Garmin Pilot 3 Manual
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Capture VNAV ProfileÑ is used to center/re-center the VNAV indicator (see illus- tration to the right) on the HSI display. To utilize this feature, a GOTO or route must be in use and a valid vertical navigation profile must be entered on the vertical navi- gation setup page (see the following page and page 75). Cancel CaptureÑ is used to return the VNAV indicator to the settings originally entered on the vertical navigation setup page (see the following page and page 75). Vertical Navigation The GPS III PilotÕs vertical navigation feature allows you to create a three- dimensional profile which guides you from your present position and altitude to a final (target) altitude at a specified location. Once the profile is defined, message alerts and additional data on the HSI Page will keep you informed of your progress. NOTE: To use the vertical navigation feature, your speed must be greater than 35 knots and you must be navigating to a GOTO destination or using a route. When using the vertical navigation features, a VNAV indicator (moving horizontal bar) will guide you as you descend to the target altitude. The Main MenuÕs ÔVertical NavÕ option allows you to define the target altitude and where it should occur. The default set- tings are intended to guide you to pattern altitudes. 43 REFERENCE HSI Page Options VNAV PROFILE GLIDE RATIO TO TARGET DISTANCE TO TARGET DISTANCE TO PROFILE TARGET ALTITUDE AIRPORT #? GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 43
To create a vertical navigation profile: 1. Select the Main Menu by pressing MENU twice. 2. Select ÔVertical NavÕ using the rocker keypad and press ENTER. 3. With the ÔTarget AltitudeÕ field highlighted, press ENTER. Enter the desired target alti- tude and press ENTER. 4. With the altitude reference field (immediately to the right of ÔTarget AltitudeÕ) high- lighted, press ENTER. Select ÔAbove WptÕ or ÔMSLÕ (as desired) and press ENTER. ÔAbove WptÕ will use the altitude of a destination airport as stored in the internal Jeppesen database. ÔMSLÕ lets you set a specific target altitude for any waypoint category: airport, VOR, NDB, intersection or user waypoint. 5. With the waypoint distance ÔByÕ field highlighted, press ENTER. Enter an offset dist- ance from the destination waypoint where the target altitude should be reached. If the target altitude occurs at the destination waypoint, enter a distance of zero. Press ENTER when finished. 6. With the offset direction field (immediately to the right of ÔByÕ) highlighted, press ENTER. Select ÔBeforeÕ or ÔAfterÕ and press ENTER. This setting designates whether the offset distance defines a point before you reach the destination waypoint or after you reach the destination waypoint. 7. When using a route, the ÔVNav WaypointÕ field allows you to specify which route waypoint will be used for the vertical navigation profile. By default, the GPS III Pilot will select the last waypoint in the route. To select a different waypoint, highlight the ÔVNAV WaypointÕ field, press ENTER, select the desired waypoint and press ENTER. 8. The default profile utilizes a 400 foot-per-minute descent rate. To change the rate, highlight the ÔProfileÕ field, press ENTER, enter a new rate and press ENTER again. 9. To enable/disable all vertical navigation messages, highlight the ÔMessageÕ field and press ENTER. Select ÔOnÕ or ÔOffÕ (as desired) and press ENTER. Your target altitude can be defined as height ÔAbove WptÕ or ÔMSLÕ. ÔAbove WptÕ only applies to airports. Use ÔMSLÕ for all other waypoint types. When using a route, vertical navigation can apply to any waypoint along the route by selecting it as the ÔVNAV WaypointÕ. 44 REFERENCE Vertical Navigation GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 44
With the profile set, the HSI Page will guide you through the maneuver. Data fields on the HSI Page can be configured to indicate the time to beginning of maneuver, glide ratio and vertical speed to target. A VNAV indicator on the HSI display will guide you along the proper descent angle. Expect the following to occur when using the vertical navigation feature: ¥ As you approach the initial descent point, the time to vertical navigation (ÔTime to VNVÕ) field indicates the time to reach the initial descent point. ¥ At one minute prior to the initial descent point, a message ÔApproaching VNAV ProfileÕ occurs. The time to vertical navigation (ÔTime to VNVÕ) will sequence from indicating time to initial descent point to indicating time to reach target altitude. Finally, the descent