïl¥giem laika apstÇk∫iem aizsargÇtÇ vietÇ un ar pareizi uzstÇd¥tu sliedes aizsargvÇku. ILGSTOŠA UZGLABÅŠANA Ja ir paredzïts, ka maš¥na netiks lietota ilgÇk par 2 - 3 mïnešiem, ir jÇveic dažas darb¥bas, lai izvair¥tos no grt¥bÇmmaš¥nas lietošanas atsÇkšanas laikÇ un no dzi-nïja permanentiem bojÇjumiem.SVAR±GI • UzglabÇšana Pirms maš¥nas novietošanas uzglabÇšanÇ: – Iztukšojiet degvielas tvertni. – Iedarbiniet dzinïju un darbiniet to minimÇlo apgriezienu rež¥mÇ l¥dz apstÇšanas, lai tiktu patïrïta visa tvertnï palikus¥ degviela. – πaujiet dzinïjam atdzist un no¿emiet sveci. – Ielejiet sveces atverï vienu tïjkaroti jaunas e∫∫as. – Pavelciet dažas reizes iedarbinÇšanas rokturi, lai izkliedïtu e∫∫u cilindrÇ. – UzstÇdiet sveci atpaka∫, virzulim jÇbt augstÇkajÇ mai¿as punktÇ (to var redzït caur sveces atveri, kas atbilst virzu∫a maksimÇlajai gaitai). • Lietošanas atsÇkšana AtsÇkot maš¥nas lietošanu: – No¿emiet sveci. – Pavelciet dažas reizes iedarbinÇšanas rokturi, lai novÇktu e∫∫as pÇrpalikumu. – PÇrbaudiet sveci, kÇ aprakst¥ts noda∫Ç "Sveces pÇrbaude". – Sagatavojiet maš¥nu, kÇ norÇd¥ts noda∫Ç "SagatavošanÇs darbam". 16 TEHNISKÅ APKOPE UN UZGLABÅŠANA / TRAUCîJUMU NOVîRŠANALV 9. TRAUCîJUMU NOVîRŠANA 1)Dzinïju nevar iedarbinÇt, vai tas nepaliek darba stÇvokl¥ 2)Dzinïju var iedarbinÇt, bet tam ir zema jauda 3)Dzinïjs darbojas nevienmïr¥gi vai zem slodzes tas zaudï jaudu – Nepareiza iedarbinÇšanas procedra – Svece ir net¥ra vai attÇlums starp elektrodiem nav pareizs –G aisa filtrs ir aizsprostots – KarburÇcijas problïmas –G aisa filtrs ir aizsprostots – KarburÇcijas problïmas – Svece ir net¥ra vai attÇlums starp elektrodiem nav pareizs – KarburÇcijas problïmas – Sekojiet norÇd¥jumiem (sk. 6. noda∫u) – PÇrbaudiet sveci (sk. 8. noda∫u) – Not¥riet un/vai nomainiet filtru (sk. 8. noda∫u) – Sazinieties ar vietïjo izplÇt¥tÇju – Not¥riet un/vai nomainiet filtru (sk. 8. noda∫u) – Sazinieties ar vietïjo izplÇt¥tÇju – PÇrbaudiet sveci (sk. 8. noda∫u) – Sazinieties ar vietïjo izplÇt¥tÇju KπÌME IESPîJAMS CîLONIS RISINÅJUMS

TEHNISKIE DATI17LV Dzinïjs ........................................ 4 taktu ar gaisdzesi Cilindru apjoms / Jauda Mod. 28H - 28HD .......................... 25 cm3/ 0,81 kW Mod. 38H - 38HD ............................ 35 cm3/ 1,2 kWDzinïja griešanÇs Çtrums minimÇlajÇ rež¥mÇ Mod. 28H - 28HD ...... 2900-3300 apgriezieni/mintïMod. 38H - 38HD ...... 2900-3300 apgriezieni/mintï MaksimÇlais dzinïja griešanÇs Çtrums Mod. 28H - 28HD .. 10500-11000 apgriezieni/mintïMod. 38H - 38HD .. 10500-11000 apgriezieni/mintï MaksimÇlais instrumenta griešanÇs Çtrums Mod. 28H - 28HD ................ 8500 apgriezieni/mintïMod. 38H - 38HD ................ 8500 apgriezieni/mintï Svece ............................ NGK CM5H (vai ekvivalenta) Degviela: .............. Svinu nesaturošs benz¥ns (za∫š) – oktÇnskaitlis ne mazÇks par 90 Capacità del serbatoio del carburante Mod. 28H - 28HD......................................... 550 cm3 Mod. 38H - 38HD......................................... 650 cm3 Capacità del serbatoio dell’olioMod. 28H - 28HD........................................... 80 cm3 Mod. 38H - 38HD......................................... 100 cm3 MaksimÇlais pie∫aujamais asme¿u diametrs Asmens ar 3 smailïm.............................. Ø 255 mmAsmens ar 4 smailïm.............................. Ø 255 mmZÇÆveida asmens (iz¿emotMod. 28H - 28HD - 38H) ............................................ Ø 255 mm Masa 1) Mode∫i“MONO” ........................... no 5,3 l¥dz7,1 kgMode∫i“DUPLEX” ......................... no 5,5 l¥dz8,2 kg 1)Masa saska¿Ç ar normu ISO 11806 (bez degvielas, griezïjier¥cïm un aizsargiem) 10. TEHNISKIE DATI Fonometriskie mïr¥jumi un vibrÇcija Modelis ..................................... 28H 28HD 38H 38HD Izmïr¥tais trokš¿a l¥menis(ISO 10884) dB(A)ar stieples turïšanas galvi¿u... 108,1 107,9 106,3 109,7ar asmeni ar 4 smailïm........... 106,0 106,1 103,5 106,5 Tr okš¿a l¥menis pie operatora auss(EN 27917) dB(A)ar stieples turïšanas galvi¿u... 94,6 95,192,194,7ar asmeni ar 4 smailïm........... 94,3 91,293,293,7 No priekšïjÇ roktura rokai nododama vibrÇcija(“MONO”) (ISO 7916) m/sec2 minimÇlajÇ rež¥mÇ................... 2,4 –2,2 –ar stieples turïšanas galvi¿u... 8,3 –5,9 –ar asmeni ar 4 smailïm........... 7,8 –2,8 – No aizmugurïjÇ roktura rokai nododama vibrÇcija(“MONO”) (ISO 7916) m/sec2 minimÇlajÇ rež¥mÇ................... 2,0 –2,9 –ar stieples turïšanas galvi¿u... 8,1 –6,7 –ar asmeni ar 4 smailïm........... 9,2 –4,7 – No kreisÇ roktura rokai nododama vibrÇcija(“DUPLEX”) (ISO 7916) m/sec2 minimÇlajÇ rež¥mÇ................... –1,3 –1,3ar stieples turïšanas galvi¿u...– 7,2 –2,1ar asmeni ar 4 smailïm........... –5,4 –2,0 No labÇ roktura rokai nododama vibrÇcija(“DUPLEX”) (ISO 7916) m/sec2 minimÇlajÇ rež¥mÇ................... –1,9 –1,4ar stieples turïšanas galvi¿u...– 7,7 –3,3ar asmeni ar 4 smailïm........... –5,3 –3,7

