Garmin Pilot 3 Manual
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The GPS III PilotÕs Main Menu provides access to an additional set of pages that are used to create or edit waypoints, create routes, review track log or trip information, configure the vertical navigation features, perform E6B calculations or make changes to system settings. These seven menu items are divided into categories by function. The waypoint and route management features of the Main Menu are described in more detail in the Reference section of this manual. LetÕs take a look at the Main Menu and one of its options. To view the Main Menu: 1. Press the MENU key twice. To select an item from the Main Menu: 1. Highlight the desired item using the rocker keypad, and press ENTER. 2. To return to the Main Menu, press QUIT. The ÔSetupÕ option provides a list of choices (presented as a series of Ôfile tabsÕ) to perform various configuration settings including system settings, selection of position format and units of measure, time display, setting various alarms, enabling the built-in simulator feature and interface options with other equipment: To change units of measure for distance and speed: 1. Select the ÔSetupÕ option from the Main Menu (as described above), and press ENTER. 2. Highlight the ÔUnitsÕ tab with the rocker keypad. The units settings are automatically displayed. 3. Highlight the ÔDistance & SpeedÕ field using the rocker keypad, and press ENTER. A pop-up menu appears showing the available options. 4. Select the desired option using the rocker keypad, and press ENTER. The Main Menu provides access to additional pages, including database informa- tion, flight plans (routes), trip information and unit settings. The ÔSetupÕ option provides a list of menu choices to per- form various configuration settings, such as changing units of measure for distance and speed. 13 GETTING STARTED Main Menu GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 13
One of the most important features of the GPS III Pilot is the built-in Jeppesen database, which includes information on airports, runways, communication frequen- cies, VORs, NDBs, intersections and airspace boundaries. This information is readily available directly from the map, or from the ÔWaypointsÕ option on the Main Menu. To view the database information from the Map Page: 1. With the Map Page displayed, use the rocker keypad to place the panning cursor over the desired facility on the map. When the cursor is directly over the desired item, the identifier for that item is highlighted. (For airspace information, place the cursor over any open area within the boundary of the desired airspace.) 2. Press ENTER to view the database information for the selected facility/airspace. If an airport was selected, use the rocker keypad to select the ÔAirportÕ, ÔRunwayÕ or ÔCommÕ information pages for that airport. To view the database information by entering the identifier, name or city for the desired facility: 1. Press MENU twice to display the Main Menu. 2. Highlight ÔWaypointsÕ and press ENTER. A series of tabs appear for each category of waypoint information: airports, runways, comm frequencies, VORs, NDBs, intersec- tions, user-entered waypoints. Select the desired category using the rocker keypad. 3. To view information by identifier, highlight the identifier field and press ENTER. Enter the identifier, using the rocker keypad, and press ENTER to display the information. 4. To view information by facility name or city (only applicable to the ÔAirportÕ, ÔVORsÕ, and ÔNDBsÕ information pages), highlight the appropriate field and press ENTER. Enter the name/city using the rocker keypad, and press ENTER to display the information. To view database information directly from the map, place the panning cursor on the desired item and press ENTER. To view database information by manually entering the identifier, name or city, select the ÔWaypointsÕ option from the Main Menu. 14 GETTING STARTED Viewing Database Info GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 14
