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GE I210c Manual

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    							GE Energy
    GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    Table 6 Batter Failure & Power Outage Error Code Display
    Date & TimeLost
    Load Profile recording: Stopped
    Register Function: Remains TOU, but operates as a demand meterwith a default TOU rate
    Program: OK
    TOU schedule: Stopped
    TOU calendar: Stopped
    Billing Data: Total summations and max. Demands are OK
    (rolling billing period demand if enabled will
    cease, and traditional demand will begin);
    summations and demands for the programmed
    default TOU rate will also be updated. Er 000020—Hardware Failure
    The Hardware Failure error indicates that the meter detected an internal hardware failure. The
    meter should be taken out of service and returned to GE.
    Table 7 Er 000020—Hardware Failure
    Date & Time: Stopped
    Load Profile recording: Stopped
    Register Functions: Demand Only
    Program: OK
    TOU schedule: Stopped
    TOU calendar: Stopped
    Billing Data: May be corrupt Er 000200—Non-volatile Data Error
    The Non-volatile Data error indicates a failure in the memory used to store configuration
    information, billing data, self-reads, event logs, and load profile data. When the meter is not
    communicating, it continually tests the integrity of the data stored in non-volatile memory. If the
    meter detects an error in the non-volatile data, it sets the Non-volatile Data error. If subsequent
    tests pass, the error is cleared. A meter with a persistent Non-volatile Data error should be
    removed from service and returned to GE. 
    							GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GE Energy
    Table 8 Er 000200—Non-volatile Data Error
    Date & Time: OK
    Load Profile recording: May be corrupt
    Register Functions: Unchanged
    Program: May be corrupt
    TOU schedule: May be corrupt
    TOU calendar: May be corrupt
    Billing Data: May be corrupt Er 001000—Firmware Code Error
    The Firmware Code error indicates a failure in the memory used to store firmware. When the
    meter is not communicating, it continually tests the integrity of the firmware stored in memory.
    If the meter detects an error in the firmware, the meter sets Firmware Code error. If subsequent
    tests pass, the error is cleared. A meter with a Firmware Code error should be removed from
    service and returned to GE.
    Table 9 Er 001000—Firmware Code Error
    Date & Time: OK?
    Load Profile recording: OK?
    Register Functions: Unchanged
    Program: OK?
    TOU schedule: OK?
    TOU calendar: OK?
    Billing Data: OK? Er 100000—Meter Chip Error
    The Meter Chip error indicates the meter has detected an error in the operation of its meter chip.
    If subsequent correct operation occurs, the error is cleared. A meter with a persistent Meter Chip
    error should be taken out of service and returned to GE.
    Table 10 Er 100000—Meter Chip Error
    Date & Time: OK?
    Load Profile recording: Corrupt Data
    Register Functions: Unchanged.
    Program: OK
    TOU schedule: OK
    TOU calendar: OK
    Billing Data: Corrupt Data 
    							GE Energy
    GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    4.13.2 Caution Reporting
    The meter also checks other conditions that are of concern but do not indicate a problem with the
    meter hardware. The meter reports these as cautions. Individual cautions may be enabled or
    disabled selectively. If a caution is enabled, it can be configured to be displayed and optionally
    freeze the display.
    Table 11 Caution Code Display
    Caution DisplayProbable CauseRemedy
    CA 000 001 a. Low battery
    b. Battery failed test.
    Replace battery.
    CA 000 010 a. Meter unprogrammed
    b. Using default values
    Program the meter.
    CA 000 040 a. Loss of program
    b. Programming interrupted
    c. Using previous values.
    Program the meter.
    CA 000 050 a. Loss of program and Meter is
    b. Programming interrupted. Using default
    Program the meter.
    CA 000 100 DC detected Investigate cause of DC component.
    CA 000 400 Low potential on phase A. Check circuit voltage.
    CA 000 500 DC detected and Low potential.a. Check circuit voltage.
    b. Investigate cause of DC component.
    CA 004 000 Demand overload warning has exceeded
    programmed threshold.
    a. Check for service overload.
    b. Check programming threshold value.
    CA 040 000 Leading kvarh warning.a. Disable wiring.
    b. Check system operating parameters if
    leading kvarh is unexpected.
    CA 400 000 Received kWh warning:
    a. CT polarity is incorrect.
    b. Energy is flowing from load to line.
    c. Meter’s internal wiring is defective.
    a. Check meter socket and CT wiring.
    b. Disable caution. Check system
    operating parameters if reverse
    energy flow is unexpected.
    c. Check that sensor connector is
    properly seated.
    Low battery, loss of program, and unprogrammed cautions are used to remind the user of actions
    that are required. Any meter with a low battery caution may lose time if the battery is not
    replaced before the next power outage.
    Other caution codes report unusual operation such as receiving energy from the load, leading
    power factor, very high current flow, or low voltage.
    Note:When multiple cautions occur, they are combined. For example, CA040400 indicates
    leading quadergy and low potential. 