ENINTRODUCTION1 Dear Customer, thank you for choosing one of our products. We hope that you will be completely satisfied with this machine and that it fully meets your expectations. This manual has been \ compiled in order to provide you with all the information you need to get acquainted with the machine\ and use it safely and effi- ciently. Don’t forget that it is an integral part of the machine, so keep it handy so that\ it can be con- sulted when necessary, and pass it on to a further user if you resell or loan the machine. Your new machine has been designed and manufactured in pursuance with current regulations, and is safe and reliable if used in compliance with the instructions provided in this manual (proper use). Using the machine in any other way, or non-compliance with the safety specifications relative to use, main- tenance and repair is considered improper use which will invalidate the warranty, relieve the manu- facturer from all liabilities, and the user will consequently be liable for all and\ any damage or injury to himself or others. Since we regular improve our products, you may find slight differences between your machine and the descriptions contained in this manual. Modifications can be made to the \ machine without notice and without the obligation to update the manual, although the essential safe\ ty and function characteristics will remain unaltered. In case of any doubts, please contact your dealer. And now enjoy your work! T ABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Identification of the main components ........................................ 22.Symbols........................................................................\ ................ 33.Safety requirements ..................................................................... 44.Machine assembly........................................................................\ 65.Preparing to work ........................................................................\ . 86.How to start - Use – Stop the engine .......................................... 97.Using the machine ..................................................................... 118.Maintenance and storage.................................................\ .......... 149.Tr oubleshooting ........................................................................\ .. 1610.Technical data ........................................................................\ .... 17

EN MAIN COMPONENTS 1. Power unit 2. Drive tube 3. Cutting devicea. Blade with 3 or 4 points b. Cutting line head 4. Cutting device guard 5. Front handgrip 6. Guard 7. Handlebar 8. Rear handgrip 9. Connection point (of the webbing) 10. Identification plate 11. Webbing a. single belt b. double belt 12. Angle transmission 13. Blade protection (for transport) 14. Spark plug CONTROLS AND REFUELLING 21. Engine stop switch 22. Throttle trigger 23. Throttle trigger lockout 24. Starter 25. Choke (if present) 26. Primer (if present) 31. Fuel tank cap 32. Oil plug 2 IDENTIFICATION OF MAIN COMPONENTS 1. IDENTIFICATION OF MAIN COMPONENTS IDENTIFICATION PLATE 10.1) Conformity marking in accordance with Directive 98/37/EC 10.2) Name and address of the manufacturer 10.3) Acoustic output level LWA in accordance with directive 2000/14/EC 10.4) Manufacturer’s model of reference 10.5) Machine model 10.6) Serial number 10.7) Year of manufacture10.1 LWA dB 10.2 10.610.410.510.7 10.3 1 “DUPLEX” 2 412 13 3a 6 7 8 9 10 3b 21 23 22 21 23 22 25 26 31 1 5 3 “MONO” 24 11a11b 14 32

EN 1)Warning! Danger. The failure to use this machine correctly can be hazardous for oneself and others. 2)Read the instruction manual before using the machine. 3)If you are using the machine every day in nor- mal conditions, you can be exposed to a noise level of 85 dB (A) or higher. W ear earmuffs or earplugs and a protective hel- met. 4)W ear gloves and protective footwear! 11)Fuel tank 12)Engine stop switch posi- tions a= stopb= run 13)Tuning minimum speed 14)Choke 15)Primer 16)Correct position of the handgrip on the drive tube 5)Danger of flying objects! Keep any people or pets at least 15 m away when using the machine! 6)Do not use the circular saw blade. Danger: Using the circular saw blade with machines marked with this symbol exposes the user to the danger of very serious or even fatal injuries. 7) Maximum cutting device speed. Only use suitable cutting devices. 8)Acoustic output level LWA in accordance with directive 2000/14/EC. SYMBOLS3 EXPLANATORY SYMBOLS ON THE MACHINE (if present) 2. SYMBOLS 7 123 56 4 8 -1 min 21)Cutting device with adequate protection 22)To be used with the cutting line head 23)Cutting device r otation direction EXPLANATORY SYMBOLS ON THE PROTEC- TION DEVICES (if present) 21 22 23 ab 11 12 13 14 15 16