angle will lock to prevent changes in speed from altering the profile. ¥ At 500 feet above the target altitude, an ÔApproaching Target AltitudeÕ mes- sage is provided. The time to vertical navigation (ÔTime to VNVÕ) figure will go blank and the VNAV indicator will disappear from the HSI Page. WARNING: GPS accuracy may be degraded by the U.S. Department of Defense- imposed Selective Availability (SA) program. With ÔSAÕ on, GPS altitude may be in error by several hundred feet. Errors of this magnitude may result in fluctuations in the VNAV indicator on the HSI Page. The GPS III Pilot is a VFR navigation tool and should not be used to perform instrument approaches. Within one minute of the initial descent point, an ÔApproaching VNAV ProfileÕ message will appear. Once you are within 500 feet of the target altitude, the ÔApproaching Target AltitudeÕ message will appear and the VNAV indicator will be removed from the HSI display. 45 REFERENCE Vertical Navigation #! GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 45
Whenever a destination waypoint(s) has been selected, the GPS III PilotÕs Highway Page will guide you to your destination with digital readouts and a high- way display. Along the right side of the page (top, when display is vertical) are four user-selectable data fields that display current speed, distance and time to next way- point, and a bearing pointer (defaults). The bearing pointer always points to the des- tination waypoint (or the next waypoint when using a route) relative to the direction you are moving (track). If the bearing pointer points straight ahead, you are heading directly to your destination. If the bearing pointer points any direction other than up, turn toward the arrow until it points upÑthen continue in that direction. The graphic heading compass at the top of the page indicates the direction you are moving (track). Directly below the heading compass, the highway display provides visual guidance to the destination waypoint and keeps you on your intended course line. Your course is represented by the center line down the middle of the graphic highway. As you head toward your destination, the highway perspective will move to indicate your progress to the waypoint and which direction you should steer to stay on course. If you are navigating a route, the highway display will show each route way- point in sequence, with the route course indicated by a black highway. Nearby airports not in the route will also be displayed. Five available scale settings allow you to zoom in or out on the highway display for a smaller or larger view. The current scale setting, ranging from 1X to 16X, appears on the lower right corner of the highway display. To zoom in or out on the highway display: 1. Press the IN zoom key to decrease the scale and show a smaller view area. 2. Press the OUT zoom key to increase the scale and show a larger view area. Your course is represented by the highway center line. Keep the center line in the middle of the display to stay on course. When using a route, the Highway Page will guide you to each waypoint along the route. 46 REFERENCE Highway Page GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 46
Many features of the GPS III Pilot are menu driven. Each of the main pages has an options menu, allowing you to custom tailor the corresponding page to your prefer- ences and/or select special features which specifically relate to that page. To display the Highway Page Options, press MENU (with the Highway Page displayed). The following options are available: Sign Posts OffÑ removes the waypoint markers from the highway display. If ÔSign Posts Off Õ is selected, ÔSign Posts OnÕ will appear as an option instead. To remove (or display) waypoint markers on the highway, highlight ÔSign Posts Off Õ (or ÔSign Posts OnÕ) and press ENTER. Change FieldsÑ allows you to choose the data displayed on four user-selectable data fields. There are twenty-seven available data types, including Average (AVG) Speed, Bearing, Distance, ETA at Destination (DEST), Speed, Time to Destination (DEST), Track, a Trip Odometer and a bearing pointer. See page 98 for descrip- tions of navigation terms. To change a data field: 1. Highlight ÔChange FieldsÕ and press ENTER. 2. Highlight the data field you wish to change and press ENTER. 3. Select the type of data you want to appear on this field and press ENTER. Restore DefaultsÑ resets all data fields to the factory default settings. To restore the factory default settings, highlight ÔRestore DefaultsÕ and press ENTER. The Highway Page Options let you configure the Highway Page to your preferences. ÔChange FieldsÕ allows you to choose the type of data to dis- play on four user-selectable data fields. Select the desired type from the ÔChange FieldsÕ list. 47 REFERENCE Highway Page Options GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 47