    							GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GE Energy
    54GEH-7101-2.00-1 CA 000001—Low Battery
    The Low Battery caution indicates a weak or missing battery. The meter periodically tests the
    battery. The meter sets the Low Battery caution if the battery voltage is low. The Low Battery
    caution is cleared when the battery test passes. The meter tests the battery under the following
    Power up
    1st of each month (00:16)
    Activation of the Display Switch (not in Test Mode)
    MeterMate™Meter Communication command CA 000010—Unprogrammed
    The Unprogrammed caution indicates that the meter is not programmed and is functioning in a
    default demand mode. The meter is shipped unprogrammed unless it is ordered factory-
    programmed. The MeterMate™Meter Communications Unprogram command will put the meter
    into the Default Demand mode and set the Unprogrammed caution. Programming the meter
    clears the Unprogrammed caution. CA 000040—Loss of Program
    The Loss of Program caution indicates that a programming session was interrupted. The meter
    sets the Loss of Program caution when a programming session is terminated abnormally. The
    meter will roll back to the last good program and operate from it. If a meter has a Loss of
    Program caution, reprogram the meter and the Loss of Program caution will be cleared. CA 000050—Unprogrammed and Loss of Program
    The Unprogrammed and Loss of Program caution indicates that a programming session was
    interrupted while the meter was operating in default demand mode. The meter sets the Loss of
    Program caution when a programming session is terminated abnormally. The meter will roll back
    to the default demand program and operate from it. If a meter has an Unprogrammed and Loss of
    Program caution, reprogram the meter and the Unprogrammed and Loss of Program caution will
    be cleared. CA 000100—DC Detected
    The DC Detected caution indicates the presence of DC in the current signal. The meter checks
    for the presence of DC every second; if it detects the presence of DC for longer than the factory
    configured duration, the meter sets the DC Detected caution. The meter does not automatically
    clear the DC Detected caution. The DC Detected caution is cleared by a demand reset. 
    							GE Energy
    GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GEH-7101-2.00-155 CA 000400—Low Potential
    The Low Potential caution indicates that measured voltage falls below the programmed
    tolerance. The voltage is tested every five seconds using the voltage from the previous second.
    The meter sets the Low Potential caution when the test fails three consecutive times. The meter
    automatically clears the Low Potential caution when all active phases exceed the minimum
    threshold for two consecutive tests. CA 000500—DC Detected and Low Potential
    The DC Detected and Low Potential caution indicates that measured voltage fell below the
    programmed tolerance and the presence of DC in the current signal has been detected. CA 004000—Demand Overload
    The Demand Overload caution indicates that the kW demand exceeded the programmed
    threshold. The meter compares the value of the instantaneous kW demand quantity to the
    programmed threshold every five seconds using the demand from the previous second. The
    meter sets the Demand Overload caution when the kW demand exceeds its threshold for 3
    consecutive tests. The meter does not automatically clear the Demand Overload caution. The
    Demand Overload caution is cleared by a demand reset. CA 040000—Leading kvarh
    The Leading kvarh caution indicates that the current leads the voltage instead of lagging it. The
    meter tests the direction of the quadergy every five seconds using the kvarh from the previous
    second. The meter sets the Leading kvarh caution when the direction of the quadergy is leading
    for three consecutive tests. The meter does not automatically clear the Leading kvarh caution.
    The Leading kvarh caution is cleared by a demand reset. CA 400000—Received kWh
    The Received kWh caution indicates that active energy was received from the load. The meter
    tests the direction of the active energy every five seconds using the kWh from the previous
    second. The meter sets the Received kWh caution when the direction of the active energy is
    received for three consecutive tests. The meter does not automatically clear the Received kWh
    caution. The Received kWh caution is cleared by a demand reset. 
    							GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GE Energy
    Table 12 Fault Symptoms Without Codes
    Caution DisplayProbable CauseRemedy
    High/low demand
    a. Socket wiring error
    b. Meter internal wiring defective
    c. Defective sensor
    a. Rewire according to applicable
    b. Check that voltage and currentconnectors are seated properly. Check
    the leads for damage.
    c. Replace meter.
    Meter overheats a. Meter socket has insufficient capacity oris not adequately wired.
    b. Meter is overloaded.
    c. Poor connection at socket terminal
    a. Replace mounting with a heavy dutymodel.
    b. Use transformer rated installation.
    c. Replace socket terminal.
    Meter runs slow a. Socket wiring error
    b. Meter internal wiring defective
    c. Defective sensor
    a. Rewire according to applicable
    b. Check that voltage and current
    connectors are seated properly. Check
    the leads for damage.
    c. Replace meter.
    No display a. Circuit de-energized
    b. Test link(s) open
    c. Meter internal wiring defective
    a. Check circuit voltages.
    b. Closed test links.
    c.Check that the voltage and current
    sensors are properly connected. Also
    check the wires for damage. 
    							GE Energy
    GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    5 Upgrading
    5.1 General
    Warning:The GE I-210+c™meter contains lethal voltages. The meter must be
    completely disconnected from any external circuits before disassembly is attempted. Failure to
    observe this practice can result in serious injury or death.
    For instructions on how to install and enable software, refer to theMeterMate™MMCOMM
    Instruction Book(GEH-5084S or most current revision).
