Garmin Gps 5 User Manual
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11 New Elevation—allows you to designate your approximate altitude in order to better refi ne a 2D position. By default, 2D positioning will attempt to use the last known altitude. If the altitude is off by several hundred feet (or more), manually enter- ing your approximate altitude will enable the receiver to more accurately determine a position fi x.To enter an elevation:1. With the Satellite Status Page Options displayed, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight ‘New Elevation’ and press ENTER. 2. Enter your approximate elevation using the ROCKER KEYPAD, and press ENTER.New Location—allows you to designate your approximate position in order to speed up satellite acquisition. This option is useful if you have relocated 500 or more miles since the last time you used the GPS V, and ensures that the unit is looking for the proper satellites.To enter a new location:1. With the Satellite Status Page Options displayed, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight ‘New Location’ and press ENTER. A second pop-up window appears list- ing two options: ‘Automatic’ and ‘Use Map’. 2. ‘Automatic’ causes the GPS V to search for any available satellite(s) to determine a position. This process can take 3-5 minutes as the unit determines its new location. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select ‘Automatic’ and press ENTER. 3. ‘Use Map’ allows you to designate your approximate position directly from a graphic map display. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to place the pointer arrow on your approxi- mate location and press ENTER. You may wish to use the IN/OUT zoom keys to adjust the level of detail displayed, as you determine your approximate position. Satellite Status PageIf you have moved several hundred miles or more since you last used the GPS V, letting the GPS V know your approximate location will ensure that it is looking for the right satellites and will speed up satellite acquisi- tion.New Location highlighted on the map. Reference GPS V OM.indd 115/7/2003, 8:52:54 AM

12 The Map Page The GPS V features a real-time moving map to illustrate your current position and your intended route. The Map Page is one of the main operating pages of the GPS V and you’ll likely use it more than any other page. It graphically shows the area around your current location, and marks your route to a destination with a bold dark gray route line. It tells you what direction to go or the direction you are traveling. It also tells you your speed, the distance to the next turn, and the time and distance to the fi nal destination. If the GPS V has not yet determined your current location, there is a fl ashing question mark over the vehicle symbol and the status text displays, “Acquiring Satellites.” The map display shows your present position and direction of movement using a triangular vehicle symbol in the center of the map. The map display also shows the map scale and geographic details such as lakes, rivers, highways, and towns. You can use the IN and OUT keys to change the map scale to show more map area with less detail, or less map area with more detail. Press and hold either key to zoom the map scale rapidly. When zoomed in to very small map areas an ‘Accuracy Circle’ will appear around the vehicle symbol. The accuracy circle graphically portrays the position accuracy on the map. Reference Map Page Map Scale North Direction Your Current PositionTime and Distance to Next Turn or Next Waypoint Time and Distance to Final Destination Subject Finder: Changing Map Scale..................pages 12-13 Overzoom........................................ page 13 Panning the Map ............................. page 13 Pointing to Map Features ................ page 13 Confi guring Map Features ............... page 17 North Up Map ................................ page 18Use the IN and OUT zoom keys to change the map scale. The map scale appears in the lower left corner of the map. Map Scale Accuracy Circle GPS V OM.indd 125/7/2003, 8:52:55 AM