Your GPS III Pilot uses a built-in Jeppesen database to provide position and facility information for thousands of airports, VORs, NDBs and intersections. Each facility in the database is stored as a waypoint, with its own latitude/longitude, iden- tifier (up to six letters and/or numbers) and other pertinent information. Waypoint information is available from the ÔWaypointsÕ selection under the Main Menu. Waypoint information is divided into categories (each represented by a Ôfile tabÕ), with different types of information available for each. The following table lists the file tabs and information available under each tab: Airport Identifier, city/state, name, position, elevation, fuel Runway Length, width, orientation, surface, lighting, diagram Comm Frequencies for: ATIS, pre-taxi, clearance, ground, tower, unicom, multicom, approach, departure, arrival, class B, class C, TMA, CTA, TRSA VOR Identifier, city/state, facility name, position, freq., indication of co-located DME or TACAN NDB Identifier, city/state, facility name, position, freq. Int Intersection name, region/country, nearest VOR User Wpt Name, position, user comments, reference waypoint User List Name, symbol, total number of user waypts created To view waypoint information: 1. Press MENU twice to display the main menu. 2. Highlight ÔWaypointsÕ using the rocker keypad and press ENTER. One of the waypoint information pages listed above will be displayed. 3. A series of tabs across the top of the page will indicate the other available pages. Select the desired page using the rocker keypad. The Main MenuÕs ÔWaypointsÕ option allows you to view database information for air- ports, runways, comm fre- quencies, VORs, NDBs, etc. Select the desired waypoint category by selecting the corresponding Ôfile tabÕ at the top of the page. 48 REFERENCE Waypoint Categories GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 48
To select the desired waypoint, by identifier: 1. Highlight the waypoint identifier field using the rocker keypad and press ENTER. 2. Use the rocker keypad to enter the desired identifierÑUP/DOWN to change each character and RIGHT to move to the next character. 3. As the identifier is entered, the GPS III Pilot will scroll through the database, displaying any waypoints with the same identifier letters you have entered to that point. When the desired waypoint is displayed, press ENTER. NOTE: The GPS III Pilot uses International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) identifiers to designate airports. In the United States, the prefix letter for airports is ÔKÕ. This applies to airport identifiers that are letters only. For example, ÔLAXÕ becomes ÔKLAXÕ and ÔJFKÕ becomes ÔKJFKÕ. Airport identifiers that use numbers, such as ÔH34Õ or Ô7M5Õ, do not use the ÔKÕ prefix. Some waypoints in the database may have the same identifier. When you have entered a waypoint name that is not unique, a Duplicate Waypoint Page appears, prompting you to select the desired waypoint. A list showing each duplicate by way- point category and region/country makes it easy to identify the correct one. To select the desired waypoint from a list of duplicates, highlight the desired waypoint and press ENTER. Waypoints are selected by identifier (or name). Enter the desired identifier in the way- point identifier field, using the rocker keypad. If more than one waypoint uses the same identifier, the Duplicate Waypoint Page allows you to choose the correct one. 49 REFERENCE Waypoint Information Pages #? Waypoint Category ÔFile TabsÕ Waypoint Symbol Field Waypoint Identifier Field GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 49
