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    							GE Energy
    GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    The default unit for the calibration pulses is watt hours. The meter may be switched to varh
    calibration pulses using MeterMate™software. LCD Display
    The meter display has annunciators for quadrant, phase voltage, and energy flow indication as
    shown inFigure 13. The annunciators provide valuable information during the testing process.
    Figure 13 Liquid Crystal Display
    Refer to section 3.2.2Liquid Crystal Display Informationfor more information on these
    4.2 Test Mode
    Test mode allows the meter to be tested without disturbing billing data or setting a new
    maximum demand. Test mode performs the same function as setting the pointers back on an
    electromechanical meter after testing.
    Test mode may be entered by pressing the test switch for one second or by using MeterMate™
    software commands. The test mode switch is operated by removing the Lexan™cover and
    pushing the test switch.
    4.2.1 Starting the Test Mode
    To enter test mode, use the test switch on the face of the meter or MeterMate™Meter Comm
    Upon entering test mode, several actions occur:
    The current demand interval is terminated.
    All test accumulators are set to zero.
    The subinterval countdown timer starts.
    Lagging Quadergy
    Forward Energy Flow
    Leading Quadergy
    Reverse Energy FlowEnergy Flow AnnunciatorsPhase Voltage Indicators 
    							GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GE Energy
    Load profile recording is suspended, and load profile interval status bits reflect test mode
    was in effect during affected interval(s).
    When test mode begins, the test annunciator is lit and the first item programmed for the test
    display is shown.
    4.2.2 Operation During Test Mode
    The same summation quantities that are calculated during normal operation are calculated in test
    mode. The selection of quantities to be displayed in test mode is fully programmable in the
    MeterMate™software. Watt hour, var hour, and volt-ampere-hour are displayed in units rather
    than kilo-units; that is, the data is displayed as Wh, varh, and VAh rather than kWh, kvarh, and
    kVAh. The same demand values calculated during normal operation are also calculated in test
    mode. The display formats for the demands are the same in test mode as they are in normal
    mode. Energy Calculations
    If the metering constants are not programmed, default values are used.Table 3contains the
    default test mode values.
    Table 3 Default Test Mode Values
    ConstantDefault Values
    Demand decimal position XXX.XXX
    Number of demand subintervals 3
    Demand subinterval length 5 minutes
    Energy display format XXX.XXX
    The display does not scroll while the meter is in test mode. Each item remains displayed until the
    display switch is activated with a magnet. At that time, the next item in the display program is
    shown. The quantity displayed is updated every second.
    The test mode display is fully programmable.Table 4lists the default test mode display items for
    an unprogrammed meter. Items can be added or deleted using MeterMate™software.
    Table 4 Test Mode Default Display
    Display IDDisplay Quantity
    94 Accumulating Wh
    95 Previous interval kW demand
    91 Time remaining in subinterval (MM SS)
    92 Momentary interval demand
    93 Maximum test kW demand 
    							GE Energy
    GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GEH-7101-2.00-143 Displays Available in Test Mode Only
    The following display items are available for display only in the test mode:
    Test mode maximum demands
    Time remaining in test demand interval in block demand only
    Time remaining in test demand subinterval in rolling demand only
    Test mode summations
    Test mode accumulating demand Test Reset
    A test reset is initiated by pressing the reset switch while the meter is in the test mode. A test
    mode reset causes all test quantities to be reset to zero and a new subinterval to be started. An
    all-segments display is shown until the reset switch is released. The item displayed when the
    reset occurred remains in the display, but the value will be initialized.
    In the event of a power outage, data for test mode energy and demand are not saved. These data
    are reset when power returns. Upon power up, the meter remains in test mode and the item
    displayed when the outage occurs remains on the display. In a TOU meter or demand meter with
    load profiling, there may be a slight delay before re-entering test mode on power up. During the
    delay, the meter is performing its catch-up tasks. Exiting Test Mode
    Test mode is exited in one of three ways:
    1. By pressing and holding the test switch for more than one second
    2. By an MMDOS or MMCOMM command
    3. By expiration of the test mode time-out timer
    All test mode data is lost when test mode is exited. Upon exiting test mode in a meter
    programmed for rolling demand, the meter will start a new, possibly partial, subinterval. The past
    subinterval, as well as the current subinterval, is zeroed. Upon returning to the normal operating
    mode, a TOU meter or demand meter with load profiling will complete the time remaining in the
    current partial subinterval such that subsequent subintervals will be synchronized with the
    midnight boundary. The new subinterval in demand-only mode is the number of minutes
    remaining in the subinterval prior to entering test mode.