13 Zooming, Panning and Pointing There are three main actions you can perform on the Map Page: zooming, panning and pointing. The map display has map scales from 20 feet to 800 miles. The current map scale is indicated on the bottom left corner of the map display. To change the map scale:1. Press the IN zoom key to see a smaller area with more detail. 2. Press the OUT zoom key to see a larger area with less detail.When zoomed in to smaller map areas, ‘overzoom’ appears directly below the map scale. This indicates the current scale exceeds the optimum resolution of available map detail. Extra caution should be used in ‘overzoom’ since some detail, such as roads, are drawn using widely spaced points and the actual layout of these details may differ from the map presentation. More detailed map features as well as information about those features can be displayed using map data transferred from the MapSource City Select CD-ROM. When using MapSource data, the word “MapSource” will appear below the map scale whenever you zoom in to view map details. Panning allows you to move the map in order to view areas beyond the current map area. This provides a ‘look ahead’ capability which is particularly useful with smaller map areas. To pan, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to move the map in any direction, including diagonally. As you begin to pan the map, a pointer appears. This map pointer will serve as a target marker for the map. If you change the scale, the map is redrawn with the pointer at the center. When the pointer is placed on an object, the name of that object will be highlighted. (If the name wasn’t originally displayed, it will appear when the pointer is placed on the object.) This feature applies to everything displayed on the Reference Map Page The Map Page showing the panning arrow and a highlighted map feature or point of interest. The Information Page for the city highlighted in the screen above. GPS V OM.indd 135/7/2003, 8:52:56 AM

14 map except route lines and track log data. When a waypoint name is highlighted, you can review information about the waypoint, list waypoint options, or execute a ‘Route to It’ directly from the Map Page. To select an on-screen location with the panning pointer:1. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to start the panning function. A panning pointer will appear on the screen. 2. Continue using the ROCKER KEYPAD to place the pointer on the desired item. 3. To view information for the selected item, press ENTER. 4. To go to the location on the map, select ‘Goto’ on the information page for that item and press ENTER. The Route Preference window appears. Select ‘Faster Time’, ‘Shorter Distance’, or ‘Off Road’, and press ENTER. The GPS V will route you to the selected destination using turn-by-turn navigation. 5. If the pointer was placed on a waypoint, you can delete the waypoint by using the ROCKER KEYPAD to select the on-screen ‘Delete’ button and pressing ENTER. 6. To exit the information pages, press QUIT.The ‘Goto’ function can be used anywhere on the map. If nothing currently exists at the map pointer position, a new waypoint will be created at the pointer’s location before the Goto is started. You can also create a waypoint on the Map Page without selecting it as a ‘Goto’ destination.To create a new waypoint from the Map Page:1. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to point to the desired location on the map and press ENTERbriefl y. A ‘New Waypoint Page’ will appear, with an auto-assigned name (3-digit number) for the waypoint. 2. You can show the waypoint on the Map or Goto it. Select the desired option and pressENTER. Reference Map Page Select the on-screen ‘Goto’ button to navigate to the selected city. From the pop-up menu, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select your routing preference.GPS V OM.indd 145/7/2003, 8:52:57 AM

15 Once you are fi nished with panning, you can quickly remove the panning arrow and re-center the map on your present position by pressing the QUIT key. Map Page Navigation Information The following navigation information is displayed on the Map Page: When not navigating (no destination selected) • Moving direction - Cardinal letters indicate the direction you are traveling. • Speed - Your rate of travel which can be displayed in miles per hour or kilometers per hour. • Time of Day - Current time. • Approaching Street - The next street ahead, by name. When navigating (a destination is selected) • Driving Instructions - Given in text format. • Distance To Next - The distance remaining to reach the next turn. • Time to Next - The time remaining to reach the next turn. • Distance to Final - The distance remaining to reach the fi nal destination. • ETA at Final - The estimated arrival time at the fi nal destination. You can confi gure the Map Page to display other information using the ‘Change Fields’ option described on page 19. Reference Map Page Map Page when not navigating to a destination.Map Page when navigating to a destination. GPS V OM.indd 155/7/2003, 8:52:58 AM