The ÔAirportÕ, ÔVORÕ and ÔNDBÕ information pages also allow you to retrieve the desired waypoint by entering the facility name or the city name. To select the desired waypoint, by facility or city name: 1. Use the rocker keypad to highlight the facility name or city name field. Press ENTER. 2. Use the rocker keypad to enter the desired nameÑUP/DOWN to change each character and RIGHT to move to the next character. 3. As the name is entered, the GPS III Pilot will scroll through the database, displaying any waypoints with the same letters you have entered to that point. In some instances there may be more than one waypoint with the desired name. (This often occurs when searching by city name.) To view all waypoints with the desired name, continue spelling the name with the rocker keypad. Once the name appears on-screen, continue to press UP/DOWN on the rocker keypad to view all entries for that name. 4. When the desired waypoint is displayed, press ENTER. Airport Information Page The Airport Information Page displays the identifier, facility name, city, position, elevation and available fuels for the selected airport. Position and elevation informa- tion will be in the format specified on the Setup pages (see page 77). Available fuel can be any of the following types: ¥ AV Ñ AVGAS: 80-87 octane, 100LL, 100-130 octane ¥ JET Ñ Jet A, Jet A-1, Jet A+ ¥ MO Ñ MOGAS: 87 octane unleaded Airports, VORs and NDBs can also be selected by the facilityÕs name or the city where the facility is located. The Airport Information Page includes airport position coor- dinates, field elevation and available fuels. This page will also indicate if the facility is public use or military. 50 REFERENCE Waypoint Information Pages GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 50
Runway Information Page The Runway Information Page displays the identifier, designations, length, width, surface type and lighting information for the selected airport. This page also provides a graphic diagram of the runways and a map of the surrounding area. The surface type information can be any one of: hard, turf, sealed, gravel, dirt, soft, unknown, or water. The lighting information will indicate one of five lighting schemes: part time, full time, pilot controlled (with frequency), no lighting or unknown. If the selected airport has more than one runway, additional runway data can be viewed by selecting another runway from the runway designation field. To view additional runway data: 1. Highlight the runway designation field and press ENTER. A list of the available runways will appear. 2. Select the desired runway using the rocker keypad and press ENTER. Communication Information Page The Communication Information Page displays the identifier and radio frequen- cies for the selected airport, along with any usage restrictions which may apply to a given frequency. When a frequency type is followed by an Ô*Õ, that frequency will have usage restrictions, typically based upon sector and/or altitude. To view usage restrictions for a communication frequency: 1. Highlight the desired frequency (one with a type thatÕs followed by Ô*Õ) and press ENTER. An information page will appear with additional data about the frequency. 2. Press QUIT to return to the Communication Information Page. The Runway Information Page allows you to view the runways and the surrounding area. Select the runway desig- nation field to view data for additional runways. The Airport Communication Information Page shows the radio frequencies for the selected airport. Any frequen- cies with restrictions are denoted by an asterisk (Ô*Õ) after the frequency type. 51 REFERENCE Waypoint Information Pages GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 51
VOR Information Page The VOR Information Page displays the identifier, facility name, city name, region/country, position and frequency for the selected VOR. The facility type (ter- minal, low altitude or high altitude) is also indicated. If DME or TACAN equipment is co-located at the site, it will be indicated next to the transmitting frequency. Likewise, if the facility broadcasts weather information, ÔWXÕ will appear next to the transmitting frequency. Position information will be in the format specified on the Setup pages (see page 86). NDB Information Page The NDB Information Page displays the identifier, facility name, city name, region/country, position and frequency for the selected NDB. If the facility broadcasts weather information, it will be indicated by a ÔWXÕ appearing next to the transmitting frequency. Intersection Information Page The Intersection Information Page displays the identifier, position, region and country for the selected intersection. The page also shows the bearing and distance to the nearest VOR facility. NOTE: The VOR displayed is simply the nearest facility and may not be the facility used to define the intersection. The VOR Information Page provides complete information about the selected VOR, including facility name, city, frequency and designation for co-located DME or TACAN. Both the NDB and VOR Information Pages provide ÔWXÕ indications if the select- ed facility broadcasts weather information. 52 REFERENCE Waypoint Information Pages #? GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 52