Epson Vs350w Users Guide
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Setting Options Description User Button Power Consumption Assigns amenu option tothe User button onthe remote Info control forone-touch access Progressive Closed Caption Test Pattern Resolution Pattern Display Pattern Pattern Display Selects variouspatterndisplay options Pattern Type Pattern Display:lets you display User Pattern the selected patterntypeonthe Test Pattern screen toaid inpresentation Pattern Type:selects thetype of grid orline pattern todisplay User Pattern...
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Setting Options Description Display Messages Selects variousdisplayoptions Display Background Messages :controls whether messages aredisplayed onthe Startup Screen screen A/V Mute Display Background :selects the screen colororlogo to display whennosignal is received Startup Screen:controls whether aspecial screen appears whentheprojector starts up A/V Mute :selects thescreen color orlogo todisplay whenA/V Mute isturned on Closed Caption Off Controls useofclosed captions and...
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Setting Options Description Users Logo – Creates ascreen thatthe projector displaystoidentify itself and enhance security Projection Front Selects theway theprojector faces thescreen sothe image is Front/Ceiling oriented correctly Rear Rear Ceiling Operation Direct Power On Selects variousoperation options Sleep Mode Direct Power On:automatically turns onthe projector whenyou Sleep ModeTimer plug itin Lens Cover Timer Sleep Mode:automatically turns High Altitude Mode off the...
Page 74
Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings Projector Information Display-Info Menu You candisplay information abouttheprojector andinput sources byviewing theInfo menu. However, you cannot change anysettings inthe menu. Note: Thelamp usage timerdoesnotregister anyhours untilyouhave usedthelamp foratleast 10 hours. Available settingsdependonthe current inputsource. Information item Description Lamp Hours Displays thenumber ofhours (H )the lamp hasbeen usedin Normal andECO Power Consumption...
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Information item Description Status Displays information aboutprojector problems thatmay beneeded by aservice technician Serial Number Displays theprojectors serialnumber Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings Related references Optional Equipment andReplacement Parts Projector LampSpecifications Projector ResetOptions -Reset Menu You canreset mostofthe projector settingstotheir default valuesusingtheReset Alloption onthe Reset menu. You canalso reset theprojectors lampusage timertozero...
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Maintaining andTransporting theProjector Follow theinstructions inthese sections tomaintain yourprojector andtransport itfrom place toplace. Projector Maintenance Transporting theProjector Projector Maintenance Your projector needslittlemaintenance tokeep working atits best. You may need toclean thelens periodically, andclean theairfilter andairvents toprevent theprojector from overheating duetoblocked ventilation. The only parts youshould replace arethelamp, airfilter, andremote...
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• To remove stubborn smudges, moistenasoft, lint-free clothwithlens cleaner andgently wipethe lens. Donot spray anyliquid directly onthe lens. Warning: Donot use alens cleaner thatcontains flammable gas.Thehigh heat generated bythe projector lampmaycause afire. Caution: Donot use glass cleaner toclean thelens, oryou may damage it.Do not use canned air,or the gases mayleave aresidue. Avoidtouching thelens withyour bare hands toprevent fingerprints on or damage tothe lens surface. Parent...
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2. Gently remove thedust using asmall vacuum designed forcomputers oravery softbrush (suchas a paintbrush). Note: Youcanremove theairfilter soyou canclean bothsides ofit.Do not rinse theairfilter in water, oruse anydetergent orsolvent toclean it. Caution: Donot use canned air,orthe gases mayleave aresidue. 3. Ifdust isdifficult toremove orthe airfilter isdamaged, replacetheairfilter. Parent topic:AirFilter andVent Maintenance Replacing theAirFilter You need toreplace theairfilter inthe...
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2. Slide theairfilter cover latchandopen theairfilter cover. 3. Pull theairfilter outofthe projector. Note: Airfilters contain ABSresin andpolyurethane foam.Dispose ofused airfilters according to local regulations. 80