The GPS III PilotÕs GOTO feature allows you to quickly and easily navigate to any airport, navaid or user-entered waypoint stored in memory. A GOTO is really nothing more than a straight-line course from your present position to the destination youÕve selected. A GOTO can be performed several ways: by specifying the destination from the GOTO Page, graphically from the map display or by highlighting the waypoint name on any page (such as the Nearest Page). To select a GOTO destination from the GOTO Page: 1. Press GOTO/NRST. This captures your current position as the starting point for your trip. 2. Highlight the identifier field at the top of the page and press ENTER. This allows you to enter the identifier for any waypoint position stored in memory. 3. Use the rocker keypad to enter the identifier for the desired waypoint and press ENTER. To select a GOTO destination from the Map Page: 1. With the Map Page displayed, use the rocker keypad to place the cursor over the desired destination waypoint. (If no waypoint exists at the destination location, the GPS III Pilot will automatically create one, named ÔMAPÕ in the step below.) 2. Press GOTO/NRST, and then ENTER to navigate to the selected location. To GOTO a listed waypoint on the Nearest Page: 1. Press and hold the GOTO/NRST key to display the Nearest Page. 2. Use the rocker keypad to select a tab for the desired waypoint category (e.g. ÔAirportÕ). 3. Use the rocker keypad to highlight the desired waypoint, press GOTO/NRST and ENTER. Once the GOTO destination is selected, use the Map Page, HSI Page and/or Highway Page to keep track of your progress as you head toward your destination. To select the GOTO destina- tion from a list of all user waypoints or from a list of recently used waypoints, select the ÔUserÕ or ÔRecentÕ tabs. To GOTO one of the listed ÔNearest WaypointsÕ, highlight the desired waypoint, press GOTO/NRST and then ENTER. 15 GETTING STARTED Going to a Waypoint GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 15
To cancel the current GOTO destination, simply select another destination. If no destination is currently desired, or you want to resume a previously selected route, the GOTO operation may be cancelled from the GOTO Options Page. To cancel the current GOTO destination: 1. Press GOTO. 2. Press MENU. 3. Highlight ÔCancel GOTOÕ and press ENTER. Active Route Page The last of the six main pages is the Active Route Page. This page shows the GOTO waypoint or each waypoint of a route, with waypoint name and the course along each leg (segment) of the route. When using a route, the current destination is marked with an arrow on the left-hand side of the screen. If no destination has been specified using the GOTO key or a route, no waypoints will be listed on the page. (For more information on using routes, see page 66 in the Reference section.) To cancel the current GOTO destination, select ÔCancel GOTOÕ from the GOTO Options Page. Use the LEFT/RIGHT keys on the rocker keypad to select the desired data item. Available items include course, distance, fuel, and sunrise/sunset times. 16 GETTING STARTED Cancel GOTO/Active Route Active Route PageWaypoint Name Selectable Field, showing Course to this Waypoint from Previous Waypoint (or start of GOTO)Route Name Field Current Destination GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 16
The GPS III Pilot is a powerful navigation system providing detailed mapping information in a convenient, compact package. This simulator tour is designed to show you the basic features of your new GPS III Pilot during a simulated trip. The simulator tour assumes that the receiver has been properly initialized as outlined in the Getting Started section of this manual, and that you have not changed any of the factory default settings. If you have changed any settings (position formats, units of measure, etc.), the descriptions and pictures in the tour may not match your configuration. Once youÕre familiar with the primary functions of the GPS III Pilot, youÕll be ready to use your new receiver on a real trip to a destination of your choice. The Reference section of this manual may be consulted for any additional questions you may have, or to learn about the more advanced features of the GPS III Pilot. For now, letÕs get start- ed on the Simulator Tour! If the GPS III Pilot is currently off, youÕll need to start by turning it on. To turn the GPS III Pilot on, press and hold the red power key. The Welcome Page will be displayed while the unit conducts a self test. Once test- ing is complete, the Welcome Page is replaced by the Database Page, then by a warn- ing page, and finally by the Satellite Status Page. Since weÕll be using the simulator mode, we donÕt need to wait for the receiver to acquire satellites. WARNING: Keep in mind that the GPS III Pilot does not track satellites in simulator mode and this mode should never be used for actual navigation. The GPS III Pilot cannot be turned on in simulator mode. If you forget to change back to normal operation before shutting the receiver off, it will automatically return to normal mode the next time you use the receiver. The Welcome Page is displayedwhen the GPS III Pilot is turnedon. After a brief self-test, it is replaced by database and warning pages. To skip these pages, press ENTER. The Satellite Status Page appears next. For simulator mode operations, thereÕs no need to wait for the GPS III Pilot to acquire satellites. 17 SIMULATOR TOUR Selecting Simulator Mode #! GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 17