16 Map Page Options Many features of the GPS V are menu driven. Like each of the main pages, the Map Page has an options menu, allowing you to customize the page to your preferences and/or select special features which specifi cally relate to the Map Page. To display the Map Page Options, press MENU (with the Map Page displayed).The following Map Page options are available: Stop/Resume Navigation—cancels or resumes navigation to the currently selected Goto destination. If To cancel navigation to the current Goto destination:1. With the Map Page Options displayed, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight ‘Stop Navigation’ and press ENTER.Recalculate—recalculates the active route for a faster time or shorter distance. Hide Guidance Text (orShow Guidance Text)—removes the guidance informa- tion from the top of the Map Page. This provides more “look ahead” area on the map. If ‘Hide Guidance Text’ is selected, ‘Show Guidance Text’ will appear as an option instead.To remove (or display) text information at the top of the Map Page:1. With the Map Page Options displayed, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight ‘Hide Guidance Text’ (or ‘Show Guidance Text’) and press ENTER. Reference Map Page The options menu on the Map Page is a context-sensitive listing of settings which allow you to customize the Map Page.Map Page Options: Stop/Resume Navigation Recalculate Hide Guidance Text (or Show Guidance Text) Setup Map (with tabs for-—Map, Display, Line, Way- point, City, Road, Point, Area and Topo) Change Fields Measure Distance MapSource InfoGPS V OM.indd 165/7/2003, 8:52:59 AM

17 Setup Map—allows you to confi gure the map display to your preferences, includ- ing map detail, map orientation, automatic zooming, and color mode. The map setup options are organized under a series of “fi le tabs”, making individual selections easier to locate and change. The following table lists the fi le tabs and settings available under each tab: Map Detail, Orientation, AutoZoom, Lock On Road Display Land Data, Direct Goto Line, Color Mode Line Track Log, Active Route, Railroad, Lat/Lon Grid Wpt User waypoints, Active Route waypoints City Large/Medium/Small Cities, Small Towns, Text Road Freeway, Highway, Local Road, Local Road Names Point Geo, Marine Navaid, Highway Exits, Points of Interest Area River, Park, Metro Area, Other Topo Major/Intermediate/Minor Contour Lines, Land Cover Common Settings:Text Size—Specifi es the text size that a map item will be displayed in. Selecting ‘None’ will turn off the text display for that item. Max Zoom—Specifi es the maximum map scale at which a map item will be dis- played. If ‘Auto’ is selected, the maximum map scale will be determined by the ‘Detail’ setting to prevent map clutter. If ‘Off ’ is selected, the item will not be shown. Reference Map Page A series of “fi le tabs” at the top of the page allow you to change the Map Page setup options.Map orientation options include ‘North Up’ and ‘Track Up’. Selecting ‘North Up’ will dis- play the map with North at the top. Selecting ‘Track Up’ will automatically rotate the map to keep your current direction of travel at the top of the screen. A ‘North’ indicator is displayed on the map when using ‘Track Up’. GPS V OM.indd 175/7/2003, 8:53:00 AM

18 Reference Map Page Settings Descriptions: Map Detail—Adjusts the amount of map information, such as roads, that is dis- played. ‘Most’ shows maximum detail and ‘Least’ shows minimum detail. The high level of detail may make the map appear cluttered. The Map Detail setting applies to any Map Setup item set to ‘Auto’. Those features for which you have specifi ed a maximum scale, or turned ‘Off ’, are unaffected by the Map Detail setting. Orientation—Selecting ‘North Up’ will display the map with North always at the top. Selecting ‘Track Up’ will automatically rotate the map to keep your current direc- tion of travel at the top of the screen. A ‘North’ indicator is displayed at the upper left corner of the map when in the ‘Track Up’ mode. AutoZoom—When ‘On’, this option will automatically adjust the map scale to show both your current location and the next item you are navigating to. Lock On Road—When ‘On’, this option will place the triangular vehicle symbol on the nearest road, rather than at the current GPS-calculated position. Be certain this option is On while navigating auto-routes and Off when using a direct Goto or point-to point route. Direct Goto Line—Selects between a “course” line (from where the Goto was fi rst initiated) to your destination or a “bearing” line that constantly updates to your present position. Color Mode—Select between Land (water areas shaded) or Water (land areas shaded) modes for best viewing conditions. Cities—Large cities are those with approximate populations greater than 200,000. Medium cities are those with approximate populations over 50,000 and small cities are greater than 5,000. Small towns have approximate populations under 5,000 or an unknown population size. Areas—‘Other’ areas includes airports, shopping malls and hospitals. ‘Lock On Road’ causes the triangular present location symbol to “snap to” the nearest road. This compensates for any minor errors in your location reading. The ‘Direct Goto Line’ can represent bearing to your destination (and remain tied to your present position) or a course line (which remains fi xed at the location where the Goto was fi rst initiated).GPS V OM.indd 185/7/2003, 8:53:01 AM