EN A) TRAINING 1)Read the instructions carefully.Become acquainted with the controls and the proper use of the machine. Learn how to stop the engine quickly. 2) Only use the machine for the purpose for which it was designed,namely –cutting grass and non-woody vegetation,using a nylon line (e.g. around the edges of lawns, flowerbeds, walls, fences and small grassy areas to tidy up the cutting done using a mower); – cutting tall grass, dry branches, twigs and woody shrubsof up to 2 cm diameter, with the help of metal or plastic blades. Any other use may be dangerous and damage the machine. 3) Never allow children or persons unfamiliar with these instructions to use the machine. Local reg- ulations can restrict the age of the user. 4) The machine must never be used by more than one person. 5) Never use the machine:– when people, especially children or pets are in the vicinity; – if the user is tired or unwell, or has taken medi- cine, drugs, alcohol or any substances which may slow his reflexes and compromise his judgement; – if the user is not capable of holding the machine firmly with two hands and/or remaining stand- ing on the ground whilst working. 6) Keep in mind that the operator or user is r esponsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other people or their property. B) PREPARATION 1) Always wear adequate clothing which does not hamper movements when using the machine. – Always wear slim-fitting protective clothing, fit- ted with shear-proof protection devices. –A lways wear a helmet, protective gloves, eye- goggles, a half-mask respirator and safety anti- shear boots with non-slip soles. – Always wear ear and hearing protection devices. –N ever wear scarves, shirts, necklaces, or any hanging or flapping accessory that could catch in the machine or in any objects or materials in the work area. –T ie your hair back if it is long. 2) W ARNING: DANGER! Petrol is highly flam- mable: – keep the fuel in containers which have been specifically manufactured and homologated for such use; – never smoke when handling fuel; – slowly open the fuel tank to allow the pressure inside to decrease gradually; – top up the tank with fuel in the open air, using a funnel; – add fuel before starting the engine. Never remove the fuel tank cap or add fuel while the engine is running or when the engine is hot; – if you have spilt some fuel, do not attempt to start the engine but move the machine away from the area of spillage and avoid creating any source of ignition until the fuel has evaporated and fuel vapours have dissipated; – immediately clean up all traces of fuel spilt on the machine or on the ground; – never start the machine in the same place you refilled it with fuel; – make sure your clothing does not come into contact with the fuel, on the contrary, change your clothes before starting the engine; – always put the tank and fuel container caps back on and tighten well. 4) Replace faulty or damaged silencers. 5) Before using the machine, check its general condition and in particular: – the throttle trigger and the safety lever must move freely, they must not need forcing and should return automatically and rapidly back to the neutral position; – the throttle trigger must remain locked until the safety lever is pressed; – the engine stop switch must easily move from one position to the other; – the electric cables and in particular the spark plug cable must be in perfect condition to avoid the generation of any sparks, and the cap must be correctly fitted on the spark plug; – the machine handgrips and protection devices must be clean and dry and well fastened to the machine; – the cutting devices and guards must be undamaged. 6) Check the correct position of the handgrips and the connection point of the webbing, and the proper balance of the machine. 7) Before starting work make sure that the guards are suitable for the cutting tool being used and are fitted correctly. 8) Thoroughly inspect the whole work area and r emove anything that could be thrown up by the machine or damage the cutting group or engine (stones, branches, iron wire, bones, etc.). C) OPERATION 1) Do not start the engine in a confined space where dangerous carbon monoxide fumes can collect. 2) Mow only in daylight or good artificial light. 3) T ake on a firm and well-balanced position:– where possible, avoid working on wet, slippery ground or in any case on uneven or steep 4SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS

ground that does not guarantee stability for the operator; – never run, but walk carefully paying attention to the lay of the land and any eventual obstacles; – assess the potential risks of the ground to be mown and take all necessary precautions to ensure your own safety, especially on slopes or on bumpy, slippery or unstable ground; – work along the contour on slopes, never when walking up or down and always keep downhill of the cutter. 4) Make sure the machine is securely locked when you start the engine: –s tart the motor in an area at least 3 metres from where you refuelled; – check that there is nobody within at least 15 metres of the machine’s range of action or at least 30 metres for heavier mowing; – do not direct the silencer and therefore the exhaust fumes towards inflammable materials. 5) Do not change the engine governor settingsor overspeed the engine. 6) Do not strain the machine too much and do not use a small machine for heavy-duty works. If you use the right machine, you will reduce the risk of hazards and improve the quality of your work. 7) Check that when the machine is running idle, there is no movement of the cutting device and, after pressing the throttle trigger, the engine quickly returns to minimum speed. 8) Ensure that the blade does not come into vio- lent contact with foreign bodies and beware of the possibility of material being thrown up by the blades. 9) Always keep the machine connected to the webbing when working. 10) Stop the engine:– whenever you leave the machine unattended. – before refuelling. – during movements between work areas. 11) Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug cable: – before cleaning, checking or working on the machine; – after striking a foreign object. Inspect the machine for any damage and make repairs before restarting it again; – If the machine starts to vibrate abnormally: find and remove the cause of the vibration immedi- ately; – when the machine is not in use. D) MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE 1) Keep all nuts, bolts and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition. Routine maintenance is essential for safety and for maintaining a high performance level. 2) Do not store the machine with fuel in the tank in an area where the fuel vapours could reach an open flame, a spark or a strong heat source. 3) Allow the engine to cool before storing in any enclosure. 4) To reduce fire hazards, keep the engine, exhaust silencer and fuel storage area free from sawdust, branches, leaves, or excessive grease; never leave containers with the cut debris inside the storage area. 5) If the fuel tank has to be emptied, this should be done outdoors once the engine has cooled down. 6) Always wear protective gloves when handling the cutting device. 7) For safety reasons, never use the machine with worn or damaged parts. Damaged parts are to be replaced and never repaired. Only use original spare parts. Parts that are not of the same quality can seriously damage the equipment and compromise safety. The cutting tools must always bear the manufacturer’s trademark as well as a reference to the maximum working speed. 8) Before putting the machine away, check you have removed wrenches or tools used for mainte- nance. 9) Store the machine out of the reach of children! E) TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING 1) Whenever the machine is to be handled or transported you must: – turn off the engine, wait for the cutting device to stop and disconnect the spark plug cap; – fit the cutting device guard; – only hold the machine using the handgrips and position the cutting device in the opposite direction to that used during operation. 2) When using a vehicle to transport the machine, position it so that it can cause no danger to per- sons and fasten it firmly in place to avoid it from tipping over, which may cause damage or fuel spillage. F) HOW TO READ THE MANUAL Certain paragraphs in the manual contain particu- larly significant information and are marked with various levels of highlighting with the following meaning: or These give details or further information on what has already been said, in the aim to prevent damage to the machine. Non-observance will result in the risk of injury to oneself or others. Non-observance will result in the risk of serious injury or death to oneself or others. !DANGER! !W ARNING! IMPORTANT NOTE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS5EN