    For meters that are programmed for thermal emulation, the thermal demand reading is set to zero
    immediately after test mode is exited.
    The meter will automatically exit test mode when the time that the meter has been in test mode
    time has exceeded its programmed limit. This test mode time limit prevents accidentally leaving
    the meter in the test mode and losing billing information. The test mode time-out function is
    programmable from one minute to 99 hours.
    Note:Normal billing and load profile data accumulation is suspended during test mode
    operation. Upon exiting test mode, accumulation of billing and load profile quantities will
    resume from the values in place when test mode was entered. 
    							GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GE Energy
    4.3 Field Accuracy Test
    Test mode allows the meter to be tested for accuracy in the field without disturbing any billing
    4.3.1 Field Testing with Test Mode
    Testing the meter in the field can be accomplished three ways in test mode by using the
    1. Maximum demand reading in the display
    2. Disk analog display
    3. Instantaneous demand feature of the I-210+c™
    4.3.2 Maximum Demand Reading Testing
    This is the most accurate of the three test methods. For this test, you need a portable standard
    with a start/stop switch and a phantom load.
    1. Make sure that the voltage coils are in parallel and the current coils are in series.
    2. Connect the phantom load and the portable standard to the meter to be tested.
    3. Apply voltage to the meter and the standard and wait 20 seconds for settling time.
    4. Put the meter into test mode.
    5. Change the display to maximum demand (display ID 93 using the default display items).
    6. Switch on the desired current.
    7. Check the flow indicator on the meter to make sure that the polarity is correct.
    8. Reset the standard.
    9. Simultaneously reset the meter and start the standard. The test reset takes effect when switch
    is released.
    10. Turn the current off when the end-of-interval (EOI) annunciator comes on.
    11. Compare the meter readings with the standard’s readings. EOI comes at the end of every
    subinterval; numbers won’t match before interval is completed and display is updated. Where
    rolling demand is used (n sub intervals composing a complete demand interval) the display
    value needs to be multiplied by n for comparison to the standard value.
    4.4 Disk Analog Testing
    The disk analog provides a precise means of checking the calibration of the meter. There are
    some practical limits to this method of testing. For example, if the load on the meter is very low,
    the test may take a long time. Conversely, if the load is high, it may be difficult to accurately
    time the switching of the standard.
    The disk analog in the I-210+c™Demand/TOU works as follows: 
    							GE Energy
    GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    The meter’s magnitude indicator consists of three segments used to simulate the rotation of the
    disk on an electromechanical meter. Each state change represents Kt. One complete “revolution”
    represents 10 state changes, which represents Kh watt hours or varhours. The meter illuminates
    the segments as follows:
    If the Wh direction is delivered (or the varh direction is lagging), the state changes occur in
    increasing order. If the Wh direction is received (or the varh direction is leading), the state
    changes occur in decreasing order.
    For this test you need a portable standard with a start/stop switch. Field-testing using the disk
    analog allows you to check the calibration of the meter without having to install a phantom load.
    1. Make sure the voltage coils are in parallel and the current coils are in series.
    2. Connect the portable standard to the meter.
    3. Reset the standard.
    4. Observe the disk analog. Each cycle of the disk analog represents Kh watt hours of
    accumulation. (The Kh value is printed on the meter nameplate.)
    5. When the disk analog transitions from all segments on to all segments off, start the standard.
    6. Let the disk analog scroll through a predetermined number of times (10, for example).
    7. Stop the standard when the disk analog transitions from all segments on to all segments off
    the desired number of times.
    8. Calculate the accumulated watt hours as shown inEquation 1.
    Accumulated Energy = (Kh) × (the number of complete disk analog cycles)
    For example: If Kh equals 10 and 10 complete cycles were counted, then the following is true:
    10 Wh × 10 complete scrolls = 100 Wh
    Equation 1 Accumulated Watt hours Calculation
    9. Compare the results of the calculation to the reading on the Standard. 
    							GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GE Energy
    4.5 Shop Test
    Shop testing consists of verifying the meter’s accuracy.