19 Change Fields—allows you to choose the data displayed on user-selectable data fi elds adjacent to the map display (to the right of the map when horizontally oriented) or to remove the data fi elds and display a full-screen map. To change a data fi eld or change the number of on-screen data fi elds:1. With the Map Page Options displayed, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight ‘Change Fields’ and press ENTER. 2. Changes can be made to the Map Page which apply to screen content/layout while navigating or when not navigating. This allows you to custom tailor the screen to your preferences for each condition. Determine which screen content/layout you wish to change. If the current condition is not the one you wish to change, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select the ‘Apply Changes While...’ fi eld and press ENTER. A pop-up list will appear. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select the desired condition and press ENTER. 3. To change the type of data displayed on the Map Page, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight the data fi eld you wish to change and press ENTER. A pop-up list of available data types will appear. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select the desired data type and press ENTER. Press QUIT to remove the highlight from the changed data fi eld and return to normal operation. 4. To change the number of data fi elds on the Map Page or select a full-screen map, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight the ‘Layout’ fi eld and press ENTER. A pop- up list of available screen layouts will appear. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select the desired layout and press ENTER. Press QUIT to remove the highlight from the ‘Layout’ fi eld and return to normal operation. Reference Map Page Available data types for the ‘Change Fields’ option are listed on a pop-up window. These changes can be set to apply while navigating or when not navigating (independent settings for both conditions).Change Data Fields Options List GPS V OM.indd 195/7/2003, 8:53:01 AM

20 Measure Distance—allows you to measure the bearing and distance between any two points you choose on the Map Page. Also displays the latitude and longitude of the pointer.To measure the distance between two points:1. With the Map Page Options displayed, select ‘Measure Distance’ and press ENTER. An on-screen pointer will appear on the map display at your current location. 2. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to move the panning pointer to the desired reference point (i.e., the point you want to measure from) and press ENTER. 3. Move the pointer to the point you want to measure to. The distance and direction from the reference point is shown on the top of the Map Page. 4. Press the QUIT key (or select ‘Stop Measure Distance’ on the Map Page Options menu) to exit the measuring function and return to normal operation.MapSource Info—shows which maps have been downloaded from the MapSource City Select CD-ROM (or an optional MapSource-family CD-ROM). MapSource map data supplements the built-in map with additional detail, including residential streets, better routing capability and points of interest. Each downloaded map is described by name, and may be deselected if you wish to retain the map in memory but not display is on the map page. This is particularly useful if the same map area is downloaded from more than one MapSource-family product. (When a map is selected, the boundary for the map is shown on the Map Page as a gray shaded outline box.)To view MapSource info and enable/disable maps:1. With the Map Page Options displayed, select ‘MapSource Info’ and press ENTER. 2. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to scroll through the list of downloaded maps. 3. To select/deselect a map, use the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight the desired map and press ENTER. The map is selected and will be displayed on the Map Page when the box adjacent to the map name is checked. Reference Map Page Use the ‘Measure Distance’ option to measure distance and bearing between any two map locations. A pointer and “rubber-band” will appear, along with display of bearing and distance between points at the top of the page. Use the ‘MapSource Info’ screen to enable or disable any map data you have downloaded to your GPS V. Maps are enabled when the box adjacent to the map name is checked.GPS V OM.indd 205/7/2003, 8:53:02 AM