    5.2 Softswitches
    The basic I-210+c™meter provides a powerful platform for advanced metering. Features may
    be added to the basic meter through softswitches, which enable built-in capabilities. Softswitches
    may be ordered at the time the meter is purchased or added in the field. Softswitches may be
    removed from one meter and installed in another meter.
    The following table lists the softswitches available in the I-210+c™:
    Table 13 I-210+c™Demand/TOU Softswitches
    Sw itchDescription
    A2 Alternate Communication
    E2 Event Log
    K2 Kvar and kVA measures
    N2 Billing Demands
    Q2 Voltage Measures
    R2 Load Profile Recording (four channels)
    T2 Time-of-use
    5.2.1 Alternate Communication—A2 Softswitch
    The Alternate Communication softswitch allows a communication option board to communicate
    with the meter. 
    							GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GE Energy
    5.2.2 Event Log—E2 Softswitch
    The Event Log softswitch allows the meter to track the most recent 200 events. Use
    MeterMate™Program Manager, Diagnostics Editor, to select the event types to be logged and
    how many occurrences should be tracked, up to a maximum of 200 events. Date and time stamps
    are included on logged events for Demand/LP or TOU meters. Logged events include the
    Cautions: Low potential, demand overload, leading kvarh, reverse energy flow, and DC
    detection (set and clear events)
    Real-time pricing activation and deactivation
    Test mode activation and deactivation
    Externally initiated meter reading (local or remote)
    Programming sessions
    Power up, power down
    Demand resets
    5.2.3 kVA and kvar Measurements—K2 Softswitch
    The kVA and kvar softswitch adds kVA(h) and kvar(h) measurement capability.
    The K2 Softswitch enables the following configurations for varh measurements:
    Fundamental plus harmonics varh lagging only
    Fundamental plus harmonics varh leading only
    Fundamental plus harmonics varh |lagging| – |leading|
    Fundamental plus harmonics varh |lagging| + |leading|
    The K2 Softswitch enables Fundamental plus harmonics Phasor Apparent VAh
    The I-210+c™meter can have up to two quantities defined in the measurement profile, with
    each of these being used for summations and demands.
    5.2.4 Demand—N2 Softswitch
    The Demand (N2) softswitch adds billing demand calculations. If the N2 switch is not present,
    the meter will not calculate billing demands and will set demands to 0 (zero). The meter will
    always calculate non-billing demands for cautions. 
    							GE Energy
    GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    5.2.5 Power Quality Measurements—Q2 Softswitch
    The Power Quality Measurements softswitch enables the following:
    Voltage (L-N): VA (max, min, store) for summations, demand, and load profile recording
    RMS voltage measurement for reading and display
    Low potential caution
    5.2.6 Basic Recording—R2 Softswitch
    The Basic Recording Softswitch enables up to four channels of load profile recording. The
    number of active channels and days of load profile data are configurable using the MeterMate
    Program Manager Recorder Option editor.
    Table 14 Load Profiling Capacity
    Interval LengthNumber of Channels
    1 2 3 4
    Regular Memory
    1 11.335.674.273.07days
    2 22.6711.338.536.13days
    3 34.0017.0012.809.20days
    4 45.3322.6717.0712.27days
    5 56.6728.3321.3315.33days
    6 68.0034.0025.6018.40days
    10 113.3356.6742.6730.67days
    12 136.0068.0051.2036.80days
    15 170.0085.0064.0046.00days
    20 226.67113.3385.3361.33days
    30 340.00170.00128.0092.00days
    60 680.00340.00256.00184.00days 
    							GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GE Energy
    Interval LengthNumber of Channels
    Expanded Memory
    1 25.9313.079.807.13days
    2 51.8726.1319.6014.27days
    3 77.8039.2029.4021.40days
    4 103.7352.2739.2028.53days
    5 129.6765.3349.0035.67days
    6 155.6078.4058.8042.80days
    10 259.33130.6798.0071.33days
    12 311.20156.80117.6085.60days
    15 389.00196.00147.00107.00days
    20 518.67261.33196.00142.67days
    30 778.00392.00294.00214.00days
    60 1556.00784.00588.00428.00days
    5.2.7 Time-of-Use—T2 Softswitch
    The Time-of-Use softswitch enables TOU operation. The meter supports the following:
    Up to four TOU periods and four Seasons
    Up to three daily rate schedule types and one holiday schedule
    Up to 80 TOU schedule set points
    Up to 50 programmable dates:
    Holidays, season changes, Daylight Savings Time (DST), self-read, and demand reset
    Perpetual calendar handles most dates
    Up to two billing and two demand measures per TOU period
    Self-read actions on specified dates, with or without a demand reset
    5.3 Converting from Demand to Demand/LP or TOU Mode
    The I-210+c™is four meters in one: demand, demand/load profile, TOU, and TOU/load profile.
    The load profile recording and time-of use options require softswitches to extend the
    functionality of the basic demand meter.
    The following items are required to enable demand/LP, TOU, or TOU/LP operation:
    Computer with MeterMate™software
    Softswitch holder with T2 and R2 switches
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