    4.5.1 Meter Shop Equipment
    The meter testing equipment must be capable of maintaining accuracy while supplying energy to
    the meter’s switching power supply. Otherwise, meters may be tested in any shop that meets the
    requirements outlined in the current editions of theHandbook for Electricity Meteringpublished
    by the Edison Electric Institute and the American National Standard Code for Electricity
    Metering. Equipment Setup
    The meter mounting equipment and its electrical connections must be used as required for the
    meter form number on the meter nameplate. If required for the test equipment used, the test
    link(s) must be opened.
    4.5.2 Test Constant
    The meter test constant (Kt) is the number of watt hours per calibration pulse. This value is
    printed on the meter label.
    4.5.3 Watt Hour Test Procedure
    To test the meter, proceed as follows:
    1. Note the meter Kt value listed on the nameplate.
    2. Select the desired voltage and current level(s) on the test equipment.
    3. Install the meter in the test socket, making certain that the socket is wired and/or configured
    for the appropriate meter form.
    4. Align the optical pickup of the test equipment with the calibration LED.
    5. Begin testing according to standard test procedures. Allow 15 seconds of settling time after
    applying voltage before making accuracy measurements.
    6. Check the meter calibration under three load conditions: full load, light load, and full load
    with lagging power factor. A minimum test time of 30 seconds is needed to reduce test
    uncertainty. (Check the instruction book for your test board or standard to determine the
    actual minimum test time. Standards with heavily filtered inputs may require longer test
    4.5.4 Var Hour Testing
    GE I-210+c™meters are digital sampling meters. All quantities are derived mathematically
    from the same set of voltage and current sample data used to compute watt hours. Therefore, it is
    only necessary to check watt hour calibration to ensure that all revenue quantities are accurate.
    However, some utilities are required by their public utilities commissions to verify the accuracy
    of var hour data as well as watt hour data. 
    							GE Energy
    GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    1. Use MeterMate™software to put the meter calibration LED into var hour pulse output mode.
    2. Set up the meter for testing as described above in the watt hour test procedure. The test pulse
    value is now Kt var hours per pulse.
    3. Begin testing according to your standard var hour test procedures. Allow 15 seconds of
    settling time after applying voltage before making accuracy measurements.
    Note:Test conditions with high power factors require very long varh test times. Typically varh
    testing is done at rated voltage, test amps, and 0.5 PF.
    4.6 Battery and Super Capacitor Replacement
    Lithium Inorganic 3.6 Volt Battery Safety Precautions
    Do not expose battery to temperatures above 100 degrees Celcius.
    Do not incinerate, puncture, crush, recharge, short circuit, or overdischarge battery.
    The contents are water reactive and the battery contents can form HCL (hydrochloric
    acid), SO2(sulfur dioxide) and H2(hydrogen), upon contact with water (only when forced
    Do not expose contents of battery to water.
    Do not expose contents to high humidity for extended periods of time.
    Dispose of batteries in accordance with local, state, and federal hazardous waste
    To obtain an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), contact your local GE supplier.
    Super Capacitor Safety Precautions
    Do not expose super capacitors to temperatures above 100 degrees Celcius.
    Do not incinerate, puncture, crush, or disassemble super capacitors.
    Dispose of super capacitors in accordance with local, state, and federal hazardous waste
    4.6.1 Replacing the Battery
    Caution:Battery and super capacitor installation must be done with NO power
    applied to the meter.
    1. Read data from meter.
    2. Remove power from the meter.
    3. Remove the meter cover.
    4. Disconnect the battery or super capacitor wire from the connector on the front of the
    nameplate carrier.
    5. Grasp the front and back edges of the battery holder and squeeze them together. 
    							GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GE Energy
    6. Pull the battery holder out of the slot at the top of the nameplate carrier.
    7. Remove the old battery.
    8. Place the new battery in the battery holder.
    9. Slip the battery holder into the slot at the top of the nameplate carrier and press down until
    the battery holder clicks into place.
    10. Connect the battery wire to the nameplate carrier battery connector.
    11. Replace the meter cover.
    12. Energize the meter.
    13. Reprogram meter.
    14. Reset the Accumulated Outage Duration (time on battery backup) value using MMCOMM
    commands (Reset, Battery).
    4.6.2 Replacing the Super Capacitor
    The procedure for replacing the super capacitor, should that be necessary, is the same. It will
    take approximately 5 minutes for a super capacitor to fully charge.