To select the simulator mode: 1. Press MENU to list the options for the Satellite Status Page. 2. Highlight ÔStart SimulatorÕ with the rocker keypad, and press ENTER. 3. Press ENTER to acknowledge the warning message. LetÕs look at the sequence of pages again. The PAGE and QUIT keys are used to find your way around on the GPS III Pilot. To cycle through the main pages: 1. Press PAGE to move through each of the main pages in normal fashion. 2. Press QUIT to sequence through the main pages in reverse order. In normal mode operation, the GPS III Pilot would automatically sequence from Satellite Status Page to Map Page once enough satellites where received to determine your position. At that point the receiver is ready to use for navigation. Since weÕre in simulator mode we wonÕt see that automatic sequence of steps, but as you cycle through the main pages, notice that the simulator imitates satellite reception and shows that information on the Satellite Status Page. The Position Page will show the last known position as a starting location. If youÕve already initialized the receiver, as outlined in the Getting Started section, the starting location should be very close to your current position! WeÕll use this start- ing location from which to begin our simulated trip. LetÕs move on to the Map Page to see where we are, select a GOTO destination and explore the navigation features of the GPS III Pilot. To select the Map Page, press PAGE repeatedly until it appears. Select ÔStart SimulatorÕ from the Satellite Status Page Options to enable the built-in simulator. The simulator imitates satel- lite reception and shows that information on the Satellite Status Page. Remember, in this mode the GPS III is not actually tracking satellites. 18 SIMULATOR TOUR Selecting Simulator Mode GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 18
The GPS III PilotÕs Map Page combines digital charts and Jeppesen data with a number of user-selectable features. Before we select our destination and begin navi- gating toward it, letÕs take a look at some of those features. The map display shows your present position using an airplane icon in the center of the screen. The Map Page also shows any nearby airports, navaids, airspace bound- aries, lakes, rivers, highways and towns. Use the zoom keys (IN and OUT) to adjust the map to the desired scale. The current scale is indicated in the lower-left corner. To change the map scale: 1. Press the IN zoom key to select a smaller scale and display a smaller geographic area. 2. Press the OUT zoom key to select a larger scale and display a larger geographic area. The map can be oriented with the top of the page always pointing north (ÔNorth UpÕ), oriented along your desired course (ÔCourse UpÕ), or it can automatically rotate to keep your current direction of travel at the top of the screen (ÔTrack UpÕ). LetÕs try panning around on the map display to see how that process works, and then weÕll find a nearby airport, VOR, NDB or intersection and navigate to it. First we will need to select an appropriate map scale to begin our search. Select a five nautical mile scale by pressing zoom IN or OUT repeatedly. In the ÔTrack UpÕ orientation, the map is automatically rotated to keep your current direction of travel at the top of the screen. Note the north indicator in upper-left corner. Use the IN/OUT zoom keys to change the map scale. The current scale appears in the lower-left corner of the map display. 19 SIMULATOR TOUR Using the Map Page Background Cities, Roads and LakesPresent Position Nearby AirportCurrent Scale Setting GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 19
Working from the Map Page is a simple process that centers around the use of the cursor. Controlled by the rocker keypad, the cursor is an important tool allow- ing you to pan to other areas on the map display, view waypoint information, create waypoints, specify a GOTO target and create routes. To get a feel for using the Map Page and the cursor, try the following exercise: 1. Using the rocker keypad to move the cursor, try following a highway (or other fea- ture) near your position. Simply press and hold one side of the rocker keypad to move more quickly. Notice how a data field appears above the map, showing the bearing and distance from present position to the cursor, along with the latitude/ longitude of the cursor. 2. Using the rocker keypad, continue moving the cursor in any direction until you find an airport or navaid. Once you find one, place the cursor over that waypoint so that its identifier is highlighted. 