    4.7 Service
    The GE I-210+c™meter is factory-calibrated and requires no routine or scheduled service by the
    4.8 Repair
    Factory repair or replacement service is offered when you cannot fix a problem. Because of the
    high density and integrated design, the repair of on-board components is not recommended.
    Instead, return the whole meter to General Electric as described in the following paragraph.
    4.9 Returning a Meter
    If you wish to return a meter, call your General Electric sales representative for a Returned
    Material Authorization (RMA). The entire meter should be returned with the GE supplied
    Returned Material Authorization information form completed. Key information includes
    quantity, catalog number, serial number(s), and a complete description of the problem. Your
    General Electric sales representative will provide return instructions. 
    							GE Energy
    GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    4.10 Cleaning
    Warning:Care must be taken during cleaning not to damage or contaminate any
    gold-plated contacts of the connectors.
    Caution:Do not immerse the meter in any liquid. Do not use abrasive cleaners on
    the Lexan™covers. Do not use chlorinated hydrocarbon or ketone solvents on the covers.
    4.11 Storage
    The I-210+c™meter is a durable device; however, it should be handled and stored with care.
    The temperature and humidity levels in storage are not critical, but extremes of either factor
    should be avoided.
    4.12 Troubleshooting Guide
    The meter displays two types of codes. Error codes begin with Er and are shown inTable 5.
    Caution codes begin with CA and are shown inTable 11. Problems that do not cause any display
    codes are listed inTable 12.
    4.13 Errors and Cautions
    The GE I-210+c™meter continually checks for internal errors, hardware failures, and cautions.
    These events are reported in coded form on the LCD.
    4.13.1 Error Reporting
    The meter continuously checks its hardware components—ROM, EEPROM, flash, battery,
    metering chip, and microprocessor—to ensure that they are operating properly. When the meter
    detects that a hardware component is not operating properly, an error is reported. Error codes are
    displayed as soon as they are detected. The meter can be programmed to freeze error codes in the
    display when an error is detected. Refer toTable 5for a list of errors. If subsequent tests indicate
    that the hardware component is operating properly, the meter will clear the error automatically. 
    							GE I-210+cElectronic Meter
    Product Description and Operation, Maintenance,and Upgrade Instructions
    GE Energy
    Table 5 Error Code Display
    Error DisplayProbable CauseRemedy
    Er 000 002 Power outage occurred, and:
    a. Battery disconnected
    b. Battery defective
    Set meter’s date and time, read meter’s load profile
    data and restart load profile recording (if applicable),
    a. Connect battery.
    b. Replace battery.
    Er 000 020 Hardware failurea. Check for proper installation.
    b. Check for proper grounding
    c. Call for factory assistance.
    Er 000 200 Non-volatile memory data errora. Check for proper installation.
    b. Check for proper grounding.
    c. Call for factory assistance.
    Er 001 000 Firmware ROM code error Replace meter.
    Er 100 000 Meter chip error Replace meter.
    Errors are serious events and usually indicate a condition has occurred that may have
    compromised the meter data. Unless GE has issued a service advisory indicating that other
    actions should be taken, you should remove the meter from service and contact your GE sales
    representative. The only exception to this rule is the Battery Failure & Power Loss error display,
    Er 000 002.Do notreturn meters displaying Er 000 002.
    The Er 000 002 display indicates that the meter lost time during a power outage because of a
    weak, missing, disconnected, or defective battery. Replace the battery and set the meter’s date
    and time to resolve this problem. If the meter has load profile data, the load profile recording
    function must be restarted. Be sure to read the meter’s load profile data before doing this.
    Note:When the meter is read through the optical port, error and caution conditions are returned
    with the meter data regardless of what display options are chosen in the meter program. Er 000002—Battery Failure & Power Outage
    The Battery Failure & Power Outage error indicates that the battery failed to maintain power
    during an outage. The meter has reverted to a demand mode of operation. The meter will
    increment only billing summation and maximum demand values upon energizing the meter after
    loss of date/time information. It will update these values for the overall quantities and the
    programmed default TOU rate. TOU operations are suspended. Load profile data accumulated
    prior to the loss of date/time information is stored in non-volatile memory. TOU and load profile
    data is available for reading via the optical port or remote communication link. The battery
    should be replaced after reading the meter electronically to extract the data. The time and date
    should be programmed to resume proper TOU operations. The load profile function must be
    restarted to restore load profile operations. The meter can stay in service. 
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