3. Press ENTER to view the database information for the selected waypoint. If an air- port is selected, use the LEFT/RIGHT keys on the rocker keypad to select between ÔAirportÕ, ÔRunwayÕ and ÔCommÕ information pages. 4. When finished reviewing the information press QUIT to return to the Map Page. (Pressing QUIT a second time will end the panning operation and return the map to your present position. For now, weÕll stay in panning mode and leave the selected waypoint highlighted on the map.) Use the rocker keypad to pan to other areas on the map display. When panning, an on-screen cursor appears for reference. Place the cursor over an on- screen airport or navaid to highlight the item, then press ENTER to view database information for the selected item. 20 SIMULATOR TOUR Viewing Waypoint Info Waypoint Identifier Field Waypoint Symbol Field Waypoint Position ÔFile TabsÕ for other info types GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 20
Now that weÕve seen how to find waypoints on the map and view information about them, letÕs see how the GPS III Pilot is used to navigate to the waypoint we just selected. (Keep in mind that the cursor can also be used to GOTO any point on the mapÐeven without a waypoint already at that locationÐby simply panning to a location and pressing GOTO/NRST. A waypoint named ÔMAPÕ is automatically created. We wonÕt try that here, but you might want to experiment with this procedure at the end of the Simulator Tour.) To select the highlighted waypoint as a GOTO destination, press GOTO/ NRST and ENTER. Notice that a course line appears on the map display showing the way to our destination, panning mode is automatically cancelled and the map re-centers itself around your present position. Now that we have our destination selected, itÕs about time we get startedÑso letÕs plug a speed into this simulator to animate the displays! To enter a simulated speed and animate the displays: 1. Press PAGE repeatedly until the HSI Page appears (see page 22). 2. Enter a simulated speed of Ô100Õ (knots) using the rocker keypad. (Press UP on the rock- er keypad repeatedly to select Ô100Õ. The speed readout is on the upper-right corner of the HSI Page.) 3. Press PAGE (or QUIT) repeatedly to return to the Map Page. Notice the information on the map display is slowly moving? ThatÕs how it would look in actual use as well. The background map information, airports, navaids and air- space boundaries will move across the screen, while your current position remains fixed in the center. To select a GOTO destination from the map, highlight the desired waypoint, press GOTO/NRST and then ENTER. Once the GOTO destination is selected, a course line appears on the map display and the map re-centers itself around your current position. 21 SIMULATOR TOUR Going to the Waypoint GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 21
The other primary navigation screens are the HSI and Highway pages, with the HSI Page appearing first in the sequence of main pages. To view the HSI Page, press PAGE. The HSI Page provides graphic steering guidance to your destination waypoint. The page features a graphic HSI (horizontal situation indicator), including a rotating Ôcompass cardÕ that shows your course over ground (track) while youÕre moving, a course pointer and CDI (course deviation indicator) which indicate the desired course to your destination. The compass card, pointer arrow and CDI work inde- pendently to showÑat a glanceÑthe direction youÕre travelling, the desired course and whether or not you are off course. At the center of the CDI is a ÔD-barÕ, or course deviation bar. If you move off course, the D-bar will indicate how far off course you are and in what direction. The scale for the CDI is indicated at the bottom of the page. The scale represents the distance from the center of the CDI to full left or right limits. As you approach the waypoint, a TO/FROM indicator will signal waypoint cross- ing. The current speed, distance to the next waypoint, time to the next waypoint and vertical speed to target are all displayed to the right of the graphic HSI. To see how all this works on our simulated trip, letÕs head off course and watch the displays change. To move off course/on course in simulator mode, use the LEFT/RIGHT keys on the rocker keypad. From the HSI Page, you can increase/decrease the simulated speed using the UP/DOWN keys on the rocker keypad. To move off course in simula- tor mode, use the LEFT/ RIGHT rocker keypad keys. 22 SIMULATOR TOUR HSI Page Pointer (Desired Course) Compass Card (Track)D-bar and CDI Scale Bug Indicator TO/FROM Indicator GPS III Pilot B2 4/1/99 2:02 PM Page 22